71 research outputs found

    Demokratik açılım ve çözüm sürecinde "Akil İnsanlar"

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    Günümüzde temsili liberal demokrasinin kriz yaşadığını ileri süren görüşlerin yaygınlaşması, beraberinde alternatif demokrasi arayışlarını gündeme getirmiştir. Yurttaşların kendilerini ilgilendiren konular hakkında kısıtlanmamış ve rasyonel bir biçimde tartışmaları ve bu tartışmalar sonucu alınan kararlarla temsili liberal demokrasinin “katılım” konusundaki krizini aşacağını ileri süren müzakereci demokrasi yaklaşımı, müzakereye dayanan bu modelin hayata geçmesi için kamusal alanın gerekliliğine işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, temsili liberal demokrasinin krizi ve alternatif bir demokrasi yaklaşımı olarak Habermasçı müzakereci demokrasi yaklaşımı değerlendirilmekte, Türkiye’de uzun yıllardır bir güvenlik sorunu olarak görülen ve askeri operasyonlarla çözüme kavuşturulması hedeflenen Kürt sorununun, ilk kez demokratik çözüm yolları ile aşılmaya çalışıldığı Demokratik Açılım Süreci ve bu çerçevede AK Parti hükümeti tarafından sorunun çözümünde bir aktör olarak görevlendirilen Âkil İnsanlar Heyeti ele alınmakta ve Âkil İnsanlar Heyeti özelinde geleneksel medyanın kamusal alan oluşumuna katkısının olup olmadığı sorgulanmaktadır.Çalışmada, kamusal alan-geleneksel medya ilişkisi, gazetelerdeki haber metinlerinin Teun A. Van Dijk’ın eleştirel söylem analizi yöntemiyle çözümlenmesiyle ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Geleneksel medyanın, siyasal olay/konuları kamunun gündemine taşıma, siyasal olay/konuları gündemde tutma ve bu olay/konularla ilgili bilgi aktarmak için uygun bir zemin olma özelliklerini taşıdığı çalışmanın bulguları arasındadır. Türk geleneksel medyasının kamusal alan oluşumu için gerekli olan her tür bilginin yurttaşlara iletilmesi hususunda yetersiz olduğu da çalışmanın sonuçlarındandır. Bu çalışmada, Habermasçı müzakereci demokrasinin günümüz koşullarında uygulanabilirliğinin zorluğu vurgulanmaktadır. --------------------“WISE MEN” IN THE DEMOCRATIC INITIATIVE AND SOLUTION PROCESSNowadays, the spread of the views that suggest the representative liberal democracy is experiencing a crisis has brought together the search for alternative democracy approaches. The deliberative democracy approach, which suggests that the citizens will discuss the issues that concern them in an unrestricted and rational way, and that the representative liberal democracy will overcome the crisis of “participation” by the decisions taken as a result of these discussions, points to the necessity of the public sphere in order to implement this model based on the negotiation. In this study, the crisis of representative liberal democracy and Habermasian deliberative democracy as an alternative democracy approach are examined; both The Democratic Initiative Process through which the Kurdish problem, which has been viewed as a security problem for many years and aimed to be resolved by military operations, has been attempted to be overcome with democratic solutions for the first time, and the Committee of Wise Men, which has been employed as an actor in the resolution of the problem by the Government of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in this frame are addressed; and it is questioned whether traditional media provides any contributions to the formation of the public sphere specific to the Committee of Wise Men. In the study, the relationship between the public sphere and traditional media has been presented by analyzing news texts in newspapers using Teun A. Van Djik’s critical discourse analysis method. It is among the findings of the study that traditional media has the qualities of being an appropriate platform to bring the political events/topics to the public agenda, to keep political events/topics on the agenda, and to transfer information about these events/subjects. It is also among the findings that Turkish traditional media is insufficient concerning the transfer of all kinds of information necessary to form the public sphere. In this study, the difficulty of the applicability of the Habermasian deliberative democracy under today’s conditions is emphasized

    Decision Tree Analysis of Sustainable and Ethical Food Preferences of Undergraduate Students of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts

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    The increase in the world’s population is driving consumption, leading to the rapid destruction of natural resources and thus raising concerns about the future state of resources. Agriculture and livestock activities, which can be considered under the heading of food, are one of the most significant factors having effects on sustainability. Animal welfare and ethical food selection have become important issues along with sustainability as people’s awareness has increased. As restaurants are an important part of the food industry, chefs have the power to influence sustainability and ethical food choices and set trends with the choices they make. In this respect, it is important to predict the sustainable and ethical food preferences of gastronomy and culinary arts (GCA) undergraduate program students who have the potential to become the chefs of the future, and to evaluate to what extent they regard chefs as responsible for these issues. In this study, the data obtained from GCA undergraduate students were analysed with the decision tree method using lavaan and rpart packages in the R program. The main objectives of this research are to determine the importance of the independent variables in the decision tree classification and the effects of these independent variables. The analysis suggests that the most important factor in the decision tree classification of the independent variables is the attitude towards sustainable food choice. It is concluded that the independent variables are effective in classifying students as high and low in terms of behavioural intention. It is also seen that attitude towards sustainable food choice is more effective in predicting whether behavioural intention is high or low

    Decision Tree Analysis of Sustainable and Ethical Food Preferences of Undergraduate Students of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts

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    The increase in the world’s population is driving consumption, leading to the rapid destruction of natural resources and thus raising concerns about the future state of resources. Agriculture and livestock activities, which can be considered under the heading of food, are one of the most significant factors having effects on sustainability. Animal welfare and ethical food selection have become important issues along with sustainability as people’s awareness has increased. As restaurants are an important part of the food industry, chefs have the power to influence sustainability and ethical food choices and set trends with the choices they make. In this respect, it is important to predict the sustainable and ethical food preferences of gastronomy and culinary arts (GCA) undergraduate program students who have the potential to become the chefs of the future, and to evaluate to what extent they regard chefs as responsible for these issues. In this study, the data obtained from GCA undergraduate students were analysed with the decision tree method using lavaan and rpart packages in the R program. The main objectives of this research are to determine the importance of the independent variables in the decision tree classification and the effects of these independent variables. The analysis suggests that the most important factor in the decision tree classification of the independent variables is the attitude towards sustainable food choice. It is concluded that the independent variables are effective in classifying students as high and low in terms of behavioural intention. It is also seen that attitude towards sustainable food choice is more effective in predicting whether behavioural intention is high or low

    Some indazoles reduced the activity of human serum paraoxonase 1, an antioxidant enzyme: in vitro inhibition and molecular modeling studies

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    Background: Paraoxonase 1 (PON1: EC is a vital antioxidant enzyme against mainly atherosclerosis and many other diseases associated with oxidative stress. Thus, studies related to PON1 have an important place in the pharmacology. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the in vitro inhibition effects of some indazoles on the activity of human PON1. Methods: PON1 was purified from human serum with a specific activity of 5000?U/mg and 13.50% yield by using simple chromatographic methods. Results: The indazoles showed K i values in a range of 26.0?±?3.00–111?±?31.0?µM against hPON1. All these indazoles exhibited competitive inhibition. In addition, molecular docking studies were performed in order to assess the probable binding mechanisms into the active site of hPON1. Molecular modeling studies confirmed our results. Conclusions: Inhibition of PON1 by indazoles supplies a verification to further consideration of limitation dosage of indazole molecule groups as drug. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Grou

    Woman and heritage: Sociological assessment

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    Geleneksel toplumlarda kadının erkeğe nazaran ikincil konumda yer almasının somut örneklerinden bir tanesinin miras hakkı ile ilgili pratikler olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bu konu ile ilgili olarak, Türkiye özelinde bir değerlendirme yapacak olursak, Türkiye’nin heterojen bir nitelik gösterdiğini söyleyebiliriz. Farklı bir deyişle, yasal düzenlemeler ele alındığında, kadın ve erkeğin eşit miras hakkına sahip olduğunu, ancak pratikteki uygulamalarına bakıldığında ise, bu eşitliğin her zaman gerçekleşmediğini görmek mümkün. Ekonomik ve kültürel unsurların, bu olgunun arkasında yer alan faktörler arasında olduğunu belirtmek mümkün. Kız kardeşlere, kız çocuklarına mirastan eşit pay vermek aile para ve diğer aile kaynaklarının israfı olarak algılanmaktadır. Gelecekte, bu kesimlerin evlenip başka ailelerin bir parçası, bir yabancı haline gelmesi durumu, böylesine inanışın oluşmasında etkili olabilmektedir. Çünkü, para ailenin malıdır ve aile içinde kalmalıdır. Bu yazıda, Türkiye’nin Kuzeydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde baraj inşaatı nedeni ile toprakların istimlak edilmesiyle devlet tarafından verilen bedellerin, varisler arasındaki paylaşımı, fenomenolojik hermeneutik ve “Kapsayıcı Kültürel Sosyoloji ” bakış açıları ile incelenmektedir. Toprakları istimlak edilen 28 kişi ile gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine mülakat sonuçlarına göre, kadın ve erkek katılımcıların, istimlak bedellerinin kadın ve erkek varisler arasında eşitsiz bir şekilde dağıtılmasını kabul ettikleri gözlenmiştir. Bu sonuç ile ilgili olarak, yazıda böylesine bir olgunun arkasında yer alan unsurlar adalet, toplumsal cinsiyet ve gelenek kavramları çerçevesinde tartışılmaktadır.It can be accepted that one of the practices of subordination of women to men in traditional societies is about the right of inheritance. If we think about the case of Turkey related to this topic, we could assert that, Turkey has heterogeneous character in this sense. In other words, if we examine legal arrangements, we can say that there is equal right of inheritance of both men and women. But, in practice the realization of this right cannot always happen. Both economical and cultural factors are among the causes of this fact. Giving equal part of inheritance to the daughters or sisters is perceived as the waste of money or sources of family. Because it is believed that, daughters and sisters in the future are going to be married and they going to be part of another family. So they will become a stranger. Money is the family’s own estate and it must be kept in the family. In this paper, this fact is examined in the case of distribution of money gave by the State as the condemnation appraisal of lands due to the construction of dams in the North-Eastern part of Turkey from the point of phenomenological hermeneutics and “Comprehensive Cultural Sociology”. As the result of semi structured of depth interviews made with 28 people whose land were condemned it can be asserted that, generally both women and men participants accepted the unequal distribution of this money between male and female inheritors. Related to this result, in this paper the factors of this situation are debated by depending the concepts as justice, gender and tradition


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    The presence of free-living amoebae (FLA) in swimming pools has become an issue of increasing concern in recent years on account of their pathogenicity and their capacity to host other microorganisms. Effective disinfection doses for neutralizing bacteria in swimming pools are specified in the guideline (15.11.2011) put out by the Turkish Ministry of Health; however, this guideline does include any information about FLA. This study aims, therefore, to investigate the effect of different concentrations (1, 3, 5 mg/L) and contact times (0, 30, 240 minutes) of NaClO against trophozoites of FLA isolated from swimming pool waters in Turkey. Experiments were conducted using the most probable number (MPN) method. Maximum log reductions were determined to be 1.764, 2.165, and 3.388 for 1, 3, and 5 mg/L of NaClO, respectively, at 240 minutes of contact time. A. castellanii (ATCC 50373) cysts showed little log reduction (0.017) against 5 mg/L of NaClO, which has a cytotoxic effect against 3T3 cells. Thus, we recommend that new disinfection strategies be developed to try to control the presence of FLA in swimming pools

    Synthesis, characterization and DFT-based investigation of a novel trinuclear singly-chloro-bridged copper(II)-1-vinylimidazole complex

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    Andac, Omer/0000-0003-3641-9690; Yolcu, Zuhal/0000-0001-7761-122XWOS: 000388256900024PubMed: 27640392A novel trinuclear copper(II) complex [Cu-3 (mu-Cl)(2) Cl-4 (1-Vim)(6)] with monodentate 1-vinylimidazole (1-Vim) and chloro ligands has been prepared and experimentally characterized by elemental analysis, thermogravimetry (TGA, DTG, DTA), X-ray single crystal diffractometry, TOF-MS and FT-IR spectroscopies. The electronic and structural properties of the complex were further investigated by DFT/TD-DFT methods. Density functional hybrid method (B3LYP) was applied throughout the calculations. The calculated UV-Vis results based on TD-DFT approach were simulated and compared with experimental spectrum. Based on the data obtained, DFT calculations have been found in reasonable accordance with experimental data