1,765 research outputs found

    LQ control without Ricatti equations: deterministic systems

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    We study a deterministic linear-quadratic (LQ) control problem over an infinite horizon, and develop a general apprach to the problem based on semi-definite programming (SDP)and related duality analysis. This approach allows the control cost matrix R to be non-negative (semi-definite), a case that is beyond the scope of the classical approach based on Riccati equations. We show that the complementary duality condition of the SDP is necessary and sufficient for the existence of an optimal LQ control. Moreover, when the complementary duality does hold, an optimal state feedback control is constructed explicitly in terms of the solution to the semidefinite program. On the other hand, when the complementary duality fails, the LQ problem has no attainable optimal solution, and we develop an E-approximation scheme that achieves asymptotic optimality

    A Semantic Grid Oriented to E-Tourism

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    With increasing complexity of tourism business models and tasks, there is a clear need of the next generation e-Tourism infrastructure to support flexible automation, integration, computation, storage, and collaboration. Currently several enabling technologies such as semantic Web, Web service, agent and grid computing have been applied in the different e-Tourism applications, however there is no a unified framework to be able to integrate all of them. So this paper presents a promising e-Tourism framework based on emerging semantic grid, in which a number of key design issues are discussed including architecture, ontologies structure, semantic reconciliation, service and resource discovery, role based authorization and intelligent agent. The paper finally provides the implementation of the framework.Comment: 12 PAGES, 7 Figure

    Insight into aspheric misfit with hard tools: mapping the island of low mid-spatial frequencies

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    This paper addresses computer numerical control (CNC) polishing of aspheric or freeform optics. Prior CNC grinding of the asphere tends to produce mid-spatial frequencies (MSFs) at some level. Precessions polishing can rectify these, but the very ability of the bonnet tooling to adapt to the local asphere enables it to do so, at least in part, to similar spatial frequencies in the MSFs. To accelerate smoothing, hard tools can, in principle, be used, but aspheric misfit is often assumed to preclude this. In this paper, we explore new insight into the role of abrasive particle size in accommodating misfit. First, we report on a glass-bending rig to produce a continuous range of complex surfaces, while withstanding process forces. Then, we describe how this was used to evaluate the triangle of misfit, abrasive size, and MSFs produced for hard rotating tools. This has revealed a regime in which such tools can be used without introducing significant new MSFs, as evidenced by manufacture of prototype off-axis aspheric segments for the European Extremely Large Telescope project

    PathVisio Analysis: An Application Targeting the miRNA Network Associated with the p53 Signaling Pathway in Osteosarcoma

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small single-stranded, non-coding RNA molecules involved in the pathogenesis and progression of cancer, including osteosarcoma. We aimed to clarify the pathways involving miRNAs using new bioinformatics tools. We applied WikiPathways and PathVisio, two open-source platforms, to analyze miRNAs in osteosarcoma using miRTar and ONCO.IO as integration tools. We found 1298 records of osteosarcoma papers associated with the word "miRNA". In osteosarcoma patients with good response to chemotherapy, miR-92a, miR- 99b, miR-193a-5p, and miR-422a expression is increased, while miR-132 is decreased. All identified miRNAs seem to be centered on the TP53 network. This is the first application of PathVisio to determine miRNA pathways in osteosarcoma. MiRNAs have the potential to become a useful diagnostic and prognostic tool in the management of osteosarcoma. PathVisio is a full pathway editor with the potentiality to illustrate the biological events, augment graphical elements, and elucidate all the physical structures and interactions with standard external database identifiers

    Influence of Different Preparation Processes on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites

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    Experiments on the uniform distribution of carbon nanotubes in the copper matrix using different ball milling methods were performed. The effect of different preparation processes for carbon nanotube (CNT)-reinforced copper matrix composites on their conductivity and mechanical properties was also analyzed. High-performance carbon nanotube-reinforced copper matrix composites containing 1 vol.% CNT by the best preparation process termed flake ball milling (FBM) possess good interface bonding strength not only with CNT evenly dispersed in the copper matrix but also with the CNT morphology and structure having the utmost integrity. Tensile strength increased by 30% with an elongation of 26% and electrical conductivity of 85% IACS as compared to a pure copper block prepared from the same FBM powders.Выполнены эксперименты по оценке равномерности распределения углеродных нанотрубок в медной матрице с использованием разных методов размола в шаровой мельнице. Проанализировано влияние различных методов изготовления композиционных материалов с медной матрицей, упрочненных углеродными нанотрубками, на их электропроводность и механические свойства. Высококачественные композиционные материалы (содержат 1 об.% углеродных нанотрубок), изготовляемые наиболее эффективным способом, получившим навание размол в шаровой мельнице для придания пластинчатой структуры , приобретают хорошую прочность сцепления на поверхности контакта не только при равномерном распределении углеродных нанотрубок в медной матрице, но и при максимальной целостности их морфологии и структуры. Предел прочности при растяжении возрастал на 30% при удлинении 26% и электропроводности 85% по стандарту IACS по сравнению с заготовкой из чистой меди, изготовленной из тех же пластинчатых порошков

    Submonolayer Epitaxy Without A Critical Nucleus

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    The nucleation and growth of two--dimensional islands is studied with Monte Carlo simulations of a pair--bond solid--on--solid model of epitaxial growth. The conventional description of this problem in terms of a well--defined critical island size fails because no islands are absolutely stable against single atom detachment by thermal bond breaking. When two--bond scission is negligible, we find that the ratio of the dimer dissociation rate to the rate of adatom capture by dimers uniquely indexes both the island size distribution scaling function and the dependence of the island density on the flux and the substrate temperature. Effective pair-bond model parameters are found that yield excellent quantitative agreement with scaling functions measured for Fe/Fe(001).Comment: 8 pages, Postscript files (the paper and Figs. 1-3), uuencoded, compressed and tarred. Surface Science Letters, in press

    Energy Level Statistics of the U(5) and O(6) Symmetries in the Interacting Boson Model

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    We study the energy level statistics of the states in U(5) and O(6) dynamical symmetries of the interacting boson model and the high spin states with backbending in U(5) symmetry. In the calculations, the degeneracy resulting from the additional quantum number is eliminated manually. The calculated results indicate that the finite boson number NN effect is prominent. When NN has a value close to a realistic one, increasing the interaction strength of subgroup O(5) makes the statistics vary from Poisson-type to GOE-type and further recover to Poisson-type. However, in the case of NN \to \infty, they all tend to be Poisson-type. The fluctuation property of the energy levels with backbending in high spin states in U(5) symmetry involves a signal of shape phase transition between spherical vibration and axial rotation.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figure

    Threshold image target segmentation technology based on intelligent algorithms

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    This paper briefly introduces the optimal threshold calculation model and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for image segmentation and improves the PSO algorithm. Then the standard PSO algorithm and improved PSO algorithm were used in MATLAB software to make simulation analysis on image segmentation. The results show that the improved PSO algorithm converges faster and has higher fitness value; after the calculation of the two algorithms, it is found that the improved PSO algorithm is better in the subjective perspective, and the image obtained by the improved PSO segmentation has higher regional consistency and takes shorter time in the perspective of quantitative objective data. In conclusion, the improved PSO algorithm is effective in image segmentation