44 research outputs found

    Türkiye’nin Yeni Cumhurbaşkanlığı Rejimi: Kırılganlık, Direnç, Tersine Dönebilirlik

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    Turkey’s forthcoming general election of June 2023 is likely to prove a crucial turning point in the country’s political trajectory. Depending on the outcome of the election, Turkey may find itself on the path of democratic renewal or further consolidation or deepening of the existing competitive authoritarian regime. The paper presents a critical account of the last four years under the new presidential regime and tries to locate the Turkish experience in the broader debate on varieties of right-wing populism. A central hypothesis is that the ongoing economic crisis has, to a certain extent, undermined the popularity of the AKP and the governing coalition. At the same, we should not underestimate the resilience of the ruling coalition in the face of continued economic growth and the importance of additional dynamics such as the role of identity politics and domestic politics-foreign policy interactions.2023 Haziran’da gerçekleşecek Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri ve Genel Seçimler, Türkiye’nin siyasi gidişatı için çok önemli bir dönüm noktası olma potansiyeline sahip. Türkiye, seçim sonuçlarına bağlı olarak, kendisini demokrasinin yeniden inşa edildiği veya var olan rekabetçi otoriter rejimin daha da konsolide olduğu ve derinleştiği bir senaryoyla karşı karşıya bulabilir. Bu makale, yeni başkanlık sistemi altında geçen son dört yılın kritik bir değerlendirmesini yaparken aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin deneyimini genel anlamdaki sağ popülizm tartışmaları çerçevesinde anlamlandırmaya çalışıyor. Ana hipoteze göre devam eden ekonomik kriz, belirli bir ölçüde, AKP’nin ve Cumhur İttifakı’nın halk içerisindeki popülerliğini zayıflattı. Diğer bir taraftan, yönetimdeki koalisyonun ekonomik büyümenin devamlılığını sağlamasıyla beraber kimlik politikaları ve iç politika – dış politika etkileşimi gibi farklı dinamiklerde gösterdiği direnç, seçim öncesi dikkate alınması gereken unsurları oluşturuyor

    Temporary Star or Emerging Tiger? Turkey's Recent Economic Performance in a Global Setting

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    This article assesses the recent performance of the Turkish economy, questioning whether the currently observed unusual boom conditions will lead to a process of sustainable growth. The latest phase of Turkish neo-liberal transformation in the post-2001 era is placed in a broader historical and global context; at the same time, the performance of the economy in recent years is compared with that of other key emerging markets, based on selected macroeconomic indicators. Utilizing the East Asian experience as the principal benchmark for comparison, this paper examines whether Turkey is on its way to accomplishing tiger-like development performance. Given the current challenges to sustainable growth, we conclude that it is premature to suggest that the impressive performance of the recent years will lead to durable success and tiger-like performance. While the focus is on the Turkish experience, the paper also probes the very nature of tiger-like performance itself, highlighting the fact that in setting standards for exceptional economic performance we need to extend our horizons beyond high rates of economic growth sustained over time, to broader indicators of social, political and human development.Turkey, hyper-growth, East Asian tigers, emerging markets, human development, democratization.

    Professor Alice H. Amsden - In Memoriam

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    In Memoriam of Alice H. Amsden, who was a Professor of Political Economy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology died suddenly on March 14, 2012 at the age of 68.Publisher's Versio

    Monopolizando el centro : el AKP y el incierto rumbo de la democracia turca

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    La pérdida de impulso reformador y el creciente autoritarismo de la más reciente fase de gobierno del AKP nos indican que la democracia turca está en crisis. Las protestas de Gezi, aunque emergieron como un movimiento desde abajo en respuesta al creciente autoritarismo del gobierno del AKP, no llegaron a convertirse en un movimiento organizado y sostenido. Asimismo, los referentes externos y sus efectos sobre la reputación de la democracia turca no están consiguiendo revertir su involución. La noción de "comunidades acotadas" es un concepto clave para explicar la continuada dominación de Erdoğan y el AKP frente a fuertes presiones de cambio. La victoria de Erdoğan en las elecciones presidenciales de agosto de 2014 genera escenarios tanto benévolos como pesimistas para el futuro de la democracia turca.La pèrdua d'impuls reformador i el creixent autoritarisme de la més recent fase de govern de l'AKP ens indiquen que la democràcia turca està en crisi. Les protestes de Gezi, tot i que van emergir com un moviment des de baix en resposta al creixent autoritarisme del govern de l'AKP, no van arribar a convertir-se en un moviment organitzat i sostingut. Així mateix, els referents externs i els seus efectes sobre la reputació de la democràcia turca no estan aconseguint revertir la seva involució. La noció de "comunitats acotades" és un concepte clau per explicar la continuada dominació de Erdoğan i l'AKP front a fortes pressions de canvi. La victòria de Erdoğan a les eleccions presidencials d'agost de 2014 genera escenaris tant benèvols com pessimistes per al futur de la democràcia turca.The loss of reform momentum and rising authoritarianism during the most recent phase of AKP government indicate that Turkish democracy is in crisis. Although the Gezi protests emerged as a movement from below reacting to the rising authoritarianism of the AKP government, it did not turn into an organised and sustainable movement. Similarly, external anchors or reputational effects are failing to reverse the backsliding of Turkish democracy. The notion of 'bounded communities' is a key concept in accounting for the continued dominance of Erdoğan and the AKP in the presence of significant pressure for change. Erdoğan's victory in the August 2014 presidential elections generates both benign and pessimistic scenarios for the future of Turkish democrac

    The political economy of export-oriented industrialization in the Tukey

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : Turkey : Political, social and economic challenges in the 1990's : Brill, 1995

    Monopolitzant el centre : el AKP i l'incert rumb de la democràcia turca

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    La pérdida de impulso reformador y el creciente autoritarismo de la más reciente fase de gobierno del AKP nos indican que la democracia turca está en crisis. Las protestas de Gezi, aunque emergieron como un movimiento desde abajo en respuesta al creciente autoritarismo del gobierno del AKP, no llegaron a convertirse en un movimiento organizado y sostenido. Asimismo, los referentes externos y sus efectos sobre la reputación de la democracia turca no están consiguiendo revertir su involución. La noción de “comunidades acotadas” es un concepto clave para explicar la continuada dominación de Erdoğan y el AKP frente a fuertes presiones de cambio. La victoria de Erdoğan en las elecciones presidenciales de agosto de 2014 genera escenarios tanto benévolos como pesimistas para el futuro de la democracia turca.The loss of reform momentum and rising authoritarianism during the most recent phase of AKP government indicate that Turkish democracy is in crisis. Although the Gezi protests emerged as a movement from below reacting to the rising authoritarianism of the AKP government, it did not turn into an organised and sustainable movement. Similarly, external anchors or reputational effects are failing to reverse the backsliding of Turkish democracy. The notion of ‘bounded communities’ is a key concept in accounting for the continued dominance of Erdoğan and the AKP in the presence of significant pressure for change. Erdoğan’s victory in the August 2014 presidential elections generates both benign and pessimistic scenarios for the future of Turkish democracyLa pèrdua d'impuls reformador i el creixent autoritarisme de la més recent fase de govern de l'AKP ens indiquen que la democràcia turca està en crisi. Les protestes de Gezi, tot i que van emergir com un moviment des de baix en resposta al creixent autoritarisme del govern de l'AKP, no van arribar a convertir-se en un moviment organitzat i sostingut. Així mateix, els referents externs i els seus efectes sobre la reputació de la democràcia turca no estan aconseguint revertir la seva involució. La noció de "comunitats acotades" és un concepte clau per explicar la continuada dominació de Erdoğan i l'AKP front a fortes pressions de canvi. La victòria de Erdoğan a les eleccions presidencials d'agost de 2014 genera escenaris tant benèvols com pessimistes per al futur de la democràcia turca

    The new wave of foreign policy activism in Turkey : drifting away from Europeanization?

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    Currently, the prospects for Turkey's EU membership do not look very bright. With key chapters for negotiation already suspended, the government is likely to resume a loose Europeanization agenda. The counterpart of this in the foreign-policy realm is an approach based on 'soft Euro-asianism'. An attempt is also being made to development friendly relationships with all neighboring countries, coupled with a mediating role in regional conflicts, but without the EU providing the main axis for foreign policy. The present report investigates the continuities and ruptures in Turkish foreign policy during the post-2002 AKP era. It attempts to identify the underlying reasons for the decline in enthusiasm for EU membership following the golden age of Europeanization and reforms during the early years of the AKP government. The report also points to internal and external political developments which may help to reverse the current drift away from Europeanization.Ziya Öni

    Monopolizando el centro : el AKP y el incierto rumbo de la democracia turca

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    La pérdida de impulso reformador y el creciente autoritarismo de la más reciente fase de gobierno del AKP nos indican que la democracia turca está en crisis. Las protestas de Gezi, aunque emergieron como un movimiento desde abajo en respuesta al creciente autoritarismo del gobierno del AKP, no llegaron a convertirse en un movimiento organizado y sostenido. Asimismo, los referentes externos y sus efectos sobre la reputación de la democracia turca no están consiguiendo revertir su involución. La noción de "comunidades acotadas" es un concepto clave para explicar la continuada dominación de Erdoğan y el AKP frente a fuertes presiones de cambio. La victoria de Erdoğan en las elecciones presidenciales de agosto de 2014 genera escenarios tanto benévolos como pesimistas para el futuro de la democracia turca.La pèrdua d'impuls reformador i el creixent autoritarisme de la més recent fase de govern de l'AKP ens indiquen que la democràcia turca està en crisi. Les protestes de Gezi, tot i que van emergir com un moviment des de baix en resposta al creixent autoritarisme del govern de l'AKP, no van arribar a convertir-se en un moviment organitzat i sostingut. Així mateix, els referents externs i els seus efectes sobre la reputació de la democràcia turca no estan aconseguint revertir la seva involució. La noció de "comunitats acotades" és un concepte clau per explicar la continuada dominació de Erdoğan i l'AKP front a fortes pressions de canvi. La victòria de Erdoğan a les eleccions presidencials d'agost de 2014 genera escenaris tant benèvols com pessimistes per al futur de la democràcia turca.The loss of reform momentum and rising authoritarianism during the most recent phase of AKP government indicate that Turkish democracy is in crisis. Although the Gezi protests emerged as a movement from below reacting to the rising authoritarianism of the AKP government, it did not turn into an organised and sustainable movement. Similarly, external anchors or reputational effects are failing to reverse the backsliding of Turkish democracy. The notion of 'bounded communities' is a key concept in accounting for the continued dominance of Erdoğan and the AKP in the presence of significant pressure for change. Erdoğan's victory in the August 2014 presidential elections generates both benign and pessimistic scenarios for the future of Turkish democrac

    The evolution of privatiation in Turkey : the institutional context of public - enterprise reform

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol: 23, No: 2, 1991

    Democracy in uncertain times: Inequality and democratic development in the global North and global South

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    Liberal democracy is under challenge on a global scale. The global financial crisis has accelerated and aggravated the crisis of liberal democracy in the global North. The paper examines the prospects for liberal democracy in the global South and argues that the prospects are mixed. The rise of China and the durability of its highly successful model of authoritarian capitalism, in spite of a certain loss of momentum in the current era, poses a central challenge in a rapidly shifting global order where democratic capitalism in the North no longer generates the same level of enthusiasm as in the past. The paper examines alternative and competing models of capitalism and democracy in the global South and evaluates the credentials of democratic BRICS and near-BRICS as serious pro-democracy actors. Whilst the trend is towards less social inclusion in the North and greater social inclusion in the South, persistently high rates of inequality pose severe problems for the future of liberal and social democracy both in the global North and the global South.Publisher's Versio