182 research outputs found

    Dietary supplements with green tea marketed in Portugal: information on website, labels and antioxidant activity

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    The use of plants and their health benefits have been recognized over the years. Its use and consumption of herbal dietary supplements has increased in the last years in United States and Europe. Internet is one of the most required options to buy dietary supplements (DS). Several studies suggest that information on most sites is incomplete, poorly referenced, and may contain illegal claims. Thus, a conscious and informed decision is essential for consumers. Camellia s inensis , also known as green tea, is one of the most consumed plants worldwide and has been recognized by its antioxidant potential over the years. This activity can protect several diseases with an oxidative stress origin. For these reasons, a study was performed to evaluate the quality of information on websites selling dietary supplements with green tea. A modified DISCERN tool was used to evaluate websites from pharmacies/parapharmacies, websites from food health stores, and websites without physical space. Websites scored 1 or 2 at evaluation rating (Low – serious or extensive outcomes). These results reveal the importance of developing a checklist for the online marketing of herbal products, based on DISCERN instrument, or other. These instruments can guide health professionals, who have a very important role in directing patients to high-quality sources of information.Legal framework for dietary supplements varies among countries, and in Portugal, DS are regulated by the Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV). Although there are directives published by European Commission, in Portugal, decree-law are incomplete and DS safety is placed on the substance’s manufacturer or marketer. In addition, clinical trials are not required for DS in Portugal, which allows adulteration, falsification, contamination and incorrect labels. In Portugal, DS can be sold in pharmacies, parapharmacies, supermarkets, dietetic stores and online, and consumers should be able to make informed and appropriate health care choices. Also, consumers use DS labels (information provided on the packaging) and leaflets to further their understanding about some DS ingredients, relevant indication(s), directions for use, side effects, contraindications and drug-supplements interactions. For these reasons, another study was performed using an adapted form to evaluate legal and scientific information of twenty green tea DS sold in pharmacies, parapharmacies and health food stores in Portugal. From the legal and scientific points of view none of the websites fulfilled all the analyzed criteria. Seven DS (35.0%) had indications of use similar to those mentioned in the literature. Adverse reactions and drug interactions information were rarely provided by two and three DS, respectively. Green tea is a complex mixture of several constituents, which include phenolic compounds like catechins, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. This chemical composition is associated with antioxidant activity. Antioxidant products demand has been increasing over the last years. They are referenced as having a protective role in many diseases, like cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disorders. Considering the lack of legislation, in Portugal, that controls DS prior to its introduction in the market, the last aim of this thesis was to evaluate antioxidant activity of six green tea supplements (three isolated and three mixture of substances/plant extracts). This evaluation was performed by common assays, namely, DPPH, superoxide and Fe2+ chelating assays. Results showed that antioxidant activity depends on composition and concentration of each substance present in green tea’s DS. In addition, green tea DS studied showed different antioxidant results at different assays performed. These thesis results may contribute to understand the importance of quality information provided by websites selling DS, and also the importance of regulation regarding its manufacturing and selling

    Multimedia Content Distribution Management Using a Distributed Topology

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    Advertising plays an important role in order for many companies to promote their products and services. It can be expensive to place advertisements with no guarantees that the message will reach the intended persons. In this field, targeted advertising is the mainstream strategy to captivate the potential consumer. People are used to see advertisements everywhere they go in many different forms. One of those is the use of screen displays that are believed to make the ads more engaging. However, using digital screens to advertise may lead to some issues, like down times or unwanted error messages from the device that controls the screens. This can cause a bad experience for both the target audience and the advertiser. This thesis was developed within the scope of a project called Vixtape. It’s a platform with the goal of turning any public screen into an ads displaying device and in the process reward the screen owner by exposing ads to the target audience. It also has the mission of giving the end user a optimal technological experience, no flaws and highly efficient. All these characteristics are accomplished by the use of a new open source technology called Interplanetary File System (IPFS), that allow devices to share content between them in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) topology. This content distribution method saves Internet bandwidth to the end user (i.e., the Vixtape service client) and also enables the devices to work offline in case their Internet connection drops. This will greatly reduce the common problems seen with ads screen, thus giving a better experience to both the audience and the end user. By the end of this document one can see that, adding a distributed topology to the Vixtape platform increased the Internet usage efficiency of the ads devices by always having up-to-date content available. This avoids that a device unnecessarily requests content from any of the other devices that had previously requested it. Additionally, a strategy to target a given audience was employed in order to choose the right ads to play. This further increases the maximum potential consumers the advertisements are shown to

    Equity research - D/S Norden A/S

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    Mestrado Bolonha em FinançasThe present Master Final Work Project consists of a valuation of D/S Norden A/S (Norden) for the year end of 2022. Following the CFA Equity Research contents, the present report starts with a brief description of the company, followed by an analysis of its operating segments, Dry Operator and Tanker Operator, with a depth industry analysis, through the analysis of the key demand and supply drivers. Subsequently, we performed the forecast of the main financial statements for 2021F-2025F, through the use of several assumptions, in order to obtain 2022 YE Price Target. In order to obtain the Price Target, several different absolute methods and also a relative model, through the estimate of enterprise value multiples as well as equity values multiples, were performed. Our recommendation consisting of a Buy recommendation for Norden with a 2022YE PT of DKK 209.96/ share, using a Dividend Discount Model (DDM), implying a 28.8% Upside potential from August 31st, 2021, closing price of DKK 163.00, although with High Risk. The current undervaluation of Norden is mainly explained due to i) Volatility of freight rates, ii) Expected decrease on vessel operating costs %. In addition, following the company strong financial position, Norden management decided to adopt in 2018, a consistent dividend payment policy of paying out minimum 50% of adjusted result in form of shareholder dividends. Additionally, the management decided in 2020 and 2021F, to deliver additional $50 million in form of share-buyback programs.O presente projeto de Trabalho Final de Mestrado consiste numa avaliação da empresa D/S Norden, para o final do ano de 2022. Seguindo o conteúdo do CFA Equity Research, o presente relatório começa com uma breve descrição da empresa, seguida de uma análise dos seus segmentos operacionais, Dry Bulk e Product Tanker, desenvolvida através da análise dos principais fatores que ditam a lei da oferta e da procura na presente industria. Posteriormente, realizámos a projeção das principais demonstrações financeiras para o período compreendido entre os anos de 2021 e 2025, através da utilização de diversos pressupostos, de forma a estimar o preço por ação para o fim do ano de 2022. A nossa recomendação consiste numa compra para o final do ano de 2022, sendo o preço estimado de 209.96DKK por ação, usando o modelo de desconto de dividendos (DDM), implicando um potential de aumento de 28.8% do valor da ação, comparando com o preço de fecho de mercado registado a 31 Agosto de 2021, 163.00DKK por ação, no entanto com elevado risco. A presente desvalorização da cotação das ações da Norden, deve-se á elevada volatilidade das taxas de frete, e á esperada descida da percentagem dos gastos operacionais dos navios em função dos rendimentos. Adicionalmente, seguindo a sólida posição financeira apresentada pela empresa, o conselho de administração deliberou em 2018, uma política de pagamento de dividendos, estabelecendo que no mínimo 50% do resultado ajustado do ano, seria entregue na forma de dividendos aos seus acionistas no ano seguinte. Adicionalmente, o conselho de administração decidiu entregar cerca de 50 milhões de dólares durante os anos de 2020 e 2021, na forma de programas de recompra de ações.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desporto de alto rendimento e sucesso escolar: análise e estudo de factores influentes no seu êxito

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    As exigências a que os atletas de alta competição são submetidos, quer ao nível do processo de treino, quer ao nível das prestações desportivas, criam-lhes diversas dificuldades sendo, por vezes, muito difícil conciliar as actividades educativas e a prática desportiva. Infelizmente, em Portugal não existem muitos estudos sobre esta temática junto de atletas com estatuto de alta competição. Este estudo procura colmatar esta lacuna, analisando o modo como os atletas gerem e percepcionam a sua carreira escolar e desportiva. Assim, participaram neste trabalho 79 atletas com estatuto ou em percurso de alta competição, tal como definido pelo Instituto do Desporto de Portugal. Alguns dos principais resultados obtidos evidenciaram a importância dada pelos atletas a uma boa organização do tempo e aos métodos de estudo enquanto factores promotores do bom rendimento académico. Pelo lado inverso, o pouco tempo de descanso e a falta de estímulo/motivação foram os factores mais referidos para o insucesso escolar. Mais de metade dos participantes consideraram que não seriam melhores atletas se não estudassem e praticamente metade da amostra também referiu que não seria melhor aluno se não competisse ao mais alto nível. No final, são apresentadas algumas implicações práticas deste estudo.High performance athletes are submitted to great demands (concerning the process of training and sport performance level) which originate several difficulties. That’s why it is sometimes impossible to conciliate school activities and athletic performance. Unfortunately, there are not many studies on this theme in Portugal and only a few top athletes have been consulted about it. The aim of this study is to put an end to this gap, by analysing the way athletes manage and understand their school and sports career. 79 athletes (either on the way to or with high performance statute, according to The Sports Institute of Portugal) have participated in this survey. Some of the main results revealed the importance given by the athletes to a good time management as well as to the study methods used while pro factors of their academic success. On the other hand, the lacks of time for resting and of stimuli /motivation were the main reasons for school failure. More than half of the respondents consider that they wouldn’t be better athletes if they didn’t study; half of the respondents think that they could be better students if they didn’t compete at this level. In the end, some practical implications of this study are presented

    Antioxidant activity of dietary supplements with green tea marketed in Portugal

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    Green tea is recognized by its antioxidant potential[1]. Nowadays, the marketing of dietary supplements claiming protection against free radicals has increased. However, most labels include no data about its antioxidant properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of anti-PGL-1 antibodies to monitor therapy regimes in leprosy patients

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    The suitability of IgM antibodies to PGL-1 for monitoring the response to multidrug therapy (MDT) was sequentially tested by ELISA in 105 leprosy patients, and bacterial indexes (BI) were also determined. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1, 34 multibacillary (MB) patients treated for 12 months with MDT-MB; group 2, 33 MB patients treated for 24 months with MDT-MB, and group 3, 38 paucibacillary (PB) patients treated for 6 months with MDT-PB. Untreated MB patients exhibited higher antibody levels (mean ± SEM): group 1 (6.95 ± 1.35) and group 2 (12.53 ± 2.02) than untreated PB patients (1.28 ± 0.35). There was a significant difference (P < 0.01) in anti-PGL-1 levels in group 1 patients: untreated (6.95 ± 1.35) and treated for 12 months (2.78 ± 0.69) and in group 2 patients: untreated (12.53 ± 2.02) and treated for 24 months (2.62 ± 0.79). There was no significant difference between untreated (1.28 ± 0.35) and treated (0.62 ± 0.12) PB patients. Antibody levels correlated with BI. The correlation coefficient (Pearson&#8217;s r) was 0.72 before and 0.23 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 1 and 0.67 before and 0.96 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 2. BI was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) after 12 and 24 months on MDT (group 1: 1.26-0.26; group 2: 1.66-0.36). Our data indicate that monitoring anti-PGL-1 levels during MDT may be a sensitive tool for evaluating treatment efficacy. These data also indicate that the control of leprosy infection can be obtained with 12 months of MDT in MB patients.FAEPACNPq-PIBICCNPqFundação Paulista Contra Hansenías

    Comparing Single Touch to Dynamic Exploratory Procedures for Robotic Tactile Object Recognition

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    Resumo: Os conflitos decorrentes da atividade mineral estão presentes em todas as regiões do estado da Bahia. Os territórios extrativo-mineral avançam com ações de espoliação, ocasionando amputações territoriais sobre as terras-abrigo de comunidades tradicionais do campo. A Bahia, ainda é marcada pela alta concentração de terras e baixos índices sociais. O setor mineral, em conjunto com ações dos poderes públicos, atua violando direitos humanos, não exercendo as atividades de forma transparente e sem um verdadeiro diálogo com as populações do entorno. Doze comunidades quilombolas vivenciam e resistem a diversos conflitos na extração dos diamantes kimberlitos de Nordestina, onde questões relacionadas a terra, a água e ao ar entram diretamente em conflitos com os modos de vida tradicional e a relação com a natureza destas populações centenárias, historicamente relacionados a escravidão brasileira.&nbsp; Palavras-chave: conflitos de mineração, espoliação, amputação territorial, Bahia, Nordestina. &nbsp; Abstract: The conflicts arising from mineral activity are present in all regions of the state of Bahia. The extractive-mineral territories advance with acts of spoliation, causing territorial amputations on the lands-shelter of traditional communities of the field. Bahia is still marked by high concentration of land and low social indexes. The mineral sector, together with actions of the public powers, acts violating human rights, not exercising the activities in a transparent way and without a real dialogue with the surrounding populations. Twelve Quilombola Communities experience and resist various conflicts in the extraction of the kimberlite diamonds of Nordestina, where issues related to land, water and air enter directly into conflicts with traditional ways of life and the relationship with nature of these centuries-old, historically related to the Brazilian slavery. Keywords: mining conflicts, spoliation, territorial amputation, Bahia, Nordestina

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