33 research outputs found

    Prévalence et cooccurrence de cinq formes de maltraitance en lien avec la dépression et le trouble de la conduite chez les mères adolescentes

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    Dans cet article, les auteurs s’interrogent sur la cooccurrence des différentes formes de maltraitance subie par les mères adolescentes durant leur enfance, dans le but de mieux comprendre la transmission intergénérationnelle de la maltraitance. Ils soulignent que les études sur la maltraitance subie par des adultes ou des adolescents durant leur enfance ne tiennent généralement pas compte de la cooccurrence des différentes formes de maltraitance. Les auteurs vérifient dans un premier temps, si les mères adolescentes se distinguent des femmes de la population générale pour la prévalence et la cooccurrence des différentes formes de maltraitance subie durant leur propre développement. Ils établissent ensuite la prévalence et la cooccurrence des formes de maltraitance en fonction des diagnostics de dépression majeure et du trouble de la conduite chez les mères adolescentes.In this article, the authors reflect on co-occurrence of different types of maltreatment that adolescent mothers have suffered during their childhood in order to better understand intergenerational transmission of maltreatment. They underline that studies on maltreatment that adults or adolescents have been subjected to during their childhood generally do not take into account co-occurrence of different types of maltreatment. The authors first attempt to verify if adolescent mothers are different from women of the general population in regards to prevalence and co-occurrence of various types of maltreatment suffered during their own development. They then try to establish prevalence and co-occurrence of types of maltreatment in relation to diagnoses of major depression or conduct disorder in adolescent mothers.Con el propósito de comprender mejor la transmisión intergeneracional del maltrato, en este artículo los autores se interrogan acerca de la co-ocurrencia de las diferentes formas de maltrato sufridas por las madres adolescentes durante su infancia. Resaltan que los estudios sobre el maltrato sufrido por los adultos o adolescentes durante su infancia generalmente no tienen en cuenta la co-ocurrencia de las diferentes formas de maltrato. En una primera etapa, los autores verifican si las madres adolescentes se distinguen de las mujeres de la población general en la prevalencia y la co-ocurrencia de las diferentes formas de maltrato sufrido durante su propio desarrollo. Enseguida establecen la prevalencia y co-ocurrencia de las formas de maltrato en función de los diagnósticos de depresión mayor y el trastorno de la conducta en las madres adolescentes.Neste artigo, os autores questionam a concomitância das diferentes formas de maus-tratos sofridos pelas mães adolescentes durante a infância, com o objetivo de melhor compreender a transmissão intergeracional dos maus-tratos. Eles ressaltam que os estudos sobre os maus-tratos recebidos pelos adultos ou pelos adolescentes durante a infância geralmente não levam em consideração a concomitância das diferentes formas de maus-tratos. Os autores verificam, em um primeiro momento, se as mães adolescentes se distinguem das mulheres da população em geral para a prevalência e a concomitância das diferentes formas de maus-tratos recebidos durante seu próprio desenvolvimento. Eles estabelecem, em seguida, a prevalência e a concomitância das formas de maus-tratos em função dos diagnósticos de depressão grave e do transtorno de conduta nas mães adolescentes

    Consommation de substances psychoactives, troubles du comportement et sentiments dépressifs à l'adolescence

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    Cet article examine la cooccurrence de trois types de problèmes d'adaptation à l'adolescence : la consommation problématique de psychotropes, les troubles du comportement (trouble oppositionnel et trouble des conduites) et les sentiments dépressifs (dépression et dysthymie). Il examine aussi les caractéristiques comportementales et sociofamiliales qui, au cours de l'enfance, distinguent les jeunes avec plusieurs problèmes d'adaptation de ceux avec un seul problème ou aucun problème. Plus de 1600 jeunes de toutes les régions du Québec ont participé à l'étude. Ces jeunes étaient âgés en moyenne de 15,7 ans lorsqu'ils ont participé à une entrevue visant à déterminer la présence possible d'une consommation problématique de psychotropes, de problèmes de comportement et de sentiments dépressifs. Leurs caractéristiques comportementales et sociofamiliales avaient été évaluées au préalable (entre l'âge de 6 et 12 ans) à l'aide de questionnaires remplis par les parents et les enseignants. Les résultats révèlent que près de 10 % des jeunes éprouvent deux ou trois problèmes d'adaptation. Ces jeunes se distinguent de ceux avec un seul problème sur diverses dimensions personnelles et sociofamiliales au cours de l'enfance. Les jeunes avec un seul problème représentent un peu plus de 25 % de l'échantillon. À leur tour, ils se distinguent du groupe sans problème sur plusieurs variables. Le groupe des jeunes qui affichent seulement un problème de consommation de psychotropes fait toutefois exception. La discussion souligne l'importance de connaître s'il y a présence simultanée de plusieurs problèmes et propose d'intervenir préventivement auprès des jeunes qui risquent de présenter plusieurs problèmes.Psychoactive substance abuse, behavioral disorder and depression during adolescence This article examines coocurrence of three types of problems of adaptation during adolescence : abuse of psychotropic drugs, behavioral disorder (oppositional and behavioral disorders) and feelings of depression (depression and dysthymia). The study also examines behavioral, social as well as family characteristics which, during childhood, distinguish youths with many adaptation problems from those with only one or no problem. More than 1600 youths from all regions of Quebec participated in the study. These youths were around 15,7 years old when they completed an interview aiming at determining the possible presence of abusive use of psychotropic drugs, behavioral problems and feelings of depression. Their behavioral and sociofamilial characteristics had been previously evaluated (between the ages of 6 and 12) with questionnaires answered by parents and teachers. Results reveal that almost 10 % of youths experience two or three adaptation problems. These youths distinguish themselves from those with only one problem on various personal and sociofamilial dimensions in the course of childhood. Those with one problem represent a little more than 25 % of the sample. They also distinguish themselves from the group of youth with no problem on several variables. However, the group of youths with a problem of substance abuse only, is an exception. The discussion underlines the importance of knowing if there is simultaneous presence of several problems and proposes to intervene in a preventive fashion with youths who risk experiencing many problems.Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, turbios de comportamiento y sentimiento depresivos durante el adolescencia Este artículo examina el acontecimiento de tres tipos de problemas de adaptación durante la adolescencia: el consumo problemático de psicótropos, turbios de comportamiento (turbios oposicional y turbio de conductas) y sentimientos depresivos (depresion y distemia). Examina también caracteristicas comportamentales y sociofamiliares cuales, durante la enfancia, distinguen los jovenes con varios problemas de adaptación de los con un solo problema o sin problema. Más de 1600 jóvenes de cada region del Québec participaron al estudio. Estos jovenes tenian en medida 15,7 años cuando participaron a una entrevista para determinar la presencia posible de un consumo problemático de psicótropos, de problemas de comportamiento y de sentimientos depresivos. Sus caracteristicas comportamentales habian sido evaluadas previamente (entre 6 y 12 años de edad) con la ayuda de cuestionarios llenados por los padres y los profesores. Los resultados revelan que cerca de 10% de jovenes sufren de dos o tres problemas de adaptación. Estos jovenes se distingan de los con un problema sobre varias dimensiones personales y sociofamiliares durante la enfancia. Jovenes con un problema representan un poco mas de 25% del escantillón. A su vez se distingan del grupo sin problema sobre varias variables. El grupo de jovenes con un problema de consumo de psicótropos hace sin embargo excepción. La discusión subraya la importancia de conocer si hay presencia simultanea de varios problemas y propone una intervención preventiva con jovenes quienes riesgan presentar varios problemas

    Associations of Maternal Prenatal Smoking with Early Childhood Physical Aggression, Hyperactivity-Impulsivity, and Their Co-Occurrence

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    This study investigated associations between maternal prenatal smoking and physical aggression (PA), hyperactivity-impulsivity (HI) and co-occurring PA and HI between ages 17 and 42 months in a population sample of children born in Québec (Canada) in 1997/1998 (N=1745). Trajectory model estimation showed three distinct developmental patterns for PA and four for HI. Multinomial regression analyses showed that prenatal smoking significantly predicted children’s likelihood to follow different PA trajectories beyond the effects of other perinatal factors, parental psychopathology, family functioning and parenting, and socio-economic factors. However, prenatal smoking was not a significant predictor of HI in a model with the same control variables. Further multinomial regression analyses showed that, together with gender, presence of siblings and maternal hostile reactive parenting, prenatal smoking independently predicted co-occurring high PA and high HI compared to low levels of both behaviors, to high PA alone, and to high HI alone. These results show that maternal prenatal smoking predicts multiple behavior regulation problems in early childhood

    Controlling parenting and physical aggression during elementary school

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    The goal of the present study was to examine whether controlling parenting contributes to the problem of physical aggression. Developmental trajectories of children’s physical aggression were modeled from yearly teachers’ ratings, from ages 6 to 12. Multinomial logistic regressions (N = 1,508) served to identify risk factors that distinguish children who display different levels of physical aggression throughout grade school. Results revealed that being a boy and having a reactive temperament were important child predictors. Parental separation and an early onset of motherhood were also significant risk factors. Finally, mothers’ controlling parenting increased the odds of following the highest trajectory of physical aggression, above and beyond the previous risk factors

    Predicting growth curves of early childhood externalizing problems: Differential susceptibility of children with difficult temperament

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    Using an accelerated longitudinal design, the development of externalizing problems from age 2 to 5 years was investigated in relation to maternal psychopathology, maternal parenting, gender, child temperament, and the presence of siblings. The sample consisted of 150 children selected at age 2-3 years for having high levels of externalizing problems. Parenting was measured using observational methods, and maternal reports were used for the other variables. Overall, mean levels of externalizing problems decreased over time, and higher initial levels (intercept) were related to a stronger decrease (negative slope) in externalizing problems. Results showed that higher levels of maternal psychopathology were related to less decrease in early childhood externalizing problems. Parental sensitive behavior predicted a stronger decrease in externalizing problems, but only for children with difficult temperaments. A stronger decrease of externalizing problems in children with older siblings also pertained only to children with difficult temperaments. Thus, temperamentally difficult children appear to be more susceptible to environmental influences on the development of externalizing behaviors. Our results indicate that the role of siblings in early childhood externalizing problems deserves more research attention, and that intervention efforts need to take into account temperamental differences in children's susceptibility to environmental influences. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Intergenerational Transmission of Multiple Problem Behaviors: Prospective Relationships between Mothers and Daughters

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    Much of the research examining intergenerational continuity of problems from mother to offspring has focused on homotypic continuity (e.g., depression), despite the fact that different types of mental health problems tend to cluster in both adults and children. It remains unclear whether mothers with multiple mental health problems compared to mothers with fewer or no problems are more likely to have daughters with multiple mental health problems during middle childhood (ages 7 to 11). Six waves of maternal and child data from the Pittsburgh Girls Study (n = 2,451) were used to examine the specificity of effects of maternal psychopathology on child adjustment. Child multiple mental health problems comprised disruptive behavior, ADHD symptoms, depressed mood, anxiety symptoms and somatic complaints, while maternal multiple mental health problems consisted of depression, prior conduct problems and somatic complaints. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) was used to examine the prospective relationships between mother’s single and multiple mental health problems and their daughter’s single and multiple mental health problems across the elementary school-aged period (ages 7–11 years). The results show that multiple mental health problems in the mothers predicted multiple mental health problems in the daughters even when earlier mental health problem of the daughters, demographic factors, and childrearing practices were controlled. Maternal low parental warmth and harsh punishment independently contributed to the prediction of multiple mental health problems in their daughter, but mediation analyses showed that the contribution of parenting behaviors to the explanation of girls’ mental health problems was small

    Validation de la version française du CTQ et prévalence de l’histoire de maltraitance 

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    Cette étude démontre que les cinq échelles de maltraitance des versions longue et courte du CTQ sont valides et utilisables avec la population francophone. Elle montre aussi que la négligence émotionnelle est la forme de maltraitance la plus fréquente dans notre échantillon de la population générale, alors que la négligence physique est celle qui est la moins fréquente. Les prévalences d’abus physique, d’abus émotionnel et d’abus sexuel de notre échantillon de convenance correspondent grosso modo aux taux généralement obtenus auprès d’échantillons non cliniques. Enfin, les femmes présentent une plus forte co-occurrence des différentes formes de maltraitance que les hommes, impliquant tout particulièrement l’abus sexuel.This study demonstrates that the five maltreatment scales in the long and short versions of the CTQ are valid and usable with French-speaking populations. It also shows emotional neglect to be the most common form of maltreatment in its general population sample, and physical neglect to be the least common. Physical, emotional and sexual abuse prevalences in the convenience sample roughly correspond to the rates generally obtained in non-clinical samples. Finally, women in the sample display greater co-occurrence of different forms of maltreatment, especially involving sexual abuse, than men.Este estudio demuestra que las cinco escalas de maltrato de las versiones larga y corta del CTQ son válidas e utilizables con la población francófona. También muestra que la negligencia emocional es la forma de maltrato más frecuente en nuestra muestra de población general, mientras que la negligencia física es la menos frecuente. Las prevalencias del abuso físico, el abuso emocional y el abuso sexual de nuestra muestra conveniente corresponden grosso modo a las tasas que generalmente se obtienen de las muestras no clínicas. Por último, las mujeres presentan una mayor co-ocurrencia de las diferentes formas de maltrato, que implican particularmente el abuso sexual, que los hombres.Este estudo demonstra que as cinco escalas de maus tratos das versões longa e curta do Centro de Toxicologia do Quebec (CTQ) são válidas e utilizáveis com a população francófona. Ela demonstra também que a negligência emocional é a forma de mau trato mais freqüente em nossa amostragem da população geral, enquanto que a negligência física é a menos freqüente. As prevalências de abusos físicos, abusos emocionais e abusos sexuais de nossa amostragem de conveniência correspondem, em geral, às taxas geralmente obtidas com amostragens não clínicas. Finalmente, as mulheres apresentam uma mais forte ocorrência simultânea de diferentes formas de maus tratos que os homens, implicando, principalmente, o abuso sexual