1,544 research outputs found

    Creator of the effectıve language of the Central Asia Turkish World Cinema a Master Director: Tolomush Okeev

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    Günümüzde, sinema, kişilerarası ilişkiler, toplumsal yaşam, kitlesel hareketler ve bütün bunların yeniden yorumlanıp şekillenmesi açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bu yüzden sinema, yeni bir dünyanın yaratılması adına kullanılan en etkin araçlardan biridir. Geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılmış, büyük bir kültür alanı oluşturan Türk soylu ülke ve toplulukların, birlikteliği bakımından, sinemanın etkili anlatım dilinin kullanımı büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Orta Asya Türk Dünyası sinema etkinliklerinin genel tarihsel sürecinden bahsedildikten sonra bu tarihsel süreçte önemli bir role sahip Kırgız Sineması ve Kırgız Sineması’nın başat yönetmenlerinden Tolomuş Okeev’in sinema serüveni ele alınıp, kendine özgü sinema anlayışı irdelenmektedir.Nowadays, cinema has a great importance in interpersonal relationships, social life, mass movements and it is important for the point that all of these to be re-interpreted and shape.Therefore, cinema is one of the most effective tools in the interest of creating of a new World. In terms of the association of Turkish origin countries and communities, which spread over a large geographical area and constituted a large field of culture, cinema’s effective use of the language of expression is of paramount importance. In this study ,after mentioning the historical process of the general activities of Central Asia Turkish World Cinema, Kyrgyz Cinema which had an important role in this historical process and Kyrgyz Cinema’s one of the dominant directors ; Tolomuş Okeev’s cinema adventure was handled.Morever,his unique understanding of cinema was examined

    Impact Of Interest Rate And Exchange Rate On The Stock Market Index In Malaysia: A Cointegration Analysis

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    Kajian ini mengkaji kesan kadar faedah dan kadar pertukaran terhadap indeks pasaran saham di Malaysia. This paper examines empirically the nature of the impact of the exchange rate and interest rate on Malaysia stock market index

    Shear strength in friction welded joint of poplar wood impregnated with copper-based wood preservative

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    Environmentally friendly processes are of great interest and considerably needed due to the worldwide problem of pollution. Linear vibration welding of timber structural elements provides new opportunities to potentially achieve structural joints. Mechanically induced vibrational wood fusion welding is shown to be due mostly to the melting and flowing of some amorphous, cells-interconnecting polymer material in the structure of wood, mainly lignin, but also hemicelluloses. In this study, poplar (Populus euramericana) samples were impregnated with alkaline copper quat (ACQ) in order to enhance welding performance. Chemical changes of the impregnated and welded specimens were characterized by FT-IR techniques. A decrease in the proportion of unoxidized phenolic groups in the lignin were observed by FT-IR and the decreased joint strength observed is impregnated wood. After impregnation, shear strength decreased by 37 % to 54 %. The X-ray CT-scanning results revealed that the average density of the poplar wood (368 kg/m3) increased to 710 kg/m3 by welding

    Financial Self-Efficacy, Behaviour, Wellness and its Effect on Academic Performance among Nursing Students

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    Financial management is an important thing, especially for students in the university, because money is one of the crucial aspects of university life. This study aims to determine the relationship between financial self-efficacy, behaviour, wellness and its effect on academic performances.  The quantitative cross-sectional study design was carried out using a questionnaire. The finding shows that students had a high level of financial self-efficacy, practised fairly good financial behaviour and had a moderate level of financial wellness. These finding can provide an effective plan and implement financial wellness initiatives on campus. Keywords: financial self-efficacy; financial behaviour; financial wellness; academic performance eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5i15.2456

    Nanotechnology Attitude Scale Development Study for Pre-Service Science Fields Teachers

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    This study aims to develop a measurement tool to measure pre-service teachers' attitudes (PST) in science fields towards nanotechnology. For this purpose, a five-point Likert-type scale consisting of 55 items applied to 373 PST who enrolled in science fields (Science, Chemistry, Biology, Physics) at the grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th at a public university in Turkey. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) determined that the scale had a 3-factor structure consisting of 24 items and the factors explained 55.854% of the total variance of the attitude variable. Verification of the model was tested by applying confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The CFA data obtained from 770 PST enrolled in science fields at the grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th at two different public universities in Turkey. The results obtained from CFA were in agreement with the model obtained by EFA. Cronbach's alpha (Cr-α) reliability of the scale calculates to be 0.926. Findings from the validity and reliability analyses show that the scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can measure pre-service science fields teachers’ (PSSFT) attitudes towards nanotechnology

    Primjena metode konačnih elemenata za modeliranje drvno-plastičnih kompozita ojačanih vlaknima za uporabu u konstrukciji namještaja s polukrutim vezovi

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    In this study, control samples of pine (Pinus slyvestris L.), beech (Fagus orientalis L.) and oak (Quercus petreae L.) species were obtained by using fi ber reinforced finger corner joints. Teknobont 200 epoxy and polyvinyl (PVAc) adhesives were used as glue. Bearing in mind the critical loads that may affect their use, experimental samples were tested under diagonal loads. Experimental samples were also analyzed by a computer program using the finite element method (FEM). Finally, experimental data were compared with the results of FEM. The comparisons clearly showed that experimental results and finite element solutions (SAP2000 V17) including semi-rigid connections are in good agreement. As a structural analysis program in furniture engineering designs, FEM can be preferred in terms of reliability and cost.U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja uzoraka borovine (Pinus slyvestris L.), bukovine (Fagus orientalis L.) i hrastovine (Quercus petreae L.) spojenih kutnim zupčastim spojevima i ojačanih vlaknima. Kao ljepilo upotrijebljeno je epoksidno ljepilo Teknobont 200 i polivinilacetatno ljepilo (PVAc). Imajući na umu opterećenja koja se pojavljuju tijekom uporabe, eksperimentalni su uzorci ispitivani pri dijagonalnim opterećenjima. Uzorci su također analizirani računalnim programom primjenom metode konačnih elemenata (FEM). Eksperimentalni podatci i podatci dobiveni FEM analizom uspoređeni su te se jasno može vidjeti da se ti podatci za polukrute vezove podudaraju. Glede pouzdanosti i troškova, kao strukturnom programu analize u dizajniranju namještaja prednost se može dati FEM analizi

    Analiza kompozita od kopolimera stirena i anhidrida maleinske kiseline (SMA) punjenih pregrijanim drvom metodom konačnih elemenata

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    The computer aided three dimensional static analyses of the specimens was done by using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and obtained data was compared with actual test data. The aim of this study is to compare the deformation/stress analyses with FEM analysis results of styrene maleic anhydride (SMA) copolymer composites. The heat treated wood/SMA copolymer composites were produced from different loadings (from 10 to 30 wt. %) of heat treated and untreated eastern white pine wood flours (Pinus strobus L.). All formulations of wood flour/SMA copolymer composites were produced by melt compounding through injection molding. The deformation/stress results obtained from the experimental solutions are very close to the results obtained from the numerical solutions (SAP2000 V17). As a result, it can be said that it is beneficial to use the FEM in the engineering design approach after the data obtained by the experimental solutions as meaningful values after application of the FEM.Računalom potpomognuta trodimenzionalna statička analiza uzoraka provedena je metodom konačnih elemenata (FEM). Dobiveni su podatci uspoređeni sa stvarnim ispitnim podatcima. Cilj rada bio je usporediti analizu deformacija/naprezanja s rezultatima FEM analize kompozita od kopolimera stirena i anhidrida maleinske kiseline (SMA). Kompoziti od pregrijanog drva i SMA kopolimera bili su izrađeni s različitim udjelom (od 10 do 30 % težine) drvnog brašna od pregrijanoga i nepregrijanog drva američkog borovca (Pinus strobus L.). Sve formulacije kompozita od drvnog brašna i SMA kopolimera bile su izrađene injekcijskim prešanjem. Rezultati deformacija i naprezanja dobiveni eksperimentalno vrlo su slični rezultatima dobivenim računskim putem (SAP200 V17). Može se zaključiti da je analiza metodom konačnih elementa, kombinirana s eksperimentalno dobivenim podatcima, korisna u inženjerskom projektiranju

    Savojna svojstva lameliranog drva izrađenoga od topolovine i GFRP-a

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    In this study, 4 layers of 5 mm thick slats obtained by sawing method from poplar wood were used. Plain woven GRFP with low density and grammage of 100 g/m2 (Type 1) and plain woven GRFP with high density and grammage of 200 g/m2 (Type 2) were placed and glued between each layer. Polyvinyl acetate (PVAc-D4), Polyurethane (PU) and dual-component Epoxy (L285-resin and H285-hardener) adhesives were used for gluing the layers. Strength values (bending and modulus of elasticity) between the obtained layers were investigated. As a result of the study, it was determined that epoxy glue has higher strength than polyurethane and polyvinyl acetate glues; Type 2 plain woven fabric has higher strength than Type 1 plain woven fabric; and parallel load to the glue line results in higher performance than perpendicular load to the glue line.U radu se prikazuje istraživanje lameliranog drva izrađenoga od piljenjem proizvedenih topolovih platica debljine 5 mm složenih u četiri sloja. Između svakog sloja zalijepljena je plošno tkana GRFP tkanina male gustoće i površinske mase 100 g/m2 (tip 1) i plošno tkana GRFP tkanina velike gustoće i površinske mase 200 g/m2 (tip 2). Za lijepljenje drva i tkanine upotrijebljena su ova ljepila: polivinilacetatno (PVAc-D4), poliuretansko (PU) i dvokomponentno epoksidno (L285-mola i H285-otvrdnjivač). Istražene su vrijednosti čvrstoće (savijanje i modul elastičnosti) te je utvrđeno da epoksidno ljepilo ima veću čvrstoću nego poliuretansko i polivinilacetatno ljepilo. Nadalje, tkanina tipa 2 ima veću čvrstoću od tkanine tipa 1, a djelovanjem sile paralelno sa sljubnicom dobivena su bolja svojstva nego pri djelovanju sile okomito na sljubnicu