33 research outputs found

    Imaging markers of disability in aquaporin-4 immunoglobulin G seropositive neuromyelitis optica: a graph theory study

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    Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders lack imaging biomarkers associated with disease course and supporting prognosis. This complex and heterogeneous set of disorders affects many regions of the central nervous system, including the spinal cord and visual pathway. Here, we use graph theory-based multimodal network analysis to investigate hypothesis-free mixed networks and associations between clinical disease with neuroimaging markers in 40 aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin G antibody seropositive patients (age = 48.16 ± 14.3 years, female:male = 36:4) and 31 healthy controls (age = 45.92 ± 13.3 years, female:male = 24:7). Magnetic resonance imaging measures included total brain and deep grey matter volumes, cortical thickness and spinal cord atrophy. Optical coherence tomography measures of the retina and clinical measures comprised of clinical attack types and expanded disability status scale were also utilized. For multimodal network analysis, all measures were introduced as nodes and tested for directed connectivity from clinical attack types and disease duration to systematic imaging and clinical disability measures. Analysis of variance, with group interactions, gave weights and significance for each nodal association (hyperedges). Connectivity matrices from 80% and 95% F-distribution networks were analyzed and revealed the number of combined attack types and disease duration as the most connected nodes, directly affecting changes in several regions of the central nervous system. Subsequent multivariable regression models, including interaction effects with clinical parameters, identified associations between decreased nucleus accumbens (β = −0.85, P = 0.021) and caudate nucleus (β = −0.61, P = 0.011) volumes with higher combined attack type count and longer disease duration, respectively. We also confirmed previously reported associations between spinal cord atrophy with increased number of clinical myelitis attacks. Age was the most important factor associated with normalized brain volume, pallidum volume, cortical thickness and the expanded disability status scale score. The identified imaging biomarker candidates warrant further investigation in larger-scale studies. Graph theory-based multimodal networks allow for connectivity and interaction analysis, where this method may be applied in other complex heterogeneous disease investigations with different outcome measures

    Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography in Neuromyelitis Optica

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    Retina; Pérdida visualRetina; Visual lossRetina; Pèrdua visualBackground and Objectives To determine optic nerve and retinal damage in aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-IgG)-seropositive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) in a large international cohort after previous studies have been limited by small and heterogeneous cohorts. Methods The cross-sectional Collaborative Retrospective Study on retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) in neuromyelitis optica collected retrospective data from 22 centers. Of 653 screened participants, we included 283 AQP4-IgG–seropositive patients with NMOSD and 72 healthy controls (HCs). Participants underwent OCT with central reading including quality control and intraretinal segmentation. The primary outcome was thickness of combined ganglion cell and inner plexiform (GCIP) layer; secondary outcomes were thickness of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) and visual acuity (VA). Results Eyes with ON (NMOSD-ON, N = 260) or without ON (NMOSD-NON, N = 241) were assessed compared with HCs (N = 136). In NMOSD-ON, GCIP layer (57.4 ± 12.2 μm) was reduced compared with HC (GCIP layer: 81.4 ± 5.7 μm, p < 0.001). GCIP layer loss (−22.7 μm) after the first ON was higher than after the next (−3.5 μm) and subsequent episodes. pRNFL observations were similar. NMOSD-NON exhibited reduced GCIP layer but not pRNFL compared with HC. VA was greatly reduced in NMOSD-ON compared with HC eyes, but did not differ between NMOSD-NON and HC. Discussion Our results emphasize that attack prevention is key to avoid severe neuroaxonal damage and vision loss caused by ON in NMOSD. Therapies ameliorating attack-related damage, especially during a first attack, are an unmet clinical need. Mild signs of neuroaxonal changes without apparent vision loss in ON-unaffected eyes might be solely due to contralateral ON attacks and do not suggest clinically relevant progression but need further investigation.Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation (GJCF) and German Research Foundation (DFG)

    Chromatin Profiles of Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus-6A

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    Human herpesvirus-6A (HHV-6A) and 6B (HHV-6B) are two closely related betaherpesviruses that are associated with various diseases including seizures and encephalitis. The HHV-6A/B genomes have been shown to be present in an integrated state in the telomeres of latently infected cells. In addition, integration of HHV-6A/B in germ cells has resulted in individuals harboring this inherited chromosomally integrated HHV-6A/B (iciHHV-6) in every cell of their body. Until now, the viral transcriptome and the epigenetic modifications that contribute to the silencing of the integrated virus genome remain elusive. In the current study, we used a patient-derived iciHHV-6A cell line to assess the global viral gene expression profile by RNA-seq, and the chromatin profiles by MNase-seq and ChIP-seq analyses. In addition, we investigated an in vitro generated cell line (293-HHV-6A) that expresses GFP upon the addition of agents commonly used to induce herpesvirus reactivation such as TPA. No viral gene expression including miRNAs was detected from the HHV-6A genomes, indicating that the integrated virus is transcriptionally silent. Intriguingly, upon stimulation of the 293-HHV-6A cell line with TPA, only foreign promoters in the virus genome were activated, while all HHV-6A promoters remained completely silenced. The transcriptional silencing of latent HHV-6A was further supported by MNase-seq results, which demonstrate that the latent viral genome resides in a highly condensed nucleosome-associated state. We further explored the enrichment profiles of histone modifications via ChIP-seq analysis. Our results indicated that the HHV-6 genome is modestly enriched with the repressive histone marks H3K9me3/H3K27me3 and does not possess the active histone modifications H3K27ac/H3K4me3. Overall, these results indicate that HHV-6 genomes reside in a condensed chromatin state, providing insight into the epigenetic mechanisms associated with the silencing of the integrated HHV-6A genome

    Nationales Referenzzentrum für Masern, Mumps, Röteln - Tätigkeitsbericht für das Jahr 2022

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    Im NRZ MMR werden Proben von Masern-, Mumps- und Rötelnverdachtsfällen mit dem Ziel der molekularen Charakterisierung der aktuell zirkulierenden Viren untersucht. Für Masern und Röteln werden auf Basis der Ergebnisse der molekularen Surveillance Einschätzungen zum Stand des Eliminationsprogramms der WHO erarbeitet. Im Jahr 2022 sank aufgrund der Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der SARS-CoV2-Pandemie die Anzahl der gemeldeten Fälle sowie der Einsendungen an das NRZ und der positiven Nachweise merklich. International wird inzwischen ein Wiederaufflammen der Masernaktivität beobachtet

    Evolutionary History of Endogenous Human Herpesvirus 6 Reflects Human Migration out of Africa

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    Human herpesvirus 6A and 6B (HHV-6) can integrate into the germline, and as a result, similar to 70 million people harbor the genome of one of these viruses in every cell of their body. Until now, it has been largely unknown if 1) these integrations are ancient, 2) if they still occur, and 3) whether circulating virus strains differ from integrated ones. Here, we used next-generation sequencing and mining of public human genome data sets to generate the largest and most diverse collection of circulating and integrated HHV-6 genomes studied to date. In genomes of geographically dispersed, only distantly related people, we identified clades of integrated viruses that originated from a single ancestral event, confirming this with fluorescent in situ hybridization to directly observe the integration locus. In contrast to HHV-6B, circulating and integrated HHV-6A sequences form distinct clades, arguing against ongoing integration of circulating HHV-6A or "reactivation" of integrated HHV-6A. Taken together, our study provides the first comprehensive picture of the evolution of HHV-6, and reveals that integration of heritable HHV-6 has occurred since the time of, if not before, human migrations out of Africa

    Functionally Relevant Maculopathy and Optic Atrophy in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1

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    Background: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA-ATXN1) is an inherited progressive ataxia disorder characterized by an adult-onset cerebellar syndrome combined with nonataxia signs. Retinal or optic nerve affection are not systematically described. Objectives: To describe a retinal phenotype and its functional relevance in SCA-ATXN1. Methods: We applied optical coherence tomography (OCT) in 20 index cases with SCA-ATXN1 and 22 healthy controls (HCs), investigating qualitative changes and quantifying the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) thickness and combined ganglion cell and inner plexiform layer (GCIP) volume as markers of optic atrophy and outer retinal layers as markers of maculopathy. Visual function was assessed by high- (HC-VA) and low-contrast visual acuity (LC-VA) and the Hardy-Rand-Rittler pseudoisochromatic test for color vision. Results: Five patients (25%) showed distinct maculopathies in the ellipsoid zone (EZ). Furthermore, pRNFL (P < 0.001) and GCIP (P = 0.002) were reduced in patients (pRNFL, 80.86 ± 9.49 μm; GCIP, 1.84 ± 0.16 mm3) compared with HCs (pRNFL, 97.02 ± 8.34 μm; GCIP, 1.98 ± 0.12 mm3). Outer macular layers were similar between groups, but reduced in patients with maculopathies. HC-VA (P = 0.002) and LC-VA (P < 0.001) were reduced in patients (HC-VA [logMAR]: 0.01 ± 010; LC-VA [logMAR]: 0.44 ± 0.16) compared with HCs (HC-VA [logMAR]: –0.12 ± 0.08; LC-VA [logMAR]: 0.25 ± 0.05). Color vision was abnormal in 2 patients with maculopathies. Conclusions: A distinct maculopathy, termed EZ disruption, as well as optic atrophy add to the known nonataxia features in SCA-ATXN1. Whereas optic atrophy may be understood as part of a widespread neurodegeneration, EZ disruption may be explained by effects of ataxin-1 gene or protein on photoreceptors. Our findings extend the spectrum of nonataxia signs in SCA-ATXN1 with potential relevance for diagnosis and monitoring

    Optic chiasm measurements may be useful markers of anterior optic pathway degeneration in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders

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    Objectives: We aimed to evaluate optic chiasm (OC) measures as potential imaging marker for anterior optic pathway damage assessment in the context of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD). Materials and method: This cross-sectional study included 39 patients exclusively with aquaporin 4-IgG seropositive NMOSD of which 25 patients had a history of optic neuritis (NMOSD-ON) and 37 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC). OC heights, width, and area were measured using standard 3D T1-weighted MRI. Sensitivity of these measures to detect neurodegeneration in the anterior optic pathway was assessed in receiver operating characteristics analyses. Correlation coefficients were used to assess associations with structural measures of the anterior optic pathway (optic nerve dimensions, retinal ganglion cell loss) and clinical measures (visual function and disease duration). Results: OC heights and area were significantly smaller in NMOSD-ON compared to HC (NMOSD-ON vs. HC p < 0.0001). An OC area smaller than 22.5 mm2 yielded a sensitivity of 0.92 and a specificity of 0.92 in separating chiasms of NMOSD-ON from HC. OC area correlated well with structural and clinical measures in NMOSD-ON: optic nerve diameter (r = 0.4, p = 0.047), peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (r = 0.59, p = 0.003), global visual acuity (r = - 0.57, p = 0.013), and diseases duration (r = - 0.5, p = 0.012). Conclusion: Our results suggest that OC measures are promising and easily accessible imaging markers for the assessment of anterior optic pathway damage

    Foveal changes in aquaporin‐4 antibody seropositive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder are independent of optic neuritis and not overtly progressive

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    Background and purpose: Foveal changes were reported in aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-Ab) seropositive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) patients; however, it is unclear whether they are independent of optic neuritis (ON), stem from subclinical ON or crossover from ON in fellow eyes. Fovea morphometry and a statistical classification approach were used to investigate if foveal changes in NMOSD are independent of ON and progressive. Methods: This was a retrospective longitudinal study of 27 AQP4-IgG + NMOSD patients (49 eyes; 15 ON eyes and 34 eyes without a history of ON [NON eyes]), follow-up median (first and third quartile) 2.32 (1.33-3.28), and 38 healthy controls (HCs) (76 eyes), follow-up median (first and third quartile) 1.95 (1.83-2.54). The peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer thickness and the volume of combined ganglion cell and inner plexiform layer as measures of neuroaxonal damage from ON were determined by optical coherence tomography. Nineteen foveal morphometry parameters were extracted from macular optical coherence tomography volume scans. Data were analysed using orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis and linear mixed effects models. Results: At baseline, foveal shape was significantly altered in ON eyes and NON eyes compared to HCs. Discriminatory analysis showed 81% accuracy distinguishing ON vs. HCs and 68% accuracy in NON vs. HCs. NON eyes were distinguished from HCs by foveal shape parameters indicating widening. Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis discriminated ON vs. NON with 76% accuracy. In a follow-up of 2.4 (20.85) years, no significant time-dependent foveal changes were found. Conclusion: The parafoveal area is altered in AQP4-Ab seropositive NMOSD patients suggesting independent neuroaxonal damage from subclinical ON. Longer follow-ups are needed to confirm the stability of the parafoveal structure over time

    Evolutionary History of Endogenous Human Herpesvirus 6 Reflects Human Migration out of Africa.

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    Human herpesvirus 6A and 6B (HHV-6) can integrate into the germline, and as a result, ∼70 million people harbor the genome of one of these viruses in every cell of their body. Until now, it has been largely unknown if 1) these integrations are ancient, 2) if they still occur, and 3) whether circulating virus strains differ from integrated ones. Here, we used next-generation sequencing and mining of public human genome data sets to generate the largest and most diverse collection of circulating and integrated HHV-6 genomes studied to date. In genomes of geographically dispersed, only distantly related people, we identified clades of integrated viruses that originated from a single ancestral event, confirming this with fluorescent in situ hybridization to directly observe the integration locus. In contrast to HHV-6B, circulating and integrated HHV-6A sequences form distinct clades, arguing against ongoing integration of circulating HHV-6A or "reactivation" of integrated HHV-6A. Taken together, our study provides the first comprehensive picture of the evolution of HHV-6, and reveals that integration of heritable HHV-6 has occurred since the time of, if not before, human migrations out of Africa