25 research outputs found


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    To facilitate the use of wobbling mass models in biomechanical research, accurate and reliable quantification of in-vivo soft and rigid tissue masses is required [1]. The reliability of upper and lower extremity tissue mass estimates has been reported to be good to excellent, following manual segmentation of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scans [2]. The purpose of this study was to quantify the within- and between-measurer reliability of the head, neck, trunk, and pelvis tissue masses, using a comparable approach. Full body DXA scans were performed on 102 younger (51F, 51M; 16-35 years) and 101 older (50F, 51M; 36-65 years) participants, and manually segmented twice by four trained measurers using regions of interest for the head, neck, trunk and pelvis segments. Between- and within-measurer reliability of segment lean mass (LM), fat mass (FM), wobbling mass (WM=LM+FM) and bone mineral content (BMC) were assessed using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) (good to excellent: ICCs\u3e0.75) [3] and coefficients of variation (CVs) (good: CVs Within- and between-measurer ICCs ranged from 0. 595 (neck BMC) to 1.00 (trunk WM, FM, BMC; head BMC; pelvis BMC), and 0.523 (neck LM) to 1.000 (head BMC; trunk WM, FM), respectively. Over 95% of all CV values had magnitudes below 5%, and maximum between- and within-measurer CVs were only 7.34% (neck BMC) and 6.28% (neck FM). All tissue mass estimates (across segments and age groups) had good to excellent reliability except a few ICCs for the neck and head. Limitations with planar scanning of the neck and head contributed to this finding. Overall, these very positive results are consistent with previous work for the extremities [2] and suggest that manual segmentation of core body segments from DXA scans is an appropriate approach for determining tissue mass estimates of living people of a range of ages

    Analisa Variasi Temperatur Dan Salinitas Air Laut Di Perairan Samudra Pasifik Akibat Pengaruh El Nino Dan La Nina

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    Semakin banyak fenomena alam yang menyebabkan Perubahan musim, salah satunya yang terjadi belakangan ini di perairan Samudera Pasifik, seperti Perubahan temperatur dan kenaikan muka air laut yang belum dapat dimengerti sepenuhnya. Perubahan temperatur biasanya dinamakan El Nino dan La Nina yang merupakan suatu penyimpangan iklim di Samudera Pasifik. Dengan adanya fenomena-fenomena alam yang terjadi di perairan Samudera Pasifik, maka dilakukan penelitian di sekitar Samudera Pasifik dengan menggunakan pelampung Triangle Trans-Ocean Bouy Network (TRITON). Salah satu pelampung TRITON berada pada posisi 0°N 138°E sebelah barat daya samudra pasifik. Data-data yang berasal dari pelampung tersebut berupa data temperatur dan salinitas dari tahun 2005 hingga 2011. Dari hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa daerah di sekitar Indonesia memiliki lapisan thermocline dan halocline pada kedalaman 250 meter. Hubungan temperatur dan salinitas tidak berbanding lurus dan nilainya berubah dengan bertambahnya kedalaman. Tahun 2007 kejadian La Nina mengakibatkan banjir bandang di Timor Leste. Secara global kejadian El Nino dan La Nina menyebabkan turunnya tinggi permukaan air di lautan dan menambah volume air tanah yang menyebabkan banjir di Indonesia dan Australia, misalnya

    Sejarah Peradaban Islam di Pulau Madura

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    In the book Negarakertagama which was written by Mpu Prapanca when under the rule of King Hayamwuruk from the Majapahit kingdom in 1365 AD, initially Madura was an archipelago with Java. Some argue that the islands of Madura and Java were separated in 929 AD due to a volcanic eruption. Islam entered Madura intensively around the 15th century AD along with the waning influence of the Majapahit kingdom in East Java. In the 16th century Madura was divided into two regions. first, west madura whose area is Arosbaya which later became Bangkalan and Sampang. The two East Madura, namely Sumenep and Pamekasan. The history of the development of Islam in Bangkalan began with the reign of Panembahan Pratanu, who had the title Weak Dhuwur. While the spreaders of Islam in Sumenep include Sunan Padusa. The spread of Islam on the island of Madura was spread through trade, not by war. This is in accordance with the Islamic religious principle of spreading peace. The war that occurs is only to maintain what already exists, not to hold something that doesn't yet exist

    Global wave climate based on the JMA/MRI-AGCM3.2 climate change projection

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    In this study, global wave climates for present and future climates are simulated by the WAM model,\ud based on wind climate data from the JMA/MRI-AGCM3.2 climate change projection. This study is based on two 6-\ud hourly wind data sets, covering two periods of 1979-2003 (present climate) and 2075-2099 (future climate). These wind\ud data are used to run the WAM model for generating output of wave characteristics. The outputs from each period then\ud were used to study global wave climate in the future. It is found that the wave climate is strongly dependent on latitude,\ud with the largest waves, as well as most significant seasonal variations, located at the mid to high latitude regions. These\ud areas are also where the climate induced changes from present to future climate are most noteworthy. The largest\ud increases of significant wave height of approximately +5%, is experienced in the southern parts of the Indian, Pacific\ud and Atlantic Oceans as well as in the Antarctic Ocean. The largest decreases are of the same order, and limited to the\ud northern Atlantic Ocea


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    Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat memiliki keadaan geologi yang cukup kompleks, dikelilingi oleh gunung-gunung, banyak sungai, serta terdapat juga area karst yang berada pada Kecamatan Lintau Buo. Banyaknya sungai dan keterdapatan area karst menjadi suatu hipotesis adanya daerah imbuhan (recharge area) pada Kabupaten ini. Recharge area merupakan daerah yang memiliki karakteristik pergerakan aliran air tanah vertikal ke bawah yang dipengaruhi oleh gravitasi atau aliran air tanah yang mengikuti kemiringan akuifer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memetakan recharge area (daerah imbuhan) pada Kabupaten Tanah Datar menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh. Dalam penentuan recharge area terdapat beberapa parameter yang digunakan yaitu curah hujan, jenis tanah, tutupan lahan, dan kemiringan lahan (slope). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah metode penginderaan jauh yang menggunakan citra landsat 8 OLI/TIRS dan data pendukung lainnya. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil nilai skoring dan pembobotan pada tiap parameter didapatkan besar potensi recharge area seluas 26.49 ha (±20.26), transition zone mencapai 67.77 ha (±51.84%) dan discharge zone 36.46 ha (±27.89%)

    Application of wavenumber estimation model using video observation from Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands

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    The nearshore zone is dynamic area which is characterised by a dynamic interaction between waves and underlying bathymetry. The characteristics of bathymetry and its evolution are very important for coastal engineering applications and development. Historically, the process of bathymetry data collection by in situ measurement surveys has been a costly and difficult task. Combination of a traditional in situ survey method and advanced techniques such as global positioning systems and modern ship vehicles are expensive in labour, time and money. Added, in situ survey measurements have limitations on spatial and temporal resolutions. At present, advanced video monitoring system techniques allow to sample these data automatically, on a long term basis and without the need to deploy in situ measurements in a hostile environment. This invention of new digital technology of images from video camera systems can provide information of the shoreward propagation of wave using pixel intensity time series which collected at cross-shore array. From this video image of intensity data we can measure the wave speed. Then the local water depth is inferred from linear wave theory dispersion relation equation. In this research study, we undertake a cross-correlation approach scheme for investigating wave speed or equivalent wavenumber from video remote observation data sets, as opposed to the cross-spectral technique developed by Stockdon and Holman (2000). The approach of cross correlation method is to determine the wave celerity or wavenumber based on maximum cross correlation between two neighbouring pixels from each point in time series of pixel intensities (timestack). Both wave celerity from cross shore array and alongshore array were extracted form the timestacks which consist of pixel intensity time series from single cross-shore and multiple alongshore arrays of pixel locations. Results indicated that the cross-correlation formulation has the capability to derive wavenumbers by the mean of multiple estimate of time lag between two neighbouring pixels. Analysis of the standard deviation shows that performance of the model is decreases near the shoreline. It is indicated by the broader error near shoreline which can be attributed to the non linearity of wave travel after wave breaking. Increasing filter window several meter cross shore is good measures to have more accurate estimate of wavenumber estimate. Overall, the result of wavenumber estimate is comparable with the method Plant et all, 2007 (cross-spectral correlatio

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan Pada PT Sarana Andalan Semesta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kepuasan kerja, stres kerja dan turnover intention karyawan pada PT Sarana Andalan Semesta baik secara simultan dan parsial. Adapun permasalahan penelitian ini karena turnover intention yang ditandai dari jumlah karyawan pada tahun 2013 sebanyak 72 karyawan turun menjadi 65 karyawan pada tahun 2017. Selain itu rendahnya kepuasan kerja juga diketahui dari banyaknya karyawan yang menunda pekerjaan dan juga stres kerja karyawan terlihat dari karyawan sering merasa kesal dan marah dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan sampel sebanyak 36 orang karyawan tetap pada unit baching plant, crusher, dan AMP. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan datanya dianalisis dengan analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui tingkat turnover intention karyawan tergolong sedang, kepuasan kerja tergolong sedang dan stres kerja karyawan tergolong sedang. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah; 1) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kepuasan kerja dan stres kerja secara parsial terhadap turnover intention karyawan PT Sarana Andalan Semesta. Hasil uji t variabel kepuasan kerja memiliki nilai t hitung > t tabel atau -3,372 > 1,692 dengan signifikan 0,002 (p t tabel atau 2,771 > 1,692 dengan signifikan 0,009 (p 3,32 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 (p < 0,05). 3) Hasil uji koefisien determinasi menunjukkan nilai R square (R2) sebesar 0,421 artinya kepuasan kerja dan stres kerja memberikan kontribusi terhadap turnover intention karyawan PT Sarana Andalan Semesta sebesar 42,1%. 4) Hasil perhitungan epsilon menunjukkan nilai epsilon sebesar 0,579 atau 57,9% diberikan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini seperti kompensasi, motivasi, disiplin, lingkungan kerja, dan variabel lainnya


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    Upaya Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Terorisme Berbasis Peran Serta Masyarakat Oleh Satuan Brimob Kepolisian Daerah Sumbar adalah melalui pendekatan kemasyarakatan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan membuat acara kesenian rakyat seperti randai, melibatkan tokoh agama dengan kegiatan ceramah pada mesjid. Melaksanakan patroli dan dialog sosial dengan pemuda di tingkat Rt dan sekolah atau kampus. Pesan sosial tersebut berisikan informasi dan himbauan agar tidak mengikuti paham radikal dan berhati hati terhadap segala bentuk kegiatan yang mengarah kepada perbuatan terorisme. Bentuk partisipasi yang lain adalah anggota Satbrimob merangkul tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh adat agar meminta setiap orang tua yang ada ikut terlibat dalam memberikan peringatan, pendidikan, maupun pengetahuan terhadap anak-anak. Upaya ini dapat efektif untuk menghadapi persoalan terorisme pasalnya deteksi dini dapat dilakukan keluarga. Kurangnya Sinergitas Antara Pihak Satbrimob dengan Ditintelkam,  dalam Kaitannya Pembinaan ke masyarakat dan dalam memberdayakan masyarakat dalam upaya pemberantasan teorisme. kesan bahwa pemerintah sangat menekankan bahwa urusan pencegahan terorisme adalah urusan pusat. Kegiatan pencegahan yang kerap dilakukan oleh Satbrimob Polda Sumbar menggunakan bahasa yang dianggap terlalu tinggi dan kurang mengindahkan budaya lokal. Satbrimob juga minim dialog langsung di tengah masyarakat untuk menyampaikan narasi pencegahan terorisme. Hal ini berimplikasi pada acapnya pesan yang disampaikan tidak mengena di tingkat masyarakat

    Global wave climate based on the JMA/MRI-AGCM3.2 climate change projection

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    In this study, global wave climates for present and future climates are simulated by the WAM model, based on wind climate data from the JMA/MRI-AGCM3.2 climate change projection. This study is based on two 6-hourly wind data sets, covering two periods of 1979-2003 (present climate) and 2075-2099 (future climate). These wind data are used to run the WAM model for generating output of wave characteristics. The outputs from each period then were used to study global wave climate in the future. It is found that the wave climate is strongly dependent on latitude, with the largest waves, as well as most significant seasonal variations, located at the mid to high latitude regions. These areas are also where the climate induced changes from present to future climate are most noteworthy. The largest increases of significant wave height of approximately +5%, is experienced in the southern parts of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans as well as in the Antarctic Ocean. The largest decreases are of the same order, and limited to the northern Atlantic Ocean