47 research outputs found

    Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for long reach passive optical network

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    Next generation broadband access networks are gaining more interests from many key players in this field. The demands for longer reach and higher bandwidth are among the driving factors for such network as it can reach wider area up to 100 km, even beyond; has enhanced bandwidth capacity and transmission speed, but with low cost and energy consumption. One promising candidate is long reach passive optical network, a simplified network with reduced number of network elements, equipment interfaces, and even nodes; which leads to a significant reduction in the network’s capital expenditure and operational expenditure. Outcome of an extended reach often results in increased propagation delay of dynamic bandwidth allocation messages exchange between the optical line terminals and optical network units, leading to the degradations of bandwidth allocation and quality of service support. Therefore, an effective bandwidth allocation algorithm with appropriate service interval setup for a long reach network is proposed to ensure the delay is maintained under ITU-T G.987.1 standard requirement. An existing algorithm is improved in terms of service interval so that it can perform well beyond 100 km. Findings show that the improved algorithm can reduce the mean delay of high priority traffic classes for distance up to 140 km

    QoS support with taguchi method in simulation modeling hybrid architecture of optical and multihop wireless ad hoc networks

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    Majority of the resource consumption is consumed for their operation in the access network of mobile wireless part because of its dynamic topology and limited range of each mobile host's wireless transmissions. This paper presents a technique using OMNeT++ software for building a design of experiment simulation model with Taguchi optimization method supported mobile circumstantial network (MANET) of AODVUU communication protocol to be apply into collaborate multiple layers framework of deploy over passive optical network (PON) referred to as the walk Mobile Hybrid optical wireless access network (erL-MMHOWAN). it's to guage the network quality of service effectively that take into account variety of nodes over that the Edouard Manet could operate. Its performance is examined on the known performance metrics just like the network capability and energy consumption. Simulation result shows for the random mobile property during this convergence of heterogeneous optical wireless network will perform higher with the optimized front-end wireless circumstantial

    Efficient P2P data dissemination in integrated optical and wireless networks with Taguchi method

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    The Quality of Service (QoS) resource consumption is always the tricky problem and also the on-going issue in the access network of mobile wireless part because of its dynamic nature of network wireless transmissions. It is very critical for the infrastructure-less wireless mobile ad hoc network that is distributed while interconnects in a peer-to-peer manner. Toward resolve the problem, Taguchi method optimization of mobile ad hoc routing (AODVUU) is applied in integrated optical and wireless networks called the adLMMHOWAN. Practically, this technique was carry out using OMNeT++ software by building a simulation based optimization through design of experiment. Its QoS network performance is examined based on packet delivery ratio (PDR) metric and packet loss probabilities (PLP) metric that consider the scenario of variation number of nodes. During the performing stage with random mobile connectivity based on improvement in optimized front-end wireless domain of AODVUU routing, the result is performing better when compared with previous study called the oRia scheme with the improvement of 14.1% PDR and 43.3% PLP in this convergence of heterogeneous optical wireless network

    Dedicated protection scheme for optical networks survivability

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    In recent days, optical fibers have been developed as a transmission medium to carry traffic in order to provide various services in telecommunications platform. Failure of this fibre caused loss of data which can interrupt communication services. Thus, this paper will focus about protection scheme in order to guarantee the survivability of the networks. Besides, the scheme should provide better quality of services (QOS) in terms of network resource usage, connection availability satisfaction ratio (ASR) and blocking probability. A sample of mesh torus network was carried out to compare several basic connection management processes and dedicated protection scheme was taken into consideration. Matlab was used as a simulation platform in this project. Analyze for performance metrics will shown that there are significant improvements of availability satisfaction Ratio (ASR) when dedicated path protection is utilized in optical network. This project provides an insight of advanced in protection scheme and can serve as a foundation for future research

    Last mile mobile hybrid optical wireless access network routing enhancement

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    This study focuses on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) that support Internet routing protocol imposing stringent resource consumption constraints of Quality of service (QoS). The mobile Internet causes the on-going issue of inefficient use of the MANET resources due to its random nature of wireless environments. In this paper, the new improved architecture of the last mile mobile hybrid optical-wireless access network (adLMMHOWAN) is proposed and designed to tackle the arised issues. The proposed design is based on a unified wireless-wired network solution required the deployment of MANET-based wireless fidelity (WiFi) technology at the wireless front-end and wavelengths division multiplexing passive optical network (WDM PON) at the optical backhaul. The critical performance metrics such as network capacity and energy consumption based on modified AODVUU routing protocol using OMNeT++ software is analyzed with 2 scenarios, namely the number of nodes and mobility speed. This mode of communication results in better QoS network capacity of 47.07% improvement, with 26.85% reduction of lower energy resource consumption for mobile wireless front-end over passive optical network backhaul architecture when compared with the existing work of oRiq scheme that focus on improvement in MANETs

    Efficient P2P data dissemination in integrated optical and wireless networks with Taguchi method

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    The Quality of Service (QoS) resource consumption is always the tricky problem and also the on-going issue in the access network of mobile wireless part because of its dynamic nature of network wireless transmissions. It is very critical for the infrastructure-less wireless mobile ad hoc network that is distributed while interconnects in a peer-to-peer manner. Toward resolve the problem, Taguchi method optimization of mobile ad hoc routing (AODVUU) is applied in integrated optical and wireless networks called the adLMMHOWAN. Practically, this technique was carry out using OMNeT++ software by building a simulation based optimization through design of experiment. Its QoS network performance is examined based on packet delivery ratio (PDR) metric and packet loss probabilities (PLP) metric that consider the scenario of variation number of nodes. During the performing stage with random mobile connectivity based on improvement in optimized front-end wireless domain of AODVUU routing, the result is performing better when compared with previous study called the oRia scheme with the improvement of 14.1% PDR and 43.3% PLP in this convergence of heterogeneous optical wireless network. © 2019 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. All rights reserved

    Qualitative-based QoS performance study using hybrid ACO and PSO algorithm routing in MANET

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    In today's accelerated growth of mobile device technology, resource utilization in access network will continue to draw more attention to the increasing mobile user devices and applications. The main objective is to address the issue of QoS resource utilization efficiency. This paper combines the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm and the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to provide the optimum routing and to improve the QoS resource utilization efficiency. This proposed hybrid ACO-PSO algorithm uses the IEEE 802.11 DCF standard with multi-antenna scheme (MIMO) of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) to apply into integrated wireless (MANET) optical (PON network) based in Software Defined Network (SDN) with cloud computing. IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) gives the opportunity to its users to practice the wireless environment and full functionality of "anything, anytime, anywhere" concept. The proposed work is implemented using the OMNeT++ software where it investigates the QoS performance. These metrics include all nodes throughput, bandwidth, and load balance, routing and control overhead improvement with reduction. They also comprise of RSSI, end to end delay, Packet Delivery Ratio, network capacity, packet loss probability, as well as power consumption in all wireless nodes and energy consumption from wireless domain to wired domain

    Moving towards upgradeable all-optical networks through impairment-aware RWA algorithms

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    We propose an impairment-aware RWA algorithm that allocates a light path for services with different interface requirements at 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s across a common transparent optical network. Significant benefits are demonstrated when compared with existing techniques

    Dispersion-optimised resource allocation in all-optical networks with heterogeneous optical services

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    All-optical networks (AON) facilitat~ the transportation of heterogeneous services made up of diverse technologies, protocols and formats with minimal impact to the network infrastructure. This is in contrast to the technologies in opaque networks that are typically protocol and format specific. Emerging solutions for next generation AON will simultaneously allow mesh connectivity of services with different bit rates and/or modulation formats over common fibre infrastructure, thus providing a flexible transport platform for current and future services. Consequently, it is an inefficient use of network resource to provision endto- end lightpaths without considering the different optical perfor~ance requirements of.t~e different service interfaces. This thesis proposes a resource allocation mechanism that works in a heterogeneolls environment where the considered services are lO-Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) , 40-Gb/s optical duobinary (ODB) and 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential quadrature phase shift keying (RZ-DQPSK). In particular, the focus is on the wavelength dependent nature of chromatic dispersion (CD) effect. Note that very high . . requirement is imposed on CD compensation capability in future reconfigurable network environment as the path changes dynamically. vVhile this does not have serious implication on lO-Gb/s NRZ, the same effect could highly affect 40-Gb/s services due to very low CD tolerance at the corresponding bit rate. The reduction of network layer blocking due to CD violation is proposed through resource allocation process where CD information is utilised in three different sub-problems; routing, wavelength assignment and wavelength conversion algorithms. From analytical and numerical studies, significant improvements in network blocking performance have been demonstrated when compared to the conventional techniques. This is achieved mainly by allocating services in accordance with their physical layer requirements. In particular, the best wavelength channels are reserved for 40-Gb/s services with stringent physical layer requirements. Further reduction in CD-induced blocking is obtained through dynamic dispersion compensation by pairing wavelengths with complementary CD characteristics, resulting in low net residual dispersion.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Centralized heart rate monitoring telemetry system using zigbee wireless sensor network

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    Recent advances in wireless communication standards and medical monitoring system have made it possible to effectively combine mesh networking with Non-Invasive medical application which is Pulse Oximeter in order to create reliable, large-scale wireless Network. This Mesh networking will enable doctors and nurses to observe and monitor a number of patients simultaneously from one location without being with the patient's physically. This project is mainly concerned about monitoring patient's condition simultaneously via Wireless Mesh Network. Wireless Mesh Network is a network that allows data transmitted to the node's nearest neighbors and it can be easily maintained as each node are self configuring and self healing. Data obtained from multiple pulse oximeters will be stored and processed using Arduino-Nano, then transmitted to a centralized unit, where the information for multiple oximeter will be displayed simultaneously. The efficiency of data transmission was monitored and verified. Mesh networking for pulse oximeter had been successfully design to show the active pulse oximeter. Besides, the data transmit and received by the XBee were accurate and it had been proved through several observations