43 research outputs found

    Citizen Perspective on the Development of Sustainability Indicators—A Case Study based on the West Bund, Shanghai

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    Sustainability indicators are essential technical tools for monitoring and managing sustainable urban development. The challenge of developing sustainability indicators in the urban context lies in the lack of a participatory approach that integrates the bottom-up perspective of citizens. Therefore, taking the 14th Five-Year Plan development indicators in the West Bund of Shanghai as the case study, this paper provides policy recommendations for the readjustment and iteration of the local indicators for the Xuhui District Government by identifying the local citizens’ viewpoints and investigating its differences with the policymakers’ views. Totally ten local participants were involved in the structured interviews. Holistically, the perspective of local citizens presents the features of actively intervening in community governance, prioritising community benefits, and trusting the decision-making of local policymakers. This paper then argues that policymakers in a dominant position with preferences in economic indicators should take the initiative to provide an increase in facility-based indicators, effective feedback channels, and professional training in sustainability for local citizens in a secondary position who focus on the improvement of their living experience. The outcomes contribute to the materialisation of the West Bund’s governance goals and the further refinement of integrated solutions for sustainability indicator development

    TPTU-v2: Boosting Task Planning and Tool Usage of Large Language Model-based Agents in Real-world Systems

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated proficiency in addressing tasks that necessitate a combination of task planning and the usage of external tools that require a blend of task planning and the utilization of external tools, such as APIs. However, real-world complex systems present three prevalent challenges concerning task planning and tool usage: (1) The real system usually has a vast array of APIs, so it is impossible to feed the descriptions of all APIs to the prompt of LLMs as the token length is limited; (2) the real system is designed for handling complex tasks, and the base LLMs can hardly plan a correct sub-task order and API-calling order for such tasks; (3) Similar semantics and functionalities among APIs in real systems create challenges for both LLMs and even humans in distinguishing between them. In response, this paper introduces a comprehensive framework aimed at enhancing the Task Planning and Tool Usage (TPTU) abilities of LLM-based agents operating within real-world systems. Our framework comprises three key components designed to address these challenges: (1) the API Retriever selects the most pertinent APIs for the user task among the extensive array available; (2) LLM Finetuner tunes a base LLM so that the finetuned LLM can be more capable for task planning and API calling; (3) the Demo Selector adaptively retrieves different demonstrations related to hard-to-distinguish APIs, which is further used for in-context learning to boost the final performance. We validate our methods using a real-world commercial system as well as an open-sourced academic dataset, and the outcomes clearly showcase the efficacy of each individual component as well as the integrated framework

    Genetic dissection of the tissue‐specific roles of type III effectors and phytotoxins in the pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae to cherry

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    When compared with other phylogroups (PGs) of the Pseudomonas syringae species complex, P. syringae pv. syringae (Pss) strains within PG2 have a reduced repertoire of type III effectors (T3Es) but produce several phytotoxins. Effectors within the cherry pathogen Pss 9644 were grouped based on their frequency in strains from Prunus as the conserved effector locus (CEL) common to most P. syringae pathogens; a core of effectors common to PG2; a set of PRUNUS effectors common to cherry pathogens; and a FLEXIBLE set of T3Es. Pss 9644 also contains gene clusters for biosynthesis of toxins syringomycin, syringopeptin and syringolin A. After confirmation of virulence gene expression, mutants with a sequential series of T3E and toxin deletions were pathogenicity tested on wood, leaves and fruits of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) and leaves of ornamental cherry (Prunus incisa). The toxins had a key role in disease development in fruits but were less important in leaves and wood. An effectorless mutant retained some pathogenicity to fruit but not wood or leaves. Striking redundancy was observed amongst effector groups. The CEL effectors have important roles during the early stages of leaf infection and possibly acted synergistically with toxins in all tissues. Deletion of separate groups of T3Es had more effect in P. incisa than in P. avium. Mixed inocula were used to complement the toxin mutations in trans and indicated that strain mixtures may be important in the field. Our results highlight the niche‐specific role of toxins in P. avium tissues and the complexity of effector redundancy in the pathogen Pss 9644

    Beam test of a 180 nm CMOS Pixel Sensor for the CEPC vertex detector

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    The proposed Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) imposes new challenges for the vertex detector in terms of pixel size and material budget. A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) prototype called TaichuPix, based on a column drain readout architecture, has been developed to address the need for high spatial resolution. In order to evaluate the performance of the TaichuPix-3 chips, a beam test was carried out at DESY II TB21 in December 2022. Meanwhile, the Data Acquisition (DAQ) for a muti-plane configuration was tested during the beam test. This work presents the characterization of the TaichuPix-3 chips with two different processes, including cluster size, spatial resolution, and detection efficiency. The analysis results indicate the spatial resolution better than 5 μm\mu m and the detection efficiency exceeds 99.5 % for both TaichuPix-3 chips with the two different processes

    Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities and Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge

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    Quantification of cerebral white matter hyperintensities (WMH) of presumed vascular origin is of key importance in many neurological research studies. Currently, measurements are often still obtained from manual segmentations on brain MR images, which is a laborious procedure. The automatic WMH segmentation methods exist, but a standardized comparison of the performance of such methods is lacking. We organized a scientific challenge, in which developers could evaluate their methods on a standardized multi-center/-scanner image dataset, giving an objective comparison: the WMH Segmentation Challenge. Sixty T1 + FLAIR images from three MR scanners were released with the manual WMH segmentations for training. A test set of 110 images from five MR scanners was used for evaluation. The segmentation methods had to be containerized and submitted to the challenge organizers. Five evaluation metrics were used to rank the methods: 1) Dice similarity coefficient; 2) modified Hausdorff distance (95th percentile); 3) absolute log-transformed volume difference; 4) sensitivity for detecting individual lesions; and 5) F1-score for individual lesions. In addition, the methods were ranked on their inter-scanner robustness; 20 participants submitted their methods for evaluation. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the results. In brief, there is a cluster of four methods that rank significantly better than the other methods, with one clear winner. The inter-scanner robustness ranking shows that not all the methods generalize to unseen scanners. The challenge remains open for future submissions and provides a public platform for method evaluation

    Implementation and performances of the IPbus protocol for the JUNO Large-PMT readout electronics

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large neutrino detector currently under construction in China. Thanks to the tight requirements on its optical and radio-purity properties, it will be able to perform leading measurements detecting terrestrial and astrophysical neutrinos in a wide energy range from tens of keV to hundreds of MeV. A key requirement for the success of the experiment is an unprecedented 3% energy resolution, guaranteed by its large active mass (20 kton) and the use of more than 20,000 20-inch photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs) acquired by high-speed, high-resolution sampling electronics located very close to the PMTs. As the Front-End and Read-Out electronics is expected to continuously run underwater for 30 years, a reliable readout acquisition system capable of handling the timestamped data stream coming from the Large-PMTs and permitting to simultaneously monitor and operate remotely the inaccessible electronics had to be developed. In this contribution, the firmware and hardware implementation of the IPbus based readout protocol will be presented, together with the performances measured on final modules during the mass production of the electronics