16 research outputs found

    Die Bestandteilanordnung eines Untersuchungsinstruments und ihr Einfluss auf die Faktorenstruktur und die Skalenergebnisse der Goldberq-Morker: Beitrag zur interkulturelien Auswertung des Biq-Five-Modells

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    U radu se opisuju metodološka i kulturalna pitanja vezana uz uporabu etičke strategije unutar leksičkog pristupa u psihologiji ličnosti. Specifično, u radu se opisuju rezultati ispitivanja utjecaja rasporeda čestica na faktorsku strukturu iskalne rezultate Goldbergovih bipolarnih markera za mjerenje Velepetorog modela ličnosti u Hrvatskoj. Faktorske i skalne analize Goldbergovih markera potvrdile su superionost transparentnog rasporeda u odnosu na netransparentni raspored u smislu boljeg generiranja ciljane faktorske strukture, veće konvergentne valjanosti, veće pouzdanosti skala i veće unutardimenzionalne homogenosti skala. Također, transparentni je raspored pokazao veću diskriminativnu valjanost a nije pokazao izazivanje značono poželjnijih samoprocjena. Svi navedeni rezultati sugeriraju budućim istraživačima lekičkoga pristupa u raznim kulturama i jezicima da pri planiranju svojih istraživanja odaberu transparentni raspored Goldbergovih bipolarnih markera za mjerenje Velepetorog modela ličnosti, bilo da se koriste etičkom ili emičkom strategijom. Transparentni će raspored tih markera dati jednoznačniji odnos uvezenih dimenzija ličnosti s autohtonim dimenzijama ličnosti iz pojedinog jezika, tj., kulture, ili će olakšati usporedbu dominatnih leksičkih dimenzija ličnosti s dimenzijama iz drugih modela.The paper describes the methodological and cultural issues of etic strategy within the lexical approach in personality psychology. Specifically, the paper describes the results of item format effects on factor structure and scale scores of Goldberg\u27s bipolar Big-Five markers in Croatia. Factor and scale analyses of Goldberg\u27s markers confirmed the superiority of transparent format versus the opaque format in sense of superior targeted factor structure, increased convergent validity, increased scale reliability and increased within-set homogeneity. Transparent format has also shown increased discriminative validity and has proven not to elicit self-ratings that are more favorable. All of the abovementioned results suggest that future lexical approach researchers in different cultures and languages use the transparent format of Goldberg\u27s Big-Five bipolar markers, whether they use etic or emic strategy. The transparent format of those markers will provide an unambiguous relation between the imported personality dimensions and the particular I~nguoge (culture) indigenous dimensions or it will alleviate the comparison of dominant lexical personality dimensions wtih the dimensions from other models.Vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit rhethodologischen und kulturbedingten Fragen, die mit dem Einsatz einer etischen Strategie innerhalb des lexischen Ansatzes in der Personlichkeitspsychologie aufgeworfen werden. Es ist konkret von den Ergebnissen einer Untersuchung die Rede, die sich der Wirkung widmete, welche von der Bestondteilcnordnunq eines Untetsuchunqsinstruments l ausgeht und sich niederschlč:igt in der Foktorenstruktur und in den Skaleni~rgebnissen der bipolaren Goldberg-Marker zur Ermittlung des Big-Five-Personlichkeitsmodells. Die Faktorenund Skalenanalyse der Goldberg-Marker bestč:itigte, dass eine transparente Anordnung der Bestandteile Vorrang hat, da sie sich besser zur Generierung der intendierten Foktorenstruktur eignet, eine groBere konvergente GOltigkeit vorweist, die Skalen verlč:isslicher sind und eine groBere innerdimensionale Homogeneitč:it besitzen. Ebenso gilt, dass eine transparente Bestandteilanordnung groBere diskriminotive GOltigkeit hat, auch werden willkOrliche Eigenschč:itzungen vermieden. Die angefOhrten Resultate suggerieren zukOnftigen Erforschern des lexischen Ansatzes in verschiedenen Kulturen und Sprachgebieten, eine transparente Anordnung der bipolaren Goldberg-Marker zur Ermittlung des Big-Five-Personlichkeitsmodells zu planen _ egaI, ob sie dabei eine etische oder emische Strategie zur Anwendung bringen. Die transparente Anordnung dieser Marker wird einen klareren Bezug einqefuhrter Personlichkeitsdimensionen zu autochthonen Pers6nlichkeitsdimensionen eines jeweiligen Sprachgebiets bzw. einer jeweiligen Kultur zur Folge haben; oder aber wird dadurch der Vergleich dominanter lexischer Pers6nlichkeitsdimensionen mit entsprechenden Dimensionen anderer Modelle erleichtert werden


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    Uradu se opisuju rezultati faktorskih analiza bipolarni h markera za mjerenje strukture ličnosti prema Big-Five modelu (50- BRS) i Eysenckova upitnika ličnosti (EPQ-SR) na uzorku iz hrvatske populacije, kao i relacije tih dvaju instrumenata. Faktorska analiza bipolarnih markera za mjerenje strukture ličnosti prema Big- Five modelu dala je opću potvrdu za petofaktorsku strukturu toga instrumenta, uz neke specifičnosti koje ukazuju na potrebu daljnjeg adaptiranja skupa pridjeva za mjerenje strukture ličnosti prema Big-Five modelu u hrvatskom jeziku. Faktorska analiza Eysenckova upitnika ličnosti dala je više potvrde za faktore neuroticizma, ekstraverzije i laganja, uz manje potvrde za faktor psihoticizma. Slabija potvrda za faktor i skalu psihoticizma (mali broj čestica projiciranih na intencionalno mjereni faktor, niska pouzdanost) ukazuje na moguću diskontinuiranost i nejedinstvenost toga konstrukta, kao i na potrebu za novom revizijom skraćene verzije skale psihoticizma. Ispitivanje relacija između bipolarnih markera za mjerenje strukture ličnosti prema Big-Five modelu i Eysenckova upitnika ličnosti uglavnom je potvrdilo teoretska očekivanja, uz neke specifičnosti, koje se odnose na faktore psihoticizma (EPQ-SR) i intelekta (50-BRS).This paper discusses the results of factor analyses of bipolar markers for personality structure measurement according to the Big-Five model (SO-BRS), and Eysenck\u27s Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-SR) in a sample from Croatian population, as well as the relations between those two instruments. In general, the factor analysis of Big-Five bipolar markers proved evidence for the five factor structure of that instrument, with some specificities that indicate the need for further adaptation of the adjective set for personality structure measurement according to the Big-Five model in Croatian language. The factor analysis of Eysenck\u27s Personality Questionnaire proved more evidence for Neuroticism, Extraversion and Lie factors, with less evidence for Psychoticism factor. Less evidence for Psychoticism factor and Psychoticism scale (low number of items with projections on intentional factor, low reliability) indicate that the construct of Psychoticism could be discontinued and non-unitary, as well as the need for new revision of the short version of that scale. In general, the identification of the relations between bipolar markers for personality structure measurement according to the Big-Five model and Eysenck\u27s Personality Questionnaire confirmed the theoretical expectations, with some specificities, concerning Psychoticism factor (EPQ-SR) and Intellect factor (SO-BRS).Die Arbeit beschreibt die Ergebnisse einer Faktorenanalyse, die mit Hilfe bipolarer Marker zur Messung der Persčnlichkeitsstruktur gemaP..dem Big-Five-Modell (50-BRS) sowie anhand des Pers6nlichkeitsfragebogens nach Eysenck in einer Testgruppe der kroatischen Bev61kerung durchgefUhrt wurde. Beschrieben wird ferner das Verhaltnis zwischen diesen beiden Modellen. Die Faktorenanlyse mittels bipolarer Marker gemaP.. dem Big-Five- Modeli ergab eine allgemeine Bestatigung des funfschichtigen Aufbaus dieses Instruments zur Messung der Pers6nlichkeitsstruktur, wobei es allerdings notwendig ist, die Adjektive zur Beschreibung der Pers6nlichkeitseigenschaften nach diesem Modeli der kroatischen Sprache besser anzupassen. Die Faktorenanalyse nach Eysenck bestatiqte in h6herem Mafše die Faktoren des Neurotizismus, der Extraversion und des Lugens, wahrend der Faktor des Psychotizismus weniger ausqepraqt ist. Die schwachere Bestatigung fur den Faktor und die Skala des Psychotizismus (geringe Anzahl von Elementen, die auf den intendierten Messfaktor projiziert werden, geringe Verlassllchkeit) verweist auf eine m6gliche Diskontinuitat und Uneinheitlichkeit dieses Konstrukts, ferner auch auf das Bedurfnis, diese verkurzte Skala des Psychotizismus erneut zu revidieren. Die Untersuchung des. Verhaltnisses zwischen den bipolaren Markern zur Messung der Pers6nlichkeitsstruktur nach dem Big-Five-Modell und dem Persčnlichkeitsfragebogen nach Eysenck ergab, von bestimmten Spezifika einmal abgesehen, eine allgemeine Bestatigung der theoretischen Erwartungen im Hinblick auf die Faktoren des Psychotizismus (EPQ-SR) und des Intellekts (50-BRS)

    Medidas de sensibilidad de los sistemas de inhibición y de activación conductual como predictores de rasgos de personalidad

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    Gray (1987) je u teoriji osjetljivosti na potkrepljenja opisao tri hipotetska biološka sustava u mozgu, za koje je pretpostavio kako predstavljaju podlogu stabilnih obrazaca u doživljavanju i ponašanju. Među njima su najviše istraživani bihevioralni inhibicijski (BIS) i aktivacijski sustav (BAS) te su utvrđene relativno stabilne veze s dvjema dimenzijama ličnosti – neuroticizmom i ekstraverzijom. Skale Bihevioralnoga inhibicijskog i aktivacijskog sustava Carvera i Whitea (1994) predstavljaju jedan od najčešće korištenih instrumenata za operacionalizaciju ovih konstrukata. BIS/BAS upitnik sadržava skalu osjetljivosti BIS-a, kojom se ispituju reakcije na pojavu ili anticipaciju kazne, odnosno averzivnog iskustva. Osjetljivost BAS-a operacionalizirana je pomoću tri podskale, koje zahvaćaju tri konceptualno različita, ali međusobno povezana konstrukta: BAS – Nagon, kojom se mjeri ustrajnost u ostvarivanju poželjnih ciljeva; BAS – Traženje zabave, koja se odnosi na želju za novim nagrađujućim iskustvima i spremnost osobe da se uključi u potencijalno nagrađujuću situaciju te BAS – Osjetljivost na nagradu, koja ispituje pozitivne reakcije na pojavu ili anticipaciju nagrade.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati mogu li se na temelju mjera osjetljivosti bihevioralnoga inhibicijskog i aktivacijskog sustava predviđati individualne razlike u osobinama ličnosti.U ovom su radu analizirani podatci 284 studentice, koje su ispunile prevedenu i adaptiranu verziju BIS/BAS skala te upitnik temeljen na petofaktorskom modelu ličnosti, IPIP-50. Eksploratornom je faktorskom analizom utvrđeno kako je faktorska struktura hrvatske verzije BIS/BAS skala usporediva s originalnim instrumentom. Rezultati regresijskih analiza pokazali su da je BIS značajan prediktor emocionalne nestabilnosti, dok BAS podskale pokazuju različite obrasce povezanosti s ispitanim osobinama ličnosti, što upućuje na važnost operacionalizacije BAS-a kao višedimenzionalnog konstrukta.In the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory, Gray (1987) described three hypothetical biological brain systems, assumed to represent underpinnings of the stable patterns of experience and behaviour. Most research has been devoted to studying behavioural inhibition system (BIS) and behavioural activation system (BAS), which have shown relatively stable associations with neuroticism and extroversion, respectively. BIS/BAS scale (Carver & White, 1994) is one of the most frequently used instruments for measuring these constructs. The questionnaire contains one scale of BIS sensitivity that captures reactions to appearance or anticipation of punishment, and three subscales of BAS sensitivity which are aimed to assess distinct but related constructs: BAS – Drive, that relate to persistence in achieving desired goals; BAS - Fun seeking, that relates to desire for new rewarding experiences and indicates person\u27s readiness to engage in potentially rewarding situation, and BAS – Reward sensitivity, that measures positive reactions to appearance or anticipation of reward.The aim of the current study was to explore to what extent individual differences in personality traits can be predicted based on measures of BIS and BAS sensitivity. In this paper we analysed the data of 284 female students, that completed translated and adapted Croatian version of BIS/BAS scales, as well as International Personality Item Pool (IPIP 50) which measures the Big-Five personality domains. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the factor structure of Croatian version of BIS/BAS scale was comparable to the original instrument. Results of the regression analysis revealed that BIS scale was a significant predictor of emotional instability, while BAS subscales showed different patterns of relationships with measured personality traits. These results indicate the importance of measuring distinct aspects of BAS sensitivity.En su Teoría de la Sensibilidad al Refuerzo, Gray (1987) describió tres sistemas biológicos hipotéticos en el cerebro para los cuales supuso que representaban la base de los modelos estables en la experiencia y comportamiento. Entre ellos los más investigados fueron los sistemas de inhibición (SIC) y de activación (SAC) conductual y fueron verificadas las conexiones relativamente estables con dos dimensiones de personalidad – neuroticismo y extraversión. Las escalas SIC y SAC de Carver y White (1994) representan uno de los instrumentos más usados para la operacionalización de estos constructos. El cuestionario SIC/SAC contiene la escala de la sensibilidad del SIC con la que se investigan las reacciones al castigo o su anticipación, o sea, de la experiencia aversiva. La sensibilidad de SAC está operacionalizada a través de tres escalas que comprenden tres constructos conceptualmente diferentes, pero relacionados entre sí: SAC-Impulso, con el que se mide la perseverancia en la realización de objetivos deseados; SAC-Búsqueda de divertimento, que se refiere al deseo para nuevas experiencias gratificantes y la disposición de la persona para incluirse en una situación potencialmente gratificante; BAS-Sensibilidad a la recompensa, que evalúa las reacciones positivas a la recompensa o su anticipación.El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar si es posible predecir las diferencias individuales en los rasgos de personalidad a base de las medidas de sensibilidad de SIC y SAC.En este trabajo fueron analizados los datos de 284 estudiantes que rellenaron la versión traducida y adaptada de las escalas SIC/SAC y un cuestionario basado en el modelo de los cinco grandes, IPIP-50. A través del análisis factorial exploratorio fue comprobado que la estructura factorial de la versión croata de las escalas SIC/SAC se podía comparar con el instrumento original. Los resultados de los análisis regresivos demostraron que SIC representa un predictor significativo de la inestabilidad emocional, mientras que las subescalas SAC demuestran diferentes modelos de conexión con los rasgos de personalidad investigados, lo que indica la importancia de la operacionalización de SAC como un constructo multidimensional

    Everyday Stress and Core Affect: Examination of the Dynamic Model of Affect

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    Cilj ovoga rada bio je testirati postavke Dinamičkoga modela afekta, prema kojemu je odnos ugodnih i neugodnih afektivnih stanja promjenjiv, ovisno o kontekstualnim čimbenicima vezanima uz složenost procesiranja informacija. Model smo provjeravali analizom intraindividualnih promjena u odnosu ugodnoga i neugodnoga temeljnog afekta, u funkciji stupnja percipiranoga stresa. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom uzorkovanja doživljaja kroz dvije dnevničke studije, u kojima su sudionice nakon dobivenoga signala, više puta na dan u nekoliko dana bilježile svoja trenutačna afektivna stanja i procjene situacije u raznim trenucima u svakodnevnom životu. Analize su provedene na uzorku doživljaja iz 2879 točaka mjerenja, prikupljenih od 70 sudionica raznih studijskih grupa (Studija 1) te na uzorku doživljaja iz 3284 točke mjerenja, prikupljenih od 50 studentica psihologije (Studija 2). Rezultati višerazinskih analiza pokazali su isti trend u objema provedenim studijama – u stresnijim situacijama prosječni odnos ugodnih i neugodnih afektivnih stanja mijenja se prema većim negativnim vrijednostima. Nalazi ovog istraživanja pružaju potvrdu Dinamičkom modelu afekta.The paper aimed to test the Dynamic model of affect which postulates that the relationship between pleasant and unpleasant affective states depends on contextual factors related to the complexity of information processing. The model was tested analysing intraindividual changes in the relationship between pleasant and unpleasant core affect, as a function of perceived stress. Data was collected using the experience sampling method in two diary studies. After receiving a signal, participants recorded their current affective states and appraisals of the current situation, several times a day within a few days. Analyses were conducted on a sample of experiences from 2879 measurement points, recorded by 70 miscellaneous students (Study 1), and on a sample of experiences from 3284 measurement points, recorded by 50 psychology students (Study 2). The results of multilevel analyses showed the same trend in both studies – in more stressful situations the average relationship between pleasant and unpleasant affective experiences changes toward higher negative values. The findings support the Dynamic model of affect

    Social Support and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Combat Veterans in Croatia

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    Recent studies have shown that greater social support after combat stress is associated with better psychological posttraumatic outcomes. By comparison of a group of veterans (n=71) who sought psychiatric help and were diagnosed with PTSD (clinical group) and a group of veterans (n=43) without PTSD (control group) we examined various components of structural and functional social support in war veterans in Croatia. The measures of social support were assessed for two time periods: a) immediately after the war, and b) at the present time. Results of two-way analysis of variance indicate that veterans without PTSD tend to report significantly higher number of persons who provide them different forms of social support than veterans with PTSD. Perceived family and friends support is higher in veterans without PTSD than in veterans with PTSD. Support received from friends and fellow soldiers decreases over time in both groups, whereas for the clinical group support of friends decreases significantly more

    Surgical Treatment of Pathologic Fractures in Patients with Metastatic Tumors

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    The study presents results in treatment of pathologic fractures of long bones of all patients who underwent surgery in the last 10 years in our hospital. The study cohort comprised 133 consecutive patients divided in two groups who underwent surgery of long bone fractures caused by metastatic tumor or trauma. We used resection, open reduction and plating with bone cement application for pathologic fracture and some cases of femoral shaft fractures were stabilized with intramedullary nailing. Proximal femoral fractures were treated with hip arthroplasty or dynamic hip screw. There were 2 amputations performed: one case of pathologic fracture of tibia and one case of humeral fracture. The present study compares results between two group of patients. We noted: age, gender, fracture site, choice of the surgical procedure, hospital stay, need for analgesia after surgery, postoperative complications, and reached level of physical activity after surgery. The mean survival rate was 8.1 months. Seventeen patients experienced postoperative complications. We also found statistically significant improvement in functional scores (MSTS and TESS) in surgically treated patients with pathologic fractures. There are many different techniques of surgical treatment of pathologic fractures caused by skeletal metastases including arthroplasty or a combination of internal fixation combined with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) that provides immediate fixation and stability. The present study showed that surgical treatment of pathologic fractures caused by skeletal metastases in vast majority of cases provides bone healing after pathologic fracture, with signifficant improvement of physical activity and rehabilitation in the investigated group

    Research into the Development of Some Cognitive Functions and Some Personality Traits in the Children of Yugoslav Workers Temporarily Employed Abroad

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    U ovo istraživanje bili su uključeni učenici petih, sedmih i devetih razreda, u svakoj dobnoj skupini po tri grupe. Jednu grupu sačinjavali su učenici iz naše zemlje koji žive u inozemstvu sa svojim roditeljima koji su tamo na privremenom radu; drugu su grupu činili učenici koji žive u Jugoslaviji, a po starosti, obrazovanju, mjestu porijekla i socioekonomskom statusu istovjetni su s prvom grupom učenika; treću grupu činili su njemački vršnjaci iz istih razreda iz kojih su i djeca naših radnika. Cilj je istraživanja bio ispitati kakav je razvitak kognitivnih funkcija, znanja i nekih karakteristika ličnosti djece naših radnika u SR Njemačkoj i podatke usporediti s rezultatima njihovih njemačkih vršnjaka i vršnjaka koji stalno žive u Jugoslaviji. Utvrđene su brojne statistički značajne razlike u kognitivnim funkcijama između djece naših radnika na privremenom radu u Njemačkoj i druge dvije skupine (tj. djece koja žive i rastu u svojim domovima – Jugoslaviji ili Njemačkoj) na štetu djece naših radnika. Zaključeno je da okolina u kojoj žive ta djeca ne omogućuje njihov optimalan kognitivan razvitak, a niti razvoj karakteristika ličnosti.Three groups of children living in Yugoslavia from the fifth (N = 165), seventh (N = 147) and ninth (= 163) forms were compared with three comparable groups of children of Yugoslav workers living in W. Germany and three groups of German children on 8 measures of cognitive functioning (tests) and three personality tests. Several measures of socioeconomic status of Yugoslav children in Yugoslavia and Yugoslav children in W. Germany were also taken. Statistical analyses have shown that the children of Yugoslav workers in W. Germany have significantly inferior results on most cognitive measures and sociability, and higher results in neuroticism even after eliminating all SES differences. On the basis of these results it was concluded that the children of Yugoslav workers living in a foreign country do not have the optimal environmental conditions for a full cognitive and personality development

    Influence of surface irradiaton on glued joint durability

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    Izrada proizvoda od lijepljenog drva složen je i kompliciran postupak, a na njega značajno utječu vrsta drva, vrsta ljepila, priprema površine i tehnika lijepljenja. Kvalitetu lijepljenog spoja određuje više faktora poput čvrstoće i trajnosti. U ovom radu pregledana su istraživanja na temu utjecaja ozračivanja površina na kvalitetu i trajnost lijepljenog spoja pri čemu UV zračenje ima najveći značaj. Istraživanja pokazuju značajna povećanja kvalitete lijepljenog spoja ukoliko površina drva ozračena UV zrakama, bez obzira na dosadašnje negativne konotacije u svezi UV zračenja i fotodegradacije drva