289 research outputs found

    High Purity Germanium: From Gamma-Ray Detection to Dark Matter Subterranean Detectors

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    High purity germanium remains the material of choice for the detection of photons in the range of MeV or higher, down to the hard X-ray range. Since the operation of HPGe-based detectors is possible only at or below the liquid nitrogen temperature, their advantage is mainly the resolution, which matches the Fano factor if appropriate cooled electronic readout is used. We focus here on present-day applications of HPGe detectors, which are now broader than ever despite the recent development of room-temperature photon detectors based on binary compounds. We present in particular dark matter detectors and γ-ray trackers as examples of the recent applications of HPGe as a detecting medium. More generally, we discuss the future of γ-ray detectors and the role that the semiconductor detectors will keep with respect to alternative detection materials. This chapter is an introduction to this general topic, and the reader is encouraged to refer to research and review articles on this subject published in the past or recently

    Thermal maturity of the Grajcarek Unit (Pieniny Klippen Belt) : insights for the burial history of a major tectonic boundary of the Western Carpathians

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    The Grajcarek Unit of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB), at the boundary between the Central (Inner) and Outer Carpathians, resulted from the convergence of the ALCAPA (the Alps–Carpathians–Pannonia) block and European plate. The strongly deformed slices of the Grajcarek Unit consist of Jurassic–Cretaceous sedimentary rocks associated with Late Cretaceous–Middle Palaeocene synorogenic wild-flysch, and sedimentary breccias with olistoliths. Maximum burial temperatures and burial depths were estimated based on vitrinite reflectance data. The vitrinite reflectance values were wide scattered through the Grajcarek sedimentary succession, especially in the flysch formations. This is attributed mainly to the depositional effects that affected the vitrinite evolution. The determined maximum burial temperatures were interpreted due to the regional compression controlled by tectonic burial coeval with thrusting and strike-slip faulting. The regional vitrinite reflectance variations might estimate cumulative displacement around the NNW–SSE and oriented the strike-slip Dunajec fault, which is a continuation of the deep fracture Kraków–Myszków fault zone

    The black protests : a struggle for (re)definition of intimate citizenship

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    Próby zmiany prawa regulującego dostęp do aborcji w Polsce, podjęte przez polski Sejm w 2016 i 2018, zainicjowały intensywną społeczną mobilizację i szerokie protesty społeczne, określane wspólną nazwą "Czarne Protesty". Tę mobilizację traktujemy jako próbę (prze)definiowania obowiązujących pojęć obywatelstwa, a w szczególności, jako wyraz poszukiwania nowego modelu obywatelstwa intymnego, czyli publicznego przedefiniowania praw dotyczących prywatnej/intymnej sfery. Celem artykułu jest analiza wspomnianych (re)artykulacji intymnego obywatelstwa. W pierwszej części artykułu opisujemy czym były Czarne Protesty oraz Ogólnopolski Strajk Kobiet oraz przybliżamy kontekst ich powstania oraz postulaty. W drugiej części definiujemy rozumienie obywatelstwa, a w szczególności obywatelstwa intymnego. Następnie przybliżamy metodologię naszych badań. Ostatnia, analityczna część artykułu rekonstruuje wizje obywatelstwa intymnego wyłaniające się z analizowanego materiału empirycznego.This article focuses on analysis of redefinitions of intimate citizenship visions in the arenas created by recent women’s protests in Poland. The 2016 and 2018 attempts by the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish Parliament, to introduce amendments to the existing law regulating access to abortion in Poland stirred dramatic social mobilisation and widespread social protests labelled with the umbrella term "Black Protests". We see these mobilisations not only as a protest, but also as attempt to (re)define dominant notions of citizenship, and in particular, as a quest for a new model of intimate citizenship, i.e. public reconceptualisation of rights regarding the private/intimate sphere. Our article offers the in-depth analysis these reconceptualisations. It unfolds in the following way. Firstly, we discuss the phenomena of the Black Protests and Polish Women’s Strikes and present the context of their emergence as well as their agenda. Secondly, we briefly discuss the issue of intimate citizenship. We then present the methodology, as well as discussing the empirical material used for our analysis. In the final part we reconstruct the visions of (intimate) citizenship emerging from the collected material

    Między sztuką i polityką: awangarda artystyczna wobec zmian społeczno-politycznych w Republice Weimarskiej

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    Article discusses the relationships between art and politics on the example of the German avantgarde, whose origins must be sought in the period before the First World War had broken out. Ideas of the German expressionism evolved under the influence of the Great War and the news from the Bolshevik Russia. Many left-wing artists in post-war Germany were involved in the revolutionary movement, especially the so-called November Revolution; after the Versailles Treaty, some of them joined the management of culture institutions and artistic schools with the famous Bauhaus School of Design at the forefront. Hitler’s rise to power brought an end to both the Weimar Republic and the avant-garde art in Germany.Artykuł omawia związki między sztuką i polityką na przykładzie awangardy artystycznej w Niemczech, której początków należy szukać w okresie poprzedzającym wybuch I wojny światowej. Założenia artystyczne niemieckiego ekspresjonizmu w sztuce ewoluowały pod wpływem Wielkiej Wojny i wieści dobiegających z bolszewickiej Rosji. Wielu lewicowych artystów zaangażowało się w ruch rewolucyjny, zwłaszcza w czasie tzw. rewolucji listopadowej; po podpisaniu traktatu wersalskiego niektórzy z nich włączyli się w zarządzanie instytucjami kultury i szkołami artystycznymi ze słynnym Bauhausem na czele. Dojście Hitlera do władzy przyniosło kres nie tylko Republice Weimarskiej, ale i awangardzie artystycznej w Niemczech

    Physicochemical properties of starch-maltodextrin and starch-maltodextrin-glucose systems

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    Starch is a widely used food additive. The addition of other ingredients changes the physical properties of resulting systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the rheological characteristics and susceptibility to retrogradation of starch-maltodextrin and starch-maltodextrin-glucose systems. Flow curves of 5% starch - maltodextrin and starch-maltodextrin-glucose pastes were tested by using rotational rheometer. The susceptibility to retrogradation of 2% pastes starch-maltodextrin and starch-maltodextrin-glucose systems by means of turbidimetric method was evaluated. It was found that all samples (systems) were a non-Newtonian, pseudoplastic fluids, with tend to the yield stress. Moreover addition of low and high DE maltodextrins and glucose to the starch caused a decrease in the values of shear stress throughout whole shear rate range. Starch pastes with greater concentration of the maltodextrins had less tendency to retrogradation. Also addition of glucose to starch-maltodextrin systems reduce the susceptibility to retrogradation

    Depositional architecture of marginal multiple-source ramp of the Magura Basin (Eocene Flysch formation, Outer Western Carpathians)

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    The Zembrzyce Beds were studied to interpret the environments and facies in the western part of the Siary Subunit. New sedimentological data were obtained for the reconstruction of the depositional architecture of the Zembrzyce Beds. Based on detailed facies analysis, 9 facies and 4 facies associations were recognized. The facies associations represent different architectural elements of a submarine fan, such as: termination of distributary channel with transition to depositional lobe (distal part of mid-fan/outer fan sub-deposystem), lobes and distal lobes (outer fan sub-deposystem). According to the classification of Reading & Richards (1994) the fan deposystem can be classified as mud/sand-rich ramp. This system consists of several elongated lobes that formed synchronously, migrated laterally, and then retreated or decayed. The depositional system was supplied from the north and north-east. The inner-fan sub-deposystem was not detected. The sediments were deposited by high- and low-density turbidity currents and hyper-concentrated density flows sensu Mulder & Alexander (2001) with participation of the depositional background processes (pelagic settling). The sedimentary conditions of the Zembrzyce Beds during the Late Eocene were controlled by tectonic movements, the progress of the subduction and the global sea level changes

    Selbstständigkeit und Firmengründung – zur neuen sozialen Lage der polnischen Migranten in Deutschland

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    Mit der EU-Osterweiterung wurde besonders in Deutschland große Angst vor einer Migrationswelle billiger Arbeitskräfte verbunden, die sinkende Löhne mit sich bringt. Als Antwort auf diese Prognosen führte die deutsche Regierung (ähnlich wie die Mehrheit der EU15) Übergangsregelungen ein, die den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt schützen sollen. Im Sinne der „2+3+2“-Regel wurde der freie Zugang zum deutschen Arbeitsmarkt für die neuen EU-Bürger vorerst eingeschränkt. Da der Beitrittsvertrag eine Verschlechterung der bisherigen rechtlichen Regelungen verbietet, wurde der bisherige Status auf weiteres beibehalten: für abhängige Beschäftigungsverhältnisse gelten nach wie vor die bilateralen Abkommen und Verträge. Dank der Niederlassungsfreiheit können die neuen EU-Bürger allerdings selbstständige Tätigkeiten ausüben und eigene Unternehmen gründen.Peer Reviewe