442 research outputs found

    Professional and Teaching Training of Masters in Engineering: Challenges and Solutions

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    The paper focuses on some aspects of organizing the training of Master of Engineering for future professional and teaching activity. We carry out a brief overview of the genesis of master’s education in Russia to provide higher education with educators. We discuss the challenges of the higher education system to (1) prepare teaching staff and (2) increase their qualification mobility. The paper analyzes (1) the expediency of including the teaching component in the education programs for masters of engineering, (2) the demand for masters of education in technical universities, and (3) the motivation of masters of education for professional and teaching activity. We obtained the presented empirical material during the research conducted in the 2017–2018 academic year and the 2018-2019 academic year at the Institute of Mechanics and Energy of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The study involved 109 students getting a master’s degree and passing the teaching practice at the university

    Віртуальні ігри як феномен сучасної культури

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    У статті зроблено спробу детермінувати роль відео/комп'ютерних ігор як феномену сучасної культури в реаліях постіндустріального суспільства з точки зору соціальної філософії. При аналізі окресленої наукової проблематики автори апелюють до класичної культурологічної концепції homo ludens голландського філософа Й. Хейзінги. Особливу увагу приділено розгляду протиріч дійсності, з якими неминуче стикається кожен індивід, зокрема, в штучно сконструйованій псевдореальності віртуальних ігор, оскільки, на думку авторів, саме ця суперечність є одним із факторів посилення кризи легітимації соціальних інститутів у сучасному постіндустріальному суспільстві

    Neural Mechanisms of Temporal and Rhythmic Structure Processing in Non-Musicians

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    Music is increasingly being used as a therapeutic tool in the field of rehabilitation medicine and psychophysiology. One of the main key components of music is its temporal organization. The characteristics of neurocognitive processes during music perception of meter in different tempo variations technique have been studied by using the event-related potentials technique. The study involved 20 volunteers (6 men, the median age of the participants was 23 years). The participants were asked to listen to 4 experimental series that differed in tempo (fast vs. slow) and meter (duple vs. triple). Each series consisted of 625 audio stimuli, 85% of which were organized with a standard metric structure (standard stimulus) while 15% included unexpected accents (deviant stimulus). The results revealed that the type of metric structure influences the detection of the change in stimuli. The analysis showed that the N200 wave occurred significantly faster for stimuli with duple meter and fast tempo and was the slowest for stimuli with triple meter and fast pace

    Educational Reforms in the Context of Contemporary Civilizational Changes

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    Analysis of educational system seems to be the most reasonable when the key points are reformation and modernization of education, since the mentioned processes are the response to transformations in adjacent social spheres caused in their turn by objective changes, which may include civilizational, transnational changes in education at national level. This article is devoted to the estimation of educational reforms in the context of contemporary civilizational changes. The research aimed to systematize the features of development of reforms in the field of education, to develop measures on coordination of activities among main participants in educational process, to determine its main features in the context of civilizational changes. It has been established that the key point is to detect balance between autonomous right of a university to render education and scientific studies for economy and society, and responsibility of state for assurance of quality, accountability, integrity, and availability of education. It has been proved that the education sector needs investment to improve learning and research conditions. Another issue is implementation of new forms of financing, including on competitive basis, to support interest and interaction between universities and business environment. It has been determined that new trends in cooperation should not only concern the development of innovations and commercialization but also attract employers to cooperation aiming at development of new or updating the existing learning programs

    Modification of fatty acids composition in erythrocytes lipids in arterial hypertension associated with dyslipidemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modification of fatty acids (FA) composition in erythrocytes lipids as an early indicator of the development of arterial hypertension (AH) and lipid disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We included 34 patients with arterial hypertension and 11 healthy individuals. Each patient was examined the lipid composition of serum. From erythrocytes by gas chromatography were identified fatty acids. The quantitative composition of the erythrocyte lipids FA in patients with AH presented with saturated and polyunsaturated monoenic acids with carbon chain lengths from C12 to C22.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all hypertensive patients is disturbed lipid FA composition of erythrocytes. The patients with a normal level of serum lipids revealed deficiency of polyunsaturated acids n6-linoleic (18:2 n6), arachidonic (20:4 n6), dokozatetraenic 14,4% (22:4 n6). The patients with dislipidemia installed more profound restructuring of the lipid matrix of the membrane of erythrocytes. A decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids family n3: dokozapentaenovoy (22:5 n3), docosahexaenoic PUFA (22:6 n3), the total value of n3 PUFA in 1,3 times was revealed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Thus, modification of erythrocyte FA are fairly subtle indicator of pathology of lipid metabolism, which manifest themselves much earlier than changes in the lipoprotein of blood plasma.</p

    Subjective Sleepiness Dynamics Dataset (SSDD) Presentation: the Study of Two Scales Consistency

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    While the first references to the system of sleepiness assessment are associated with medical re-search and the study of the effects of drugs on sleep, currently subjective sleepiness assessment is widely used across fundamental and practically oriented studies. The Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) and the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) are often used as ground truth in sleepiness re-search. Only a few studies applied both scales and practically none aimed at studying their con-sistency and specific features. The present study is devoted to analyzing the dynamics and con-sistency of subjective sleepiness as measured by the KSS and the SSS in the adult population. A particular task of the paper is to present the Subjective Sleepiness Dynamics Dataset (SSDD) with the evening and morning dynamics of situational subjective sleepiness. A total of 208 adults took part in the experiment. The results of the study revealed that sleepiness generally increased from evening till night and was maximal at early morning. The SSS score appeared to be more sensitive to some factors (e.g., the presence of sleep problems). The SSS and KSS scores were strongly consistent with each other. The KSS showed a generally more even distribution than the SSS. SSDD continues to be collected, we are going to equalize the sample by sex, we are actively adding older people. We plan to collect a sample of 1,000 people. Currently SSDD contains a lot of in-formation that can be used for scientific research.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Tree canopy affects soil macrofauna spatial patterns on broad- and meso- scale levels in an Eastern European poplar-willow forest in the floodplain of the River Dnipro

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    This paper tested the hypothesis that the placement of trees in the floodplain ecosystem leads to multiscale spatial structuring and plays an important role in formation of the spatial patterns of the soil macrofauna. The research polygon was laid in an Eastern European poplar-willow forest in the floodplain of the River Dnipro. The litter macrofauna was manually collected from the soil samples. The distances of the sampling locations from the nearest individual of each tree species were applied to obtain a measure of the overstorey spatial structure. The pure effect of tree structured space on the soil animal community was presented by the broad-scale and meso-scale components. The soil animal community demonstrated patterns varying in tree structured space. The tree induced spatial heterogeneity was revealed to effect on the vertical stratification of the soil animal community. The complex nature of the soil animal community variability depending on the distance from trees was depended on the interaction of tree species in their effects on soil animals. The importance of the spatial structures that interact with soil, plants and tree factors in shaping soil macrofauna communities was shown