12 research outputs found

    Experiencias no semiárido cearense na implantacao de sistemas fotovoltaicos para irrigacao: licóes aprendidas

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    O semiárido brasileiro caracteriza-se pela má distribui^áo dos regimes de chuva, alta irradia^áo solar e elevadas temperaturas que associadas á indisponibilidade de energiaelétrica dificulta o  acesso  á água. A escassez hídrica toma difícil o desenvolvimento  de atividades produtivas como  a agricultura e a pecuária, já que o  risco  de perder a produgáo  durante os períodos de seca é alto. Com o intuito de mitigar o problema do acesso á água para irrigagáo, algumas entidades implantaram independentemente alguns projetos piloto  com sistemas fotovoltaicos de bombeamento  em várias regióes do  semiárido cearense.Através de levantamento em campo de informagóes com os membros das equipes participantes e os beneficiários, o presente trabalho apresenta a situa^áo atual dessas iniciativas visando destacar o aprendizado obtido com esses projetos para a elaborado de futuros empreendimentos com essa tecnología.The Brazilian semiarid region is characterized by poor distribution of rainfall regimes, high solar radiation and high temperatures associated with electrical unavailability and arduous water access. Water scarcity makes difficult to develop productive activities such as agriculture and livestock, since the risk of losing production during periods of drought is high. In order to mitigate the problem of water access for irrigation, some entities deployed independently few pilot projects with photovoltaic pumping systems in various regions of the semiarid of Ceará. Through gathering information with members of the participating teams and beneficiaries, this paper shows the current situation of these projects aimed to highlight the lessons learned from these projects for the development of future projects with this technology.La región semiárida brasileña se caracteriza por una mala distribución de los regímenes de lluvia, radiación solar elevada y las altas temperaturas que asociadas con la falta de energía eléctrica impiden el acceso al agua. La escasez de agua hace que sea difícil el desarrollo de actividades productivas como la agricultura y la ganadería, ya que el riesgo de pérdida de producción durante los períodos de sequía es alto. Para mitigar el problema del acceso al agua para riego, algunas entidades implementaron de forma independiente algunos proyectos piloto con sistemas de bombeo fotovoltaico en diversas regiones del semiárido de Ceará. A través del levantamiento de información en campo con los miembros de los equipos participantes y los beneficiarios, en este trabajo se presenta el estado actual de estas iniciativas destacar las lecciones aprendidas de estos proyectos para el desarrollo de futuros proyectos con esta tecnología.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Determination of oxidative stress parameters in fluoxetine users

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    Fluoxetine (FLU), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is the first line in depression treatment and it is involved in oxidative stress (OE). Thus, this study aimed to analyze the OE parameters in patients diagnosed with depression and treated with FLU. Were evaluated 121 volunteers divided into two groups: 58 fluoxetine users (with major depression) and 63 non-fluoxetine users (control group, without major depression). The OE was evaluated by determining the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant power (FRAP) and activity of antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). MDA, FRAP, GPx and SOD were dosed in plasma. The influence of age, smoking, alcoholism, comorbidities, use of another drugs and antioxidants in the OE were evaluated. The results were compared between the groups. In relation to the fluoxetine daily dose, MDA presented higher levels in patients using 20 mg daily FLU when compared to the control group, as well as the activity of the GPx enzyme and the FRAP levels. In this way, the use of fluoxetine may interfere with the OE parameters, causing an increase in OE levels


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    A automação de subestações elétricas desempenha um papel crítico na modernização e eficiência dos sistemas de energia elétrica. No entanto, a crescente dependência do protocolo IEC 61850 para comunicação e controle pode criar vulnerabilidades significativas à segurança cibernética. Este artigo explora a importância do IEC 61850 no monitoramento de subestações além de destacar a necessidade de integração com o IEC 62351 como uma medida crucial para mitigar os riscos de ataque cibernético.https://revistaft.com.br/eficiencia-com-seguranca-integracao-do-iec-61850-com-o-iec-62351-para-mitigar-riscos-de-ataques-ciberneticos-em-subestacoes-digitais

    Analysis of Adherence to Fluoxetine Treatment through its Plasma Concentration

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    Depression plays an important role in non-adherence to medical recommendations. Fluoxetine is a first line of depression treatment. This study aimed to evaluate adherence to drug therapy in fluoxetine users by different methods. A cross-section study was conducted with 53 depressed patients on fluoxetine for at least six months. Drug therapy adherence was assessed by validated questionnaires [Brief Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) and Morisky-Green test (MG)] and by the blood concentration of fluoxetine and its active metabolite norfluoxetine. Blood samples were taken before the daily first dose of fluoxetine. The plasmatic concentration of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine indicated that 58.5% volunteers were within the recommended therapeutic range and thus considered adherent to drug therapy. However, questionnaires indicated a non-adherent majority: 41.5% patients had a high degree of adherence in MG and only 13.2% were adherent to pharmacological treatment in BMQ. Most fluoxetine users showed a plasma concentration of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine within the therapeutic range, despite the low adherence to the drug therapy evaluated by the questionnaires. Thus, we suggest that plasma levels of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine could be used as the main method to check adherence to treatment

    Analysis of Adherence to Fluoxetine Treatment through its Plasma Concentration

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    Abstract Depression plays an important role in non-adherence to medical recommendations. Fluoxetine is a first line of depression treatment. This study aimed to evaluate adherence to drug therapy in fluoxetine users by different methods. A cross-section study was conducted with 53 depressed patients on fluoxetine for at least six months. Drug therapy adherence was assessed by validated questionnaires [Brief Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) and Morisky-Green test (MG)] and by the blood concentration of fluoxetine and its active metabolite norfluoxetine. Blood samples were taken before the daily first dose of fluoxetine. The plasmatic concentration of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine indicated that 58.5% volunteers were within the recommended therapeutic range and thus considered adherent to drug therapy. However, questionnaires indicated a non-adherent majority: 41.5% patients had a high degree of adherence in MG and only 13.2% were adherent to pharmacological treatment in BMQ. Most fluoxetine users showed a plasma concentration of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine within the therapeutic range, despite the low adherence to the drug therapy evaluated by the questionnaires. Thus, we suggest that plasma levels of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine could be used as the main method to check adherence to treatment