312 research outputs found

    Analysis of nucleosome repositioning by yeast ISWI and Chd1 chromatin remodeling complexes

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    ISWI proteins form the catalytic core of a subset of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling activities in eukaryotes from yeast to man. Many of these complexes have been found to reposition nucleosomes, but with different directionalities. We find that the yeast Isw1a, Isw2 and Chd1 enzymes preferentially move nucleosomes towards more central locations on short DNA fragments whereas Isw1b does not. Importantly, the inherent positioning properties of the DNA play an important role in determining where nucleosomes are relocated to by all of these enzymes. However, a key difference is that the Isw1a, Isw2 and Chd1 enzymes are unable to move nucleosomes to positions closer than 15 bp from a DNA end whereas Isw1b can. We also find that there is a correlation between the inability of enzymes to move nucleosomes close to DNA ends and the preferential binding to nucleosomes bearing linker DNA. These observations suggest that the accessibility of linker DNA together with the positioning properties of the underlying DNA play important roles in determining the outcome of remodelling by these enzymes

    The Snf2 Homolog Fun30 acts as a homodimeric ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling enzyme

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fun30 (Function unknown now 30) protein shares homology with an extended family of Snf2-related ATPases. Here we report the purification of Fun30 principally as a homodimer with a molecular mass of about 250 kDa. Biochemical characterization of this complex reveals that it has ATPase activity stimulated by both DNA and chromatin. Consistent with this, it also binds to both DNA and chromatin. The Fun30 complex also exhibits activity in ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling assays. Interestingly, its activity in histone dimer exchange is high relative to the ability to reposition nucleosomes. Fun30 also possesses a weakly conserved CUE motif suggesting that it may interact specifically with ubiquitinylated proteins. However, in vitro Fun30 was found to have no specificity in its interaction with ubiquitinylated histones

    Snf2 family ATPases and DExx box helicases:differences and unifying concepts from high-resolution crystal structures

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    Proteins with sequence similarity to the yeast Snf2 protein form a large family of ATPases that act to alter the structure of a diverse range of DNA–protein structures including chromatin. Snf2 family enzymes are related in sequence to DExx box helicases, yet they do not possess helicase activity. Recent biochemical and structural studies suggest that the mechanism by which these enzymes act involves ATP-dependent translocation on DNA. Crystal structures suggest that these enzymes travel along the minor groove, a process that can generate the torque or energy in remodelling processes. We review the recent structural and biochemical findings which suggest a common mechanistic basis underlies the action of many of both Snf2 family and DExx box helicases

    Dissection of reverse gyrase activities: insight into the evolution of a thermostable molecular machine†

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    Reverse gyrase is a peculiar DNA topoisomerase, specific of thermophilic microorganisms, which induces positive supercoiling into DNA molecules in an ATP-dependent reaction. It is a modular enzyme and comprises an N-terminal helicase-like module fused to a C-terminal topoisomerase IA-like domain. The exact molecular mechanism of this unique reaction is not understood, and a fundamental mechanistic question is how its distinct steps are coordinated. We studied the cross-talk between the components of this molecular motor and probed communication between the DNA-binding sites and the different activities (DNA relaxation, ATP hydrolysis and positive supercoiling). We show that the isolated ATPase and topoisomerase domains of reverse gyrase form specific physical interactions, retain their own DNA binding and enzymatic activities, and when combined cooperate to achieve the unique ATP-dependent positive supercoiling activity. Our results indicate a mutual effect of both domains on all individual steps of the reaction. The C-terminal domain shows ATP-independent topoisomerase activity, which is repressed by the N-terminal domain in the full-length enzyme; experiments with the isolated domains showed that the C-terminal domain has stimulatory influence on the ATPase activity of the N-terminal domain. In addition, the two domains showed a striking reciprocal thermostabilization effect

    Disparity in the DNA translocase domains of SWI/SNF and ISW2

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    An ATP-dependent DNA translocase domain consisting of seven conserved motifs is a general feature of all ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers. While motifs on the ATPase domains of the yeast SWI/SNF and ISWI families of remodelers are highly conserved, the ATPase domains of these complexes appear not to be functionally interchangeable. We found one reason that may account for this is the ATPase domains interact differently with nucleosomes even though both associate with nucleosomal DNA 17–18 bp from the dyad axis. The cleft formed between the two lobes of the ISW2 ATPase domain is bound to nucleosomal DNA and Isw2 associates with the side of nucleosomal DNA away from the histone octamer. The ATPase domain of SWI/SNF binds to the same region of nucleosomal DNA, but is bound outside of the cleft region. The catalytic subunit of SWI/SNF also appears to intercalate between the DNA gyre and histone octamer. The altered interactions of SWI/SNF with DNA are specific to nucleosomes and do not occur with free DNA. These differences are likely mediated through interactions with the histone surface. The placement of SWI/SNF between the octamer and DNA could make it easier to disrupt histone–DNA interactions

    Elucidating the mechanism of DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis mediated by DNA-dependent ATPase A, a member of the SWI2/SNF2 protein family

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    The active DNA-dependent ATPase A domain (ADAAD), a member of the SWI2/SNF2 family, has been shown to bind DNA in a structure-specific manner, recognizing DNA molecules possessing double-stranded to single-stranded transition regions leading to ATP hydrolysis. Extending these studies we have delineated the structural requirements of the DNA effector for ADAAD and have shown that the single-stranded and double-stranded regions both contribute to binding affinity while the double-stranded region additionally plays a role in determining the rate of ATP hydrolysis. We have also investigated the mechanism of interaction of DNA and ATP with ADAAD and shown that each can interact independently with ADAAD in the absence of the other. Furthermore, the protein can bind to dsDNA as well as ssDNA molecules. However, the conformation change induced by the ssDNA is different from the conformational change induced by stem-loop DNA (slDNA), thereby providing an explanation for the observed ATP hydrolysis only in the presence of the double-stranded:single-stranded transition (i.e. slDNA)

    Nucleosome mobilization by ISW2 requires the concerted action of the ATPase and SLIDE domains

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    The ISWI family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers represses transcription by changing nucleosome positioning. The interactions with extranucleosomal DNA and the requirement of a minimal length of extranucleosomal DNA by ISWI mediate the spacing of nucleosomes. ISW2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a member of the ISWI family, has a conserved domain called SLIDE (SANT-like ISWI domain), whose binding to extranucleosomal DNA ~19 bp from the edge of nucleosomes is required for efficiently pushing DNA into nucleosomes and maintaining the unidirectional movement of nucleosomes, as reported here. Loss of SLIDE binding does not perturb ATPase domain binding to the SHL2 site of nucleosomes or its initial movement of DNA inside of nucleosomes. ISW2 has therefore two distinct roles in mobilizing nucleosomes, with the ATPase domain translocating and moving DNA inside nucleosomes, and the SLIDE domain facilitating the entry of linker DNA into nucleosomes

    A polar barrier to transcription can be circumvented by remodeler-induced nucleosome translocation

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    Many eukaryotic genes are regulated at the level of transcript elongation. Nucleosomes are likely targets for this regulation. Previously, we have shown that nucleosomes formed on very strong positioning sequences (601 and 603), present a high, orientation-dependent barrier to transcription by RNA polymerase II in vitro. The existence of this polar barrier correlates with the interaction of a 16-bp polar barrier signal (PBS) with the promoter-distal histone H3–H4 dimer. Here, we show that the polar barrier is relieved by ISW2, an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler, which translocates the nucleosome over a short distance, such that the PBS no longer interacts with the distal H3–H4 dimer, although it remains within the nucleosome. In vivo, insertion of the 603 positioning sequence into the yeast CUP1 gene results in a modest reduction in transcription, but this reduction is orientation-independent, indicating that the polar barrier can be circumvented. However, the 603-nucleosome is present at the expected position in only a small fraction of cells. Thus, the polar barrier is probably non-functional in vivo because the nucleosome is not positioned appropriately, presumably due to nucleosome sliding activities. We suggest that interactions between PBSs and chromatin remodelers might have significant regulatory potential