20 research outputs found

    Determination Of Formaldehyde In Tofu From Ciputat Traditional Market With Colorimetry Method

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    Tofu, a food product made from soybean, contain water and it is very easy to overgrown microbes.Based on a survey, many products of tofu contain formaldehyde as preservative. Formaldehyde is apreservative that the use is prohibited for food because it can cause cancer in humans. The aim of thisstudy was determined concentration of formaldehyde in tofu from traditional market Ciputat usingSpectrophotometer UVI-VIS. Steam distillation was used for sample extraction process. Distillate wasreacted with Nash reagent. The equation of calibration curve is y=0,0032x – 0,0079 and correlationcoefficient of the linear regression of 0,9992. The experimental results obtained LOD value of11.1328 μg/ml, LOQ value of 37,1094 μg/mL The precision of this analytical method were lower than2% for each of the sample, while method’s accuration for tofu was 98,69% ± 0,4085%. Results ofsample analysis from Ciputat market, samples were detected containing formaldehyde. Formaldehydeconcentrations are 104,87 μg/mL, 11,21 μg/mL, 1,96 μg/mL, 190,80 μg/mL, 201,98 μg/mL, 10,47μg/mL, and 3,31 μg/mL

    Aplikasi Metode SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis) Untuk Mengidentifikasi Sumber Asal Gelatin Pada Kapsul Keras

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    Gelatin as the main ingredient of capsules is still a problem for a moslem. Most of gelatin production remains largely derived from non-halal materials. One of gelatin source is came from collagen of the skin and bones of bovine or pork. The main of study is determine the source of gelatin used in hard capsules by using SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Gel electrophoresis Poly Acrylamide) method. In the early stages, optimization of standards bovine and pork gelatin were hydrolyzed by pepsin at pH 4.5 and 60°C for 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours. Gelatin hydrolyzateswere analyzed by SDS-PAGE to determine the optimal hydrolysis time. Identification of gelatin hydrolyzate fragments were carried by molecular weight. Hydrolysis time optimization throught applied to identify the source of hard gelatin capsules in the samples obtained from market and compared with the simulation of hard gelatin capsules. The results showed there were of specific bands of bovine gelatin with a molecular weight of 11,4 kDa; 34 kDa; 47kDa and specific bands of pork gelatin with a molecular weight of 24.7 kDa; 28 kDa; and 60 kDa. Similar results were obtained on a sample of hard capsules with bands of protein fragments that were identical to bovine gelatinstandard. Based on the results,each of the samples were tested contain of bovine gelatin respectively. DOI :http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.315

    Metode Analisis Gelatin Sapi dan Babi pada Kapsul Lunak menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi dan Analisis Komponen Utama

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    Penggunaan gelatin babi pada kapsul lunak menimbulkan kekhawatiran konsumen terkait status kehalalannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan gelatin sapi dan babi yang digunakan pada kapsul lunak menggunakan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) kombinasi  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) melalui data komposisi asam amino. Metode HPLC dilakukan dengan derivatisasi prakolom dan fase gerak sistem gradien menggunakan pelarut dapar asetat-fosfat dan acetonitrile. Persen tinggi puncak yang menunjukkan konsentrasi asam amino digunakan sebagai data yang diinput ke dalam software kemometrik dan menu yang dipilih adalah PCA. Hasil komposisi asam amino yang diolah dengan PCA menunjukkan bahwa gelatin babi memiliki nilai PC1 positif dan PC2 negatif sedangkan gelatin sapi memiliki nilai PC1 dan PC2 positif. Kapsul lunak gelatin babi memiliki nilai PC1 negatif dan PC2 positif sedangkan kapsul lunak gelatin sapi memiliki nilai PC1 dan PC2 negatif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa gelatin babi dan sapi serta kapsul lunak yang terbuat dari gelatin babi dan sapi dapat dibedakan berdasarkan perbedaan profil asam amino. Namun penelitian ini belum dapat mengklasifikasikan gelatin yang ada pada kapsul lunak yang ada di pasaran.

    Evaluation and characterization of hard-shell capsules formulated by using goatskin gelatin

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    Gelatin is used as an additive in medicine, food, and cosmetics. Gelatin from goatskin is a new excipient that has not been explored by researchers, including for hard-shell capsules. The aim of this study was to evaluate and characterize the hard-shell capsules produced from goatskin gelatin. The goatskin gelatin was extracted by an acid hydrolysis method, and the functional properties were investigated. Hard-shell capsules were then produced from goatskin gelatin, evaluated, and characterized. The gelatin extracted from goatskin had 56.9% ± 0.95 clarity and a pH of 5.11 ± 0.09, 97.51% ± 1.1 protein content, 9.23% ± 0.08 water content, 0.18% ± 0.07 ash content, 2.08% ± 0.35 fat content, gel strength of 298 ± 2.64 gbloom, and viscosity of 27.33 ± 2.07 mPs. The gelatin has met the requirements to be made into hard-shell capsules. The average weight of the hard-shell capsules produced was 96.9 mg with 8.69 standard deviation. The average size of the body and cap length was 18.84 ± 0.64 mm and 10.98 ± 0.30 mm, respectively. The results of capsule evaluation and characterization were as follows: the pH was 4.82 ± 1,27, water content was 10.03 ± 0.21, disintegration time was 4.02 ± 2.09 min, and there was no microbial growth. Thus, the capsules made have met the requirements and can be produced in a large quantity

    Diferensiasi Gelatin Sapi dan Babi pada Cangkang Kapsul Keras Menggunakan metode Kombinasi Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi dan Kemometrik

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    Gelatin sapi dan babi merupakan bahan utama pembuatan cangkang kapsul keras. Gelatin babi tidak boleh dikonsumsi oleh Muslim sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis pembeda gelatin sapi dan babi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiferensiasi gelatin sapi dan babi pada cangkang kapsul keras menggunakan metode kombinasi Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dan Kemometrik menu Principal Komponen Analisis(PCA). Gelatin di ekstraksi dari cangkang kapsul keras dan langsung dihidrolisis menggunakan teknik hidrolisis asam, diinjeksikan ke dalam alat KCKT dan tinggi puncak kromatogram setiap asam amino penyusun gelatin dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asam amino penyusun gelatin dapat dipisahkan dengan baik oleh KCKT. Gelatin standar dan gelatin dari cangkang kapsul dengan sumber hewan yang sama memiliki komposisi asam amino yang sama. Dengan demikian, PCA dapat mengklasifikasikan sumber gelatin pada cangkang kapsul simulasi. Namun penelitian ini belum berhasil mengidentifikasi sumber gelatin cangkang kapsul komersial

    Perbandingan Metode SYBR Green dan Hydrolysis Probe dalam Analisis DNA Gelatin Sapi dan Gelatin Babi Menggunakan Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Gelatin has a large application in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Gelatin is mostly derived from the skin or bone of porcine and bovine. Porcine gelatin is forbidden for Muslim and Jews. For this reason, analytical methods to detect gelatin are needed to make sure the source of gelatin. One of the analytical techniques that can differentiate bovine and porcine gelatin is Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). There are two popular methods of fluorescence dye, namely SYBR green and hydrolysis probe. This study was conducted to compare SYBR green and hydrolysis probe method in analyzing porcine and bovine gelatin DNA using Real Time PCR. The DNA was isolated by commercial kit. The obtained porcine and bovine gelatin DNA were 19.38 ng/μl and 13.63 ng/μl with purity were 1,566 and 1,573, respectively. Then, isolated DNA was analyzed by SYBR green and hydrolysis methods. SYBR green methods was done by annealing temperature of 65 oC for bovine primer and 60 oC for porcine primer. Therefore, hydrolysis probe methods were analyzed by annealing temperature of 60 oC for both porcine primer and bovine primer. The result showed that the hydrolysis probe was higher specificity to identify of porcine and bovine gelatin DNA than SYBR green method.Pemanfaatan gelatin secara luas menimbulkan kontroversi dan kekhawatiran bagi masyarakat muslim karena pada umumnya gelatin terbuat dari kulit babi dan sapi. Salah satu teknik analisis yang dapat membedakan gelatin sapi dan gelatin babi adalah Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Real Time PCR merupakan metode analisis berbasis DNA yang handal, efektif, dan terpecaya. Dalam analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif, Real Time PCR membutuhkan pewarna fluoresens. Pewarna fluoresens yang umum digunakan adalah SYBR green dan hydrolysis probe. Telah dilakukan perbandingan antara metode SYBR green dan hydrolysis probe dalam analisis DNA gelatin menggunakan Real Time PCR. DNA pada gelatin diisolasi menggunakan kit komersial. Isolat DNA gelatin sapi dan DNA gelatin babi didapatkan sebanyak 19,38 ng/μl dan 13,63 ng/μl dengan kemurnian 1,566 dan 1,573. Isolat DNA yang dianalisis dengan metode SYBR green menggunakan suhu annealing 65o C untuk primer sapi dan suhu annealing 60o C untuk primer babi. Isolat DNA yang dianalisis dengan metode hydrolysis probe menggunakan suhu annealing 60o C untuk primer babi dan primer sapi. Hasil analisis dari kedua metode menunjukkan bahwa metode hydrolysis probe lebih spesifik dalam mengidentifikasi DNA pada gelatin dibandingkan menggunakan metode SYBR green

    Analisis Cemaran Daging Babi pada Bakso Sapi yang Dijual di Tanjung Priok menggunakan Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)

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    Bakso sapi sebagai makanan yang disukai oleh masyarakat Indonesia rawan terhadap cemaran daging babi karena daging sapi harganya relatif mahal. Kasus pencampuran tersebut tentu menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan bagi masyarakat muslim di Indonesia karena daging babi tidak halal dikonsumsi. Karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis cemaran daging babi pada bakso sapi. Sampel diambil dari wilayah Tanjung Priuk karena jumlah penganut yang boleh mengkonsumsi daging babi di daerah tersebut signifikan banyaknya. Bakso kontrol (100% babi, 100% sapi, campuran 50% babi) dan 10 bakso sampel di analisis menggunakan metode real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Isolat DNA yang digunakan adalah DNA mitokondria dengan daerah target sitokrom B. Hasil amplifikasi RT-PCR pada 3 bakso kontrol menggunakan primer babi menunjukkan bakso kontrol 100% babi dan campuran 50% babi menghasilkan kenaikan kurva amplifikasi dengan CP 22,82 dan 20,03. Sedangkan hasil amplifikasi 10 sampel bakso sapi menggunakan primer babi tidak menghasilkan kenaikan kurva amplifikasi yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya DNA babi yang teramplifikasi pada produk bakso sapi tersebut

    Aplikasi Metode SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis) untuk Mengidentifikasi Sumber Asal Gelatin pada Kapsul Keras

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    Gelatin as the main ingredient of capsules is still a problem for a moslem. Most of gelatin production remains largely derived from non-halal materials. One of gelatin source is came from collagen of the skin and bones of bovine or pork. The main of study is determine the source of gelatin used in hard capsules by using SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Gel electrophoresis Poly Acrylamide) method. In the early stages, optimization of standards bovine and pork gelatin were hydrolyzed by pepsin at pH 4.5 and 60°C for 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours. Gelatin hydrolyzateswere analyzed by SDS-PAGE to determine the optimal hydrolysis time. Identification of gelatin hydrolyzate fragments were carried by molecular weight. Hydrolysis time optimization throught applied to identify the source of hard gelatin capsules in the samples obtained from market and compared with the simulation of hard gelatin capsules. The results showed there were of specific bands of bovine gelatin with a molecular weight of 11,4 kDa; 34 kDa; 47kDa and specific bands of pork gelatin with a molecular weight of 24.7 kDa; 28 kDa; and 60 kDa. Similar results were obtained on a sample of hard capsules with bands of protein fragments that were identical to bovine gelatinstandard. Based on the results,each of the samples were tested contain of bovine gelatin respectively. DOI :http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.315