1,020 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Zientara, Bronslaw (Augusta, Kennebec County)

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    Controversy in aesthetics : implications for metacriticism in art education.

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    Aesthetic controversy over the link between art and criticism is investigated with a view to exploring implications for metacriticism in art education. Artistic intention is defined as a principal controversy on the assumption that it is representative of disputes in aesthetics as a whole concerning the relative validity of divergent critical stances. A disparity is found to exist between the centrality of aesthetic controversy as a focus of metacriticism among aestheticians and its peripheral status in art education theorizing. On the (discipline-based) assumption that art teaching and learning should be grounded in the content and methods of artists, art historians, art critics, and aestheticians, this disparity is considered a research 'problem'. It is hypothesized that controversy in aesthetics is a potential source of curriculum development in art education. Relevant 'kinds' of theory are analyzed with a view to clarifying issues underlying aesthetic controversy, such as that prompted by intention. An analysis is made of standard oppositions in philosophy and aesthetics with particular reference to the divide between analytical and Continental philosophical traditions. underlying theoretical frameworks are identified and speculations made about the kinds of critical strategies that might arise from them. In this connection, teaching about intention in the field of literature education theory is explored in some detail with the a1m of discovering strategies for metacriticism that might be applied to art teaching. Moreover, the research addresses the problem of translating discipline-based content in respect of controversy into a pedagogy of metacriticism. Following an examination of pedagogical models in general education theory, it is concluded that fundamental controversy (in aesthetics) implies a paradoxical, though not illogical, alignment of 'commitment' and 'impartiality' in respect of subject content and wider educational goals. A synthesis is finally made of arguments arising from the analyses of separate kinds of theory and this culminates in a formulation of principles for teaching metacriticism. This is based on key aspects of aesthetic theory which, in combination, reflect not only the diversity but the contestability of art criticism, namely, the distinctions between intrinsic and extrinsic evidence, descriptive and interpretive statements, moral and aesthetic judgments, and between intentional ism and anti-intentionalism. Discussion of the metacritical principles is illustrated by reference to relevant classes of artworks. Moreover, the implications of teaching aesthetics and criticism as an interactive whole are discussed in respect of curriculum development and teacher training at both national and institutional levels. '!be study concludes with a reflective criticism of the research method and suggestions are made about possibilities for future research

    The Role of Fairness, Job Satisfaction, and Co-Worker Cohesiveness in Influencing the Desire for Unionization Among Polish Cooks

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    Hotel work is characterized by long and unsocial shifts, and many hotel employees feel tired, treated unfairly, and dissatisfied with their jobs. There is a high incidence of part-time and temporary employment that translates into low pay, job insecurity, and limited access to training. Hotels in some countries – notably, Poland – are practically without collective representation leaving hotel workers with a weak bargaining position. This study aimed to find out whether hotel employees might be interested in unionization and whether, in the absence of unions in the workplace, staff can count on their co-workers for support and, whether this might affect their support for unions and intention to leave. The study is based on data collected through a questionnaire survey conducted among Polish cooks and cook’s helpers. 186 responses were used for further analysis. There was an inverse relationship between job satisfaction and intention to quit and dissatisfaction did not increase one’s desire for union membership. A sense of fairness translated into less desire for unionization and for leaving. There was a positive relationship between cohesiveness and a desire for unionization and an inverse relationship between cohesiveness and intention to quit. The way hotel managers treat their charges influences their behavior in and attitudes towards their workplaces

    Corporate social responsibility of public administration through eyes of enterprises

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    The present paper focuses on corporate social responsibility in public administration. The subject of interest is the South Moravia Region and enterprises seated there. The subject of the present research includes overall awareness of the inquired enterprises about corporate social responsibility and activities of the South Moravian Region Authority related to corporate social responsibility of the institution. The research has brought conclusions testifying a certain level of knowledge of the CSR concept among enterprises, albeit on the basic level only. The awareness of socially responsible activities of the regional authority was very low and therefore further steps of this institution must be considered to improve communication of CSR activities and develop an environment for better cooperation of the public and the private sector in this area. The research was based on secondary data drawn from annual reports of the South Moravian Region Authority and on primary data obtained by questionnaire-based inquiry among 384 enterprises doing business in the South Moravia Region.O

    Verordnungen und Stereotype : deutsche und polnische Wirtshäuser in der Frühen Neuzeit

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    Als wichtiges Kommunikationszentrum unterlagen die Wirtshäuser besonderer Kontrolle. Im Aufsatz werden die sie betreffenden Verordnungen und Edikte der deutschen Territorialherrscher besprochen. Die Situation der Gaststätten in Polen war etwas anders. Die preußischen Reisenden (und diejenigen aus dem weiteren Deutschen Reich) kamen in das Land und waren von der eigenen kulturellen Überlegenheit überzeugt. Das Angebot der polnischen Wirtshäuser und Dorfkrüge war damals tatsächlich miserabel, die Kritik wurde aber auf die gesamte Kultur des Volkes ausgedehnt. Nach den drei Teilungen Polens wurden die Stereotype durch preußische Beamte gerne vermehrt und gefestigt.Karczmy, jako ważne centrum komunikacyjne, podlegały specjalnej kontroli. W artykule omówiono dotyczące ich zarządzenia i edykty niemieckich władców terytorialnych. Nieco inaczej kształtowała się sytuacja gościńców w Polsce. Podróżnicy pruscy (oraz z dalszych terenów Rzeszy) przybywali do tego kraju przekonani o własnej wyższości kulturowej. Oferta polskich gospód i wiejskich karczm była wówczas rzeczywiście marna, ale krytykę rozciągano na kulturę całego kraju. Po trzech rozbiorach Polski stereotypy były chętnie rozpowszechniane i utrwalane przez pruskich urzędnikówTaverns, as an important communication center, were subject to special control. The article discusses the ordinances and edicts of German territorial rulers. The situation of highways in Poland was slightly different. Prussian travellers (and travellers from further areas of the Reich) came to this country convinced of their own cultural superiority. At that time, the offer of Polish taverns and country inns was really poor, but the criticism was extended to the culture of the entire country. After the three partitions of Poland, such stereotypes were readily disseminated and perpetuated by Prussian officials. (Translated by Agnieszka Chabros

    Reiseliteratur von Andreas Keller und Winfried Siebers. Ein Lehrbuch für Studenten und akademische Lehrer

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    Reiseliteratur Andreasa Kellera i Winfrieda Siebersa. Podręcznik dla studentów i nauczycieli akademickichReiseliteratur by Andreas Keller and Winfried Siebers. Handbook for students and academic teachersReiseliteratur Andreasa Kellera i Winfrieda Siebersa. Podręcznik dla studentów i nauczycieli akademickichReiseliteratur by Andreas Keller and Winfried Siebers. Handbook for students and academic teachersReiseliteratur Andreasa Kellera i Winfrieda Siebersa. Podręcznik dla studentów i nauczycieli akademickichReiseliteratur by Andreas Keller and Winfried Siebers. Handbook for students and academic teacher