570 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional pada Sinisisme terhadap Perubahan Organisasional dengan Keadilan Distributif sebagai Pemoderasi

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    This research used transformational leadership as independent variables which had negative influence on cynicism about organizational change. While distributive justice used as moderated variable that expected to affect the relationship of transformational leadership on cynicism about organizational change. The survey was conducted to 250 employees of PT PLN branch Padang (Rayon Kuranji, Rayon Tabing, Rayon Belanti and Rayon Indarung), PT Telkom area Padang, PT MNC Sky Vision (KPP KPP Padang and Bukittinggi). At least, 202 Questionnaires were collected, but only 187 questionnaires that can be processed

    Preliminary results in the automated detection of operational modal properties of the Portico Varano in the Camerino Ducal Palace

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    Portico Varano in the Ducal Palace of Camerino (Italy) is a renaissance monumental quadriporticus that was damaged by the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence. Within the field activities for saving cultural heritage foreseen within a recent European research project named ARCH, a long-term monitoring system, comprising different types of sensors, such as accelerometers, displacement transducers, environmental sensors, and a weather station, was set up to achieve comprehensive measures of its operational behaviour and the evolution of the damage. The monitoring system, installed in October 2020, is currently operating, providing valuable information on the experimentally observed dynamic behaviour, also considering changes in the environmental conditions. Starting from the results of the dynamic characterization of the structure and after the optimization of the position of the sensors, this paper shows and discusses the efforts made to track over time the modal characteristics of the Portico Varano in order to detect changes in its conditions. In addition, a procedure has been proposed and implemented combining information available from Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) to identify recorded data related to seismic events relevant to operational conditions

    Menentukan Koefisien Ekspansi Linier Batang Kuningan Dengan Teknik Espi (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry)

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    Telah dilakukan eksperimen untuk menentukan koefisien ekspansi linier batang kuningan dengan teknik ESPI (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry). Objek uji yang digunakan terbuat dari kuningan dengan diameter 45 mm, panjang 44 mm, dan dikenai beban thermal dari temperatur 30°Csampai dengan 40°C menggunakan heater (pemanas) yang ditempelkan erat dibelakang objek. Data citra spekel selama pemanasan diamati dan setiap selang waktu 1 menit disimpan di memori komputer untuk diproses. Pemrosesannya dilakukan dengan cara mensubtraksikan (mengurangkan) ke dua citraspekel pixel per pixel dan hasilnya ditampilkan di layar monitor dalam bentuk pola frinji. Dari eksperimen diperoleh harga koefisien ekspansi linier kuningan α = (1,96 ± 0,02)10-5/°C dengan standard deviasi terhadap rata-rata sebesar 1,02%.An experiment to determine the linear coefficient of expansion for the brass rod have been done by using the ESPI (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry) technique. The specimen we used were brass with diameter 45 mm, length 44 mm, and thermal loaded from temperature 30°C up to 40°C use heaters behind object. The image speckle data for each 1 menit during thermal were record by the computers. Its process done by subtraction to image speckle data pixel by pixel, and the result presented on monitor screen in the fringe pattern. From experiment obtained that the average value of the linear coefficient of expansion for the brass is, α = (1,96 ± 0 ,02)10-5/°C with the deviation from average value is 1.02 %

    Altered Functionality, Morphology, and Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Expression of Cortical Motor Neurons from a Presymptomatic Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a lethal disorder characterized by the gradual degeneration of motor neurons in the cerebrospinal axis. Whether upper motor neuron hyperexcitability, which is a feature of ALS, provokes dysfunction of glutamate metabolism and degeneration of lower motor neurons via an anterograde process is undetermined. To examine whether early changes in upper motor neuron activity occur in association with glutamatergic alterations, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to analyze excitatory properties of Layer V cortical motor neurons and excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in presymptomatic G93A mice modeling familial ALS (fALS). We found that G93A Layer V pyramidal neurons exhibited altered EPSC frequency and rheobase values indicative of their hyperexcitability status. Biocytin loading of these hyperexcitable neurons revealed an expansion of their basal dendrite arborization. Moreover, we detected increased expression levels of the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 in cortical Layer V of G93A mice. Altogether our data show that functional and structural neuronal alterations associate with abnormal glutamatergic activity in motor cortex of presymptomatic G93A mice. These abnormalities, expected to enhance glutamate release and to favor its accumulation in the motor cortex, provide strong support for the view that upper motor neurons are involved early on in the pathogenesis of ALS

    Impact of fertiliser, water table, and warming on celery yield and CO2 and CH4 emissions from fenland agricultural peat

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    Peatlands are globally important areas for carbon preservation; although covering only 3% of global land area, they store 30% of total soil carbon. Lowland peat soils can also be very productive for agriculture, but their cultivation requires drainage as most crops are intolerant of root-zone anoxia. This leads to the creation of oxic conditions in which organic matter becomes vulnerable to mineralisation. Given the demand for high quality agricultural land, 40% of the UK's peatlands have been drained for agricultural use. In this study we present the outcomes of a controlled environment experiment conducted on agricultural fen peat to examine possible trade-offs between celery growth (an economically important crop on the agricultural peatlands of eastern England) and emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)) at different temperatures (ambient and ambient +5 °C), water table levels (−30 cm, and −50 cm below the surface), and fertiliser use. Raising the water table from −50 cm to −30 cm depressed yields of celery, and at the same time decreased the entire ecosystem CO2 loss by 31%. A 5 °C temperature increase enhanced ecosystem emissions of CO2 by 25% and increased celery dry shoot weight by 23% while not affecting the shoot fresh weight. Fertiliser addition increased both celery yields and soil respiration by 22%. Methane emissions were generally very low and not significantly different from zero. Our results suggest that increasing the water table can lower emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce the rate of peat wastage, but reduces the productivity of celery. If possible, the water table should be raised to −30 cm before and after cultivation, and only decreased during the growing season, as this would reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions and peat loss, potentially not affecting the production of vegetable crops

    Long COVID in Children and Adolescents

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused significant mortality and morbidity worldwide. In children, the acute SARS-CoV-2 infection is often asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic, and life-threatening complications are rare. Nevertheless, there are two long-term consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children that raise concern: multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) and long COVID. While the understanding and the experience regarding the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection have remarkably increased over time, scientific and clinical research is still exploring the long-term effects of COVID-19. In children, data on long COVID are scant. Reports are conflicting regarding its prevalence, duration and impact on daily life. This narrative review explored the latest literature regarding long COVID-19 in the pediatric population. We showed that long COVID in children might be a relevant clinical problem. In most cases, the prognosis is good, but some children may develop long-term symptoms with a significant impact on their daily life. The paucity of studies on long COVID, including a control group of children not infected by SARS-CoV-2, prevents us from drawing firm conclusions. Whether the neuropsychiatric symptoms widely observed in children and adolescents with long COVID are the consequence of SARS-CoV-2 infection or are due to the tremendous stress resulting from the restrictions and the pandemics is still not clear. In both cases, psychological support can play a fundamental role in managing COVID pandemics in children. More knowledge is needed to share a standardized definition of the syndrome and improve its management and treatment

    Student Assessment System

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    Covid-19 management in the pediatric age: Consensus document of the covid-19 working group in paediatrics of the Emilia-Romagna Region (re-co-ped), Italy

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    Since December 2019, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has rapidly spread, becoming the first pandemic of the 21st century by number of deaths (over 2,000,000 worldwide). Many aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents remain unclear, and optimal treatment has not yet been defined. Therefore, our goal was to develop a consensus document, practically synthesizing the accumulated data and clinical experience of our expert group. Literature research was carried out using the keywords “COVID-19” or “SARS-CoV-2” and “children” or “pediatrics” and “prevention” or “diagnosis” or “MIS-C” or “treatment” in electronic databases (MEDLINE, PUBMED), existing guidelines and gray literature. The fact that the majority of the problems posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in pediatric age do not need hospital care and that, therefore, infected children and adolescents can be managed at home highlights the need for a strengthening of territorial pediatric structures. The sharing of hospitalization and therapeutic management criteria for severe cases between professionals is essential to ensure a fair approach based on the best available knowledge. Moreover, the activity of social and health professionals must also include the description, management and limitation of psychophysical-relational damage resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the health of children and adolescents, whether or not affected by COVID-19. Due to the characteristics of COVID-19 pathology in pediatric age, the importance of strengthening the network between hospital and territorial pediatrics, school, educational, social and family personnel both for strictly clinical management and for the reduction in discomfort, with priority in children of more frail families, represents a priority