464 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of the two-dimensional gravitational potential of galaxy clusters from X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements

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    The mass of galaxy clusters is not a direct observable, nonetheless it is commonly used to probe cosmological models. Based on the combination of all main cluster observables, that is, the X-ray emission, the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signal, the velocity dispersion of the cluster galaxies, and gravitational lensing, the gravitational potential of galaxy clusters can be jointly reconstructed. We derive the two main ingredients required for this joint reconstruction: the potentials individually reconstructed from the observables and their covariance matrices, which act as a weight in the joint reconstruction. We show here the method to derive these quantities. The result of the joint reconstruction applied to a real cluster will be discussed in a forthcoming paper. We apply the Richardson-Lucy deprojection algorithm to data on a two-dimensional (2D) grid. We first test the 2D deprojection algorithm on a β\beta-profile. Assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, we further reconstruct the gravitational potential of a simulated galaxy cluster based on synthetic SZ and X-ray data. We then reconstruct the projected gravitational potential of the massive and dynamically active cluster Abell 2142, based on the X-ray observations collected with XMM-Newton and the SZ observations from the Planck satellite. Finally, we compute the covariance matrix of the projected reconstructed potential of the cluster Abell 2142 based on the X-ray measurements collected with XMM-Newton. The gravitational potentials of the simulated cluster recovered from synthetic X-ray and SZ data are consistent, even though the potential reconstructed from X-rays shows larger deviations from the true potential. Regarding Abell 2142, the projected gravitational cluster potentials recovered from SZ and X-ray data reproduce well the projected potential inferred from gravitational-lensing observations. (abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in the journal A&

    Infectividade e danos causados por Meloidogyne incognita raça 1 em clones de Coffea canephora

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    Mudas de 5 clones da variedade Vitória INCAPER 8142 de café conilon (Coffea canephora), quais sejam: 7V; 8V; 9V; 12V e 1V com 4 meses de idade serão transplantadas para vasos com 20 litros de capacidade, onde serão inoculadas com 0, 2.000, 4.000, 8.000 ou 16.000 indivíduos (ovos + juvenis de segundo estádio, J2) de M. exigua. Desta forma, o experimento será conduzido em esquema fatorial 5 x 5 (5 clones de café e 5 níveis de inóculo do nematóide), com 8 repetições, sendo cada repetição constituída por um vaso com uma planta. No ato da inoculação das plantas com os nematóides e a cada 2 meses serão avaliadas as seguintes características: diâmetro do caule, altura de plantas, número de folhas e área foliar. Ao fim de 18 meses serão avaliados o peso da matéria fresca e matéria seca da parte aérea, número de galhas, número de massas de ovos, peso do sistema radicular fresco, população final dos nematóides e fator de reprodução do nematóide. Com o objetivo de correlacionar o parasitismo de populações crescentes de M. exigua sobre os diferentes componentes fisiológicos do cafeeiro, será determinada a área foliar, fotossíntese e condutância estomática, fluorescência da clorofila a, cor, teor de clorofila, massa seca da parte aérea e massa fresca do sistema radicular

    Linking satellites to genes with machine learning to estimate phytoplankton community structure from space

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    Ocean color remote sensing has been used for more than 2 decades to estimate primary productivity. Approaches have also been developed to disentangle phytoplankton community structure based on spectral data from space, in particular when combined with in situ measurements of photosynthetic pigments. Here, we propose a new ocean color algorithm to derive the relative cell abundance of seven phytoplankton groups, as well as their contribution to total chlorophyll a (Chl a) at the global scale. Our algorithm is based on machine learning and has been trained using remotely sensed parameters (reflectance, backscattering, and attenuation coefficients at different wavelengths, plus temperature and Chl a) combined with an omics-based biomarker developed using Tara Oceans data representing a single-copy gene encoding a component of the photosynthetic machinery that is present across all phytoplankton, including both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It differs from previous methods which rely on diagnostic pigments to derive phytoplankton groups. Our methodology provides robust estimates of the phytoplankton community structure in terms of relative cell abundance and contribution to total Chl a concentration. The newly generated datasets yield complementary information about different aspects of phytoplankton that are valuable for assessing the contributions of different phytoplankton groups to primary productivity and inferring community assembly processes. This makes remote sensing observations excellent tools to collect essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) and provide a foundation for developing marine biodiversity forecasts.</p

    Формирование зонной диаграммы фотонных и фононных кристаллов

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    Досліджено зонні особливості вхідних імпедансних характеристик необмежених і обмежених фотонного та фононного кристалів (Ф(н)К). Взаємним порівнянням залежностей коефіцієнта відбиття обмежених Ф(н)К і активної складової вхідного імпедансу необмежених Ф(н)К проаналізовано формування зонної діаграми обмеженими Ф(н)К. В результаті аналізу залежності параметрів заборонених зон обмежених Ф(н)К від кількості шарів проаналізовано степінь наближення параметрів зонної діаграми обмежених Ф(н)К до параметрів зонної діаграми необмежених Ф(н)К.Inroduction. Photon and phonon crystals are crystal structures, which just like the crystals, are characterized by zone spectral properties. The purpose of the article is to research the input impedance characteristics and formation features of the photon and phonon crystals’ zone diagrams. Impedance model and properties of unlimited crystal structure. The expressions for input impedance of unlimited one-dimensional crystal structure for waves of different nature are presented. The relationships of physical properties of the crystal structure and the mathematical features of the expressions are investigated. Impedance characteristics of photon and phonon unlimited crystals. The dependences of active and reactive components of photon and phonon unlimited crystal’s input impedance with layers of different thickness are shown. Input impedance characteristics of photon and phonon limited crystals. The dependences of active and reactive components of limited photon and phonon crystal’s input impedance are given. The conditions for waves resonant passing through photon and phonon crystals are obtained. Reflection coefficient characteristics of photon and phonon crystals. The formation of the limited photon and phonon crystal’s zone diagrams is analyzed by mutual comparison of limited photon and phonon crystal’s reflection characteristic and active component of unlimited photon and phonon crystal’s input impedance characteristics. The approximation degree of limited photon and phonon crystal’s zone diagram parameters to the unlimited photon and phonon crystal’s zone diagram parameters is quantitatively analyzed. Conclusions. The conditions for waves resonant passing through photon and phonon crystals is formulated and features of photon and phonon crystal’s zone diagram formation is investigated.Исследованы зонные особенности входных импедансных характеристик неограниченных и ограниченных фотонного и фононного кристаллов (Ф(н)К). Взаимным сравнением зависимостей коэффициента отражения ограниченных Ф(н)К и активной составляющей входного импеданса неограниченных Ф(н)К проанализировано формирование зонной диаграммы ограниченными Ф(н)К. В результате анализа зависимости параметров запрещенных зон ограниченных Ф(н)К от числа слоев проанализирована степень приближения параметров зонной диаграммы ограниченных Ф(н)К к параметрам зонной диаграммы неограниченных Ф(н)К

    The distinct stellar-to-halo mass relations of satellite and central galaxies: Insights from the IllustrisTNG simulations

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    We study the stellar-to-halo mass relation (SHMR) for central and satellite galaxies with total dynamical masses above 1010.5 M⊙ using the suite of cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations IllustrisTNG. In particular, we quantify environmental effects on satellite populations from TNG50, TNG100, and TNG300 located within the virial radius of group- and clusterlike hosts with total masses of 1012-15.2 M⊙. At fixed stellar mass, the satellite SHMR exhibits a distinct shift towards lower dynamical mass compared to the SHMR of centrals. Conversely, at fixed dynamical mass, satellite galaxies appear to have larger stellar-to-total mass fractions than centrals by up to a factor of a few. The systematic deviation from the central SHMR is larger for satellites in more massive hosts, at smaller cluster-centric distances, with earlier infall times, and that inhabits higher local density environments; moreover, it is in place already at early times (z 2). Systematic environmental effects might contribute to the perceived galaxy-to-galaxy variation in the measured SHMR when galaxies cannot be separated into satellites and centrals. The SHMR of satellites exhibits a larger scatter than centrals (by up to ∼0.8 dex), over the whole range of dynamical mass. The shift of the satellite SHMR results mostly from tidal stripping of their dark matter, which affects satellites in an outside-in fashion: The departure of the satellite SHMR from the centrals' relation diminishes for measurements of dynamical mass in progressively smaller apertures. Finally, we provide a family of fitting functions for the SHMR predicted by IllustrisTNG

    Assessment of soil fungal diversity in different alpine tundra habitats by means of pyrosequencing

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    Abstract Studying fungal diversity is vital if we want to shed light on terrestrial ecosystem functioning. However, there is still poor understanding of fungal diversity and variation given that Fungi are highly diversified and that most of fungal species remain uncultured. In this study we explored diversity with 454 FLX sequencing technology by using the Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) as the fungal barcode marker in order to evaluate the effect of 11 environmental conditions on alpine soil fungal diversity, as well as the consistency of those results by taking into account rare or unidentified Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs). In total we obtained 205131 ITS1 reads corresponding to an estimated fungal gamma diversity of between 5100 and 12 000 MOTUs at a 98% similarity threshold when considering respectively only identified fungal and all MOTUs. Fungal beta-diversity patterns were significantly explained by the environmental conditions, and were very consistent for abundant/rare and fungal/unidentified MOTUs confirming the ecological significance of rare/unidentified MOTUs, and therefore the existence of a fungal rare biosphere. This study shows that a beta-diversity estimation based on pyrosequencing is robust enough to support ecological studies. Additionally, our results suggest that rare MOTUs harbour ecological Guillaume Lentendu and Lucie Zinger equally contributed to this paper. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this articl