16 research outputs found

    Discovery of a novel non-narcotic analgesic derived from the CL-20 explosive: Synthesis, pharmacology, and target identification of thiowurtzine, a potent inhibitor of the opioid receptors and the ion channels

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    The number of candidate molecules for new non-narcotic analgesics is extremely limited. Here, we report the identification of thiowurtzine, a new potent analgesic molecule with promising application in chronic pain treatment. We describe the chemical synthesis of this unique compound derived from the hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) explosive molecule. Then, we use animal experiments to assess its analgesic activity in vivo upon chemical, thermal, and mechanical exposures, compared to the effect of several reference drugs. Finally, we investigate the potential receptors of thiowurtzine in order to better understand its complex mechanism of action. We use docking, molecular modeling, and molecular dynamics simulations to identify and characterize the potential targets of the drug and confirm the results of the animal experiments. Our findings finally indicate that thiowurtzine may have a complex mechanism of action by essentially targeting the mu opioid receptor, the TRPA1 ion channel, and the Cav voltage-gated calcium channel

    AMD1 mRNA employs ribosome stalling as a mechanism for molecular memory formation.

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    In addition to acting as template for protein synthesis, messenger RNA (mRNA) often contains sensory sequence elements that regulate this process1,2. Here we report a new mechanism that limits the number of complete protein molecules that can be synthesized from a single mRNA molecule of the human AMD1 gene encoding adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 (AdoMetDC). A small proportion of ribosomes translating AMD1 mRNA stochastically read through the stop codon of the main coding region. These readthrough ribosomes then stall close to the next in-frame stop codon, eventually forming a ribosome queue, the length of which is proportional to the number of AdoMetDC molecules that were synthesized from the same AMD1 mRNA. Once the entire spacer region between the two stop codons is filled with queueing ribosomes, the queue impinges upon the main AMD1 coding region halting its translation. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this mechanism is highly conserved in vertebrates and existed in their common ancestor. We propose that this mechanism is used to count and limit the number of protein molecules that can be synthesized from a single mRNA template. It could serve to safeguard from dysregulated translation that may occur owing to errors in transcription or mRNA damage

    Фенольные соединения этанольных извлечений Lemna minor L., Lemna trisulca L. и Lemna polyrrhiza L. Schleid. и их иммуномодулирующая активность

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the composition of the phenolic compounds of ethanol extracts isolated from three species of duckweed: Lemna minor L., Lemna trisulca L. and Lemna polyrrhiza L. (the synonym is Spirodella polyrrhiza Schleid.) and to study its effect on immune system activation.Materials and methods. The objects of the study are: air-dried grass samples of Lemna minor L., Lemna trisuica L. and Lemna polyrrhiza L. collected during their growing season in 2010–2011 in low-flow and stagnant ponds of Kozhevnikovsky and Tomsk districts of Tomsk region. Isolation of polyphenolic complexes (PFC) was carried out by extraction of air-dried raw material with ethyl alcohol. In qualitative and quantitative analysis of the samples studied the method of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on an Agilent 1100 Series instrument (USA) was used in isocratic mode. In the experiments, 200 male C57BL / 6 and BALB / C mice aged 8–12 weeks were used to determine immunomodulatory activity. Cell proliferation was assessed by a colorimetric method. The absorption of the obtained solutions was measured with a multi-channel spectrophotometer at the wavelength of 540 nm. The determination of antibody-forming cells in the spleen was performed by local hemolysis. The titer of antibodies in serum was evaluated in the hemagglutination reaction. The local hypersensitivity reaction of immediate type was assessed by the author’s modification.Results. For the first time the study of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of PFC of Lemna minor L. (LM) , Lemna trisulca L. (LT) trisulkas, and Lemna polyrrhiza L. (LP) : (4,7 ± 0,4)%, (3,3 ± 0,3)%, (12,8 ± 0,7)% was carried out. The highest content of phenolic acids (10,76%) and the sum of flavonoids, isoflavonoids and coumarins (14,7%) were found in the LP sample. The content of chlorogenic and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acids was 2–9 times higher in LP than in other species of duckweed. In LM and LT with concentrations of 5 μg/ml and LP in the range of 0,5–160 μg/ml did not have a toxic effect on antigen presenting cells. When incubated with LT (20 μg/ml), the proliferation of macrophages was reduced by 1,2 times, and when incubated with LM and LT (80 μg/ml), by 1,2 and 1,8 times, respectively. PFC duckweed (LP) did not have a similar effect. LM and LP had a stimulating effect on the production of nitrites in the concentrations of 5 and 20 μg/ml, increasing it by 1,3–1,6 times. Course introduction of LT and LP led to a significant decrease in the number of antibody-forming cells by 1,5 and 2,3 times and a decrease in the local hypersensitivity reaction by 1,9 and 1,5 times, respectively.Цель исследования. Определение состава фенольных соединений этанольных извлечений, выделенных из трех видов ряски: ряски малой (Lemna minor L.), ряски тройчатой (Lemna trisulca L.) и ряски многокорневой (Lemna polyrrhiza L., синоним Spirodella polyrrhiza L.) Schleid.), и изучение его влияния на активацию системы иммунитета.Материал и методы. Объект исследования: воздушно-сухие образцы травы ряски малой (Lemna minor L.), ряски тройчатой (Lemna trisuica L.) и ряски многокорневой (Lemna polyrrhiza L.), собранные в период их вегетации в 2010–2011 гг. в малопроточных и стоячих водоемах Кожевниковского и Томского районов Томской области. Выделение полифенольных комплексов (ПФК) проводили экстракцией воздушно-сухого сырья спиртом этиловым. При качественном и количественном анализе исследуемых образцов применяли метод обращенно-фазовой высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии на приборе Agilent 1100 Series (США) в изократическом режиме. В экспериментах для определения иммуномодулирующей активности использовали 200 самцов мышей линий С57ВL/6 и BALB/C в возрасте 8–12 нед. Пролиферацию клеток оценивали колориметрическим методом. Абсорбцию полученных растворов замеряли при помощи многоканального спектрофотометра при длине волны 540 нм. Определение антителообразующих клеток в селезенке проводили методом локального гемолиза. Титр антител в сыворотке крови оценивали в реакции гемагглютинации. Локальную реакцию гиперчувствительности немедленного типа оценивали по методике в авторской модификации.Результаты. Впервые проведено исследование качественного состава и количественного содержания ПФК ряски малой Lemna minor L. (LM), ряски трисульки Lemna trisulca L. (LT) и ряски многокорневой Lemna polyrrhiza L.(LP): (4,7 ± 0,4)%, (3,3 ± 0,3)%, (12,8 ± 0,7)% соответственно. Наибольшее содержание фенолокислот (10,76%) и суммы флавоноидов, изофлавоноидов и кумаринов (14,7%) обнаружено в образце LP. Содержание хлорогеновой и 3,5-дигидроксибензойной кислот в 2–9 раз больше в LP, чем других видах ряски. LM, LT в концентрации 5 мкг/мл и LP в диапазоне 0,5–160 мкг/мл не оказывают токсического действия на антигенпрезентирующие клетки. При инкубации с LT (20 мкг/мл) пролиферация макрофагов снижается в 1,2 раза, а при инкубации с LM и LT (80 мкг/мл) в 1,2 и 1,8 раза соответственно. ПФК ряски многокорневой (LP) не оказывают подобного эффекта. LM и LP оказывают стимулирующее действие на продукцию нитритов в концентрациях 5 и 20 мкг/мл, усиливая ее в 1,3–1,6 раза. Курсовое введение LT и LP приводит к достоверному снижению числа антителобразующих клеток в 1,5 и 2,3 раза и уменьшению величины локальной реакции гиперчувствительности в 1,9 и 1,5 раза соответственно

    Molecular Analysis of L-Asparaginases for Clarification of the Mechanism of Action and Optimization of Pharmacological Functions

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    L-asparaginases (EC are a family of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of L-asparagine to L-aspartic acid and ammonia. These proteins with different biochemical, physicochemical and pharmacological properties are found in many organisms, including bacteria, fungi, algae, plants and mammals. To date, asparaginases from E. coli and Dickeya dadantii (formerly known as Erwinia chrysanthemi) are widely used in hematology for the treatment of lymphoblastic leukemias. However, their medical use is limited by side effects associated with the ability of these enzymes to hydrolyze L-glutamine, as well as the development of immune reactions. To solve these issues, gene-editing methods to introduce amino-acid substitutions of the enzyme are implemented. In this review, we focused on molecular analysis of the mechanism of enzyme action and to optimize the antitumor activity

    Penetration into Cancer Cells via Clathrin-Dependent Mechanism Allows L-Asparaginase from Rhodospirillum rubrum to Inhibit Telomerase

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    The anticancer effect of L-asparaginases (L-ASNases) is attributable to their ability to hydrolyze L-asparagine in the bloodstream and cancer cell microenvironment. Rhodospirillum rubrum (RrA) has dual mechanism of action and plays a role in the suppression of telomerase activity. The aim of this work was to investigate the possible mechanism of RrA penetration into human cancer cells. Labeling of widely used L-ASNases by fluorescein isothiocyanate followed by flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy demonstrated that only RrA can interact with cell membranes. The screening of inhibitors of receptor-mediated endocytosis demonstrated the involvement of clathrin receptors in RrA penetration into cells. Confocal microscopy confirmed the cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of RrA in human breast cancer SKBR3 cells. Two predicted nuclear localization motifs allow RrA to penetrate into the cell nucleus and inhibit telomerase. Chromatin relaxation promoted by different agents can increase the ability of RrA to suppress the expression of telomerase main catalytic subunit. Our study demonstrated for the first time the ability of RrA to penetrate into human cancer cells and the involvement of clathrin receptors in this process

    Phenolic compounds of ethanol extracts of Lemna minor L., Lemna trisulca L. and Lemna polyrrhiza L. Schleid and their immunomodulating activity

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the composition of the phenolic compounds of ethanol extracts isolated from three species of duckweed: Lemna minor L., Lemna trisulca L. and Lemna polyrrhiza L. (the synonym is Spirodella polyrrhiza Schleid.) and to study its effect on immune system activation.Materials and methods. The objects of the study are: air-dried grass samples of Lemna minor L., Lemna trisuica L. and Lemna polyrrhiza L. collected during their growing season in 2010–2011 in low-flow and stagnant ponds of Kozhevnikovsky and Tomsk districts of Tomsk region. Isolation of polyphenolic complexes (PFC) was carried out by extraction of air-dried raw material with ethyl alcohol. In qualitative and quantitative analysis of the samples studied the method of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on an Agilent 1100 Series instrument (USA) was used in isocratic mode. In the experiments, 200 male C57BL / 6 and BALB / C mice aged 8–12 weeks were used to determine immunomodulatory activity. Cell proliferation was assessed by a colorimetric method. The absorption of the obtained solutions was measured with a multi-channel spectrophotometer at the wavelength of 540 nm. The determination of antibody-forming cells in the spleen was performed by local hemolysis. The titer of antibodies in serum was evaluated in the hemagglutination reaction. The local hypersensitivity reaction of immediate type was assessed by the author’s modification.Results. For the first time the study of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of PFC of Lemna minor L. (LM) , Lemna trisulca L. (LT) trisulkas, and Lemna polyrrhiza L. (LP) : (4,7 ± 0,4)%, (3,3 ± 0,3)%, (12,8 ± 0,7)% was carried out. The highest content of phenolic acids (10,76%) and the sum of flavonoids, isoflavonoids and coumarins (14,7%) were found in the LP sample. The content of chlorogenic and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acids was 2–9 times higher in LP than in other species of duckweed. In LM and LT with concentrations of 5 μg/ml and LP in the range of 0,5–160 μg/ml did not have a toxic effect on antigen presenting cells. When incubated with LT (20 μg/ml), the proliferation of macrophages was reduced by 1,2 times, and when incubated with LM and LT (80 μg/ml), by 1,2 and 1,8 times, respectively. PFC duckweed (LP) did not have a similar effect. LM and LP had a stimulating effect on the production of nitrites in the concentrations of 5 and 20 μg/ml, increasing it by 1,3–1,6 times. Course introduction of LT and LP led to a significant decrease in the number of antibody-forming cells by 1,5 and 2,3 times and a decrease in the local hypersensitivity reaction by 1,9 and 1,5 times, respectively

    Discovery of a Novel Non-Narcotic Analgesic Derived from the CL-20 Explosive: Synthesis, Pharmacology, and Target Identification of Thiowurtzine, a Potent Inhibitor of the Opioid Receptors and the Ion Channels

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    [Image: see text] The number of candidate molecules for new non-narcotic analgesics is extremely limited. Here, we report the identification of thiowurtzine, a new potent analgesic molecule with promising application in chronic pain treatment. We describe the chemical synthesis of this unique compound derived from the hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) explosive molecule. Then, we use animal experiments to assess its analgesic activity in vivo upon chemical, thermal, and mechanical exposures, compared to the effect of several reference drugs. Finally, we investigate the potential receptors of thiowurtzine in order to better understand its complex mechanism of action. We use docking, molecular modeling, and molecular dynamics simulations to identify and characterize the potential targets of the drug and confirm the results of the animal experiments. Our findings finally indicate that thiowurtzine may have a complex mechanism of action by essentially targeting the mu opioid receptor, the TRPA1 ion channel, and the Ca(v) voltage-gated calcium channel