53 research outputs found


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    This research journal explains about the research conducted by (Megawati (2016a) and Megawati (2016b). On the first web page in JEES shows the last chapter that is in August 2017, in the journal web there are 2 kinds that are published in a different year that is in the year 2017 published 2 volumes is in April and October then in 2016 published 2 volumes also and in the same month that is April and October. On the cover there orange color as its base color then combined with black and on the cover only filled the title and volume number. The readers there are 2 readers from abroad and also 8 readers from within the country. Then for the team maker consists of 3 parts of the team in the making of this journal and there is one of his team members came from abroad (Lebanon). While JEES uses descriptive methods to test its analysis because it implies the ability to write and produce journals. In JEES it describes a naturally occurring phenomenon without the interference of an experiment. Whereas on the first page of PEDAGOGIA shows the last chapter in August of 2017, in the journal web there are 7 kinds published in different year that is in the year 2017 there are 2 volumes in August and February, 2016 there are 2 volume in month August and February, 2015 There are 2 volumes in August and February, 2014 There are 2 volumes in August and February, 2013 There is 1 volume with pedagogical information, 2012 there is 1 volume with pedagogical description, and 2011 there is 1 volume with pedagogy description. On the cover there is the basic color of orange combined with gold and white, and on the cover already seen some of the explanation about the journal. Then for all readers consisting of 4 readers from within the country that is 3 readers from east java and 1 from central java.for the PEDAGOGIA journal creation team consists of 5 groups and all of its members are from within the university For this method using qualitative methods because it shows the resulting observation. Utilizing existing theories as explanatory materials and besides me to explain the analysis with an inductive approach based on data from quantitative methods. Various research journals have their advantages and disadvantages, but it also depends on what method we use. In each different method it will also make different analysis. Then use the method that suits the need in making a conclusion of a study

    Stalking black swans, dragon kings, and market crashes on the JSE

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    This paper examines bubbles on the JSE All Share Index as well as the critical time of the stock market crash from 2/01/ 2004 – 27/03/2014. The underlying hypothesis define bubbles as extreme and begin as a group of small events which grow in a super exponential form explained by a log periodic power law model (LPPL model). The hypothesis is based on the assumption of investors’ herding behavior, where investors collude by making investment decision correlated with their counterparties. The paper implements a Savitzky Golary Algorithm to detect peaks and calculate the critical time of the crash from the peaks. An Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method is used to determine both the value of stock market price index at the critical time and the increase in the stock market price index over the time before the crash. The remaining parameters of the LPPL model are estimated using a Maximum Likelihood Estimation method. On the empirical results; 68 peaks were detected, and the LPPL model at the critical crash time is estimated 34736.586. Five bubbles are detected; the 15/8/2005 bubble, 28/5/2013 bubble, 23/8/2013 bubble, 5/11/2013, and 1/20/2014

    Non-governmental organisations and the politics of mining law review in Malawi: subjectivities and bifurcated loyalties

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    This thesis examines the factors and relationships that impacted Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Malawi in shaping the review of the 1981 Mines and Mineral Act (MMA). In response to public outcry against environmental harm generated by mining activities, the Government of Malawi reviewed the 1981 MMA between 2007 and 2018, during which a group of NGOs in the country positioned themselves as championing the interests of the communities living within the mining sites. The review of any law is a political process among policymaking agents holding different interests, ideologies, and power, which takes different forms under different institutional contexts. Employing a qualitative research approach (drawing from key informant interviews, focus group discussions, document analysis and participant observation), and mobilising the analytical frameworks of environmentality and historical institutionalism, this thesis contributes to the theoretical debates relating to the (in)ability of NGOs to shape public policy towards the interests of marginalised communities. Fieldwork for this study was conducted in Karonga and Rumphi, Malawi’s only districts where coal was mined during the period of this study. The key argument of this study is that NGOs’ involvement in the technocratic processes of reviewing the 1981 MMA resulted into NGOs’ subjectivities into government and international donors’ rationalities of mining governance. Rather than addressing how environmental harm was negatively impacting the local communities’ ecological environment, livelihoods and health, the reviewed Act advanced technocratic solutions that commodified environmental harms as goods for monetary compensation. The study highlights how the state and international donors controlled the institutional channels that guided the review of the Act, and that NGOs’ financial dependence on international donors, combined with their competition for a seat in the national forums governing the extractives, resulted in NGO bifurcated loyalties between the local communities on one hand and the state and international donors on the other. Thus, this thesis explains how the state in Malawi was not only confronted by the NGOs, but also how the NGOs were themselves variously co-opted into the dominant structures of power. This thesis, therefore, questions the conventional argument on NGO empowerment agenda by demonstrating how technocratic processes of policymaking within hegemonic structures produces new political subjects that (re)construct agendas along the interests of powerful actors

    Seri pendidikan orang tua : menyambut lahirnya buah hat

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    Buku ini membahas mengenai informasi pentingnya perawatan janin selama kehamilan dan pengasuhan anak sejak lahir sampai dengan usia 2 tahun atau 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (HPK) anak

    Menyambut lahirnya buah hati

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    Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan kepada Ayah-Bunda tentang apa yang terjadi pada anak di 1.000 hari pertama kehidupannya. Dengan wawasan yang cukup, diharapkan Ayah-Bunda mampu memberikan pengasuhan yang terbaik sehingga kehidupan anak, kelak juga akan baik

    Typologie des Exploitations Agricoles Familiales et Technologie de Rouissage de Manioc : Cas des Exploitations de la Commune de Maluku, en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est l’élaboration d’une typologie des exploitations agricoles productrices du manioc dans la commune de Maluku, dans la pĂ©riphĂ©rie de Kinshasa en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo. Les critĂšres choisis sont : les caractĂ©ristiques socioĂ©conomiques (Type de main-d’Ɠuvre, appartenance Ă  un groupe des producteurs et le type de contraintes Ă  la production) ; les caractĂ©ristiques liĂ©es Ă  la technologie de production du manioc (superficie emblavĂ©e, matĂ©riels de labour et le type de matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal) ; les caractĂ©ristiques liĂ©es Ă  la technologie de transformation du manioc (mode de rouissage, durĂ©e du rouissage et rendement en cossettes) et le village. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es par enquĂȘte sur 344 exploitations agricoles Ɠuvrant dans 6 villages. La typologie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e grĂące Ă  une ACM et une CAH. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude ont permis de regrouper les producteurs de manioc en trois types sur base des variables retenues. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent 3 types d’exploitations agricoles. Avec le village, le type de contraintes, la productivitĂ© en cosette, le type de la main-d’Ɠuvre et le type de matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal comme les caractĂ©ristiques dominantes du premier axe de la typologie et  le mode et la durĂ©e de rouissage comme caractĂ©ristiques dominantes du deuxiĂšme axe.   The objective of this study is to develop a typology of cassava-producing farms in the Maluku area, on the outskirts of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The criteria chosen are: socio-economic characteristics (type of workforce, membership of a group of producers and type of production constraints); characteristics related to cassava production technology (exploited area, plowing equipment and type of plant material); the characteristics linked to the cassava processing technology (retting method, retting duration and chip yield) and the village. The data was collected by survey on 344 farms operating in 6 villages. The typology was made thanks to an ACM and finalized by a CAH. The results of the study made it possible to group cassava producers into three types on the basis of the variables retained. The results reveal 3 types of farms. With the village, the type of constraints, the productivity in cosette, the type of labor and the type of plant material as the dominant characteristics of the first axis of the typology and the mode and duration of retting as the dominant characteristics of the second axis

    A partnership-based model for embedding employability in urban planning education

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    This paper proposes a partnership-based model for embedding employability in urban planning education. The model is based on the author’s experiences of implementing an international project which supported the development of employability skills in urban and regional planning education in Malawi. Since independence, urban planners have typically trained outside the country, attending university in the UK and other Commonwealth countries. More recently, the paradigm has shifted towards in-country education delivered by academic staff cognisant with the opportunities and challenges of development in Malawi. There remains, though, a gap between graduate knowledge of the subject and the skills necessary to pursue a professional career in the sector. Although there is no consensus yet on the meaning of employability in the literature, lessons from the project indicate that academic–public–private collaboration helps incorporate in curriculum skills that employers anticipate. Applicability of these principles is however context dependent, particularly in the emerging economy context where institutional capacity may be less developed compared to elsewhere

    Hubungan Panjang Dan Berat Tuna Mata Besar (Thunnus Obesus), Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Dan Lemadang (Coryphaena Hippurus) Yang Didaratkan Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (Ppp) Pondokdadap Sendang Biru, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur

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    Ikan tuna mata besar (Thunnus obesus), Ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) dan Ikan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus) merupakan ikan pelagis besar yang hidup di lautan lepas. Ikan tuna mata besar dan ikan cakalang merupakan hasil tangkapan utama dari alat tangkap pancing ulur, sedangkan ikan lemadang merupakan hasil tangkapan sampingannya. Ikan tuna mata besar, ikan cakalang dan ikan lemadang merupakan ikan ekonomis penting di PPP Pondokdadap. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisi aspek biologi ikan berupa hubungan panjang dan berat ikan tuna mata besar, ikan cakalang dan ikan lemadang yang didarakan di PPP Pondokdadap, Sendang Biru, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai dengan November 2019. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan model dinamik atau analitik dan simple random sampling atau penarikan contoh acak sederhana untuk pengambilan untuk sampel. Pengambilan secara acak dimaksudkan agar setiap sample ikan memiliki kesempatan yang sama terambil dan terdiri dari berbagai macam ukuran dengan software aplikasi Microsoft Excel untuk mengolah data. Hasil analisis hubungan panjang berat ikan dengan 400 sampel per jenis ikan berdasarkan tiga panjangnya (SL, FL dan TL) adalah sebagai berikut: ikan tuna mata besar (Thunnus obesus) dengan persamaan W=1,4651E-05*SL3,1314 , W=1,111E-05*FL3,1404, W=1,40484E-05*TL2,9934secara keseluruhan uji t menunjukkan bahwa t hitung < t tabel yang berarti pola pertumbuhannya bersifat isometrik, ikan cakalang (Katsuwonuspelamis) dengan persamaan W=7,37806E- 06*SL3,286, W=4,96548E-06*FL3,3336 , W=3,86712E-06*TL3,3405dimana diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa secara keseluruhan uji t menunjukkan bahwa t hitung < t tabelyang berarti pola pertumbungannya bersifat isometrik, ikan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus) dengan persamaan W=0,000374507*SL2,1353, W=0,000245062*FL2,2107 dan W=0,0003248*TL2,0645 dimana diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa secara keseluruhan uji t menunjukkan bahwa t hitung > t tabel dengn nilai b<3 maka pola pertumbuhannya bersifat allometrik negatif. Diharapkan ada penelitian lebih lanjut tentang tuna mata besar (Thunnus obesus), ikan cakalang (Katsuwonuspelamis) dan ikan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus) dengan menggunakan data hubungan panjang dan berat yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini. Diharapkan pula adanya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang hubungan panjang dan berat ikan spesies lain agar sumberdaya perikanan pada lokasi ini dapat dikelola secara baik


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    Privatizimi Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« proces tĂ« cilin e kanĂ« praktikuar tĂ« gjitha shtetet qĂ« kanĂ« vendosur tĂ« arrijnĂ« njĂ« ekonomi tĂ« tregut nĂ« vendet e tyre. Pra, tĂ« gjitha vendet e zhvilluara kanĂ« kaluar nĂ«pĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« proces pasi kanĂ« besuar se kjo Ă«shtĂ« rruga e duhur pĂ«r funksionimin e njĂ« ekonomie. NĂ« kĂ«tĂ« punim ne do tĂ« flasim kryesisht pĂ«r privatizimin nĂ« pĂ«rgjithĂ«si, por nĂ« tĂ« njĂ«jtĂ«n kohĂ« do tĂ« flasim pĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« proces edhe nĂ« vendin tonĂ« pra nĂ« KosovĂ« i cili ka njĂ« rol tĂ« rĂ«ndĂ«sishĂ«m, por qĂ« ka hasur nĂ« shumĂ« probleme dhe kĂ«to probleme po vazhdojnĂ« edhe sot, pra nĂ« vitin 2014 nĂ« tĂ« cilin jemi tani, kjo pĂ«r arsye tĂ« ndryshme. NĂ« shtetet e zhvilluara nevoja e transformimit tĂ« ekonomisĂ« Ă«shtĂ« parĂ« nĂ« shek. e XX, kjo si rezultat i nevojĂ«s pĂ«r tĂ« pasur njĂ« ekonomi tĂ« shĂ«ndoshĂ« dhe efikase. Si rezultat i ndryshimeve politike nĂ« disa vende tĂ« botĂ«s filloj shĂ«ndrrimi i pronĂ«s shtetĂ«rore dhe shoqĂ«rore nĂ« pronĂ« private. Ndryshimet nĂ« kĂ«to vende sjellĂ«n edhe ndryshimin e procesit ekonomik pĂ«rmes procesit tĂ« transformimit dhe privatizimit tĂ« sektorit shtetĂ«ror, shoqĂ«ror nĂ« ekonomi. Ndryshimi i sistemit ekonomik ka pĂ«r qĂ«llim ndĂ«rtimin dhe zhvillimin e ekonomisĂ« sĂ« tregut. Privatizimi nĂ« kuptimin e gjerĂ« tĂ« fjalĂ«s nĂ«nkupton privatizimin e tĂ«rĂ« ekonomisĂ« e jo vetĂ«m privatizimin e ndĂ«rmarrjeve. Privatizimi kryesisht definohet si proces i shndĂ«rrimit tĂ« ekonomisĂ« nga ekonomia me pĂ«rmbajtje komanduese – vertikale nĂ« ekonomi me pĂ«rmbajtje tĂ« tregut horizontal, e cila nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« tĂ« qĂ«ndrueshme bazohet nĂ« parimet themelore tĂ« pronĂ«s private mbi mjetet e prodhimit. NĂ« dy dekadat e fundit, vende tĂ« shumta nĂ« botĂ« (vende tĂ« zhvilluara, nĂ« zhvillim dhe nĂ« tranzicion) inicuan procesin e reformimit tĂ« industrive publike duke pasur si qĂ«llim pĂ«rmirĂ«simin e efikasitetit tĂ« kĂ«tyre kompanive pĂ«rmes konkurrencĂ«s dhe pronĂ«sisĂ« private. NjĂ« tipar i pĂ«rbashkĂ«t i kĂ«tyre politikave ekonomike ka qenĂ« se shĂ«rbimet publike dhe projektet e infrastrukturĂ«s duhet tĂ« promovojnĂ« pĂ«rfshirjen e sektorit privat nĂ« menyrĂ« qĂ« tĂ« pĂ«rmirĂ«sohet efikasiteti, kualiteti i shĂ«rbimeve dhe mirĂ«qenia e konsumatorit. Si rezultat, ristrukturimi dhe privatizimi i shĂ«rbimeve publike ose pĂ«rfshirja e sektorit privat nĂ« ofrimin e kĂ«tyre shĂ«rbimeve, tani Ă«shtĂ« gjerĂ«sisht e pranuar si njĂ« alternativĂ« e preferuar kundrejt pronĂ«sisĂ« publike. Me kalimin e kohĂ«s, Ă«shtĂ« bĂ«rĂ« e qartĂ« se ndĂ«rrmarjet shtetĂ«rore tĂ« cilat ofrojnĂ« shĂ«rbime infrastrukturore nuk janĂ« nĂ« gjendje tĂ« bĂ«jnĂ« pĂ«rdorimin efikas tĂ« burimeve ose tĂ« ofrojnĂ« shĂ«rbime tĂ« kualitetit tĂ« lartĂ«. Ato ndonjĂ«herĂ« parqesin shterim tĂ« madh tĂ« burimeve publike (pavarĂ«sisht nga pozita e tyre monopol) dhe zakonisht kĂ«rkojnĂ« sasi tĂ« mĂ«dha tĂ« burimeve publike pĂ«r tĂ« pĂ«rmirĂ«suar kushtet e tyre. Ne si shtet i formuar tash e disa vite jemi tĂ« vetĂ«dijshĂ«m se procesi i privatizimit Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« proces qĂ« duhet tĂ« ndodhĂ« patjetĂ«r nĂ« vendin tonĂ« pavarĂ«sisht mosmarrĂ«veshjeve qĂ« mund tĂ« ketĂ« ndĂ«rmjet palĂ«ve. Privatizimi nĂ« KosovĂ« nuk ka funksionuar edhe siq duhet kjo pĂ«r shkakun e korrupsionit por edhe arsyeve tĂ« tjera. TashmĂ« shteti jonĂ« ka arritur deri njĂ« fazĂ« ku ka privatizuar shumĂ« ndĂ«rmarrje shtetĂ«rore, ku disa prej tyre kanĂ« pasur sukses e disa prej edhe kanĂ« dĂ«shtuar
