369 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationExposure to pornography--both intentional and unintentional--is becoming a reality for many adolescents. According to Ropelato, the average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11. Moreover, Manning describes regular consumption of pornograph

    Sub-micron, Metal Gate, High-к Dielectric, Implant-free, Enhancement-mode III-V MOSFETs

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    The performance of 300nm, 500nm and 1μm metal gate, implant free, enhancement mode III-V MOSFETs are reported. Devices are realised using a 10nm MBE grown Ga2O3/(GaxGd1-x)2O3 high-κ (κ=20) dielectric stack grown upon a δ-doped AlGaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. Enhancement mode operation is maintained across the three reported gate lengths with a reduction in threshold voltage from 0.26 V to 0.08 V as the gate dimension is reduced from 1 μm to 300 nm. An increase in transconductance is also observed with reduced gate dimension. Maximum drain current of 420 μA/μm and extrinsic transconductance of 400 µS/µm are obtained from these devices. Gate leakage current of less than 100pA and subthreshold slope of 90 mV/decade were obtained for all gate lengths. These are believed to be the highest performance submicron enhancement mode III-V MOSFETs reported to date

    Enhancement Mode n-MOSFET with High-κ Dielectric on GaAs Substrate

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    In this paper, we report MOS heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on III-V substrates, employing a high-κ dielectric stack comprised of gallium oxide and gadolinium gallium oxide. Mobilities exceeding 12,000 and 6,000 cm2/Vs, for sheet carrier concentration ns of about 2.5x1012 cm-2 were measured on MOSFET structures on InP and GaAs substrates, respectively. These structures were designed for enhancement mode operation and include a 10 nm thick strained InGa1-xAs channel layer with In mole fraction x of 0.3 and 0.75 on GaAs and InP substrates, respectively

    Heat transport in ordered harmonic lattices

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    We consider heat conduction across an ordered oscillator chain with harmonic interparticle interactions and also onsite harmonic potentials. The onsite spring constant is the same for all sites excepting the boundary sites. The chain is connected to Ohmic heat reservoirs at different temperatures. We use an approach following from a direct solution of the Langevin equations of motion. This works both in the classical and quantum regimes. In the classical case we obtain an exact formula for the heat current in the limit of system size N to infinity. In special cases this reduces to earlier results obtained by Rieder, Lebowitz and Lieb and by Nakazawa. We also obtain results for the quantum mechanical case where we study the temperature dependence of the heat current. We briefly discuss results in higher dimensions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Quantum transport using the Ford-Kac-Mazur formalism

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    The Ford-Kac-Mazur formalism is used to study quantum transport in (1) electronic and (2) harmonic oscillator systems connected to general reservoirs. It is shown that for non-interacting systems the method is easy to implement and is used to obtain many exact results on electrical and thermal transport in one-dimensional disordered wires. Some of these have earlier been obtained using nonequilibrium Green function methods. We examine the role that reservoirs and contacts can have on determining the transport properties of a wire and find several interesting effects.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Mean-atom-trajectory model for the velocity autocorrelation function of monatomic liquids

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    We present a model for the motion of an average atom in a liquid or supercooled liquid state and apply it to calculations of the velocity autocorrelation function Z(t)Z(t) and diffusion coefficient DD. The model trajectory consists of oscillations at a distribution of frequencies characteristic of the normal modes of a single potential valley, interspersed with position- and velocity-conserving transits to similar adjacent valleys. The resulting predictions for Z(t)Z(t) and DD agree remarkably well with MD simulations of Na at up to almost three times its melting temperature. Two independent processes in the model relax velocity autocorrelations: (a) dephasing due to the presence of many frequency components, which operates at all temperatures but which produces no diffusion, and (b) the transit process, which increases with increasing temperature and which produces diffusion. Because the model provides a single-atom trajectory in real space and time, including transits, it may be used to calculate all single-atom correlation functions.Comment: LaTeX, 8 figs. This is an updated version of cond-mat/0002057 and cond-mat/0002058 combined Minor changes made to coincide with published versio

    Fragmented in space: the oral history narrative of an Arab Christian from Antioch, Turkey

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    This study uses the case of Can Kılçıksız, an Arab Christian refugee youth from Antioch, Turkey, to argue that globalization may result in fragmented families and subjectivities and can also accelerate processes initiated by modernity and the construction of national identities. Can Kılçıksız and his siblings now live in Turkey, Germany, France and Finland. His life story suggests that males of Arab Christian origin from Antioch who had access to schooling are more likely to be involved in politics whereas females tend to be drawn to evangelical Christian organizations. The case also suggests that sibling ties might prove more durable in the course of transnational migration than conjugal ties. The case of Can Kılçıksız shows that the time/space linked to childhood through memory can play an important role in identity construction of subjects circulating in transnational space

    Multiple Dimensions of the Moral Majority Platform: Shifting Interest Group Coalitions

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    The issues raised by the New Political Right and the Moral Majority have overlapped in recent political history. Researchers have assumed that a single additive scale across conservative issues can identify the base of support for the Moral Majority as an organization. We examine general support for the Moral Majority separately from support for six specific issues: teaching creationism, voluntary public school prayer, military defense spending, gun control, pornography and abortion. Data are from a 1982 random sample of adult respondents from Nebraska (N = 1907). Overall, support for the Moral Majority organization is low. Discriminant analysis identifies fundamentalist and evangelical religious affiliation and Biblical literalism as independent predictors of support for the Moral Majority per se. Education increases knowledge of the organization, but does not influence support for it. Respondents with high income levels are more likely to support the Moral Majority organization. These findings contradict theories of both status politics and cultural fundamentalism. Support for the six specific platform items also varies considerably and is affected by religious conservatism and, independently, by other attitudinal and demographic indicators including age, sex, income, rural residence, education and perception of declining economic conditions. These patterns do not entirely fit the predictions of status politics or cultural fundamentalism theories. Rather, they provide evidence that distinct coalitions form on specific issues. Our conclusion is that a simple additive index of support for the Moral Majority masks these differences and oversimplifies complex patterns of coalitions in the religio-political arena

    Substituent interference on supramolecular assembly in urea gelators: synthesis, structure prediction and NMR

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    Eighteen N-aryl-N'-alkyl urea gelators were synthesised in order to understand the effect of head substituents on gelation performance. Minimum gelation concentration values obtained from gel formation studies were used to rank the compounds and revealed the remarkable performance of 4-methoxyphenyl urea gelator 15 in comparison to 4-nitrophenyl analogue 14, which could not be simply ascribed to substituent effects on the hydrogen bonding capabilities of the urea protons. Crystal structure prediction calculations indicated alternative low energy hydrogen bonding arrangements between the nitro group and urea protons in gelator 14, which were supported experimentally by NMR spectroscopy. As a consequence, it was possible to relate the observed differences to interference of the head substituents with the urea tape motif, disrupting the order of supramolecular packing. The combination of unbiased structure prediction calculations with NMR is proposed as a powerful approach to investigate the supramolecular arrangement in gel fibres and help understand the relationships between molecular structure and gel formation

    Mutational Analyses of the Influenza A Virus Polymerase Subunit PA Reveal Distinct Functions Related and Unrelated to RNA Polymerase Activity

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    Influenza A viral polymerase is a heterotrimeric complex that consists of PA, PB1, and PB2 subunits. We previously reported that a di-codon substitution mutation (G507A-R508A), denoted J10, in the C-terminal half of PA had no apparent effect on viral RNA synthesis but prevented infectious virus production, indicating that PA may have a novel role independent of its polymerase activity. To further examine the roles of PA in the viral life cycle, we have now generated and characterized additional mutations in regions flanking the J10 site from residues 497 to 518. All tested di-codon mutations completely abolished or significantly reduced viral infectivity, but they did so through disparate mechanisms. Several showed effects resembling those of J10, in that the mutant polymerase supported normal levels of viral RNA synthesis but nonetheless failed to generate infectious viral particles. Others eliminated polymerase activity, in most cases by perturbing the normal nuclear localization of PA protein in cells. We also engineered single-codon mutations that were predicted to pack near the J10 site in the crystal structure of PA, and found that altering residues K378 or D478 each produced a J10-like phenotype. In further studies of J10 itself, we found that this mutation does not affect the formation and release of virion-like particles per se, but instead impairs the ability of those particles to incorporate each of the eight essential RNA segments (vRNAs) that make up the viral genome. Taken together, our analysis identifies mutations in the C-terminal region of PA that differentially affect at least three distinct activities: protein nuclear localization, viral RNA synthesis, and a trans-acting function that is required for efficient packaging of all eight vRNAs