26 research outputs found

    Evaluation De La Qualité Physico-Chimique Des Eaux Souterraines Au Voisinage De La Décharge Contrôlée Mohammedia-Benslimane : (Étude Préliminaire)

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    L’intérêt de la présente étude est de déterminer la qualité des eaux souterraines au voisinage de la décharge contrôlée de Mohammedia- Benslimane installée dans la région depuis 2012. Il s’agit des eaux de 7 puits destinées à l’irrigation et/ou à la consommation. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés aux normes marocaines et montrent que les teneurs en chlorures sont très élevées dans tous les puits (158.2 à 845.6 mg/L) et dépassent largement les normes d’irrigation (105 mg/L). La DCO varie entre (34.6 et 67.2 mg O2/L) dans cinq puits, ces valeurs sont élevées par rapport à la valeur admissible de l’eau potable (25 mg O2/L). Les concentrations enregistrées pour le Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn et Ni correspondent bien aux normes d’irrigation et de potabilité des eaux. Cependant les teneurs en Pb varient entre (0.07 et 0.14mg/L) dans 4 puits dont 3 sont situés en aval de la décharge. Ces valeurs dépassent celles de la norme de potabilité (0.05 mg/L). Les concentrations les plus élevées en chrome sont observées dans trois puits situés en amont de la décharge et un à l’aval. En ce qui concerne le cadmium, ses teneurs ne dépassent pas les normes de potabilité et d’irrigation, à l’exception d’un puits situé à l’aval de la décharge et dont la valeur dépasse de (0,001 mg/L) la norme de potabilité. Enfin, la qualité générale des eaux étudiées serait probablement liée aux activités humaines et à la nature du sol traversé par les eaux pluviales et non à la décharge. The aim behind this study is to determine the quality of the groundwater surrounding the landfill that has taken place in Mohammedia- Benslimane since 2012. It is a matter of seven wells dedicated to irrigation and/or daily use. The results obtained are compared to Moroccan standards and clearly show that the chlorides levels are abnormally high amongst all the wells (158.2 to 845.6 mg/L) and go well beyond the irrigation’s standards (105 mg/L). The chemical oxygen demand (COD) varies between (34.6 and 67.2 mg O2/L) in five of the wells: values that exceed the allowed drinking water’s value (25 mg O2/L). The recorded concentrations of the Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and the Ni are well aligned with the standards of irrigation and drinking water quality. However, the Pb levels, which exceed the standards of potability (0.05 mg/L) range from(0.07 and 0.14 mg/L). The highest chromiumconcentrations were recorded in three of the wells upstream from the landfill and a single one amongst the ones located downstream. Even though the Cadmium levels are aligned with the standards of potability and irrigation in six of the wells, it remains exceeding the standards of the drinking water quality by (0.001 mg/L). As a conclusion, the overall quality of the studied groundwater would probably be linked to the human activities on the surroundings, as well as to the nature of the ground crossed by the stormwater not to the landfill

    Use of olive pomace as an amendment to improve physico-chemical parameters of soil fertility

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    ArticleGiven their richness in nutritive elements, the majority of agricultural waste is used as soil amendments, including olive oil waste. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the use of olive pomace from three extraction systems on the physico-chemical fertility of the soil, after their use as an amendment for faba bean cultivation. The experiment is carried out at the Civil Engineering and Environment Laboratory in the EST of Salé, in pots where the olive pomace has been mixed with the soil, respecting the percentages studied. Several relative physico-chemical parameters of soil fertility were determined at the end of the experiment, namely pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total kjeldhal nitrogen (NTK) content, organic carbon and exchangeable bases concentration and soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) determination. Different percentages of pomace from the three extraction systems were applied (control, 10%, 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) for four months of bean germination test. The application of the pomace reduced soil pH, and increased soil organic matter and organic carbon content in proportion to the added percentage of pomace. The available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium content increased significantly (p < 0.05) in pots containing different percentages of pomace compared to their concentrations in the soil (control). The total nitrogen content has not increased sufficiently but remains significantly different from the control, especially for the percentages of 25%, 50% and 75%. For its part, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) is important and will allow a good retention of nutrients for all percentages

    Composting olive pomace: evolution of organic matter and compost quality

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    Morocco is one of the major olive-producing countries with an annual production of 1.56 million tonnes, part of which is dedicated to olive oil production. This important production generates, in addition to oil as the main product, a significant amount of waste (pomace and olive mill wastewater). The latter, when released in large quantities into the natural environment, cause fatal pollution. A suitable valuation of this waste will allow a clean and sustainable production for the sector. This work consists of composting olive pomace from the traditional system with two structural agents (poultry droppings and cattle manure) and comparing the two composts in terms of composting process parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter temperature, etc.), organic matter dynamics and compost quality, with manual aeration of the compost. Despite the high humidity level of the used pomace (80%), the adopted composting conditions have been effective in reducing high levels of organic matter and therefore organic carbon, as well as reducing the extreme phytotoxicity of the pomace. The experiment showed that the stabilization process in all the four treatments studied is comparable, and the final quality of the composts was adequate for agricultural use

    Fertilizing power evaluation of different mixtures of organic household waste and olive pomace

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    Received: February 15th, 2022 ; Accepted: June 27th, 2022 ; Published: August 12th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] the perspective of sustainable agriculture established by the Green Morocco Plan, it is interesting to direct research more towards the agronomic valorization of olive pomace, to give birth to a clean olive growing which leads to a viable economy thus respecting a pillar of sustainable development. Several studies have shown the effectiveness of using olive pomace as a soil amendment. Therefore, in this study we want to increase the agricultural performance of olive pomace by composting by mixing it with other waste. Morocco is considered one of the major olive-producing countries with an annual production of 1.41 million tonnes (MT), part of it is dedicated to olive oil production. Morocco produces approximately 26.8 MT of waste annually, 8.3 MT are household waste, 70% are organic household waste (5.8 MT). The current production of organic household waste in urban areas is estimated at 4.8 million tonnes per year, or an average of 0.76 kg hab-1 day-1 , and in rural areas 1 million tonnes per year, or an average of 0.30 kg hab-1 day-1 (SNRVD, 2015). Agri-food industry waste is around 3 million tonnes with 600,000 to 700,000 tonnes of olive oil waste (pomace) (Agricultural Development Agency, 2018). The rejection of this waste without any prior treatment contributes to the environment deterioration. However, a large part of this waste remains recoverable, which would reduce both waste volume to be eliminated and the associated management cost. This; will contribute to reducing the negative impacts on receiving environments and the cost of restoring the environment state, and ensuring a transition towards a circular economy. Our work is part of the context of solid waste management and recovery, in particular organic waste from household and food-processing activities, and is oriented towards the pomace recovery by composting, mixing it with different percentages of organic household waste. This work consists on composting olive pomace from the three phases system with another structural agent (organic household waste). Comparing the mixtures (6 treatments) with different concentrations in terms of composting process parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter temperature, etc.), organic matter evolution and composts quality, with manual aeration of the compost, in order to increase the agricultural yield of the olive pomace. Residues from the fermentation process can be used in agriculture. All the different mixtures of the different percentages are characterized at the initial state and at the end of the composting process in order to highlight their nutritional values

    Effect of nitrogen level application on yield and fruit quality of Navel orange variety in a sandy soil

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    L’objectif de cet essai est d'évaluer l'effet de la dose d'azote sur le rendement et la qualité des fruits et de déterminer la dose optimale en azote pour les arbres de l’orange Navel greffé sur le porte-greffe citrange Troyer planté en 1964 en plein champ à un espacement de 7mx7m (204 arbres/ha) au niveau de la station expérimentale d’El Menzeh, INRA Maroc. Le dispositif adopté est un bloc aléatoire complet avec trois blocs rangés en 4 arbres consécutifs par bloc sur la même ligne. Quatre doses de N ont été testés : (T0 (Témoin) : 0, T1 : 100, T2 : 200, T3 : 300 Kg N/ha). Les paramètres mesurés sont : le calibre des fruits, le poids moyen par fruit, la qualité des fruits (le rendement en jus, l’acidité du jus, l’extrait sec soluble (ESS ou °Brix) et l’indice de maturité (E/A)) et le rendement en fruits. Le rendement en fruits, le poids moyen des fruits, le calibre des fruits, l’extrait sec soluble (TSS), l'acidité du jus et l'indice de maturité de l’orange Navel ont répondu significativement à l’augmentation de la dose d’azote. Le rendement en kg de fruits/arbre a été considérablement amélioré avec l'augmentation de la dose d'azote. Par ailleurs, les rendements les plus élevés (129.21 et 139.82 kg/arbre) ont été enregistrés sous les traitements T2 et T3 respectivement. Par contre, le rendement en fruits/arbre le plus faible a été obtenu chez les arbres non fertilisés (témoin). Le poids des fruits (268.54 et 276.50g) et la taille des fruits (78.94 et 80.87 mm) les plus élevés ont été enregistrés avec les même traitements T2 et T3 respectivement. La teneur totale en sucre soluble (TSS) la plus élevée a été enregistrée chez les arbres des traitements T2 et T3 (12.20 et 11.70 °Brix respectivement). Par ailleurs, une augmentation significative de l'acidité du jus de fruits de l’orange Navel a été également enregistrée en augmentant la dose d’azote. L'acidité la plus élevée a été obtenue par les mêmes traitements T2 et T3 (1,13 et 1.20 % respectivement). L’application de 200 Kg de N /ha a permis d’avoir un rendement maximal et une qualité optimale des fruits des oranges Navel greffés sur le porte-greffe citrange Troyer sur un sol sableux dans la région de Gharb.The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen level on yield and fruit quality of citrus and to determine the optimum N fertilizer rates of Navel orange variety budded on Troyer citrange rootstock in field conditions. The orange Navel orchard spaced 7mx7m (204 trees/ha) grown in 1964 on a sandy soil at the experimental station of El Menzeh, INRA Morocco. The experiment was set up in a complete randomized block design with three blocks and the experimental unit was composed on 4 consecutive trees in the row. Four fertilization treatments of N (Kg/ha) (T0 (control): 0, T1: 100, T2: 200, T3: 300) were applied to Navel citrus tree in field conditions over two seasons 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.Fruit yield, fruit weight, fruit size, total soluble sugar (TSS) content, acidity of juice and maturity index of Navel orange were significantly affected by increasing N level. Fruit yield/tree was improved significantly with increase in N rate. Significant highest yields (129.21 and 139.82. kg/tree) were recorded under treatments T2 and T3 respectively. The lowest fruit yield/tree was obtained from untreated control plot. Maximum fruit weight (268.54 and 276.50 g) and fruit size (78.94 and 80.87 mm) was recorded with the same treatments T2 and T3 respectively. Total soluble sugar content was also maximum in trees receiving treatment (T2) and treatment (T3) 12.20 and 11.70°Brix respectively. Significant increase in acidity of juice of fruit Navel orange was also recorded by increasing the rate of N. The highest acidity (1.13 and 1.20%) was achieved by the same treatments T2 and T3 respectively. Two-year studies showed that application of fertilizers at the rate of 200 Kg N/ha would be optimum for achieving higher yield and better fruit quality of Navel orange variety in sandy soil in Gharb area

    Assessing indicators of runoff and erosion by rain simulation in the Ben Ahmed watershed (Central Morocco)

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the risks of runoff and erosion of soils in the Ben Ahmed watershed, it's located in the region of casa-settat, 70 km south-east of Casablanca, and characterized by a semi-arid climate. The study consists of measuring on 1 m2 plot, the volumes of runoff and sediments, under the influence of rainfall generation (60mm/30 min). Soil samples were collected from each plot to determine texture, organic matter and humidity. Results obtained show that the detachability varies between 19 and 34 g/l, infiltrability oscillate between 15 and 37 mm.h-. Pearson correlation test shows that infiltration was negatively correlated with runoff and soil detachability (R=-0.99, R=-0.87 respectively). It‘s significantly correlated with the proportions of sand(R=0.69), silt (R= -0.98) an clay (R= 0.92), however, is weakly correlated with organic matter (R=-0.32). Infiltration and detachability were significantly correlated with humidity (R = -0.99, R = -0.63respectively)

    Optimization of NPK levels of Clementine Sidi Aissa (Citrus reticulata Blanco) trees grafted on different citrus rootstocks

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    Received: August 15th, 2023 ; Accepted: October 18th, 2023 ; Published: November 5th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] present study aims to investigate the impact of various nitrogen concentrations on young Clementine Sidi Aissa citrus trees (Citrus reticulata Blanco), grafted on five citrus rootstocks namely Moroccan Carrizo citrange, French Carrizo citrange, Troyer citrange, Citrus macrophylla, and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.). The experiment took place in greenhouses at the Experimental station of El Menzeh INRA-Morocco, with the young trees grown in containers. We applied five different nitrogen treatments (expressed as mg L-1 of N-P2O5-K2O): (0–0–0), (0–25–50), (25–25–50), (50–25–50), and (100–25–50). The split-plot experimental design was used with three replications. The findings demonstrate that the nitrogen enrichment resulted in enhanced plant growth, marked by increased plant height, rootstock and scion stem diameters, diameter and shoot length, relative water content (RWC), as well as leaf chlorophyll and proline content. Optimal growth of the Clementine Sidi Aissa trees was observed under the 100–25–50 (mg L-1 of N-P2O5-K2O) treatment. The study also found that leaf nitrogen concentration increased in line with the quantity of nitrogen added, whereas the percentages of phosphorous and potassium in the leaves decreased. The most significant growth increase across the majority of the studied parameters was noted in Clementine Sidi Aissa trees grafted on Moroccan Carrizo citrange and Troyer citrange rootstocks

    Tillage system affects soil organic carbon storage and quality in Central Morocco

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    Stabilizing or improving soil organic carbon content is essential for sustainable crop production under changing climate conditions. Therefore, soil organic carbon research is gaining momentum in the Mediterranean basin. Our objective is to quantify effects of no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) on soil organic carbon stock (SOCs) in three soil types (Vertisol, Cambisol, and Luvisol) within Central Morocco. Chemical analyses were used to determine how tillage affected various humic substances. Our results showed that, after 5 years, surface horizon (0–30 cm) SOC stocks varied between tillage systems and with soil type. The SOCs was significantly higher in NT compared to CT (10% more in Vertisol and 8% more in Cambisol), but no significant difference was observed in the Luvisol. Average SOCs within the 0–30 cm depth was 29.35 and 27.36 Mg ha−1 under NT and CT, respectively. The highest SOCs (31.89 Mg ha−1) was found in Vertisols under NT. A comparison of humic substances showed that humic acids and humin were significantly higher under NT compared to CT, but fulvic acid concentrations were significantly lower. These studies confirm that NT does have beneficial effects on SOCs and quality in these soils