331 research outputs found

    A Negociação de Gênero da compositora Kaija Saariaho na Finlândia: a Mulher Compositora como Sujeito Nômade

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    Este texto é a minha interpretação da negociação de gênero da compositora finlandesa Kaija Saariaho na Finlândia. Eu demonstro, através da análise da recepção pública de Saariaho e de suas experiências, como acontecem a negociação de gênero da identidade de gênero e o aparecimento de uma mulher compositora, como processos contí­nuos, entre as esferas da alteridade convencional (a categoria socialmente construí­da de mulheres compositoras) e as experiências da vida real. A análise é feita através das lentes teóricas oferecidas por DE LAURETIS (1988), CITRON (1993), FOUCAULT (1984) e pela epistemologia das transições nômades de BRAIDOTTI (1991, 1994). Reivindico que Saariaho negociou seu gênero não "dentro" do sistema dominado pelos homens, mas "com" ele, definindo uma nova posição de gênero de sujeito: a posição de sujeito nômade

    Planned maintenance for architectural heritage. Experiences in progress from 3D survey to intervention programmes through HBIM

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    The continuous evolution of 3D surveying and modelling techniques, using increasingly high-performance tools and applications, highlights the added value of these methods in the field of urban and architectural survey. In the case study presented, attention is focused particularly on applications useful for the planned maintenance of cultural heritage (CH). These tools and methods have a significant impact on the phase of interpretation and "physical" knowledge. They can also bring a critical contribution to the completion of models that are not only geometric but also semantic and informative, supporting 360-degree planning of the maintenance of our historical architectural heritage. This support for scheduled maintenance has been identified in the HBIM methodology, based on an integrated 3D metric survey. A three-year research project on this topic (Interreg Italy-Switzerland "MAIN.10.ANCE", 2019-2022), partnered by Politecnico di Torino, is currently in the start-up phase. The main focus of the project is a UNESCO heritage site: the "Sacri Monti" (Sacred Mountains) of Italy and those in Canton of Ticino (Switzerland), with the need for a common and shared conservation plan

    I restauri della Chiesa del Convento francescano di Caluso

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    Il contributo riprende i temi trattati nei diversi cantieri di conservazione e di restauro degli apparati decorativi interni alla chiesa e delle sue facciate. Attraverso la descrizione degli studi condotti, delle tecniche di intervento, delle scelte progettuali e della successione diacronica delle diverse fasi di cantiere, anche con l'ausilio dell'apparato iconografico (allegato in fondo al testo) il capitolo restituisce un quadro generale dei restauri eseguiti e lascia aperto uno spiraglio su studi, indagini diagnostiche e lavori che restano ancora da fare

    Operational atlas of exposed mortars and conglomerates for interventions on the widespread architectural heritage

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    When it comes to Science Heritage, the availability of refined investigation techniques, an advanced knowledge of the characteristics of materials, the current technological capacity and the synergy of specialised operators, coordinated into multidisciplinary teams, guarantee, with the support of cutting-edge tools, excellent results for every conservative operation applied to monumental buildings of acknowledged interest. On the contrary, there are still strong limits to the likelihood that this excellence will reverberate on the multitude of interventions performed on widespread architectural heritage. The research project underway envisages the preparation of an operational atlas of reference for exposed mortars and conglomerates, based on the historical and technological knowledge of materials (particularly those available locally) complete with experimental data on constitution and performance, which is useful to support the development of compatible maintenance and conservation procedures

    Murature a vista, intonaci, superfici tinteggiate

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    Il capitolo introduce i giovani studenti all'utilizzo di termini tecnici appropriati per la definizione di materiali e tecniche costruttive proprii delle tradizioni locali


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    The purpose of this paper is to show some results coming from the international Interreg-AlpStone project, a research whose main aim is the protection and valorisation of a rural Cultural Heritage, theme of recent growing interest. In particular the background of this contribute is the traditional stone architecture placed in the territory between Italy and Switzerland, while into the foreground is put the method to right document, archive and analyse information about the objects of study. The response comes from BIM technologies (acronym of Building Information Modeling) which objective is the creation of a dynamical and interoperable system allowing the share of information through a unique database. If these methods have been largely employed on new constructions, they still haven't been enough tested on the field of historical architecture. In order to fill this gap, the paper suggest a method leading to the creation of a Cultural Heritage information system, which arise during the survey phase and continue through the detection of different building information, the proposal of recovery solutions, the asset georeferentiation on the territory and finally the moment of sharing information on a web platform. The creation of an architectural database is made possible by a survey based on point clouds. The latter constitute then the input data for the creation of a 3D model made with a parametric software allowing the increase of various kind of information. The future work plans will complete this project by locating the Cultural Heritage models on a webGIS

    Mechanical characterization of mortars used in the restoration of historical buildings: an operative atlas for maintenance and conservation

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    The complexity of the architectural and structural restoration of historical buildings requires a careful choice in the use of repair mortars compatible with the original materials of the existing building. It is important to set up an atlas of reference, compared to many mixtures of mortars and conglomerates, useful to support the operational choices in the project of restoration, recovery, and maintenance of historical buildings. The aim is also to encourage the use of local materials with a “short supply chain”, compatible with buildings and installed with traditional techniques. The research makes use of experimental bending, compression and elastic modulus tests on different mixtures of mortars. This paper describes some of the first results obtained so far, because the research is still underway for many different mixtures to test and catalog. The comparison between the data and the reference values that will be identified, will lead to set up a reference atlas of mechanical behavior of repair mortars in order to direct the design and operational choices in function of requirements and performance of specific cases in the field of the restoration of historical buildings

    From scan-to-BIM to a structural finite elements model of built heritage for dynamic simulation

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    The progress in information technology allows an innovative transformation of practices commonly involved in the engineering and construction field, especially in relation to the existing architectural heritage’s control and management activities. The proposed methodology takes advantage of an integrated 3D metric survey as a basis for an HBIM (Historic Building Information Modelling) model to be exploited for the definition of a Finite Elements Model (FEM). This paper aims to show the applicability of a digital process, stemmed from the integration in Rhinoceros 3D of a BIM structural model, leading to the dynamic simulation of the analytical FEM through PRO_SAP® (a PROfessional Structural Analysis Program). The described workflow investigates the interoperability issues, along with the difficulties in the Scan-to-HBIM processes, demonstrating how HBIM models can anyhow support operations aimed at maintaining and preserving existing historical assets, also from a structural point of view, even if with still persistent criticalities


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    Abstract. The work presented is the achievement of a master degree project, developed at Politecnico di Torino. The paper aims to provide standards for the formulation and mixing of earth-based mortars, for the rehabilitation of historic buildings of the Roero area, in Piemonte region. Roero presents a large architectural heritage, consisting mainly of fired or earth bricks rural and residential buildings, which was anciently protected using lime or earth-based plasters perfectly integrated with local landscape and environment colours appearance. In recent decades (and still to present days), vernacular plasters are frequently replaced by cement-based products, resulting hardly compatible with local bearing walls materials and landscape aesthetic features. While Roero traditional buildings plasters were produced using local earth and sands coming from streams, today, aggregates extraction in watercourses proximity is not allowed, or strictly regulated by rules and regional regulations. The paper presents a classification of the characteristics of different soils from Roero area, through different types of particle distribution size analysis and diffractometric tests, and propose a method for the production of local earth-based plasters stabilized with lime, making use of earth and rocks from local excavation sites, considered in Italy as secondary raw materials or special waste. Produced plasters compressive and bending strength have been tested, while their suitability for building maintenance and restoration, as their compatibility with Roero architecture and landscape, have been verified through spectrophotometric measures