18 research outputs found

    Walking to an emancipatory pedagogy: recent reflections on the decolonial potential of educational spaces in social organizations. Jujuy-Argentina

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    El presente escrito pretende aportar, al movimiento pedagógico latinoamericano, recientes reflexiones epistémicas y empíricas sobre la vinculación entre espacios educativos alternativos de movimientos populares en Jujuy y los componentes descolonizadores presentes en sus producciones culturales; para, desde esta singularidad, colaborar con el creciente interés sobre el campo de las pedagogías descolonizadoras. En la primera parte, retomamos tanto nuestra experiencia de trabajo en el ámbito de la universidad como en movimientos populares, centramos la preocupación en cuestionar cómo la mayor parte de la formación académica continúa reproduciendo y reeditando lógicas coloniales y eurocéntricas. Para tal fin, hacemos una crítica a la noción de educación no formal, que, si bien es cuestionada por diversas corrientes, continúa siendo el posicionamiento desde el cual se analiza y actúa más allá de la escuela. Luego, a partir del reconocimiento de la existencia de marcas de colonialidad y modernidad (Moujan, 2011), recuperamos teórica y empíricamente la noción de espacios educativos, que permite abandonar la división tripartita de la educación para centrarla en la disputa por hegemonía; finalmente, desde allí, revalorizamos las experiencias que, territorializadas en el extremo norte de la Argentina, disputan sentidos educativos a los modelos hegemónicos en tres planos: político-ético, ontológico y epistemológico.This paper pretends to contribute to the Latin American pedagogical movement recent epistemic and empirical reflections about link between alternative educational spaces of popular movements in Jujuy and the decolonizing components present in their cultural productions; from this singularity collaborate with the growing interest in the field of decolonizing pedagogies. In the first part we return to our work experience in the field of university as in popular movements, we focus on questioning how most of the academic training continues to reproduce and re-edit colonial and Eurocentric logics. To this end we criticize the notion of non-formal education, which, although it is questioned by various currents, continues to be the position from which it is analyzed and acts beyond the school. Then, after recognizing the existence of brands of coloniality and modernity (Fernández Moujan, 2011) we theoretically and empirically recover the notion of educational spaces, which allows us to leave the tripartite division of education to focus on the dispute over hegemony; from there, and finally we revalue the experiences that, territorialized in the extreme north of Argentina, dispute educational senses to the hegemonic models on three levels: political-ethical, ontological and epistemological.Fil: Patagua, Patricia Evangelina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades; ArgentinaFil: Zinger, Sabrina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Crítical pedagogies: the challenge of formation rebel subjectivities

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    We share some reflections that came out at the political and pedagogical proposal that we have developed at our teacher practices, of extension and investigation, connected to the popular education tradition and the participative action research, from the Non Formal Education and Sociology of the Education of the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy professorship and another formative spaces along with urbans and peasants popular movements. The reflections highlight the formation of rebellious subjectivities in collective educational spaces, sticking out on the petitions that the critical social theory does to the critical pedagogies. The study of the subjectivities in their rebelliousness condition has enabled the study of aspects connected to the collective will, the organization, the utopia and the social participation. Whatsmore, its location in the social-historical context allows the discussion of its configuration and mediation in the social structure, putting into discussion the production of senses in neoliberalism and postmodernity.Presentamos un conjunto de reflexiones surgidas de la propuesta pedagógica-política que hemos desarrollado en nuestras prácticas docentes, de extensión e investigación, vinculadas a la tradición de la educación popular y la investigación acción participativa, desde las cátedras de Educación No Formal y Sociología de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy y desde otros espacios formativos junto a movimientos populares urbanos y campesinos.  Las reflexiones ponen el acento en la formación de subjetividades rebeldes en espacios educativos colectivizados, haciendo hincapié en las demandas que la teoría social crítica le realiza a las pedagogías críticas. El estudio de la subjetividad en su condición de rebeldía, ha posibilitado analizar aspectos vinculados a la voluntad colectiva, la organización, la utopía y la participación social. Además, su localización, en el contexto socio-histórico, permite discutir su configuración y mediación en la estructura social, poniendo en discusión la producción de sentidos en el neoliberalismo y la posmodernidad.Apresentamos um conjunto de reflexões derivadas da proposta político-pedagógica que desenvolvemos em nossas práticas de ensino, extensão e pesquisa, vinculadas à tradição da educação popular e da pesquisa participante, dos componentes de Educação Não Formal e Sociologia da Educação da Universidade Nacional de Jujuy e de otros espaços de formação junto aos movimentos populares urbanos e camponeses. As reflexões enfatizam a formação de subjetividades rebeldes em espaços educativos coletivos, realça as demandas que a teoría social crítica faz às pedagogias críticas. O estudo da subjetividade em sua condição de rebelde, tem possibilitado analizar aspectos vinculados a vontade coletiva, a organização, a utopia e a participação social. Além disso, sua localização, no contexto sócio-histórico, permite discutir sua configuração e mediação na estructura social, colocando em discussão a produção de sentidos no neoliberalismo e na pós-modernidade

    What can educators learn from social game design in university online teaching?

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    In recent years considerable research efforts have been made to provide evidence for a nexus between game design elements in non-game contexts. Our research presents a new approach to bridge game design elements and educational theory: defining a set of motivational "patterns" used for pedagogical purposes in university teaching scenarios. To this end, we will build upon preliminary empirical results from a research project called EMPAMOS®. It derived a set of motivational elements frequently used in social game designs. Our hypothesis is that these elements resemble on a structural level and are directly transferable to motivational factors in online education contexts. Focused on cooperative teaching and learning, we develop a curriculum to enable educators to implement motivational molecules from game design in their learning settings. The paper presents basic premises and a preliminary structure of the curriculum. By examining educational settings in terms of a "broken game", we provide a new perspective on the prerequisites for learning at the university level. (DIPF/Orig.)In den letzten Jahren wurden beträchtliche Forschungsanstrengungen unternommen, um eine Verbindung zwischen Spiel-Design-Elementen in Nicht-Spiel-Kontexten zu belegen. Unsere Forschung stellt einen neuen Ansatz vor, um eine Brücke zwischen Spieldesign-Elementen und Bildungstheorie zu schlagen: die Definition einer Reihe von Motivations-"Mustern", die für pädagogische Zwecke in universitären Lehrszenarien verwendet werden. Zu diesem Zweck bauen wir auf vorläufigen empirischen Ergebnissen eines Forschungsprojekts namens EMPAMOS® auf. Daraus wurde eine Reihe von motivierenden Elementen abgeleitet, die häufig bei der Gestaltung sozialer Spiele verwendet werden. Unsere Hypothese ist, dass diese Elemente auf einer strukturellen Ebene ähneln und sind direkt übertragbar auf motivierende Faktoren in Online-Bildung Kontexten. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf kooperativem Lehren und Lernen entwickeln wir ein Curriculum, das es Pädagogen ermöglicht, Motivationsmoleküle aus dem Spieldesign in ihre Lernumgebungen zu implementieren. Der Beitrag stellt grundlegende Prämissen und eine vorläufige Struktur des Curriculums vor. Indem wir Bildungssettings im Sinne eines "gebrochenen Spiels" untersuchen, bieten wir eine neue Perspektive auf die Voraussetzungen für das Lernen auf universitärer Ebene. (Autor

    Your history is somehow also mine: Participatory action investigation, women organization and testimonial repair

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    La elaboración de conocimiento que contribuya con la transformación de las desigualdades sociales, así como la formación de sujetos/as y subjetividades rebeldes, han sido una preocupación histórica-situada del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano. En este sentido, es de gran relevancia política-epistémica y metodológica la investigación acción participativa (IAP). En la actualidad, esta es recuperada por una diversidad de sujetos/as colectivizados/as, quienes, desde su vitalismo y acción territorializada, la vuelven ciencia viva. Con base en esta tradición, compartimos reflexiones sobre un proyecto de investigación en curso, en el que convergen la IAP y la educación popular (EP). Para ello, presentamos las organizaciones de mujeres con quienes desarrollamos las prácticas en Jujuy-Argentina, enfatizamos en sus acciones de producción cultural alternativa. Luego, atendiendo al género, compartimos los desafíos en la construcción de una subjetividad rebelde en las organizaciones y en la academia. Finalmente, reflexionamos sobre la retroalimentación, y un modo específico de restitución, denominado cartas a nuestras compañeras.The making of knowledge that contributes to the transformation of social inequalities, so as the formation of rebellious subjects and subjectivities, have been a historic-situated concern of the Latin-American critical knowledge. In this way, it's of great political-epistemic and methodological knowledge the active participatory investigation (IAP). Nowadays, it's brought back from a diversity of collectivized subjects, who from their vitalism and territorialized action, turn it into a living science. With outset on this tradition, we share reflections about an ongoing research, in which popular education (EP) and IAP fuse. For this, we introduce the women organization with whom we developed these practices in Argentina-Jujuy, focusing on their action of alternative cultural production. Finally, we reflect about feedback and a specific type of restitution, called "Letters to our companions".Fil: Patagua, Patricia Evangelina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Rectorado. Sede Quebrada y Puna. Centro de Estudios del Sur Andino; . Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Zinger, Sabrina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Quispe, Karen Noelia. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Valerio, Mayra Natasha. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Determinants of the vertical distribution of the phyllosphere differ between microbial groups and the epi- and endosphere

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    International audienceThe determinants of phyllosphere microbial communities are drawing much attention given their functional importance for their plant host fitness and health. Identifying these determinants remain challenging in neotropical forests, considering the diversity of the tree hosts and the strong vertical heterogeneity of abiotic condition within the canopy and at the scale of the leaf. Here, we studied fungal and bacterial communities living in the endophytic and epiphytic phyllosphere in tree species across vertical gradients, from the top of the canopy to the ground. We used DNA metabarcoding to characterize microbial communities and measured abiotic variables and foliar traits to characterize environmental heterogeneity. The assembly of fungal communities was more driven by deterministic processes as compared to bacteria, endo- and epiphytic communities being similarly shaped by the host identity and unmeasured parameters. In contrast, in bacterial communities, the relative importance of deterministic processes decreased from endophytic to epiphytic communities. Bacterial epi- and endophytic communities were partly and differently determined by the position within the canopy, the host identity and leaf traits, suggesting an effect of the vertical gradient and a stronger selection in the inner tissues of the leaf than on its surface. The tree host exerts a selective pressure on microbial communities but the leaf as microhabitat contributes also significantly to the assembly of microbial communities. Discrepancies exist between Fungi and Bacteria that probably reflect different life-history trait and ecological strategies, emphasizing the need to study these communities jointly if we are to fully understand plant-phyllosphere interactions