56 research outputs found

    3D Modeling of the Magnetization of Superconducting Rectangular-Based Bulks and Tape Stacks

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    In recent years, numerical models have become popular and powerful tools to investigate the electromagnetic behavior of superconductors. One domain where this advances are most necessary is the 3D modeling of the electromagnetic behavior of superconductors. For this purpose, a benchmark problem consisting of superconducting cube subjected to an AC magnetic field perpendicular to one of its faces has been recently defined and successfully solved. In this work, a situation more relevant for applications is investigated: a superconducting parallelepiped bulk with the magnetic field parallel to two of its faces and making an angle with the other one without and with a further constraint on the possible directions of the current. The latter constraint can be used to model the magnetization of a stack of high-temperature superconductor tapes, which are electrically insulated in one direction. For the present study three different numerical approaches are used: the Minimum Electro-Magnetic Entropy Production (MEMEP) method, the HH-formulation of Maxwell's equations and the Volume Integral Method (VIM) for 3D eddy currents computation. The results in terms of current density profiles and energy dissipation are compared, and the differences in the two situations of unconstrained and constrained current flow are pointed out. In addition, various technical issues related to the 3D modeling of superconductors are discussed and information about the computational effort required by each model is provided. This works constitutes a concrete result of the collaborative effort taking place within the HTS numerical modeling community and will hopefully serve as a stepping stone for future joint investigations

    Personality in patients with migraine evaluated with the "Temperament and Character Inventory"

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    The objective of this study was to assess the personality profile of a sample of Mexican patients with migraine using the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). A cross-sectional study was performed including adult migraine patients identified from the outpatient neurology clinics of two large teaching hospitals in Mexico City. Patients were asked to voluntarily participate in the study. A physician conducted a standardised diagnostic interview adhering to the criteria of the International Headache Society (IHS). Patients were interviewed and administered the TCI. We used two healthy controls groups and a third group of non-migraine pain controls. One hundred and fortytwo subjects with migraine, 108 healthy blood donors, 269 young healthy controls and 30 patients with non-migraine pain (NMP) were included in the study. Patients with migraine had higher scores in the dimension harm avoidance (HA) and all its sub-dimensions (p<0.05) than healthy patients. Patients with non-migraine pain had high scores in HA and low scores in novelty seeking, self-directedness and cooperativeness. Blood donors had high scores in the following subdimensions: HA1, HA4 and C3 (Cooperativeness). Personality features consistent with migraine are avoidance, rigidity, reserve and obsessivity. Our study shows that patients with chronic pain share some of the personality features of patients with migraine but their TCI profile could be indicative of cluster C avoidant personality. Blood donors were shown to have more energy, with a tendency to help other people and be more optimistic. The results support serotoninergic involvement as explaining the physiopathology of migraine

    Qualitative and quantitative characterization of a coal power plant waste by TG/DSC/MS, XRF and XRD

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    SO2 removal from coal-fired power plant flue gases can be done by dry, semi-dry or wet desulphurization processes, using limestone or lime-containing products as sorbents. In a Brazilian coal power plant, there is a dry desulphurization unit to capture SO2 with hydrated lime from the combustion gases. A part of the flying ashes produced is mixed with the bottom coal ashes and the spent sulphated product generated after SO2 capture. This residual solid blend is then buried in a non-productive area, from which coal was already extracted and is studied in this work. According to the authors’ experience in the development and characterization of adsorbents for low temperature dry desulphurization processes and in thermogravimetric analysis, this paper shows and discusses a method which was developed to characterize qualitatively and quantitatively the chemical and mineral composition of this waste by using thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction, to preview new potential industrial applications for this waste.We are thankful to the University of Cantabria for the financial support under the Project: 51.VP61.64005, to the Brazilian Research Council, under the project CNPq no. 407005/2013-7, and to the Brazilian Education Council CAPES

    Hilando generaciones y moda

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    En el proyecto PAP llamado Hilando Generaciones y Moda del cual se presenta este reporte del periodo otoño 2022, el propósito general fue el de crear espacios en los cuales se diera paso a la colaboración intergeneracional e intercultural a través de la capacitación en costura y diseño de modas. Un espacio en donde los participantes pudieran intercambiar conocimientos, diálogos y trabajar en equipo, pero, sobre todo, mostrando empatía, confianza e interactuando mientas se conocen los estudiantes y las personas mayores. En este periodo escolar se elaboraron prendas de vestir para el uso personal y familiar de las personas mayores, se llevó a cabo una sesión fotográfica con las personas mayores, una pasarela para la exposición de las prendas, un documental y una revistacatálogo con las prendas. Las primeras sesiones se dedicaron a la sensibilización de los alumnos para con la población de personas mayores y con esto se dio pie para la interacción y convivencia entre los estudiantes y personas mayores, principalmente en las instalaciones del Centro Tapatío de atención al Adulto Mayor (CETAM) y en uno de los centros de día del DIF. Los estudiantes estuvieron interactuando con las personas mayores, en los que se generó una relación profunda de comprensión y empatía, y se crearon importantes resultados como las prendas, una capa tejida por alumnos y personas mayores, revistacatálogo, pasarela y un visible entramado entre las dos generaciones: jóvenes y personas mayores.ITESO, A.C

    Estado y políticas de combate a la pobreza en México: algunas reflexiones para la comprensión de Progresa

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    No obstante que la crisis financiera de 1982 sacó a flote el agotamiento de un modelo de desarrollo que había encarnado en el Estado de Bienestar en México, en términos de las políticas contra la pobreza, el modelo demostró capacidad para atenuar el crecimiento de la población pobre, incluso de aquella que hemos considerado histórica

    Measuring Submicron-Size Fractionated Particulate Matter on Aluminum Impactor Disks

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    From the 20th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, May 31-June 3, 2009.Submicron-sized airborne particulate matter (PM) is not collected well on regular quartz or glass fiber filter papers. We used a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) to fractionate PM into 6 size fractions and deposit it on specially designed high-purity thin aluminum disks. The MOUDI separated PM into fractions 56-100, 100-180, 180-320, 320-560, 560-1000, and 1000-1800 nm. Since the MOUDI has a low flow rate (30 L/min), it takes several days to collect sufficient carbon on 47-mm foil disks. The small carbon mass (20-200 g C) and large aluminum substrate (~25 mg Al) present several challenges to production of graphite targets for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) analysis. The Al foil consumes large amounts of oxygen as it is heated and tends to melt into quartz combustion tubes, causing gas leaks. We describe sample processing techniques to reliably produce graphitic targets for 14C AMS analysis of PM deposited on Al impact foils.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202

    Measuring Submicron-Size Fractionated Particulate Matter on Aluminum Impactor Disks

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    Sub-micron sized airborne particulate matter (PM) is not collected well on regular quartz or glass fiber filter papers. We used a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) to fractionate PM into six size fractions and deposit it on specially designed high purity thin aluminum disks. The MOUDI separated PM into fractions 56–100 nm, 100–180 nm, 180–320 nm, 320–560 nm, 560–1000 nm, and 1000–1800 nm. Since the MOUDI has a low flow rate (30 L/min), it takes several days to collect sufficient carbon on 47 mm foil disks. The small carbon mass (20–200 microgram C) and large aluminum substrate (~25 mg Al) present several challenges to production of graphite targets for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) analysis. The Al foil consumes large amounts of oxygen as it is heated and tends to melt into quartz combustion tubes, causing gas leaks. We describe sample processing techniques to reliably produce graphitic targets for (14)C-AMS analysis of PM deposited on Al impact foils

    Aptitud combinatoria del rendimiento y sus componentes en dos grupos de líneas de maíz

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    The objective of thiswork was to estimate the effects of the General CombiningAbility (GCA) of inbreed lines, and Specifi c CombiningAbility (SCA) of its crosses, and to evaluate its usein maize hybridization program. The present work wasconducted in two stages; in year 2006 the crosses were doneat the experimental station from Universidad AutónomaAgraria Antonio Narro Unidad Laguna (UAAANUL), andevaluation of the crosses was conducted in year 2007,at two localities and in three environments: UAAAN’sexperimental station during spring and summer cycles,Niagara and Aguascalientes Municipality during the springcycle. The genetic material used were two groups of inbredlines, the fi rst formed by four inbred lines from UAAANUL,and the second group was formed by ten inbred lines fromCentro Internacional para el Mejoramiento del Maíz yTrigo (CIMMYT). The estimation of General CombiningAbility (GCA) and Specifi c Combining Ability (SCA) wereobtained using a test of line x line. CML254 (10.88 t/ha)and AN447 (6.64 t/ha) had the highest effects of GCA forboth groups. The highest effects of SCA were for CML264x AN447 (128.8 t/ha) and CML247 x AN123 (116.2 t ha-1). These results show that is possible to structure a maizehybridization program, using the best inbred lines fromCIMMYT and UAAANUL.El objetivo delpresente trabajo fue estimar en líneas de maíz los efectos deaptitud combinatoria general (ACG) y la aptitud combinatoriaespecífi ca (ACE) de sus cruzas, para estimar su uso en unprograma de hibridación. El presente trabajo se realizó en dosetapas, en el año 2006 la formación de cruzas en el campoexperimental de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria AntonioNarro Unidad Laguna (UAAANUL), y la evaluación de lasmismas en el año 2007, en dos localidades con tres ambientes;una localidad fue el campo experimental de la UAAANULdurante los ciclos primavera y verano, otra localidad fue elNiágara municipio de Aguascalientes, durante el ciclo deprimavera. El material genético utilizado estuvo constituidopor dos grupos de líneas: el primero lo formaron cuatro líneasprovenientes de la UAAANUL, el segundo estuvo formadopor diez líneas del Centro Internacional para el Mejoramientode Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT). Las estimaciones de la aptitudcombinatoria general (ACG) y la aptitud combinatoria específica (ACE) fueron obtenidas usando un análisis de línea xlínea. CML254 (10.88 t ha-1) y AN447 (6,64 t/ha) tuvieron elmayor efecto de ACG en ambos grupos. Los mayores efectosde ACE fueron para las cruzas CML264 x AN447 (128,8 t/ha)y CML247 x AN123 (116,2 t/ha). Estos resultados muestranque es posible estructurar un programa de híbridos, utilizandolas mejores líneas del CIMMYT y de la UAAANUL