125 research outputs found

    Memory Conserving Rendering Method for Hair/fur Systems in Computer Graphics

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    In a very CPU/memory intensive field of photo-realistic computer graphics, various techniques are employed in the attempt to conserve resources. One group of such optimization methods is dedicated to optimizing a representation of hair systems, grass systems or any group of objects that can be looked at as a generalized hair system. A classical method of computing hair systems is to represent each hair as a spline in memory and then compute intersections with each of them. This method gives good results, but usually consumes large amounts of memory. Another problem is - visually doubling the density of hair quadruples memory consumption. Even when gigabytes of memory are available, a realistic hair scene, may overwhelm memory size, which may lead to an application crash or at least, to an I/O bottleneck and to increasing time of rendering. Another method is to compute a hair system procedurally inside of a specified volume. This produces a small memory foot-print, but makes animation difficult because individual hairs within the volume are not controllable. In this work we propose a hybrid approach, where a single hair particle represents a cylindrical volume, in which multiple hair fibers will be computed on-the-fly. This approach will produce a constant memory footprint for that cylindrical volume, regardless of how many individual hairs are computed and it will allow individual hairs to retain the behavior of that volume. As a result, a proposed approach provides a significant reduction in memory footprint while increasing the number of hairs being computed.Computer Scienc

    Sclerochronology-based geochemical studies of bivalve shells: potential vs reality

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    Since the early 1980s, attempts to develop a method for the retrospective estimation of water chemistry have been increasingly discussed in terms of bivalve sclerochronology. Although the problem with the interpretation of chemical data from shell growth patterns remains unsolved and a method, or at least its concept, has never been proposed, the optimism about the potential of the bivalve shell as a possible tool in retrospective environmental monitoring has reached the apogee nowadays. Here, we provide a review of the changes in the conceptual framework of the bivalve sclerochronology during more than thirty-five years of studies in the field, together with the analysis of the meaning of the key term ‘sclerochronology’. The new term, ‘sclerochronochemistry’ (skleros – hard, chronos – time, and chemistry), is proposed in order to fill a gap between sclerochronology and sclerochemistry

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early – mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term “electronic learning” is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: “distance learning/education”, “mobile learning”, and “virtual learning”. The European Commission interprets “e-learning” as “using new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. In this study, the concept of “e-learning” will correspond to the phrase “electronic learning”. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early – mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term “electronic learning” is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: “distance learning/education”, “mobile learning”, and “virtual learning”. The European Commission interprets “e-learning” as “using new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. In this study, the concept of “e-learning” will correspond to the phrase “electronic learning”. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early – mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term “electronic learning” is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: “distance learning/education”, “mobile learning”, and “virtual learning”. The European Commission interprets “e-learning” as “using new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. In this study, the concept of “e-learning” will correspond to the phrase “electronic learning”. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs


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    The solution of the problems facing the modern Russian society largely depends on the beliefs, expectations, values and attitudes of people that determine their attitude to innovation, content, effectiveness and efficiency of various activities. Social adaptation (active inclusion in the social environment) of the individual assumes as a necessary condition the achievement of a certain level of social competence. The modern social environment has a significant impact on the process of personality formation, causing certain contradictions: on the one hand, socio-cultural modernization necessitates a new approach to the problem of social self-realization of the individual, requiring increased human activity as a subject of social life, taking responsibility for their activities and behavior, but, on the other hand, the instability of modern society increases the natural difficulties of growing up; the situation of uncertainty leads to deformation of personal development, disadaptation in society. Modernization of the education system has led to changes in the content, forms, methods and technologies of education, in connection with which there was a need to assess the results of the functioning of the education system. Analyzing the quality of a modern specialist training, researchers increasingly began to turn to the competencies formed during studying, among which an important place is occupied by social competence, estimated as the most important indicator of professional competence of a specialist in general, and in particular, in the field of economic, labor, social relations.A solução dos problemas enfrentados pela sociedade russa moderna depende em grande parte das crenças, expectativas, valores e atitudes das pessoas que determinam sua atitude em relação à inovação, conteúdo, eficácia e eficiência de várias atividades. A adaptação social (inclusão ativa no ambiente social) do indivíduo assume como condição necessária a conquista de um certo nível de competência social. O ambiente social moderno tem um impacto significativo no processo de formação da personalidade, causando certas contradições: por um lado, a modernização sociocultural requer uma nova abordagem para o problema da auto- realização social do indivíduo, exigindo maior atividade humana como sujeito da vida social, assumindo a responsabilidade por suas atividades e comportamentos, mas, por outro lado, a instabilidade da sociedade moderna aumenta as dificuldades naturais de crescer; a situação de incerteza leva à deformação do desenvolvimento pessoal, à desadaptação na sociedade. A modernização do sistema educacional levou a mudanças no conteúdo, formas, métodos e tecnologias da educação, em relação às quais havia a necessidade de avaliar os resultados do funcionamento do sistema educacional. Analisando a qualidade de um treinamento especializado moderno, os pesquisadores começaram a recorrer cada vez mais às competências formadas durante o estudo, entre as quais um lugar importante é ocupado pela competência social, estimado como o indicador mais importante da competência profissional de um especialista em geral e, em particular, , no campo das relações econômicas, trabalhistas e sociais.La solución de los problemas que enfrenta la sociedad rusa moderna depende en gran medida de las creencias, expectativas, valores y actitudes de las personas que determinan su actitud hacia la innovación, el contenido, la efectividad y la eficiencia de diversas actividades. La adaptación social (inclusión activa en el entorno social) del individuo supone como condición necesaria el logro de un cierto nivel de competencia social. El entorno social moderno tiene un impacto significativo en el proceso de formación de la personalidad, causando ciertas contradicciones: por un lado, la modernización sociocultural requiere un nuevo enfoque del problema de la autorrealización social del individuo, que requiere una mayor actividad humana como un sujeto de la vida social, asumiendo la responsabilidad de sus actividades y comportamiento, pero, por otro lado, la inestabilidad de la sociedad moderna aumenta las dificultades naturales de crecer; La situación de incertidumbre conduce a la deformación del desarrollo personal, la desadaptación en la sociedad. La modernización del sistema educativo ha llevado a cambios en el contenido, las formas, los métodos y las tecnologías de la educación, en relación con lo cual era necesario evaluar los resultados del funcionamiento del sistema educativo. Analizando la calidad de una formación especializada moderna, los investigadores comenzaron a recurrir cada vez más a las competencias formadas durante el estudio, entre las cuales un lugar importante está ocupado por la competencia social, estimado como el indicador más importante de la competencia profesional de un especialista en general, y en particular , en el campo de las relaciones económicas, laborales, sociales

    Incoherently generated photon echo in a crystal of ruby using fiber optical delay line

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    This paper is about the possibilities of optically dense impurity media spectroscopy by means of the incoherent photon echo. The theoretical model of the phenomenon is given. The results of experiment on incoherent photon echo in a crystal of ruby at liquid helium temperature are presented. Fiber optical delay line was used to make an incoherence of the excitation radiation. The dependence of the incoherent echo intensity on the excitation wavelength was studied. The echo decay curve was obtained and the phase relaxation time was found to be equal to 98 ns

    Incoherent photon echo in spectroscopy of optically dense impurity media

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    The possibility of using incoherent photon echo in spectroscopy of optically dense impurity media is considered. A theoretical approach to description of this phenomenon is presented. The experimental data on incoherent photon echo in ruby at liquid-helium temperature, with transport of an excitation pulse through a fiber, are reported. The spectral dependence of the echo intensity is studied. The decay curve for an incoherent echo signal is investigated, and the phase relaxation time is found to be 98 ns. © Allerton Press, Inc. 2008

    Эпидемически и эпизоотически опасные виды рыб в отношении описторхидозов в Новосибирской области

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    The purpose of the research is identifcation of epidemically and epizootically dangerous fsh species for opisthorchosis in the Novosibirsk Region.Materials and methods. Helminthological studies were carried out from 2002 to 2020. We studied a total of 2994 fsh specimens belonging to 8 species of Cyprinidae, carps and allies, namely, ide, Leuciscus idus (L.); dace, L. leuciscus (L.); bream, Abramis brama (L.); roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.); verkhovka, Leucaspius delineatus (Heckel); crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.); gudgeon, Gobio gobio (L.); and minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.). The fsh were identifed to species according to the fsh guide. To identify Opisthorchidae metacercariae in fsh muscles, the compressor method generally accepted in helminthology was used. The Opisthorchidae metacercariae were identifed using the freshwater fsh parasite guide.Results and discussion. Of 8 studied fsh species of the family Cyprinidae in the Novosibirsk region, the Opisthorchidae metacercariae infection was noted in 7 species (ide, dace, roach, bream, verkhovka, gudgeon, and crucian carp). The following Opisthorchidae species were recorded in the studied fsh: O. felineus, M. bilis, M. xanthosomus, and Metorchis spp. The O. felineus metacercariae were most often found in the supplementary host, in 12.9 % of cases, and M. bilis, M. xanthosomus and Metorchis spp. larvae were found much less often. In terms of epidemy, the ide and bream having large commercial sizes are the most dangerous: the ide as the most heavily infected species, and the bream as the most often caught and eaten by humans. Small non-commercial fsh (the dace, roach, verkhovka, as well as the small ide and bream) are of great epizootological importance, since they are used for food for domestic and wild animals most often. Infected fsh were only found at unregulated marketplaces; the infection prevalence in the roach was 35.5%, of which 22.6% were affected by O. felineus metacercariae, and 12.9% by M. xanthosomus metacercariae.Цель исследований: выявление эпидемически и эпизоотически опасных видов рыб в отношении описторхидозов в Новосибирской области.Материалы и методы. Гельминтологические исследования проводили в период с 2002 по 2020 гг. Всего исследовано 2994 экз. рыб 8 видов сем. Cyprinidae – карповые: язь – Leuciscus idus (L.), елец – L. leuciscus (L.), лещ – Abramis brama (L.), плотва – Rutilus rutilus (L.), верховка – Leucaspius delineatus (Heckel), карась – Carassius carassius (L.), пескарь – Gobio gobio (L.), гольян – Phoxinus phoxinus (L.). Идентификацию рыб до вида проводили по определителям рыб. Для выявления метацеркарий описторхид в мышцах рыбы использовали общепринятый в гельминтологии компрессорный метод. Идентификацию метацеркарий описторхид проводили по определителю паразитов пресноводных рыб.Результаты и обсуждение. Из 8 исследуемых видов рыб сем. Cyprinidae в Новосибирской области зараженность метацеркариями описторхид отмечена у 7 (язь, елец, плотва, лещ, верховка, пескарь и карась). В исследуемой рыбе зарегистрированы следующие виды описторхид: O. felineus, M. bilis, M. xanthosomus и Metorchis spp. Чаще всего в дополнительном хозяине встречаются метацеркарии O. felineus – 12,9%, намного реже – личинки M. bilis, M. Xanthosomus и Metorchis spp. В эпидемическом отношении наиболее опасными являются язь и лещ крупных промысловых размеров: язь как наиболее сильно инвазированный вид, а лещ – как наиболее часто вылавливаемый и употребляемый в пищу человеком. Мелкая непромысловая рыба (елец, плотва, верховка, а также мелкие язи и лещи) имеет большое эпизоотологическое значение, так как чаще всего служит кормом домашним и диким животным. Зараженная рыба выявлена только на стихийных рынках; экстенсивность инвазии плотвы составила 35,5 %, из них 22,6 % были поражены метацеркариями O. felineus, а 12,9% – M. xanthosomus