364 research outputs found

    Platelet-lymphocyte ratio predicts poor prognosis in stage II / III colon and rectum cancer

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    Objective: There is an increasing number of studies in the literature reporting that serum platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR) can provide useful prognostic data for various cancers. In the present study, the effects of platelet-lymphocyte ratio on survival in stage II/III colorectal cancers (CRC) were examined. Material and Method:A total of 106 Stage II/III CRC patients who underwent curative surgery 2015-2020 were included in the study. Emergency cases and patients diagnosed with other than adenocarcinoma were excluded from the study. The demographic data of the patients, preoperative imaging and laboratory results, postoperative pathology reports, and patient follow-up examination data were obtained from hospital records. The relations between demographic, histopathological, hematological values and the prognosis was analyzed in terms of statistical significance. Results:Among the 106 patients, 62 (58.5%) were male and 44 (41.5%) were female. The mean age was 64.3±12.01 (23-89). The mean follow-up period was calculated as 24.6±15.8 (2-63) months. When the pathology reports were reviewed, it was found that the mean tumor diameter was 5.3±2.33 cm (2-17) and the mean metastatic lymph node was 1.8±2.4 (0-10). The PLR ratio was determined as a poor prognostic factor affecting survival in the cox regression analysis, in which preoperative complete blood count, c-reactive protein and albumin values, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR), and PLR were compared, and was separated from other variables (P=0.002 CI= 95%). When variables such as age, clinical stage, and tumor diameter were included in the model, PLR was similarly found to be an important predictive variable (P= 0.002). When only NLR, LMR, and PLR were evaluated, PLR again came to the forefront with a significance value of P=0.01. Also, high neutrophil count, increased platelet distribution volume (PDW), advanced age, and perineural invasion (PNI) were found to be significant factors in predicting poor prognosis. Conclusions: High PLR is a poor prognostic factor for CRC patients. For this reason, it may be necessary to follow a more aggressive strategy in the management of postoperative treatment in patients who have high PLR

    Magneto-optical effects in semiconductors

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    An experimental investigation of magneto-optical effects including free-carrier Faraday rotation, ellipticity and cyclotron resonance in n-type indium antimonide samples with different electron densities has been undertaken in order to measure electron-impurity scattering times in the presence of magnetic fields at cryogenic temperatures. The experimental apparatus used consisted of a 4 tesla (40 kilogauss) transverse-access optical cryostat in which the temperature of the sample could be held near either liquid nitrogen or liquid helium temperatures. Plane-polarized radiation from a pulsed far-infrared laser which produced a wavelength of 0.337 mm was passed through the sample and detected by means of a Golay cell whose output was gated, integrated, and displayed on a pen recorder. The results have been analysed with the aid of the classical theory based on the Drude free-electron model and Maxwell's equations for conducting media, taking into account multiple internal reflections in the specimens. The results of calculations for other materials (mercury telluride and gallium arsenide) are also presented. Comparison of the experimental results for n-type indium antimonide with the curves computed from the theoretical expressions yielded scattering times of the order of 10-12sec at liquid helium temperatures for several different samples. These scattering times are in good agreement with eatlier measurements of scattering times at these temperatures obtained by other workers from measurements of cycxouronresonance linewidths and Faraday rotation. There is, however, a considerable discrepancy between electron impurity scattering times obtained by magneto-optical methods and field-dependent d.c. scattering times calculated from d.c. mobility measurements. Discrepancies also exist between the measured and com-puted values of the ellipticity near cyclotron resonance. Some explanations of the differences between theory and experiment are considered, and further possible lines of investigation are discussed.<p

    A rare breast tumor; Adenomyoepithelioma: a case report and review of the literature

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    Adenomyoepithelioma is rare benign breast neoplasia characterized by the proliferation of both epithelial and myoepithelial cells of themammary lobules and ducts. This tumour, which does not have specific risk factors and radiological findings, is mostly seen in advancedages. This tumour, which occurs with the biphasic proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial cells, also contains normal breast lobules andducts. This tumour is very difficult to diagnose and includes many radiological and pathological pitfalls. Although malignant degenerationhas been reported in the literature, it is a rare condition. In this study, we present a rare case with radiologically suspicious findings andpathologically reported as adenomyoepithelioma

    The relationship between body-mass index and Helicobacter pylori infection: a case-control study

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    Objective: Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common infections worldwide. There are different opinions in the literature aboutthe relationship between H. pylori and obesity. In this study, we investigated the relationship between body-mass index (BMI) and H. pyloriinfection.Material and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among patients who underwent endoscopic examinations at Tekirdağ NamıkKemal University Faculty of Medicine Hospital in 2019. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was examined by biopsy. The relationshipbetween BMI and H. pylori infection was analyzed.Results: 51.8% of the cases in our population were positive for H. pylori infection. On histopathological examination, acute and chronicinflammation findings were higher in H. pylori-positive cases compared to H. pylori-negative cases. The prevalence of H. pylori infectionwas higher in patients with high BMI than those with low BMI. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between BMI and theprevalence of H. pylori infection (p<0.001), and there was a positive linear correlation between these two parameters (r=0.542). When therisk factors were examined univariable, BMI was found to be a significant risk factor for H. pylori infection (p=0.008). Multivariable analysisresults revealed that BMI is an independent risk factor for H. pylori infection. (OR=1.32 (1.09-3.46), p=0.025).Conclusion: Our results showed that there is a significant relationship between BMI and H. pylori infection, and high BMI is an independentrisk factor for H. pylori infection

    Indeks biljne raznolikosti u sastojini trojanske jele u Aladağ regiji Bolu

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    640 samples in quadrates of 0.5 x 0.5 m obtained by systematic sampling method were evaluated. Samplings were made in two repetitions in GA (old), GB (young), GC (medium-aged), and GD (irregular) stand types, on north and south aspects. Field studies were carried out in 4 different periods (June, July, August, September) within the vegetation period. 122 plant taxa were determined at the level of species and intraspecific taxa. While 48 of the 122 plant taxa in fir stands were seen only in one of the stands, 41 plant taxa were detected in all stands. 5 taxa were seen only in GA stands, 7 in GB, 15 in GC and 13 only in GD stands, while 8 taxa could not be identified due to the insufficient vegetative and generative organs of the collected samples. The richest stand type in terms of taxa number was determined as the GC stand type with 84 plant taxa, but more individuals per ha were counted in the GA and GD stand types.Procijenjeno je 640 uzoraka 0,5x0,5 m dobivenih metodom sustavnog uzorkovanja. Uzorkovanje je obavljeno u dva ponavljanja u GA (staroj), GB (mladoj), GC (srednjedobnoj), GD (nepravilnoj) sastojini, na sjevernim i južnim izloženostima. Terenska istraživanja provedena su tijekom 4 različita razdoblja (lipanj, srpanj, kolovoz, rujan) unutar vegetacijskog razdoblja. Određene su 122 biljne svojte na razini vrsta i infraspecifičnih svojti. U samo jednoj sastojini jele zabilježeno je 48 biljnih svojti, 41 svojta zabilježena je u svim sastojinama. 5 svojti biljaka viđeno je samo u GA sastojinama, 7 u GB, 15 u GC i 13 samo u GD sastojinama. Najbogatiji tip sastojine po broju svojti utvrđen je kao GC tip sastojine sa 84 biljne svojte, ali je više jedinki po ha izbrojano u GA i GD sastojinama

    In vitro studies on different extracts of fenugreek (Trigonella spruneriana BOISS.): Phytochemical profile, antioxidant activity, and enzyme inhibition potential

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    © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC. The side effects of synthetic antioxidants make it necessary to find a natural alternative. Therefore, the current study investigates the potential of T. spruneriana as a new alternative in terms of natural bioactive components. In this context, antioxidant activity, enzyme inhibition, and phenolic compounds of different extracts including ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, and aqueous were identified. The results show that the ethyl acetate (113.59 ± 2.73 mg GAE/g) has the highest phenolic content, but ethanol extract has the highest scavenging activity for DPPH and TAC. The ethanol extract showed stronger inhibition on cholinesterase and α-amylase compared to other extracts. Besides, 12 bioactive compounds were characterized in T. spruneriana extracts by HPLC-DAD. Our findings support that T. spruneriana could be considered as a new source of active phytochemicals, as well as provide remarkable data on biological activities of some main enzymes playing role in the healing of hyperpigmentation, Alzheimer, and diabetes. Practical applications: This study reports the total content, types and amounts of bioactive compounds and potential beneficial bioactivities of the different extracts of T. spruneriana. Trigonella is abundant in nature and spread over a wide geographical area, and is used in making cheese, pastries, spices, and sausages in different countries, as well as for antidiabetic purposes. Trigonella leaves are a good source of bioactive compounds that contain compounds like quercetin, catechin, cinnamic acid, and coumaric acid, along with it have also a high content of soluble fibers and is suggested for body weight control. Apart from being the first study conducted to point out the potential of T. spruneriana as being a natural food additive, this study also demonstrated its medicinal importance by revealing the anti-hyperpigmentation, antidiabetic, neuroprotective, and antioxidant properties of T. spruneriana.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plasma concentrations of soluble CD40 ligand in smokers with acute myocardial infarction: a pilot study

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is believed to be the single leading cause of death in both men and women in the world. Smoking is the most important risk factor for CAD. Smoking increases platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. CD40 ligand (CD40L) is a transmembrane glycoprotein derived from activated platelets. It participates in thrombus formation during the acute phase of acute myocardial infarction (MI). Elevation of CD40L identifies the patients who are at highest risk for cardiac events and who are likely to benefit from treatment with the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) receptor antagonists. The purpose of this study was to evaluate levels of CD40L in smokers with acute MI. Fifty-seven patients with acute MI were enrolled in this study. Thirty-one smokers were compared with 26 non-smokers. Soluble CD40L level in the plasma was determined by a standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Circulating levels of CD40L were higher in the smokers’ group. Smokers with acute MI may have increased risk for thrombotic complications during acute MI, and optimal antiaggregant therapy should be administered

    Evaluation of the effect of topical and systemic ozone application in periodontitis: an experimental study in rats

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    Objective: The goal of the present study was to determine the effect of systemic and topical ozone application on alveolar bone loss (ABL) by evaluating the effect of Hypoxia-inducible factor −1 alpha (HIF-1-α) and receptor activator of NF-kB ligand (RANKL)-positive cells on histopathological and immunohistochemical changes in a rat periodontitis model. Methodology: Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 1) Group C (control group); 2) Group SO (systemic ozone group) and 3) Group TO (topical ozone group). Experimental periodontitis was induced with a 3/0 silk suture placed at the mandibular left first molars of rats, and the suture was removed 14 days later. Ozone gas was injected intraperitoneally (0.7 mg/kg) in SO group. Topical ozone application protocol was performed using an ozone generator at 80% concentration (4th grade) 90- degree probe for the duration of 30 s. Both ozone applications were carried out for two weeks at intervals of two days. Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis were performed. Results:ABL was significantly lower in Group SO compared to Group C (p: 0.0052). HIF-1α- positive cells were significantly lower in Group TO than in Group C (p: 0.0043). RANKL-positive cells were significantly lower in Group SO and in Group TO compared to the control group (p: 0.0033, p: 0.0075, respectively). Conclusion: Both ozone applications decreased RANKL-positive cell counts, TO application decreased HIF-1-α positive cells counts, and SO application was found to be more effective in reducing ABL compared to control group

    Saf ve karışık sarıçam meşcerelerinde kalın kök kütlesi miktarı ve bunu etkileyen etmenler

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    Kalın kök (>5mm) kütlesi orman ekosistemlerindeki biyokütlenin önemli bileşenlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada, Artvin, Gümüşhane ve Giresun yörelerindeki saf ve karışık sarıçam meşcerelerinde kalın kök kütlesi ve bunu etkileyen etmenler araştırılmıştır. Araştırma amacıyla 60x180 cm ebatlarında toprak çukurları kazılmıştır. Kazılan çukurlarda, 0-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-90 ve 90-120 cm derinliklerindeki kalın kökler elenerek toplanmıştır. 30 cm ve daha derindeki toprak katmanlarında tüm deneme alanlarında kalın kök tespit edilmediğinden bu çalışmada sadece 0-30 cm toprak derinliği dikkate alınmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda kalın kök kütlesinin önemli kısmının 0-15 cm derinlik kademesinde olduğu, kalın kök kütlesinin derinlikle azaldığı ve meşcere yaşı arttıkça kalın kök kütlesinin de arttığı belirlenmiştir.Coarse root biomass (>5mm) is an important component of forest ecosystem biomass. In this study, coarse root biomass and properties influencing it were investigated in pure and mixed stands of scotish pine in Artvin, Gümüşhane and Giresun. For this purposes, soil pits were dug with the dimensions of 60x180 cm. Roots were sorted in soil depths of 0-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-90 and 90-120 cm. Roots in deeper than 30 cm soil depth were not found in most of the soil pits. Therefore, only 0-30 cm soil depth were considered in this pape

    Effects of different fat sources on fatty acid composition and CLA content of some tissues of laying hens

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    Effects of different fat sources on fatty acid composition and the CLA contents of some tissues of laying hens were investigated by gas chromatographic method. In this study, the control (group I), tallow (group II), the internal fat (group III) and the tail fat (group IV), obtained by diets of laying hens with abdominal fat, skin and breast meat + leg were investigated. A total of 160 units, 22-week-old laying hens Hy-line strain used. 40 chickens were used in each group. According to the plan the randomized study, for 10 replications each treatment group, and each iteration is used for the 4 chicken. 18-Hour light-dark day 6 hours' lighting program applied the trial lasted for 12 weeks, feed and water is provided. Total 30 different fatty acids were determined in fatty acid compositions of some tissues. These fatty acids were varied between C 8 - C 22. Different fat sources added that dietary has led to important differences in the of fatty acids composition in abdominal adipose tissue (P<0.05). Diets containing saturated fatty acids, rich oil resources abdominal adipose tissue increased the saturated fatty acid content, diets containing fat sources rich in unsaturated fatty acids increased the unsaturated fatty acid content of abdominal adipose tissue. Animal fat diets of laying hens., especially with addition of the tail fat, skin, leg and breast meat the amount of the total CLA except of amount for abdominal fat statistically significant increased. After 90 days analysing amount of CLA all of the tissues was found to be the highest