4,908 research outputs found

    Identity narratives in cultural diversity environments: a graphic autoetnography

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    El presente artículo surge de una propuesta de tesis doctoral que se focaliza en la creciente hibridación cultural y el surgimiento de nuevas formas de vivir, aprender y transitar por nuestros entornos socioculturales a raíz de los fenómenos migratorios. En concreto, pretendemos indagar en la construcción de la identidad de la propia investigadora en su desarrollo y aprendizaje con marcos culturales diferenciados entre familia y escuela. De este modo, se plantea una investigación autoetnográfica diseñada en torno a la elaboración de una novela gráfica, género literario que aporta nuevas formas de narrar y construir el yo gracias a la conjugación de los elementos textuales y gráficos. A lo largo del proceso, la reflexividad de la investigadora contribuye a elaborar un discurso polifónico que da cuenta de los diferentes yoes en el diálogo identitario.This article arises from a doctoral thesis proposal that focuses on the growing cultural hybridization and the emergence of new ways of living, learning and transit through our sociocultural environments as a result of migratory phenomena. In particular, we intend to investigate the construction of the identity of the researcher in her development and learning with differentiated cultural frameworks between family and school. Therefore, we propose an autoethnographic research designed during the elaboration of a graphic novel, a literary genre that provides new ways of narrating and constructing the self, due to the conjugation of textual and graphic elements. Throughout the process, the reflexivity of the researcher helps to elaborate a polyphonic discourse that accounts for the different selves in the identity dialogue

    Uses of Digital Mediation in the School-Families Relationship During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has sharpened the inequalities in our societies. In Spain, we observed that the impact on schooling varied according to socioeconomic, gender and sociocultural variables. In this article, we present a case analysis illustrating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on schooling in early educational grades (ages 3-6), which leads us to focus on school-family relationship. First, we present some studies that show the inequalities in education during the lockdown period, the digital divide faced by both schools and families and how digital mediation impacts school-family relationships. Then we will introduce our study, which aims to explore the uses, potentials and limitations of an app intended to facilitate the relationship. Our study took place during September 2020-January 2021, when social restriction persisted. It took the form of a telematic ethnography in which we monitored the meetings of the Early Childhood Education teachers and their interaction with the families via an app-based communication tool. Results have allowed us to identify that most conversations are initiated by the school and their aim is to show families the classroom activities. We have also observed some advantages regarding the use of this app: communication can become more direct and immediate, and teachers have developed strategies to foster proximity in this relationship, as well as to respond inclusively to diversity. Regarding the challenges, we identified the lack of involvement of some families, the need to transform the roles played by families and children, and the difficulty to maintain personalized relationships

    Complex Social Value-Based Approach for Decision-Making and Valorization Process in Chinese World Cultural Heritage Site: The Case of Kulangsu (China)

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    China is undertaking effective actions to adhere to wider international standards with better consideration of the notion of authenticity, collective memory, identity, and the sense of belonging. Besides the traditional participatory management discussions, scholars are also interested in finding out how the ICTs can encourage and enable new forms of engagement with heritage in different cultural contexts. The article offers an innovative approach to understanding the value of community participation in order to obtain a more sustainable way for integrative approaches in cultural heritage management. It focuses on the identification of criteria for the evaluation of Digital Community Engagement (DCE) and proposes the multivariate evaluation model based on the online questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. The result shows that the transparency of the restoration process, the possibility of adopting bottom-up suggestions, and the coherency with the residents’ interests are the most important factors to influence the Willingness to Participate and the Willingness to Pay. The analysis based on theme-coding is essential to understand the opinions of various stakeholders with different educational and professional backgrounds. It concludes that multi-disciplinary and value-based methods should be encouraged as an exploratory way ofenhancing community engagement in the specified urban heritage contex

    Casos en xarxa per a la formació Estudi empíric, creació d'un dipòsit digital i identificació de bones pràctiques en el seu ús

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    El projecte pretén respondre a una de les principals dificultats que apareixen quan es vol treballar amb la metodologia d'estudi de casos: disposar de prou situacions reals adients als objectius d'aprenentatge a assolir. S'ha pretès desenvolupar casos reals, amb orientacions didàctiques i facilitar la seva accessibilitat amb la creació d'un dipòsit digital obert. També s'ha iniciat un procés d'ús d'aquests casos a les aules per estudiar els punts forts i febles d'aquesta metodologia

    Social Media as a Medium to Promote Local Perception Expression in China’s World Heritage Sites

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    The assessment of public participation is one of the most fundamental components of holistic and sustainable cultural heritage management. Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic became a catalyst for the transformation of participatory tools. Collaboration with stakeholders moved online due to the strict restrictions preventing on-site activities. This phenomenon provided an opportunity to formulate more comprehensive and reasonable urban heritage protection strategies. However, very few publications mentioned how social networking sites’ data could support humanity-centred heritage management and participatory evaluation. Taking five World Cultural Heritage Sites as research samples, the study provides a methodology to evaluate online participatory practices in China through Weibo, a Chinese-originated social media platform. The data obtained were analysed from three perspectives: the users’ information, the content of texts, and the attached images. As shown in the results section, individuals’ information is described by gender, geo-location, celebrities, and Key Opinion Leaders. To a greater extent, participatory behaviour emerges at the relatively primary levels, that being “informing and consulting”. According to the label detection of Google Vision, residents paid more attention to buildings, facades, and temples in the cultural heritage sites. The research concludes that using social media platforms to unveil interplays between digital and physical heritage conservation is feasible and should be widely encouraged

    Atomic model of a nonenveloped virus reveals pH sensors for a coordinated process of cell entry.

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    Viruses sense environmental cues such as pH to engage in membrane interactions for cell entry during infection, but how nonenveloped viruses sense pH is largely undefined. Here, we report both high- and low-pH structures of bluetongue virus (BTV), which enters cells via a two-stage endosomal process. The receptor-binding protein VP2 possesses a zinc finger that may function to maintain VP2 in a metastable state and a conserved His866, which senses early-endosomal pH. The membrane-penetration protein VP5 has three domains: dagger, unfurling and anchoring. Notably, the β-meander motif of the anchoring domain contains a histidine cluster that can sense late-endosomal pH and also possesses four putative membrane-interaction elements. Exposing BTV to low pH detaches VP2 and dramatically refolds the dagger and unfurling domains of VP5. Our biochemical and structure-guided-mutagenesis studies support these coordinated pH-sensing mechanisms

    Narrativas identitarias en entornos de diversidad cultural : una autoetnografía gráfica

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    El presente artículo surge de una propuesta de tesis doctoral que se focaliza en la creciente hibridación cultural y el surgimiento de nuevas formas de vivir, aprender y transitar por nuestros entornos socioculturales a raíz de los fenómenos migratorios. En concreto, pretendemos indagar en la construcción de la identidad de la propia investigadora en su desarrollo y aprendizaje con marcos culturales diferenciados entre familia y escuela. De este modo, se plantea una investigación autoetnográfica diseñada en torno a la elaboración de una novela gráfica, género literario que aporta nuevas formas de narrar y construir el yo gracias a la conjugación de los elementos textuales y gráficos. A lo largo del proceso, la reflexividad de la investigadora contribuye a elaborar un discurso polifónico que da cuenta de los diferentes yoes en el diálogo identitarioThis article arises from a doctoral thesis proposal that focuses on the growing cultural hybridization and the emergence of new ways of living, learning and transit through our sociocultural environments as a result of migratory phenomena. In particular, we intend to investigate the construction of the identity of the researcher in her development and learning with differentiated cultural frameworks between family and school. Therefore, we propose an autoethnographic research designed during the elaboration of a graphic novel, a literary genre that provides new ways of narrating and constructing the self, due to the conjugation of textual and graphic elements. Throughout the process, the reflexivity of the researcher helps to elaborate a polyphonic discourse that accounts for the different selves in the identity dialogu

    La apropiación de los dispositivos móviles en ciudadanos inmigrantes : el segundo nivel de división digital

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    El propósito de este trabajo es examinar el uso y la apropiación de los dispositivos móviles por parte de los ciudadanos inmigrantes para su inclusión social. La investigación ha seguido una metodología basada en el diseño participativo. Los datos se han obtenido a través de diez talleres realizados en cinco entidades de acogida y acompañamiento de personas inmigradas en Barcelona (España). En total participaron 52 personas (16 mujeres y 36 hombres). Se han analizado los materiales generados en los talleres participativos, junto con las grabaciones en audio y vídeo y las observaciones realizadas. Los resultados muestran un uso elevado del teléfono móvil y un conocimiento generalizado de aplicaciones que se utilizan, sobre todo, para la comunicación. Sin embargo, el conocimiento y el uso de las aplicaciones es mucho más escaso en aspectos relacionados con la integración en el nuevo contexto: aprendizaje del idioma, búsqueda de empleo, acceso al conocimiento del entorno.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the type of use and appropriation of mobile devices by immigrant citizens and, their relevance to social inclusion. The research has followed a methodology based on participatory design. In this article, we describe the results obtained in the first iteration of the study focused on the analysis of the use of mobile technology. The data were obtained through five contextual workshops carried out in five accompanying organizations of immigrants in Barcelona. In total, 52 people (16 women and 36 men). The results show a high use of the mobile phone and a generalized knowledge of applications that are mainly used for communication. However, the knowledge and use of applications is much more limited in issues related to language learning, job search and knowledge of the context

    Sustaining students' cultures and identities. A qualitative study based on the funds of knowledge and identity approaches

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    Recently, the notion of culturally sustaining pedagogy has been suggested to refer to different educational practices that share the will to recognize, maintain and develop cultural diversity in the classroom. The study presented here describes two empirical examples that illustrate teaching and learning processes in which the curriculum is channeled through the references of meaning, life events and experiences of students and their families. In the first example, curriculum-natural science and language-was linked with the experience of some families with the use of peanuts. In the second example, a discussion was generated around students' cultural identities. These examples are based on funds of knowledge and funds of identity participatory research-action projects, and are the result of broader projects carried out in two specific educational contexts in Catalonia (Spain, Europe), a region characterized by a considerable increase in diversity and geographical heterogeneity in recent decades. These empirical cases are discussed within the framework of the development of inclusive pedagogies which, in addition to recognizing the living cultures and practices of students, allow these cultural references to be maintained and sustained, and encourage the construction of hybrid and transcultural identities in which ways of being and understanding life shared by the family culture and/or culture of origin are intertwined with the hegemonic culture and societ