584 research outputs found

    Beryl: Structural refinement of a sodium-rich natural crystal from Lassur mine (Ariège, France)

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    The crystal structure rehnement of a blue beryl, abnormally rich in Na, collected in the mine of Lassur (Ariege. France) has been carried out. This Na-beryl is hexagonal, space group P6/mcc with a=9.236(4), c=9.201(5) A; D,i,= ~4.74g cm-' for Z=2. From this refinement the following formula Nao.Be~A1~.~Sis0O.9i ~H. 20w as found. A substitution of Al atom by Fe atom in the octahedral site and an orientational disorder o£ the water molecules in the channels is proposed to explain the crystal stmcture of this beryl

    Beryl: Structural refinement of a sodium-rich natural crystal from Lassur mine (Ariège, France)

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    The crystal structure rehnement of a blue beryl, abnormally rich in Na, collected in the mine of Lassur (Ariege. France) has been carried out. This Na-beryl is hexagonal, space group P6/mcc with a=9.236(4), c=9.201(5) A; D,i,= ~4.74g cm-' for Z=2. From this refinement the following formula Nao.Be~A1~.~Sis0O.9i ~H. 20w as found. A substitution of Al atom by Fe atom in the octahedral site and an orientational disorder o£ the water molecules in the channels is proposed to explain the crystal stmcture of this beryl

    Generation of a human iPS cell line from a patient with retinitis pigmentosa due to EYS mutation

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited retinal degenerative disease. Mutations in EYS have been associated with autosomal recessive RP. The human iPS cell line, CABi002-A, derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a patient carrying a heterozygous double mutation in EYS gene was generated by non-integrative reprogramming technology, using hOCT3/4, hSOX2, hc-MYC and hKLF4 reprogramming factors. Pluripotency and differentiation capacity were assessed by immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. This iPSC line can be further differentiated towards the affected cells to understand the pathophysiology of the disease and test new therapeutic strategies.Cellex FoundationFundación Progreso y Salu

    The Cultural Practices that Influence on the Entrepreneurial Activity: An Empirical Study from the Globe Project Cultural Dimensions

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    There are few empirical studies focused on the culture, as one of the informal factors that influences business development in a region. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of a society about its cultural practices based on cultural dimensions that are related to entrepreneurial activity. Through literature review, five cultural dimensions that would be closely related to entrepreneurship were identified, which has been corroborated in previous empirical studies. For this research, the city of Medellin (located in Colombia, developing country), which has been characterized by its high rate of business activity at the national level, is taken as context for the fieldwork. The findings show that the society under study perceives that its regional culture is characterized by a high level of assertiveness, hence its competitive nature and propensity to take risks, to boost the entrepreneurial activity.JEL Codes - M10; M13; M1

    Cylindrical anisotropic α2\alpha^{2} dynamos

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    We explore the influence of geometry variations on the structure and the time-dependence of the magnetic field that is induced by kinematic α2\alpha^{2} dynamos in a finite cylinder. The dynamo action is due to an anisotropic α\alpha effect which can be derived from an underlying columnar flow. The investigated geometry variations concern, in particular, the aspect ratio of height to radius of the cylinder, and the thickness of the annular space to which the columnar flow is restricted. Motivated by the quest for laboratory dynamos which exhibit Earth-like features, we start with modifications of the Karlsruhe dynamo facility. Its dynamo action is reasonably described by an α2\alpha^{2} mechanism with anisotropic α\alpha tensor. We find a critical aspect ratio below which the dominant magnetic field structure changes from an equatorial dipole to an axial dipole. Similar results are found for α2\alpha^{2} dynamos working in an annular space when a radial dependence of α\alpha is assumed. Finally, we study the effect of varying aspect ratios of dynamos with an α\alpha tensor depending both on radial and axial coordinates. In this case only dominant equatorial dipoles are found and most of the solutions are oscillatory, contrary to all previous cases where the resulting fields are steady.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Modelagem e controle avançado não-linear multivariável por lógica nebulosa : aplicação para um processo de copolimerização

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    A obtenção de um modelo matemático confiável de um dado processo é um pré-requisito fundamental para o projeto de controladores. Contudo, particularmente para sistemas poliméricos que são intrinsecamente caracterizados por dinâmicas complexas, o delineamento de uma aproximação a partir dos primeiros princípios é uma tarefa bastante árdua e, por vezes, não realizável. Logo, representações matemáticas mais simples, porém reprodutivas das principais peculiaridades do sistema, são bem-vindas. Assim sendo, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e a implementação de dois esquemas de controle preditivo não-linear multivariável baseado em modelo nebuloso para um processo de copolimerização. Modelos MISO (Multi-Input/Single-Output) lineares e exponenciais são construídos a partir da lógica nebulosa, combinados e aplicados para simulação e predição on-line. Os desempenhos das estruturas de controle propostas foram comparados ao DMC (Dynamic Matrix Control) e a um típico NMPC (Nonlinear Model-based Predictive Control) para o problema servo. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a eficácia das configurações projetadas

    Variability of the prevalence of depression in function of sociodemographic and environmental factors: ecological model

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    Major depression etiopathogenesis is related to a wide variety of genetics, demographic and psychosocial factors, as well as to environmental factors. The objective of this study is to analyze sociodemographic and environmental variables that are related to the prevalence of depression through correlation analysis and to develop a regression model that explains the behavior of this disease from an ecological perspective. This is an ecological, retrospective, cross-sectional study. The target population was 1,148,430 individuals over the age of 16 who were registered in Aragon (Spain) during 2010, with electronic medical records in the community’s primary health care centers. The spatial unit was the Basic Health Area (BHA). The dependent variable was the diagnosis of Depression and the ecological independent variables were: Demographic variables (gender and age), population distribution, typology of the entity, population structure by sex and age, by nationality, by education, by work, by salary, by marital status, structure of the household by number of members, and state of the buildings. The results show moderate and positive correlations with higher rates of depression in areas having a higher femininity index, higher population density, areas with a higher unemployment rate and higher average salary. The results of the linear regression show that aging +75 and rural entities act as protective factors for depression, while urban areas and deficient buildings act as risk factors. In conclusion, the ecological methodology may be a useful tool which, together with the statistical epidemiological analysis, can help in the political decision making process

    Alternativas ambientales para el manejo de los residuos sólidos en la Institución Educativa Municipal Chachagüí

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    En la Institución Educativa Municipal Chachagüí (Nariño), se han realizado actividades de Educación Ambiental con el apoyo del grupo ecológico (Ecoclub) en cumplimiento al Proyecto Ambiental Escolar – PRAE, formulado como respuesta a la problemática principal, que es el inadecuado manejo de los Residuos Sólidos no Peligrosos (RSnP); sin embargo, para lograr resultados positivos dentro de la práctica socioambiental, se considera importante un trabajo interdisciplinar y continuo. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este trabajo investigativo fue plantear alternativas ambientales para el aprovechamiento de los RSnP, mediante la contextualización de la dinámica de dichos residuos dentro de la Institución y la articulación transversal de las alternativas de solución al currículo escolar, teniendo en cuenta las competencias y tipos de conocimiento establecidos por el Ministerio de Educación colombiano (Ser, Hacer y Conocer). Para lo cual, se realizó un diagnóstico de la problemática mediante la caracterización de los residuos, se determinó el índice de cultura en cuanto al manejo adecuado de RSnP usando el programa SPSS v.20, y se seleccionaron las alternativas ambientales viables al contexto haciendo uso de herramientas participativas, determinado así las alternativas manualidades en papel reciclado y lombricompostaje. Esto favoreció el liderazgo en los estudiantes y el trabajo articulado entre los docentes; además, la transversalización que se realizó dentro del proyecto educativo institucional (PEI), contribuyó a la mejora en la participación activa, conocimientos, actitudes y valores de toda la comunidad educativa frente a la problemática

    A model-based sustainable productivity concept for the best decision-making in rough milling operations

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    [EN]There is a need in manufacturing as in machining of being more productive. However, at the same time, workshops are also urged for lesser energy waste in cutting operations. Specially, rough milling of impellers and bladed integrated disks of aircraft engines need an efficient use of energy due to the long cycle times. Indeed, to avoid dramatic tool failures and idle times, cutting conditions and operations tend to be very conservative. This is a multivariable problem, where process engineers need to handle several aspects such as milling operation type, toolpath strategies, cutting conditions, or clamping systems. There is no criterion embracing productivity and power consumption. In this sense, this work proposes a methodology that meets productivity and sustainability by using a specific cutting energy or sustainable productivity gain (SPG) factor. Three rough milling operations-slot, plunge nad trochoidal milling-were modelled and verified. A bottom-up approach based on data from developed mechanistic force models evaluated and compared different alternatives for making a slot, which is a common operation in that king of workpieces. Experimental data confirmed that serrated end milling with the highest SPG value of 1 is the best milling operation in terms of power consumption and mass removal rate (MRR). In the case of plunge milling technique achieve an SPG < 0.51 while trochoidal milling produces a very low SPG value.The authors acknowledge the support from the Spanish Government (JANO, CIEN Project, 2019.0760) and Basque Government (ELKARTEK19/46, KK-2019/00004). This research was funded by Tecnologico de Monterrey through the Research Group of Nanotechnology for Devices Design, and by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Mexico (Conacyt), Project Number 296176, and National Lab in Additive Manufacturing, 3D Digitizing and Computed Tomography (MADiT) LN299129. The authors also acknowledge the support from Garikoitz Goikoetxea and fruitful discussions with Mr. Jon Mendez (Guhring (c)) and Endika Monge (Hoffmann Group (c))

    Peripheral giant cells granuloma as a rare early manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism occurs due to parathyroid adenoma, which as initial presentation in most cases includes recurrent nephrolithiasis (10-25%). Giant cell tumors (GDD) also called osteoclastomas or brown tumors affect the second decade of life and are currently a rare manifestation of primary hyperthyroidism. The incidence of lesion appearance in the maxillary bones is 4.5%. We presented the case of a 36 year old female patient with history of hypertension, who developed an increase in volume in the right maxillary region of 4×3 cm, with incapability of complete occlusion of dental arch, solid dysphagia, biopsy was performed with peripheral giant cells granuloma as a result, PTH serum levels were requested, with result of 1175 pg/ml and serum calcium of 13.24 mg/dl. Parathyroid gammagram was performed with hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue. Patient underwent a selective parathyroidectomy. She had an adequate postoperative evolution and was discharged without complications. The patient had adequate follow up by head and neck surgery in external consultation, serum calcium 7.66 mg/dl, decrease of volume in right maxillary region to 3×3 cm; pathology report with parathyroid adenoma. Surgical treatment of brown tumor is still pending by the maxillofacial surgery department