17 research outputs found

    “Maarak Kitab Bukhari” Tradition in Banjar Community

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    This study reviews the local wisdom and harmony in the tradition Maarak Book of Bukhari (MKB) in Banjar community. This study uses religious anthropological approaches to explore various ideas and understanding of the research object. The results showed that this tradition is motivated by environmental condition of Banjar which is prone to fire, so as part of a tradition of starting reinforcements. It is carried out when people have seen some signs or warnings and dealt with specific situations. This tradition is done at night during dry season when fires frequently happened, with the aim of counteracting the danger of fire and for safety. In this tradition, the procession made certain that is believed to be a sort of intermediary or the cause so that it prevents from the fire. Starting with the implementation of the sunnat prayers, then reading the sura Yasin, paraded the holy book around the village, recite the lines of Burdah, reading segue Kamilah, and closed with praying for salvation. The description of religious valuesand propaganda contained in this tradition is strong evidence of the ability of the scholars earlier to acculturate the understanding and behavior of Banjar society before the arrival of Islam. MKB is one of the traditions that reflect the meeting between Islam and local culture.Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang kearifan lokal dan harmoni yang terdeskripsi dalam tradisi Maarak Kitab Bukhari pada masyarakat Banjar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan antropologis keagamaan untuk menggali berbagai pemikiran dan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap objek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tradisi Maarak Kitab Bukhari dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi lingkungan masyarakat Banjar yang rawan terjadi kebakaran, sehingga sebagai bagian dari tradisi tolak bala, MKB dilaksanakan ketika masyarakat telah melihat sejumlah tanda (mendapat peringatan) dan berhadapan dan situasi tertentu. Tradisi ini dilakukan pada malam hari, ketika musim kemarau, seringnya terjadi kebakaran dengan tujuan menangkal bahaya kebakaran dan memohon keselematan. Dalam tradisi ini, dilakukan prosesi tertentu yang diyakini bisa menjadi semacam perantara (wasilah) atau berkat (penyebab), sehingga kebakaran tidak terjadi. Dimulai dengan pelaksanaan shalat sunnat hajat, diteruskan dengan membaca surah Yaasin, mengarak keliling kampung kitab Shahih Bukhari, melantunkan syair-syair Burdah, membaca Shalawat Kamilah, dan ditutup dengan pembacaan doa tolak bala serta doa keselamatan. Deskripsi nilai keagamaan dan dakwah yang terkandung dalam tradisi Maarak Kitab Bukhari merupakan bukti kuat kemampuan para ulama terdahulu dalam mengakulturasi paham dan prilaku masyarakat Banjar sebelum kedatangan Islam. Sehingga, apabila semula simbol, benda, dan nilai-nilai dalam tradisi tolak bala sarat dengan keyakinan terdahulu, begitu Islam masuk dan berkembang, tradisi tersebut telah bersandarkan dan sarat dengan nilai-nilai keIslaman dan bertransformasi menjadi tradisi Maarak Kitab Bukhari. Jelas apabila Maarak Kitab Bukhari adalah salah satu tradisi yang mencerminkan pertemuan antara Islam dan budaya lokal

    Akulturasi dan Kearifan Lokal dalam Tradisi Baayun Maulid pada Masyarakat Banjar

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    This research examines the acculturation and transformation of traditional values of Banjarese Baayun Maulud . It used religious anthropology approach as an effort to understand the deepest meaning of the research object. The result shows that this tradition was historically started from swinging child ceremony of Dayakese Tribe in Kalimantan, in order to give blessing, give name, pray for safety, and to thank for the child birth. A long with the incoming and development of Islam in this region, the ceremony which was inherited by the ancestors experienced changes. The Islamic preachers have changed and acculturated this ceremony so it is full of Islamic values. The ceremony once called swinging child ceremony, then after the acculturation it became Baayun Maulud. The venue is centralized at the mosque and is combined with the celebration of Muhammad's birthday. The children are swung with qur'an recitation, rhyme quatrains of maulud, and prayers. The local wisdoms and the religious thoughts has been unified in harmony in the tradition, which becomes the sign of gratitude expressions for the child birth, as well as for celebrating and honoring the birth of the Greatest Prophet Muhammad SAw

    Analisis Pemikiran Mahathir Mohamad Mengenai Islam dan Pelaksanaan Dasarnya dalam Negara Malaysia

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    This study aims to determine and explore the ideas on the Islamic Mahathir; Mahathir's views on Islam and issues of modern statehood; and Mahathir's views on the relationship between Islam and nationalism. The methodology used in this research is descriptive analytical approaches in the form of character study, a systematic study of the thought or idea of a thinker either wholly or in part. The study focused on Mahathir's mind about Islam and statehood. The main data sources are all relevant papers Mahathir with research questions, delivered speeches in various forums, and supported by the writings produced by the scholars. The procedures for data collection in this study was done in three stages, namely the identification, exploration, and the study focused. The analysis used content analysis, comparative, historiography and phenomenology. Content analysis is discussed in depth the content of a written or printed information in books, newspaper, journals or manuscripts; the comparative analysis of the analysis is concentrated on a detailed description of the characteristics of data collected before trying to answer the question theoretic more common; analytical historiography is that of picking and criticizing any opinions and values resulting from the selected historical events; and the phenomenological analysis Is the analysis by means of a direct references to the literature produced by the figures being investigated. Implementation of the analysis begins by analyzing and recording the important things done by Mahathir, and then made notes about the life of Mahathir. Furthermore, the concepts identified by a variety of questions about the life of Mahathir. From here then formulated thought or opinion Mahathir against Islam and nationalism in order to find the model and the characteristics of Mahathir's thinking with respect to Islam and nationalism. Findings of this study, the first Muslim in the eyes of Mahathir is the perfect religion that is dynamic and requires improvement, a rational religion, the religion of peace and flexible religion, simple and tolerance. Therefore, Islam must be understood in a rational, critical and re-interpreted according to the Quran and Hadith with, based upon reason, argument and logic is called an 'Islam Mahathir’. Second, in view of Mahathir, a variety of beliefs and concepts related to the problems of governance that came from the West, including democracy, secularism, pluralistic society, or of terrorism are not to be accepted or rejected blindly. Things must be done is to assess and filter back faiths, the case is not good and is not suitable to be set aside and the good and the line can be followed. Third, Islam and the State is a matter closely related and inseparable. Because, religion the leading man towards a more balanced life. Religion was also a real guides and most powerful impetus to achieving a better life and meaning. Thus, Islam is filled with moral values to set high society, nation and state can be absorbed and become the basis of the national administration

    Study of Islamic Education Thought in the Perspective of KH. Idham Chalid

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    Initially named Arabische School which was educated by KH. Abdurrasyid, then changed its name to Madrasah Rasyidiyah during the time of KH. Juhri Sulaiman. Furthermore, it changed to Ma'had Rasyidiyah during the time of H. M. Arif Lubis and at the time of KH. Idham Chalid changed to Normal Islam and Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah which held the principle of tafaqquh fi ad din (Normal Islam). KH Idham Chalid's efforts as the leader of the Pesantren at Normal Islam were to combine exact lessons and general science as support with a presentation of 60% religious lessons and 40% general lessons using Arabic as an introduction. Context related to the study of Islamic education thought and aspects of advancing Islamic education, especially during the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia. This article uses a literature study with the type of research using qualitative, through this method the facts revealed include heuristic and historigraphy in revealing the history and role of KH. Idham Chalid in the world of education. The purpose of this research is to reveal patterns of thought in the development of Islamic education and the findings obtained are KH. Idham Chalid made reforms in the world of pesantren education related to three aspects, namely improving pesantren institutions, improving the education system, and developing infrastructur


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    Dakwah memiliki ruang lingkup yang luas. Karenanya, aktivitas dakwah tidak terbatas hanya pada sekelompok orang atau kawasan tertentu saja, tetapi bersifat menyeluruh. Salah satu kelompok masyarakat marginal yang patut untuk diperhatikan dakwah adalah masyarakat suku terasing yang dalam konteks lain terkadang disebut juga sebagai masyarakat daerah terpencil, masyarakat adat, atau masyarakat lokal. Diperlukan strategi atau pola dakwah yang berbasis kepada pemahaman dan karakteristik masyarakat lokal, sebab kehadiran dakwah bagi mereka diyakini tentu sangat diperlukan. Tidak hanya untuk memberikan perncerahan secara rohani (keagamaan), akan tetapi juga pemberdayaan ekonomi dan peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup. Data menunjukkan bahwa di Kalimantan Selatan, sedikitnya terdapat 32.506 jiwa atau 7.724 KK (Kepala Keluarga) yang hidup terasing sehingga tahun 1990-an. Angka ini kemudian menurun pada tahun 2001, menjadi 5.724 KK. Mereka tersebar di delapan daerah, yakni Kabupaten Banjar, Tapin, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Hulu Sungai Tengah, Hulu Sungai Utara, Tabalong, Tanah Laut dan Kotabaru. Keterasingan hidup masyarakat terpencil tersebut disertai dengan tiga permasalahan utama, yakni perambahan hutan, sosial budaya, dan pemilikan tanah. Di samping itu keterasingan kehidupan mereka ditandai pula oleh kondisi kesehatan yang masih rendah atau tradisional, tingkat pendidikan yang rendah, tingkat buta huruf yang masih tinggi, kurang gizi, tempat tinggal tak layak dan lingkungan yang tidak sehat, komunikasi dan kurangnya interaksi sosial dengan masyarakat yang lain, serta lemahnya tingkat pemahaman, penghayatan dan kehidupan beragama. Dalam konteks demikian, menarik untuk dipertanyakan, siapa masyarakat suku terasing dimaksud dan bagaimana pola dakwah terhadap mereka? Inilah yang hendak diuraikan dan menjadi pembahasan utama dalam tulisan ini

    Dakwah Kultural: Dialektika Islam dan Budaya dalam Tradisi Batatamba

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    Batatamba is a local wisdom that has unique characteristics that are passed from generation to generation. The focus of this research is batatambah ritual against magical diseases that are believed by Banjarese people to be caused by the spirits from the unseen world. The findings of this study indicate that there has been a dialectics between Islam and culture in the tradition of batatamba. Their acculturation is beneficial and there was no tension or harm in the process. Therefore, there is a harmony between the two; Islam gives color or spirit to the culture, while culture provides a wealth of understanding for the religion as can be observed from Banjarese people lif

    Manajemen Pembiayaan Pendidikan Bersumber dari Masyarakat

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    This study aims to describe the budget plan of income and expenditure of schools, the allocation of educational financing, the supervision of education financing, and the reporting of education financing originating from parents in MTs Darul Ulum Palangkaraya. This research uses qualitative descriptive research method, conducted in MTs Darul Ulum Palangka Raya. Data collection techniques through observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study reveal that the Madrasah Budget Plan  in MTs Darul Ulum Palangkaraya has been made through prior planning by the madrasah before meeting with foundations, school committees and parents, although the draft budget is made in the form of The simplest. In the case of the use of parents' funds, the learners are in accordance with the needs and RAPBM made, in the sense that the accounting has been made accounting. Furthermore, supervision of financial management is done directly by the principal

    The acceptance and effectiveness of digital learning technologies: A detailed empirical investigation in Islamic study classrooms

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    The acceptance of different technologies in different classroom settings has been addressed in the current study. Integrating alignment theory with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this study investigates the predictive differences between the use and adoption of four technologies. The technologies were used in Islamic study classrooms for four months during the springsemester of 2022 among the students of the Palangkaraya state Islamic religious institute in Indonesia. The survey questionnaire was distributed among students at the end of the semester. The results of this study revealed students' behavioral intentions to use all four digital technologies. However, the impact of adopting the classroom response system was larger followed by digital textbooks, mobile virtual reality and classroom chats. These results depict that students prefer the classroom response system and have little preferences for classroom chats while learning Islamic studies. The favorable results for the classroom response system, digital textbooks and mobile virtual reality depict that practitioners should consider the ease of access and affordability of these technologies at all educational levels to enhance students' learning capabilities

    Madihin: Kesenian Tradisional Masyarakat Banjar Sebagai Media Dakwah Islam

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    Penggarapan madihin sebagai media dakwah Islam, terutama bersifat lokal masih minim sekali. Oleh karena itu yang mendalam dan modifikasi terhadap pemanfaatn madihin sebagai media rakyat (folk media) dibidang dakwah urgent sebagaimana halnya ludruk dari Jawa Timur. Dengan demikian, madihin tidak hanya sebagai penyampai pesan-pesan keagamaan sekaligus berfungsi sebagai media hiburan dan pendidikan


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    This research examines the acculturation and transformation of traditional values of Banjarese Baayun Maulud . It used religious anthropology approach as an effort to understand the deepest meaning of the research object. The result shows that this tradition was historically started from swinging child ceremony of Dayakese Tribe in Kalimantan, in order to give blessing, give name, pray for safety, and to thank for the child birth. A long with the incoming and development of Islam in this region, the ceremony which was inherited by the ancestors experienced changes. The Islamic preachers have changed and acculturated this ceremony so it is full of Islamic values. The ceremony once called swinging child ceremony, then after the acculturation it became Baayun Maulud. The venue is centralized at the mosque and is combined with the celebration of Muhammad’s birthday. The children are swung with qur’an recitation, rhyme quatrains of maulud, and prayers. The local wisdoms and the religious thoughts has been unified in harmony in the tradition, which becomes the sign of gratitude expressions  for the child birth, as well as for celebrating and honoring the birth of the Greatest Prophet Muhammad SAw