265 research outputs found

    Access to Communication Channels and Use of Family Planning among Women in Tanzania: Spatial and Socio-demographic Analysis

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    This study examined the relations and access to communication channels on the use of Family Planning (FP). Relationships between independent variables including access to communication channels and the use of FP services, and demographic characteristics were examined. This study used cross-sectional data from the Tanzania Demographic Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey (TDHS-MIS) of 2015-2016 from 11,127 women aged between 15-49 years. The sample was weighted to ensure representativeness. Univariate, bivariate and binary logistic regression analyses were used. Results in this study revealed a statically significant correlation between access to FP messages and use of family planning services (p<.001). Access to radio, television, printed media, and mobile phones was observed more among women who were never in a union, those with tertiary education, women in urban areas and among those within a high wealth index. Use of FP services increased with the fluency of access to FP messages. Printed media predicted more likelihood in the use of FP at 0.460, p<0.001; radio at  0.368, p<0.001; health facilities at 0.284, p<0.001 and education level at 0.276, p<0.001. The study concludes that despite the fact that there was a correlation between access to FP messages and the use of FP, the use or not use of the same is also influenced by factors.&nbsp

    Study of calcium ethoxide as new solution for the consolidation of carbonate stones

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    The combined action of several physical, chemical and biological factors cause the weathering of stone widely employed in the field of Cultural Heritage. These deterioration processes are well studied and the results have promoted the research of compatible, efficient, stable and long-lasting consolidation treatments to overcome the limitations of traditional ones and to meet the requirements of the historic building substrates. Within this context, during the European collaborative project NANOMATCH, different consolidating agents for carbonate supports, as calcium alkoxides, were synthesized and applied. The present works aimed at studying the properties and, especially, the effectiveness of one of these products - calcium ethoxide - as stone consolidant. This product is considered a promising alternative to traditional treatments for the consolidation of carbonate stones, since it meets one of the key requirements in the field of conservation of Cultural Heritage, such as the chemical compatibility with the support. In fact, calcium ethoxide, dissolved in a proper organic solvent, penetrates within the porous substrate and, reacting with moisture and carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, forms a calcium carbonate coating on the pore walls. The investigation started with a first characterization of calcium ethoxide diluted in different solvents - chosen for their different boiling point and because they are actually used in the restoration field - through a study of the carbonation process: its kinetics, reaction pathway and evaluation of mineralogical phases formed at the end of this process. Subsequently, the consolidant was applied on carbonate stones with different total open porosity value and a multi-technique approach was used for the assessment of its performance - compatibility and efficacy - as consolidating agent, by comparison with a commercial product This work has revealed important information regarding the influence of environmental conditions and used solvent on the carbonation process of calcium ethoxide and therefore, on its potential as consolidating treatment for carbonate supports

    Faecal corticosterone metabolite assessment in socially housed male and female wistar rats

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    Knowledge of animals’ hormonal status is important for conservation studies in wild or semi-free-ranging conditions as well as for behavioural and clinical experiments conducted in laboratory research, mostly performed on rats and mice. Faecal sampling is a useful non-invasive method to obtain steroid hormone assessments. Nevertheless, in laboratory studies, unlike other contexts, faecal sampling is less utilised. One of the issues raised is the necessity to collect samples belonging to different animals, separately. Usually, researchers using faecal sampling solve this problem through the isolation of animals or taking the cage rather than single animal as unit of study. These solutions though, could lead to unreliable measurements, and cannot be applied in many studies. Our aim was to show the biological reliability of individual faecal corticosterone metabolite (FCM) assessments in socially housed male and female Wistar rats. We analytically validated the enzyme immunoassay kit used for FCM assessments. Then, we exposed the animals to two different stress stimuli that are known to activate the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis and the following release of corticosterone to biologically validate the EIA kit: environmental enrichment and predator odour. Individual faecal sampling from social animals was collected through short-time handling. The results demonstrated that both the stimuli increased FCM levels in male and female rats showing the reliability of EIA kit assessment and the applicability of our sampling method. We also found a diurnal rhythm in FCM levels. These results could help to increase the use of faecal hormone metabolite determinations in studies conducted on rats

    Interactive Learning Method of Cultural Heritage for Europeanization in the Danube Region – ILMECH

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    The project will contribute to raising awareness of tangible (TCH) and intangible (ICH) cultural heritage of Danube Region (DR) by providing modern and innovative tools for teaching its essence to youth. In the DR there is a lack of a common European identity due to the historical, economic, and political backgrounds. The integration process has been slowed down due to the political instability and different development among the countries of the area. Youth, that will become the future European citizens and the real prospective for the development of their countries, are not much influenced by the memories remaining of the turbulent past of DR. Therefore, they are a sensible target to achieve an Europeanization of this area. To reach this aim, the project will introduce a common and interactive didactic method for the whole DR that teaches to high school pupils the proper value of their TCH and ICH in order to achieve an Europeanization prospective. This method includes “From practice to the theory” approach, “Do it yourself” experience and integration of innovative augmented reality ICT tools (3D reconstruction, educational videos and games). Moreover, the project will provide a web platform in which e-learning courses, free documentation regarding the didactic method developed, ICT tools database and guidelines on their use will be available. Dissemination action among schools will be carried out in order to promote the use of the proposed materials

    Selective reduction in the expression of type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the hippocampus of adult rats born by caesarean section.

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    AbstractPerinatal hypoxia causes long‐term neurobiological consequences, including alterations in mechanisms of activity‐dependent synaptic plasticity and cognitive dysfunction. Changes in neurotransmitter receptors have been associated with these alterations, but little is known on how early hypoxia influences the expression and function of metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors in adult life. This is an important issue because mGlu receptors are implicated in mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. Here, we examined the expression of mGlu1, mGlu5, and mGlu2/3 receptor subtypes in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex, and dorsal striatum in 6‐month old Wistar rats (a) born by vaginal delivery; (b) born by caesarean section; and (c) born by caesarean section followed by 20 min of asphyxia. Unexpectedly, we found a large reduction of mGlu1α protein levels in the hippocampus of rats born by caesarean section regardless of the presence of asphyxia. No changes in mGlu1α receptor protein levels were found in the other brain regions. Levels of mGlu5 and mGlu2/3 receptors and levels of GluA2/3 and GluN1 subunits of AMPA and NMDA receptors did not differ among the three groups of rats in any brain region. These results are consistent with previous findings showing that changes in mGlu1 receptors occur within the epigenetic programming caused by early‐life events

    Selective reduction in the expression of type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the hippocampus of adult rats born by caesarean section

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    Perinatal hypoxia causes long-term neurobiological consequences, including alterations in mechanisms of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity and cognitive dysfunction. Changes in neurotransmitter receptors have been associated with these alterations, but little is known on how early hypoxia influences the expression and function of metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors in adult life. This is an important issue because mGlu receptors are implicated in mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. Here, we examined the expression of mGlu1, mGlu5, and mGlu2/3 receptor subtypes in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex, and dorsal striatum in 6-month old Wistar rats (a) born by vaginal delivery; (b) born by caesarean section; and (c) born by caesarean section followed by 20 min of asphyxia. Unexpectedly, we found a large reduction of mGlu1α protein levels in the hippocampus of rats born by caesarean section regardless of the presence of asphyxia. No changes in mGlu1α receptor protein levels were found in the other brain regions. Levels of mGlu5 and mGlu2/3 receptors and levels of GluA2/3 and GluN1 subunits of AMPA and NMDA receptors did not differ among the three groups of rats in any brain region. These results are consistent with previous findings showing that changes in mGlu1 receptors occur within the epigenetic programming caused by early-life events

    TournĂ©e en Sardaigne de l'Association ForĂȘt MĂ©diterranĂ©enne du 31 mai au 5 juin 2000

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    Cette tournĂ©e forestiĂšre dĂ©crit la levĂ©e du liĂšge, principale ressource de l'Ăźle ; propose la possibilitĂ© de crĂ©ation d'un parc national dans la rĂ©gion du Gennargentu, nous guide dans la forĂȘt domaniale de MontĂšs, et enfin sur le littoral pour dĂ©couvrir la forĂȘt domaniale de Porto Conte avec sa grande composition floristique

    Portrait of an artist at work: exploring Max Ernst's surrealist techniques

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    AbstractMax Ernst was one of the most influential artists associated with both the Dada and Surrealist movements. However, until now, only few scientific studies have been devoted to his works. This paper presents the results of a multi-analytical investigation on six oil paintings, made between 1927 and 1942, belonging to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice (Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York). Through a combined art historical and scientific approach, this study aims at understanding Ernst's painting techniques, including frottage, grattage, dripping, and decalcomania, the used materials, and the state of conservation of the artworks. Non-invasive in situ investigations were performed by means of Vis–NIR multi-spectral imaging, X-ray fluorescence, external reflection FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Imaging analysis revealed important information about Ernst's painting methods while the other techniques provided useful information about the ground layer, the painting materials and the presence of alteration products. Ernst's palette discloses great freedom in his use of materials and evolution during the time. This investigation demonstrates that an integrated, non-invasive, diagnostic approach provides a thorough analysis of materials and execution techniques of Ernst' masterworks allowing an in-depth knowledge of his highly skilled work

    Behaviour of brick-NHL render systems in presence of NaCl solution

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    Double-layer renders were formulated for ensuring salt migration, ancient masonries conservation and environmental sustainability. Thus, natural hydraulic lime as binder and recycled aggregates from render wastes were selected. The properties were adjusted by adding an air-entraining agent in the inner layer and different percentages of water-repellent admixtures in the outer layer. The systems were applied on bricks and subjected to rising damp-evaporation cycles, for investigating their behaviour and properties in respect to NaCl migration. Mono-material prismatic render specimens were also studied. Water vapour permeability, capillary absorption, drying behaviour, compressive strength, mechanical resistance, conductivity and porosity of each formulation were evaluated. Good durability was observed whenever the render layers had different microstructure, either there was salts deposition within the lower layer,or if there was efflorescences formation. If the layers had similar structure, deposition of salt at the brick-render interface occurred causing damages to the substrate
