55 research outputs found

    A CFD Analysis of Easterly Wind Flow Impacting the Vehicle Assembly Building

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    In an attempt to explain the high loss of panels from the south face of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) during Hurricane Frances, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (3-D CFD) model was developed to simulate local velocity and pressure distributions resulting from such a storm. A preconditioned compressible Navier-Stokes flow solver 1 was used to compute the flow field around the VAB complex, including the Launch Control Center, the Low and High Bays of the VAB, and several outbuildings in the immediate LC-39 area. The mapping of the forces and velocities on and along the affected faces of the VAB correlated surprisingly well with the extensive damage areas realized on both on the south face and on the southeast section of the roof. The model results were also consistent with the minimal damage seen on the east, north, and west faces of the structure

    Long lasting neurocardiogenic reflex provoked by emotional trigger

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    A 53-year-old man presented with a protracted presyncope and profound hypotension and bradycardia due to emotion related vasovagal reaction. Electrocardiogram obtained 20 minutes after the onset of presyncope revealed junctional rhythm at 38 beats per minute (bpm). After supination, clinical symptoms and hemodynamic disturbances immediately resolved. Careful cardiologic evaluation revealed significant stenosed coronary vessels. Maintaining the vertical position may be responsible for persistent bradycardia and hypotension after neurocardiogenic reflex provocation

    Algorithm Determines Wind Speed and Direction from Venturi-Sensor Data

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    An algorithm computes the velocity of wind from the readings of an instrument like the one described in another Tech Brief. To recapitulate: The sensor has no moving parts and is a compact, rugged means of measuring wind vectors having magnitudes of as much as 300 mph (134 m/s). The sensor includes a Venturi gap bounded by a curved upper and a curved lower surface that are axisymmetric with respect to a vertical axis and mirror-symmetric with respect to a horizontal midplane. One of the curved surfaces is instrumented with multiple ports for measuring dynamic pressures. The sensor also incorporates auxiliary sensors for measuring temperature, relative humidity, and static atmospheric pressure. The design and operation of the sensor are based on the concepts of (1) using Bernoulli's equation (which expresses the relationship among variations of speed, density, and pressure along a streamline) to calculate the speed of the wind from differences among the pressure readings at the various ports; and (2) calculating the direction of the wind from the angular positions of ports selected according to comparisons among their pressure readings. The present algorithm performs these calculations

    Digital power amplifier

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    В роботі проведено: обґрунтування вибору технології цифрової обробки аналогового звукового сигналу, проектування схеми електричної структурної. Розроблено схему електричну принципову підсилювача потужності цифрового. Розраховано параметри відновувального фільтру вихідного каскаду. Вихідна потужність,120Вт, рівень нелінійних спотворень (TND) 0,0044, рівень інтермодул (нерівномірності), ± 0,5 дБ для діапазону 20 Гц – 20 кГц, або +1/-3 дБ для діапазону 5 Гц – 100 кГц, Гц 31-15000, відношення сигнал/шум 105дБ. Параметри та технічні характеристики повністю відповідають технічному завданню та стандартам підсилювальної апаратури. Використання сучасної елементної бази дозволило підвищити його надійність.The work is carried out: substantiation of the choice of technology of digital processing of analog sound signal, design of electric structural scheme. The electric circuit diagram of the digital powe amplifier is developed. The parameters of the recovery filter of the output stage are calculated. Output power, 120W, 120 Вт, nonlinear distortion (TND) 0.0044, freq.uency range - frequencies reproduced by the amplifier at normalized recession and rise (non-uniformity), ± 0.5 dB for the range of 20 Hz - 20 kHz, or + 1 / -3 dB for the range of 5 Hz - 100 kHz, Hz 31-15000 signal-to- noise ratio 105dB. Parameters and technical characteristics fully comply with the technical task and standards of amplifying equipment. The use of a modern element base has increased its reliability.Перелік умовних позначень, символів, одиниць, скорочень і термінів 7 1 Основний розділ 10 1.1 Аналіз технічного завдання 10 1.2 Розробка і розрахунок структурної схеми 22 1.3 Відновлювальний ФНЧ 28 1.3.1 Аналіз частотних і часових характеристик відновлювального ФНЧ 28 1.3.2 Розрахунок сигналу, відновленого дискретними відліками за даним фільтра низьких частот 34 1.4 Обґрунтування і вибір оптимальних значень частот 38 1.5 Розрахунок характеристик дискретизованого та відновленого сигналу 41 1.6 Вибір і обґрунтування елементної бази 45 1.7 Проектування конструкторське 48 1.7.1 Розробка компоновки і конструкції друкованого вузла 48 1.7.2 Оптимізація компоновки, друкованого вузла 50 2 Безпека життєдіяльності, основи охорони праці 51 2.1 Розрахунок захисного заземлення 51 2.2 Фінансування охорони праці на підприємстві 54 Висновки 57 Список використаних джерел 58 Додатки 6

    Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting (TAMDAR) Sensor Validation and Verification on National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lockheed WP-3D Aircraft

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    As part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Aviation Safety and Security Program, the Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting project (TAMDAR) developed a low-cost sensor for aircraft flying in the lower troposphere. This activity was a joint effort with support from Federal Aviation Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and industry. This paper reports the TAMDAR sensor performance validation and verification, as flown on board NOAA Lockheed WP-3D aircraft. These flight tests were conducted to assess the performance of the TAMDAR sensor for measurements of temperature, relative humidity, and wind parameters. The ultimate goal was to develop a small low-cost sensor, collect useful meteorological data, downlink the data in near real time, and use the data to improve weather forecasts. The envisioned system will initially be used on regional and package carrier aircraft. The ultimate users of the data are National Centers for Environmental Prediction forecast modelers. Other users include air traffic controllers, flight service stations, and airline weather centers. NASA worked with an industry partner to develop the sensor. Prototype sensors were subjected to numerous tests in ground and flight facilities. As a result of these earlier tests, many design improvements were made to the sensor. The results of tests on a final version of the sensor are the subject of this report. The sensor is capable of measuring temperature, relative humidity, pressure, and icing. It can compute pressure altitude, indicated air speed, true air speed, ice presence, wind speed and direction, and eddy dissipation rate. Summary results from the flight test are presented along with corroborative data from aircraft instruments

    Three-Dimensional Venturi Sensor for Measuring Extreme Winds

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    A three-dimensional (3D) Venturi sensor is being developed as a compact, rugged means of measuring wind vectors having magnitudes of as much as 300 mph (134 m/s). This sensor also incorporates auxiliary sensors for measuring temperature from -40 to +120 F (-40 to +49 C), relative humidity from 0 to 100 percent, and atmospheric pressure from 846 to 1,084 millibar (85 to 108 kPa). Conventional cup-and-vane anemometers are highly susceptible to damage by both high wind forces and debris, due to their moving parts and large profiles. In addition, they exhibit slow recovery times contributing to an inaccurately high average-speed reading. Ultrasonic and hot-wire anemometers overcome some of the disadvantages of the cup and-vane anemometers, but they have other disadvantageous features, including limited dynamic range and susceptibility to errors caused by external acoustic noise and rain. In contrast, the novel 3D Venturi sensor is less vulnerable to wind damage because of its smaller profile and ruggedness. Since the sensor has no moving parts, it provides increased reliability and lower maintenance costs. It has faster response and recovery times to changing wind conditions than traditional systems. In addition, it offers wide dynamic range and is expected to be relatively insensitive to rain and acoustic energy. The Venturi effect in this sensor is achieved by the mirrored double-inflection curve, which is then rotated 360 to create the desired detection surfaces. The curve is optimized to provide a good balance of pressure difference between sensor ports and overall maximum fluid velocity while in the shape. Four posts are used to separate the two shapes, and their size and location were chosen to minimize effects on the pressure measurements. The 3D Venturi sensor has smart software algorithms to map the wind pressure exerted on the surfaces of the design. Using Bernoulli's equation, the speed of the wind is calculated from the differences among the pressure readings at the various ports. The direction of the wind is calculated from the spatial distribution and magnitude of the pressure readings. All of the pressure port sizes and locations have been optimized to minimize measurement errors and to reside in areas demonstrating a stable pressure reading proportional to the velocity range


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    In this artcle the emergence nursing attendance procedures are studied. Among the most relevant features of the attendance, the authors reckon the urgency of imposed priorities due to the actual situation. Thework was developed in a Hospital of Rio de Janeiro city at two distinctice periods: from September to November, 1994 and April to June, 1995. A convenie sample was composed. of 20 patients presenting endangered life risk or poly-traumatized and very sick, needing urgent medicai and nursing treatment. Participative observation method and a instrumental aid were used to obtain the data, which are presented in a descriptive form and analysed according to the Orlando ‘s theory. Amongst the features that deserved consideration there are the following: reestruturation of the priority conceptions, better distribution of time-space, urgent need for training and adequacy of the existing resources, and the adaption theoretical knowledge of a systematic process for attendance, meaning that it is a framework for the decision making process.Trata do processo de atendimento de enfermagem em pronto-socorro. Dentre os aspectos mais relevantes do atendimento, as autoras consideram o imediatismo das prioridades impostas pela situação apresentada. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um hospital localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em dois períodos distintos: setembro a novembro de 1994 e abril a junho de 1995. A amostra constou de 20 pacientes, selecionados por conveniência entre os que se apresentavam gravemente enfermos ou politraumatizados que corriam risco de vida e necessitavam de atendimento médico e de enfermagem imediata. Para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se o método de observação participante, e. uma ficha suporte instrumental para registros. Os dados foram apresentados de forma descritiva e analisados à luz da teoria de Orlando. Dentre os aspectos identificados e que merecem maior reflexão apontou-se: reestruturação de conceitos de prioridade, melhor dimensionamento do tempo e espaço terapêutico, premência sobre aperfeiçoamento e conhecimento teórico, adequação dos recursos disponíveis e adoção de uma sistematização do processo de atendimento entendida como marco disciplinador das tomadas de decisões


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    Neste presente artigo, trataremos do assunto perfusão extracorpórea que consiste em um sistema de circulação extra corpórea (CEC)  a qual faz o papel do coração e  pulmão durante uma cirurgia cardíaca, sendo um conjunto de técnicas, máquinas e dispositivos conduzidos pelo Perfusionista durante o tempo principal do procedimento cirúrgico. É necessário na  maioria das cirurgias cardiovasculares e consiste em desviar o sangue para tubos, reservatórios, oxigenadores descartáveis e máquina com bombas propulsoras que substituem as funções do coração e pulmão, isolando estes órgãos da circulação e permitindo que o cirurgião faça todas as correções cirúrgicas necessárias. Atualmente, a tecnologia extracorpórea e o profundo conhecimento da fisiologia do corpo humano, fisiopatologia das doenças cardiovasculares e fisiopatologia da circulação extracorpórea, permitem não só substituir as funções cardíacas e pulmonares durante o procedimento cirúrgico, mas também realizar a perfusão dos tecidos e órgãos com segurança, preservando ao máximo suas funções dentro dos limites do organismo. O processo de circulação do sangue na máquina acontece da seguinte forma: o sangue venoso é desviado do coração e dos pulmões ao chegar ao átrio direito do paciente, através de cânulas colocadas nas veias cavas superiores e inferiores. Através de uma linha comum, o sangue venoso é levado ao oxigenador, reservatório feito de membranas semipermeáveis para separação do sangue do oxigênio e realização das trocas gasosas. Do oxigenador, o sangue é bombeado para um ponto do sistema arterial do paciente, geralmente a aorta ascendente, onde percorre o sistema arterial e é distribuído a todos os órgãos, contribuindo com oxigênio para os tecidos na realização dos processos vitais, e recolhendo o dióxido de carbono neles produzido. Após circular pelos capilares dos tecidos, o sangue volta às veias cavas superiores e inferiores, onde será conduzido novamente à máquina de CEC até o fim da cirurgia, formando um circuito. O profissional perfusionista deve ter aptidão, e responsabilidade, a fim de desenvolver suas funções na cirurgia de modo que tudo ocorra corretamente. O mesmo precisa ser firme e transmitir segurança e responsabilidade aos seus pacientes e sua equipe. Essa área da perfusão abrange vários profissionais, estando graduados em Biologia, Enfermagem, Farmácia, Fisioterapia e Biomedicina. No entanto, apenas o Conselho Federal de Biomedicina (CFBM) reconhece como área de atuação. O objetivo do artigo é conhecer as técnicas da perfusão extracorpórea, bem como a atuação do profissional biomédico nessa área. Este estudo constitui-se de uma revisão bibliográfica que, através de referenciais teóricos de artigos, Google Acadêmico, Conselho Federal de Biomedicina, SBCEC, foram pesquisados assuntos associados ao Percurso e Avanço da Perfusão Extracorpórea na Cirurgia Cardiovascular. Inicialmente, foram separadas bibliografias pertinentes ao assunto no período de 2007 à 2019. Após, buscou-se a delimitação e definição de conceitos que deram base ao trabalho. E, a partir disso, iniciou-se a discussão e análise de estudos atuais de diversos autores. Compreendemos que é de grande valia a atuação do Biomédico Perfusionista, tanto quanto o cirurgião cardiologista, pois ambos tomam as decisões juntos, de modo que o paciente tenha os melhores resultados na cirurgia e no pós-operatório.