11 research outputs found

    CaTCHing the functional and structural properties of chromosome folding

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    Proper development requires that genes are expressed at the right time, in the right tissue, and at the right transcriptional level. In metazoans, this involves long-range cis-regulatory elements such as enhancers, which can be located up to hundreds of kilobases away from their target promoters. How enhancers find their target genes and avoid aberrant interactions with non-target genes is currently under intense investigations. The predominant model for enhancer function involves its direct physical looping between the enhancer and target promoter. The three-dimensional organization of chromatin, which accommodates promoter- enhancer interactions, therefore might play an important role in the specificity of these interactions. In the last decade, the development of a class of techniques called chromosome conformation capture (3C) and its derivatives have revolutionized the field of chromatin folding. In particular, the genome-wide version of 3C, Hi-C, revealed that mammalian chromosomes possess a rich hierarchy of folding layers, from multi-megabase compartments corresponding to mutually exclusive associations of active and inactive chromatin to topologically associating domains (TADs), which reflect regions with preferential internal interactions. Although the mechanisms that give rise to this hierarchy are still poorly understood, there is increasing evidence to suggest that TADs represent fundamental functional units for establishing the correct pattern of enhancer-promoter interactions. This is thought to occur through two complementary mechanisms: on the one hand, TADs are thought to increase the chances that regulatory elements meet each other by confining them within the same domain; on the other hand, by segregation of physical interactions across the boundary to avoid unwanted events to occur frequently. It is however unclear whether the properties that have been attributed to TADs are specific to TADs, or rather common features among the whole hierarchy. To address this question, I have implemented an algorithm named Caller of Topological Chromosomal Hierarchies (CaTCH). CaTCH is able to detect nested hierarchies of domains, allowing a comprehensive analysis of structural and functional properties across the folding hierarchy. By applying CaTCH to published Hi-C data in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and neural progenitor cells (NPCs), I showed that TADs emerge as a functionally privileged scale. In particular, TADs appear to be the scale where accumulation of CTCF at domain boundaries and transcriptional co-regulation during differentiation is maximal. Moreover, TADs appear to be the folding scale where the partitioning of interactions within transcriptionally active domains (and notably between active enhancers and promoters) is optimized. 3C-based methods have enabled fundamental discoveries such as the existence of TADs and CTCF-mediated chromatin loops. 3C methods detect chromatin interactions as ligation products after crosslinking the DNA. Crosslinking and ligation have been often criticized as potential sources of experimental biases, raising the question of whether TADs and CTCF- mediated chromatin loops actually exist in living cells. To address this, in collaboration with Josef Redolfi, we developed a new method termed ‘DamC’ which combines DNA methylation with physical modeling to detect chromosomal interactions in living cells, at the molecular scale, without relying on crosslinking and ligation. By applying DamC to mouse ESCs, we provide the first in vivo and crosslinking- and ligation-free validation of chromosomal structures detected by 3C-methods, namely TADs and CTCF-mediated chromatin loops. DamC, together with 3C-based methods, thus have shown that mammalian chromosomes possess a rich hierarchy of folding layers. An important challenge in the field is to understand the mechanisms that drive the establishment these folding layers. In this sense, polymer physics represent a powerful tool to gain mechanistic insights into the hierarchical folding of mammalian chromosomes. In polymer models, the scaling of contact probability, i.e. the contact probability as a function of genomic distance, has been often used to benchmark polymer simulations and test alternative models. However, the scaling of contact probability is only one of the many properties that characterize polymer models raising the question of whether it would be enough to discriminate alternative polymer models. To address this, I have built finite-size heteropolymer models characterized by random interactions. I showed that finite-size effects, together with the heterogeneity of the interactions, are sufficient to reproduce the observed range of scaling of contact probability. This suggests that one should be careful in discriminating polymer models of chromatin folding based solely on the scaling. In conclusion, my findings have contributed to achieve a better understanding of chromatin folding, which is essential to really understand how enhancers act on promoters. The comprehensive analyses using CaTCH have provided conceptually new insights into how the architectural functionality of TADs may be established. My work on heteropolymer models has highlighted the fact that one should be careful in using solely scaling to discriminate physical models for chromatin folding. Finally, the ability to detect TADs and chromatin loops using DamC represents a fundamental result since it provides the first orthogonal in vivo validation of chromosomal structures that had essentially relied on a single technology

    Bifractal nature of chromosome contact maps

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    Modern biological techniques such as Hi-C permit one to measure probabilities that different chromosomal regions are close in space. These probabilities can be visualized as matrices called contact maps. In this paper, we introduce a multifractal analysis of chromosomal contact maps. Our analysis reveals that Hi-C maps are bifractal, i.e., complex geometrical objects characterized by two distinct fractal dimensions. To rationalize this observation, we introduce a model that describes chromosomes as a hierarchical set of nested domains and we solve it exactly. The predicted multifractal spectrum is in excellent quantitative agreement with experimental data. Moreover, we show that our theory yields a more robust estimation of the scaling exponent of the contact probability than existing methods. By applying this method to experimental data, we detect subtle conformational changes among chromosomes during differentiation of human stem cells

    Nonlinear control of transcription through enhancer-promoter interactions.

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    Chromosome structure in mammals is thought to regulate transcription by modulating three-dimensional interactions between enhancers and promoters, notably through CTCF-mediated loops and topologically associating domains (TADs)1-4. However, how chromosome interactions are actually translated into transcriptional outputs remains unclear. Here, to address this question, we use an assay to position an enhancer at large numbers of densely spaced chromosomal locations relative to a fixed promoter, and measure promoter output and interactions within a genomic region with minimal regulatory and structural complexity. A quantitative analysis of hundreds of cell lines reveals that the transcriptional effect of an enhancer depends on its contact probabilities with the promoter through a nonlinear relationship. Mathematical modelling suggests that nonlinearity might arise from transient enhancer-promoter interactions being translated into slower promoter bursting dynamics in individual cells, therefore uncoupling the temporal dynamics of interactions from those of transcription. This uncovers a potential mechanism of how distal enhancers act from large genomic distances, and of how topologically associating domain boundaries block distal enhancers. Finally, we show that enhancer strength also determines absolute transcription levels as well as the sensitivity of a promoter to CTCF-mediated transcriptional insulation. Our measurements establish general principles for the context-dependent role of chromosome structure in long-range transcriptional regulation

    The bipartite TAD organization of the X-inactivation center ensures opposing developmental regulation of Tsix and Xist

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    The mouse X-inactivation center (Xic) locus represents a powerful model for understanding the links between genome architecture and gene regulation, with the non-coding genes Xist and Tsix showing opposite developmental expression patterns while being organized as an overlapping sense/antisense unit. The Xic is organized into two topologically associating domains (TADs) but the role of this architecture in orchestrating cis-regulatory information remains elusive. To explore this, we generated genomic inversions that swap the Xist/Tsix transcriptional unit and place their promoters in each other’s TAD. We found that this led to a switch in their expression dynamics: Xist became precociously and ectopically upregulated, both in male and female pluripotent cells, while Tsix expression aberrantly persisted during differentiation. The topological partitioning of the Xic is thus critical to ensure proper developmental timing of X inactivation. Our study illustrates how the genomic architecture of cis-regulatory landscapes can affect the regulation of mammalian developmental processes

    A Conserved Noncoding Locus Regulates Random Monoallelic Xist Expression across a Topological Boundary

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    cis-Regulatory communication is crucial in mammalian development and is thought to be restricted by the spatial partitioning of the genome in topologically associating domains (TADs). Here, we discovered that the Xist locus is regulated by sequences in the neighboring TAD. In particular, the promoter of the noncoding RNA Linx (LinxP) acts as a long-range silencer and influences the choice of X chromosome to be inactivated. This is independent of Linx transcription and independent of any effect on Tsix, the antisense regulator of Xist that shares the same TAD as Linx. Unlike Tsix, LinxP is well conserved across mammals, suggesting an ancestral mechanism for random monoallelic Xist regulation. When introduced in the same TAD as Xist, LinxP switches from a silencer to an enhancer. Our study uncovers an unsuspected regulatory axis for X chromosome inactivation and a class of cis-regulatory effects that may exploit TAD partitioning to modulate developmental decisions.Galupa et al. uncover elements important for Xist regulation in its neighboring TAD and reveal that these elements can influence gene regulation both within and between topological domains. These findings, in a context where dynamic, developmental expression is necessary, challenge current models for TAD-based gene-regulatory landscapes

    The bipartite TAD organization of the X-inactivation center ensures opposing developmental regulation of Tsix and Xist

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    The mouse X-inactivation center (Xic) locus represents a powerful model for understanding the links between genome architecture and gene regulation, with the non-coding genes Xist and Tsix showing opposite developmental expression patterns while being organized as an overlapping sense/antisense unit. The Xic is organized into two topologically associating domains (TADs) but the role of this architecture in orchestrating cis-regulatory information remains elusive. To explore this, we generated genomic inversions that swap the Xist/Tsix transcriptional unit and place their promoters in each other’s TAD. We found that this led to a switch in their expression dynamics: Xist became precociously and ectopically upregulated, both in male and female pluripotent cells, while Tsix expression aberrantly persisted during differentiation. The topological partitioning of the Xic is thus critical to ensure proper developmental timing of X inactivation. Our study illustrates how the genomic architecture of cis-regulatory landscapes can affect the regulation of mammalian developmental processes

    Intra- and interchromosomal contact mapping reveals the Igh locus has extensive conformational heterogeneity and interacts with B-lineage genes

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    We thank Philipp Voigt for critical reading of the manuscript; Hashem Koohy, Jonathan Cairns, Peter Chovanec, and Bhupinder Virk for assistance with bioinformatics; Kristina Tabbada for assistance with sequencing; and Simon Walker for assistance with microscopy. We are grateful to Rudi Hendriks, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam for providing the Rag81X mouse strain. O.M. (1426107) and C.R. (1947339) were supported by PhD studentships from the Medical Research Council, UK. S.J.C. was supported by an Investigator Grant (Leadership, GNT1198014) awarded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Research in L.G.'s lab was funded by the Novartis Foundation, the European Research Council (grant no. 759366, BioMeTre), Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (grant nos. 813327 ChromDesign and 813282 PEP-NET) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, and the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 310030_192642). Research in A.E.C.'s laboratory was supported by grants from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBS/E/B/000C0404, BBS/E/B/000C0405, BBS/E/B/000C0427, BBS/E/B/000C0428). The Babraham Institute provides funds, through the BBSRC, for open access publication fees.We thank Philipp Voigt for critical reading of the manuscript; Hashem Koohy, Jonathan Cairns, Peter Chovanec, and Bhupinder Virk for assistance with bioinformatics; Kristina Tabbada for assistance with sequencing; and Simon Walker for assistance with microscopy. We are grateful to Rudi Hendriks, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam for providing the Rag81X mouse strain. O.M. (1426107) and C.R. (1947339) were supported by PhD studentships from the Medical Research Council, UK. S.J.C. was supported by an Investigator Grant (Leadership, GNT1198014) awarded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Research in L.G.'s lab was funded by the Novartis Foundation, the European Research Council (grant no. 759366, BioMeTre), Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (grant nos. 813327 ChromDesign and 813282 PEP-NET) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, and the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 310030_192642). Research in A.E.C.'s laboratory was supported by grants from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBS/E/B/000C0404, BBS/E/B/000C0405, BBS/E/B/000C0427, BBS/E/B/000C0428). The Babraham Institute provides funds, through the BBSRC, for open access publication fees. M.J.T.S. S.S. S.J.C. and A.E.C. conceptualized the study. S.S. M.J.T.S. and D.J.B. devised the method. O.M. C.H.R. L.S.M. B.M.J. M.J.T.S. and D.J.B. performed experiments. Y.Z. performed modeling. O.M. C.H.R. Y.Z. L.S.M. S.W.W. A.S.-P. F.K. S.A. and C.V. analyzed data. P.F. L.G. and A.E.C. secured funding and supervised research. O.M. C.H.R. L.S.M. and A.E.C. wrote the manuscript with input from all other authors. P.F. and S.S. are co-founders and shareholders of Enhanc3D Genomics Ltd. We worked to ensure sex balance in the selection of non-human subjects. We worked to ensure diversity in experimental samples through the selection of the genomic datasets. While citing references scientifically relevant for this work, we also actively worked to promote gender balance in our reference list. We support inclusive, diverse, and equitable conduct of research.To produce a diverse antibody repertoire, immunoglobulin heavy-chain (Igh) loci undergo large-scale alterations in structure to facilitate juxtaposition and recombination of spatially separated variable (V), diversity (D), and joining (J) genes. These chromosomal alterations are poorly understood. Uncovering their patterns shows how chromosome dynamics underpins antibody diversity. Using tiled Capture Hi-C, we produce a comprehensive map of chromatin interactions throughout the 2.8-Mb Igh locus in progenitor B cells. We find that the Igh locus folds into semi-rigid subdomains and undergoes flexible looping of the V genes to its 3' end, reconciling two views of locus organization. Deconvolution of single Igh locus conformations using polymer simulations identifies thousands of different structures. This heterogeneity may underpin the diversity of V(D)J recombination events. All three immunoglobulin loci also participate in a highly specific, developmentally regulated network of interchromosomal interactions with genes encoding B cell-lineage factors. This suggests a model of interchromosomal coordination of B cell development

    Inversion of a topological domain leads to restricted changes in its gene expression and affects interdomain communication

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    International audienceThe interplay between the topological organization of the genome and the regulation of gene expression remains unclear. Depletion of molecular factors (e.g. CTCF) underlying topologically associating domains (TADs) leads to modest alterations in gene expression, whereas genomic rearrangements involving TAD boundaries disrupt normal gene expression and can lead to pathological phenotypes. Here, we targeted the TAD neighboring that of the noncoding transcript Xist, which controls X-chromosome inactivation. Inverting 245 kb within the TAD led to expected rearrangement of CTCF-based contacts but revealed heterogeneity in the ‘contact’ potential of different CTCF sites. Expression of most genes therein remained unaffected in mouse embryonic stem cells and during differentiation. Interestingly, expression of Xist was ectopically upregulated. The same inversion in mouse embryos led to biased Xist expression. Smaller inversions and deletions of CTCF clusters led to similar results: rearrangement of contacts and limited changes in local gene expression, but significant changes in Xist expression in embryos. Our study suggests that the wiring of regulatory interactions within a TAD can influence the expression of genes in neighboring TADs, highlighting the existence of mechanisms of inter-TAD communication