23 research outputs found
Collective emotions of the university staff in the context of digital learning
The paper examines the issues of solidarity among the university staff caused by the collective emotions associated with distance learning. It is proved that the collective emotions bring together and unite the university community. They become a lever of social development, a criterion and condition for collective dynamics as well as an indicator of social state of health of the university employees. The university staff tends to think that their colleagues are experiencing the same emotional states as themselves. Specific conclusions about emotion stability, positive and negative emotional states that affect social identity and collective perceptions of university employees who form social strategies of behavior are described by authors based on results of the empirical qualitative and quantitative analysis. On the basis of sociological research in the article proposes some principles of collective emotions in the digital learning conditions. The collective emotions largely determine the scenarios for the development of events in the framework of the daily interaction of the university stuff. Therefore, it shows how the introductions of digital learning led to the formation unite the university community
Analysis of antibiotic prescriptions in patients with community-acquired pneumonia in clinical practice
To analyze new strategies for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) by age and assess treatment efficacy by age category based on real world data.
Materials and Methods.
A total of 612 patients (medical charts) with CAP treated in 3 hospitals during the 2017–2019 were included in the retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study. A retrospective analysis of antimicrobial therapy (AMT) administration in the treatment of CAP was performed.
Duration of hospital stay in CAP patients of young age was 10% shorter than in patients of any other age category. The least frequency (19.6%) of antibiotic combination administration as initial empiric therapy was found in patients of young age. There were no significant differences in frequency of initial AMT administration between age groups. Ceftriaxone, cefepime and cefoperazone were the most common antimicrobials used as monotherapy in all age groups. Ceftriaxone with azithromycin combination was the most common (42%) initial combination therapy in all age groups. The highest number (27) of various antibiotic combinations was administered to old patients, and the lowest number (16) – to young patients. Efficacy of initial AMT was similar between elderly and old patients. Overall efficacy of initial AMT in patients with non-severe CAP and severe CAP was 54% and 50%, respectively. Analysis of antimicrobial treatment of CAP in real practice and its compliance with the current clinical guidelines showed cephalosporin plus macrolide to be a predominant antibiotic combination (83%).
Antibiotic combination administration was found to be common in patients with non-severe CAP, whereas initial monotherapy was administered to severe CAP patients. Antibiotic prescription pattern in patient of young age was different from that in any other age groups. CAP had a less severe course in young patients as evidenced by shorter duration of hospital stay, more frequent monotherapy administration and higher efficacy of initial AMT compared to other age categories. There were no prescriptions of the recommended fifth generation cephalosporin (ceftaroline fosamil)
Risk profiles and one-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in India: Insights from the GARFIELD-AF Registry.
BACKGROUND: The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) is an ongoing prospective noninterventional registry, which is providing important information on the baseline characteristics, treatment patterns, and 1-year outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). This report describes data from Indian patients recruited in this registry. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 52,014 patients with newly diagnosed AF were enrolled globally; of these, 1388 patients were recruited from 26 sites within India (2012-2016). In India, the mean age was 65.8 years at diagnosis of NVAF. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor for AF, present in 68.5% of patients from India and in 76.3% of patients globally (P < 0.001). Diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD) were prevalent in 36.2% and 28.1% of patients as compared with global prevalence of 22.2% and 21.6%, respectively (P < 0.001 for both). Antiplatelet therapy was the most common antithrombotic treatment in India. With increasing stroke risk, however, patients were more likely to receive oral anticoagulant therapy [mainly vitamin K antagonist (VKA)], but average international normalized ratio (INR) was lower among Indian patients [median INR value 1.6 (interquartile range {IQR}: 1.3-2.3) versus 2.3 (IQR 1.8-2.8) (P < 0.001)]. Compared with other countries, patients from India had markedly higher rates of all-cause mortality [7.68 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval 6.32-9.35) vs 4.34 (4.16-4.53), P < 0.0001], while rates of stroke/systemic embolism and major bleeding were lower after 1 year of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Compared to previously published registries from India, the GARFIELD-AF registry describes clinical profiles and outcomes in Indian patients with AF of a different etiology. The registry data show that compared to the rest of the world, Indian AF patients are younger in age and have more diabetes and CAD. Patients with a higher stroke risk are more likely to receive anticoagulation therapy with VKA but are underdosed compared with the global average in the GARFIELD-AF. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION-URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01090362
Emotive codes in Dostoevsky's "The Gambler"
This article is devoted to encoding and decoding the emotional image of F.M Dostoyevsky through the variant emotive deictic field with its emotive codes in the sphere. The object is the emotional speech of the characters in the works of F.M. Dostoyevsky. The subject of the study are the emotive signs in the emotional speech of the characters of F.M. Dostoyevsky. The aim of the article is to identify the most frequent emotive signs in Dostoevsky's "The Gambler", reflecting the emotional state of the characters, through which Russian writer expresses himself
The important semiotic indicators of Dostoyevsky's emotional image
This article is devoted to finding the emotional semiotic character of F. Dostoevsky that is expressed by the key characters' behaviour in 'The Gambler', 'Idiot', The Brothers Karamazov'. The object of the study is emotionally painted speeches of characters in his works. The subject of the study is emotive signs indices in emotional texts of Fyodor Dostoevsky
One of the major achievements of contemporaneous pharmacology is the clinical implementation of the agents (the so called “endolymphatic conductors”) that allow for targeted delivering of antibiotic into the lymphatic system. Their use provides the basis for the lymphotropic treatment method that has been implemented into various areas of medical practice. Hyaluronidase is the most known agent used for this purpose. It has been shown that its preliminary administration before the injection of an antibiotic can improve clinical efficacy of the treatment; however, there is a need in the experimental validation of this approach to antibacterial therapy. The study was aimed at evaluation of hyaluronidase effects on the rate of lymphatic drainage of tissues and cefotaxime pharmacokinetics. We measured the time of elimination of lymphotropic Evans blue dye from the mouse mesentery when administered against the background of hyaluronidase, changes in cefotaxime levels over 24 hours in rabbit plasma and in mice plasma, gut tissues and liver at 1,5 and 24 hours after combined administration of hyaluronidase and the antibiotic. In addition, we calculated the liver to plasma ratio for the antibiotic concentrations. The data obtained shows that hyaluronidase can stimulate tissue lymphatic drainage. Its preliminary administration results in higher cefotaxime levels in rabbit and mice plasma at all time points of the study, compared to cefotaxime monotherapy, with prolongation of its systemic circulation of up to 24 hours. The use of cefotaxime after hyaluronidase leads to an increase of its levels in the mice gut tissues both at 1,5 and 24 hours, but has no effect on the antibiotic accumulation in the liver of the animals. However, the calculated liver to plasma blood ratio of cefotaxime after the administration of hyaluronidase is significantly lower than in the animals with the antibiotic monotherapy. This may indirectly indicate to a decrease in the hepatic extraction of the antibiotic when administered with hyaluronidase. The study results confirm that hyaluronidase has the properties of a lymphatic stimulator and an endolymphatic conductor for the water-soluble antibiotic cefotaxime.Одним из основных достижений современной фармакологии является внедрение в клиническую медицину так называемых эндолимфатических проводников -лекарственных средств, позволяющих осуществлять таргетную доставку антибиотиков в лимфатическую систему. Их использование лежит в основе метода лимфотропной терапии, нашедшего применение в различных областях практической медицины. Наиболее известным препаратом, применяемым с этой целью, является гиалуронидаза. Показано, что ее предварительное введение перед инъекцией антибиотика повышает клиническую эффективность лечения, однако существует потребность в экспериментальном обосновании такого подхода к антибактериальной терапии. Целью настоящего исследования явилось изучение влияния гиалуронидазы на скорость лимфатического дренажа тканей и фармакокинетику цефотаксима. В работе определены время удаления лимфотропного красителя синий Эванса из брыжейки мышей при его введении на фоне гиалуронидазы, концентрация цефотаксима в динамике в течение суток в плазме крови кроликов и в плазме крови, тканях кишечника и печени мышей через 1,5 и 24 часа после совместного введения гиалуронидазы и антибиотика. Полученные данные позволяют заключить, что гиалуронидаза обладает способностью стимулировать лимфатический дренаж тканей. Ее предварительное введение повышает концентрацию цефотаксима в плазме крови кроликов и мышей во всех временных точках исследования по сравнению с моновведением антибиотика, пролонгируя его системную циркуляцию до суток. Применение цефотаксима на фоне гиалуронидазы приводит к увеличению концентрации препарата в ткани кишечника мышей, как через 1,5, так и через 24 часа, но не влияет на накопление антибиотика в печени животных. Результаты исследований подтверждают наличие у гиалуронидазы свойств лимфостимулятора и эндолимфатического проводника для водорастворимого антибиотика цефотаксима
Over the past decades, methods of targeted delivery of drugs to target tissues through the lymphatic system have been intensively developed, which makes it possible to create and maintain adequate concentrations of drugs. It has special meaning and impotence during the therapy antibiotic therapy of infectious and inflammatory processes. In this regard, the experimental study of pharmacological properties of drugs that enhance lymphatic drainage of tissues and at the same time promote the transport of antibiotics into the lymphatic system has natural interest. We studied the effect of unfractionated heparin sodium on lymphatic flow rate in tissues, the level of the β-lactam antibiotic cefotaxime in rabbit and mouse blood plasma and its concentration in mouse liver and intestinal tissues in experiments. Heparin sodium proved to be effective in stimulating lymphatic flow and facilitating endolymphatic delivery of the antibiotic. The administration of cefotaxime after an injection of heparin sodium led to the increased concentration of the antibiotic in rabbit blood plasma at all time points of the study (in an hour and a half and in 3 hours, in four and a half hours and in 6 hours, in 8, 12 and 24 hours), as well as the increased antibiotic level in mouse blood plasma and intestinal tissue in an hour and a half and in 24 hours after the injection. The cefotaxime level in liver tissue did not change, while its concentration ratio between liver tissue and blood plasma was falling, which suggests that the hepatic extraction of cefotaxime decreased. Considering the obtained evidence, we can recommend the clinical use of heparin sodium in lymphotropic therapy to facilitate endolymphatic delivery.На протяжении последних десятилетий интенсивно разрабатываются способы целенаправленной доставки лекарственных препаратов в ткани-мишени посредством лимфатической системы, что позволяет создавать и поддерживать в них адекватные концентрации лекарственных средств. Особое значение это имеет при проведении антибиотикотерапии инфекционно-воспалительных процессов. В связи с этим экспериментальное изучение фармакологических свойств препаратов, усиливающих лимфатический дренаж тканей и одновременно способствующих транспорту антибиотиков в лимфатическую систему, представляет закономерный интерес. Целью настоящей работы было изучение в экспериментах на мышах влияния нефракционированного гепарина натрия (ГепН) на скорость лимфатического дренажа (ЛД) тканей, уровень бета-лактамного антибиотика цефотаксима (ЦФ) в плазме крови кроликов и мышей, а также на его концентрацию в тканях печени и стенки кишечника мышей. Установлено, что ГепН проявляет свойства лимфостимулятора и эндолимфатического проводника. Введение ЦФ после предварительной инъекции ГепН приводит к увеличению его концентрации в плазме крови кроликов во всех временных точках исследования (через 1,5 и 3 часа, 4,5 и 6 часов, 8, 12 и 24 часа). У мышей при таком введении антибиотика регистрируется повышение содержания ЦФ в плазме крови и ткани стенки кишечника, как через 1,5 часа, так и через 24 часа после инъекции. Уровень ЦФ в ткани печени не изменяется, при этом соотношение его концентраций «ткань печени/плазма крови» уменьшается, что косвенно указывает на снижение печеночной экстракции антибиотика. Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать препарат ГепН для использования в клинической практике в качестве эндолимфатического проводника при проведении лимфотропной терапии
Background: Due to high prevalence of obesity that has turned into enormous economic and social burden, studies aimed at assessment of damages caused by this medico-social problem are seen as very important in the last years. Aim: To assess economic burden of obesity in the Russian Federation taking as an example three main socially significant medical conditions: acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).Materials and methods: We analyzed available evidence on assessment of costs of management and treatment of obese patients and its relation to the disorders selected. To measure costs of obesity for the state budget, we used clinical and economic analysis “cost of illness” with consideration of risks of stroke, AMI and T2DM in the population. Taking into account specific features of cost assessment and based on publically available data, we developed separate models to calculate cost of illness for each selected disease type.Results: Obesity-related expenses incurred by the state for treatment and management of patients amounted to 10.2 billion rubles for stroke, 7.6 billion rubles for AMI and 346.3 billion rubles for T2DM.Conclusion: Оbesity is a serious problem causing significant economic and social losses that are increasing.Актуальность. В связи с высокой распространенностью ожирения, ставшего тяжелым экономическим и социальным бременем, в последние годы большую актуальность приобрели исследования, направленные на оценку ущерба, обусловленного этой медико-социальной проблемой.Цель – провести оценку экономического бремени ожирения в Российской Федерации на примере трех основных социально значимых нозологий: острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК), острого инфаркта миокарда (ОИМ) и сахарного диабета 2-го типа (СД 2 типа).Материал и методы. Проведен анализ существующей доказательной базы по оценке затрат на ведение и лечение пациентов с ожирением, его связи с выбранными нозологиями. Для оценки влияния ожирения на государственный бюджет использовался клинико-экономический анализ «стоимость болезни» (COI – cost of illness) с учетом популяционного риска развития ОНМК, ОИМ и СД 2 типа. Принимая во внимание особенности оценки затрат и основываясь на имеющихся в свободном доступе данных, для каждой выбранной нозологии была разработана своя модель расчета стоимости заболевания.Результаты. Затраты государства на лечение и ведение пациентов, связанные с ожирением, составили около 10,2 млрд рублей для ОНМК 7,6 млрд рублей – для ОИМ, 346,3 млрд рублей – для СД 2 типа.Заключение. Ожирение – серьезная проблема, приводящая к существенному экономическому и социальному ущербу, уровень которого возрастает
Collective emotions of the university staff in the context of digital learning
The paper examines the issues of solidarity among the university staff caused by the collective emotions associated with distance learning. It is proved that the collective emotions bring together and unite the university community. They become a lever of social development, a criterion and condition for collective dynamics as well as an indicator of social state of health of the university employees. The university staff tends to think that their colleagues are experiencing the same emotional states as themselves. Specific conclusions about emotion stability, positive and negative emotional states that affect social identity and collective perceptions of university employees who form social strategies of behavior are described by authors based on results of the empirical qualitative and quantitative analysis. On the basis of sociological research in the article proposes some principles of collective emotions in the digital learning conditions. The collective emotions largely determine the scenarios for the development of events in the framework of the daily interaction of the university stuff. Therefore, it shows how the introductions of digital learning led to the formation unite the university community