23 research outputs found

    Reviving tourism sector in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic: The role of competitive intelligence

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    Towards the end of 2019, the world experienced an unprecedented crisis. The COVID-19 virus was spreading quickly forcing authorities to impose drastic measures to contain it. Thus, the pandemic resulted in a deep worldwide economic crisis leaving many sectors vulnerable. Tourism, a vital sector that contributes strongly to the economic growth of many countries, was seriously affected. Even though some borders have been opened, vaccination campaigns have been launched and restrictions have been softened worldwide, the sector still struggles. In order to stimulate their activities, in the new challenging context created by the pandemic, tourism companies should not mainly rely on the support measures offered by governments. They are rather required to re-examine their traditional managerial approaches and start implementing more effective practices, such as competitive intelligence to anticipate future threats and identify new growth opportunities. The aim of this paper is therefore to provide a reflection on the role that competitive intelligence could have in the recovery of the tourism sector following the damages caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

    Perception de l’apport de l’intelligence économique pour les PME exportatrices de la région Fès – Meknès : Résultats d’une étude qualitative exploratoire

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    Perception de l’apport de l’intelligence économique pour les PME exportatrices de la région Fès – Meknès : Résultats d’une étude qualitative exploratoire.Les PME exportatrices de la région Fès-Meknès opèrent dans un contexte où la compétition ne se limite plus aux aspects financiers ou commerciaux mais porte essentiellement sur la détention de l’information utile. Dans ce cadre, l’intelligence économique se révèle comme l’outil incontournable pour assurer un meilleur positionnement pour les exportations de ces entreprises. Le présent travail de recherche tente d’apporter un éclairage sur la manière dont les dirigeants des PME exportatrices de la région Fès - Meknès perçoivent l’apport de l’intelligence économique pour leurs entités. Pour cela, une enquête exploratoire a été menée auprès de 12 entreprises de la région opérant dans différents secteurs d’activités.Mots-clés : Intelligence économique, information, PME, management, Fès-Meknès.Classification JEL : M15, L2, M10.AbstractPerception about the contribution of competitive intelligence to exporting SMES in Fes- Meknes region: Results of an exploratory qualitative studyExporting SMEs in the Fez-Meknes region operate in an environment where competition is no longer limited to financial or commercial aspects but essentially concerns the holding of information. This is why, competitive intelligence is an essential tool to ensure these SMEs a better positioning of their exports.This research paper attempts to shed light on how managers of exporting SMEs in the Fez-Meknes region perceive the contributions of competitive intelligence. Therefore, an exploratory survey was conducted among 12 companies operating in different sectors.Keywords : Competitive intelligence, information, SME, management, Fez -MeknesJEL classification : M15, L2, M10.الملخص                                                                                                                                                                              تصور إسهامات الذكاء الاقتصادي للمقاولات الصغرى والمتوسطة المصدرة بجهة فاس مكناس: نتائج دراسة نوعية استكشافية إن المقاولات الصغرى والمتوسطة المصدرة بجهة فاس – مكناس تعمل في سياق لم تعد المنافسة فيه تقتصر على الجوانب المالية أو التجارية ولكنها تتعلق بشكل أساسي بحيازة المعلومات المفيدة. لهذا، فإن الذكاء الاقتصادي يعد الأداة الأساسية لضمان وضع أفضل لصادرات هذه الشركات.يهدف هذا المقال إلى تسليط الضوء على مدى وعي مديري ومسيري المقاولات الصغرى والمتوسطة بإسهامات الذكاء الاقتصادي لمؤسساتهم. لهذا، تم إجراء دراسة نوعية استكشافية شملت اثنتي عشرة شركة من قطاعات مختلفة.الكلمات المفتاحية: الذكاء الاقتصادي، المعلومة، المقاولات الصغرى والمتوسطة، التسيير، فاس-مكناس

    Chemo-mechanical model for skeletal muscle contraction

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    Generation of force in skeletal muscle tissue depends on both chemical and mechanical phenomena. In this work, considering the kinetics of cross bridges, a one dimensional model has been proposed for predicting the isometric force according to the intracellular calcium ion distribution

    The cuisine of Morocco Origins and ritual significance.

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    This thesis focuses on the reception, evolution and onward transmission of the Moroccan culinary legacy. The examination of the subject is divided into two parts, the first of which relates to the cuisine as it is today, whilst the second part traces in depth its historical origins. The subject matter of the first part has been compiled from personal experience and fieldwork, supported by the accounts of XIXth century European travellers, including the ethnographic observations of colonial officials, however misguided and perverted these may have been. In addition to providing a description of the ingredients, utensils and preparatory techniques employed in this cuisine, an insight is given into its association with certain aspects of Moroccan life. In particular the relationship between food and religious and traditional festivals is examined, as is its pertinence to private ceremonies associated with all aspects of an individual's life from birth to death. In the second part, the examination of historical references illustrates the salient importance of food ceremonies in the story of the inhabitants of Morocco. Here the research has been directed towards tracing the history of dishes and identifying transformations undergone under different cultural influences. In the latter connection the influence of Islamic expansion is examined with reference to the introduction of new agricultural crops and products, (sugar, spices etc.), and also with reference to the thoughts of the physicians of the "Moorish Empire", as depicted in the early Islamic cookery books. The historical study of the annual program of food rituals shows how this was adjusted to the new religious setting in relation to the solar/lunar calendar altercation. This study is followed by a specific investigation into the significance of the names of certain dishes and the importance of their preparation, concluding that the "Amazigh" alias Berber tradition was preserved in a concealed form throughout history. This new dimension has been exploited in a retrocessive study of mythology through Roman, Phoenician, Greek and eventually Ancient Egyptian classical sources to conclude that culinary practices have acted as a repository for ancient Moroccan tradition

    Tuberculose hépatique nodulaire: complication inhabituelle au cours de la maladie de Wilson

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    La tuberculose hépatique nodulaire est rare. Nous rapportons une forme pseudo-tumorale dont le tableau clinico-biologique et radiologique initial était aspécifique. Il s'agit d'un jeune marocain suivi pour maladie de Wilson et présentant une fièvre au long cours. L'imagerie met en évidence une lésion nodulaire hépatique non spécifique. L'examen anatomo-pathologique au cours d'une biopsie écho guidée du nodule hépatique permit de porter le diagnostic. L'évolution clinique est favorable sous traitement spécifique.Key words: Maladie de Wilson, tuberculose, foi

    Review for the management of vitamin B12 deficiency in diabetic patients on metformin

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    Long-term usage of Metformin is associated with lower serum vitamin B12 levels. The lower than normal levels could worsen neurological complications of diabetes, including diabetic neuropathy and poor cognition. Guidelines advise periodic monitoring of vitamin B12 but do not specify frequency, treatment targets or treatment modality. This commentary aims to review the prevalence and the severity of the presentation and to provide evidence-based answers to those clinical questions not answered by current guidelines

    Combined glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonism attenuates atherosclerosis severity in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice

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    Background and aims: Combined agonism of the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor (GIPR) and the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) is superior to single GLP1R agonism in terms of glycemic control and lowering body weight in individuals with obesity and with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus. As both GIPR and GLP1R signaling have also been implicated in improving inflammatory responses and lipid handling, two crucial players in atherosclerosis development, here we aimed to investigate the effects of combined GIPR/GLP1R agonism in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice, a well-established mouse model for human-like lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis development. Methods: Female APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice were fed a Western-type diet (containing 16% fat and 0.15% cholesterol) to induce dyslipidemia, and received subcutaneous injections with either vehicle, a GIPR agonist (GIPFA-085), a GLP1R agonist (GLP-140) or both agonists. In the aortic root area, atherosclerosis development was assessed. Results: Combined GIPR/GLP1R agonism attenuated the development of severe atherosclerotic lesions, while single treatments only showed non-significant improvements. Mechanistically, combined GIPR/GLP1R agonism decreased markers of systemic low-grade inflammation. In addition, combined GIPR/GLP1R agonism markedly lowered plasma triglyceride (TG) levels as explained by reduced hepatic very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-TG production as well as increased TG-derived fatty acid uptake by brown and white adipose tissue which was coupled to enhanced hepatic uptake of core VLDL remnants. Conclusions: Combined GIPR/GLP1R agonism attenuates atherosclerosis severity by diminishing inflammation and increasing VLDL turnover. We anticipate that combined GIPR/GLP1R agonism is a promising strategy to lower cardiometabolic risk in humans.</p

    IMECE2008-66355 Position Control of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites Using Fuzzy Logic

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    ABSTRACT The Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMCs) form an important category of electroactive polymers which generate large deformation under a low driving voltage. In this paper an empirical model of IPMC is developed by measuring the step response of a 23 mm×3.6 mm×0.16 mm IPMC strip in a cantilever configuration. Moreover, a model-based precision position control of an IPMC base on the fuzzy logic is presented. Open-loop position responses of an IPMC are not repeatable, and hence closedloop precision control is of critical importance to ensure proper functioning, repeatability and reliability. A CCD camera was used to observe the closed loop response of the IPMC strip in order to control this electro-mechanical actuator experimentally. The IPMC actuator could follow various commanded position trajectories such as sinusoidal and square position profiles. The control architecture presented includes a fuzzy system whose structure and parameters were designed by trail-and-error beside a gain scheduled PID controller using fuzzy system. The performance of the IPMC strip is investigated and compared under these controllers