5 research outputs found

    FER/Mesh: un logiciel de génération automatique de maillages

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    International audienceL'objet de cette communication est de présenter, de manière succincte, un prototype du logiciel FER/Mesh-un logiciel de génération automatique de maillages pour le calcul par éléments finis. L'algorithme du maillage est basé sur la méthode frontale. Ce logiciel est développé sur PC en langage C++ avec le support graphique OpenGL. Une organisation orientée-objets en langage C++, ayant une architecture souple et ouverte, facilite des nouveaux développements futurs

    The onset of the major glaciation of the LPIA: record from South China

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    The beginning of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age was characterized by localized events with small ice depocenters occurring in South America and a series of cyclic shallow-water limestones in far-field regions, in late Visean to Serpukhovian. This paper documents two topmost Visean–Serpukhovian sections in Guangxi, South China: a stromatolite-bearing deep-water succession in Helv village and a shallow-water succession in Dujie village. Seventeen microfacies types have been recognized and grouped into six microfacies associations. The vertical evolution of the microfacies associations from deep-water to shallow-water depositional environments in both sections indicate a major relative sea-level fall in the latest Visean. The repetitive successions comprising different morphological stromatolites in Helv section and the cyclic alternation of subtidal and peritidal facies in Dujie section imply high-frequency sea-level fluctuations during latest Visean to Serpukhovian, most likely eustatic in origin. The carbon isotope data of Dujie limestone exhibit a pronounced positive δ13C excursion with ± 4.3‰ in the peritidal deposits. This shift is interpreted as the result of enhanced organic carbon burial in other regions and depletion of the ocean in light carbon. The widespread coeval cyclicity occurring in settings in South China, Western Europe, and North America is most likely the results of glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations, possibly with local influences of tectonic movements. This pattern is interpreted to represent the expression of the onset of the major glaciation during the LPIA in low-latitudinal successions

    Modeling and Validation of a Diesel Engine with Turbocharger for Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications

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    This paper presents a simulator model of a diesel engine with a turbocharger for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) applications, which is used to obtain engine performance data to study the engine performance under faulty conditions, to assist engineers in diagnosis and estimation, and to assist engineers in model-based calibration (MBC). The whole diesel engine system is divided into several functional blocks: air block, injection block, cylinder block, crankshaft block, cooling block, lubrication block, and accessory block. The diesel engine model is based on physical level, semi-physical level and mathematical level concepts, and developed by Matlab/Simulink. All the model parameters are estimated using weighted least-squares optimization and the tuning process details are presented. Since the sub-model coupling may cause errors, the validation process is then given to make the model more accurate. The results show that the tuning process is important for the functional blocks and the validation process is useful for the accuracy of the whole engine model. Subsequently, this program could be used as a plant model for MBC, to develop and test engine control units (ECUs) on HIL equipment for the purpose of improving ECU performance

    Cholinergic Hypofunction in Presbycusis-Related Tinnitus With Cognitive Function Impairment: Emerging Hypotheses

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