350 research outputs found

    Commentary on ‘The Sorry State of M&E in Agriculture: Can People?centred Approaches Help?’

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    In their article, Haddad, Lindstrom and Pinto highlight some of the most critical issues facing monitoring and evaluation today, not only in agriculture but across many fields of endeavour. Their rationale and call for better M&E, ‘people?centred M&E’ and ensuring that the multiple benefits of M&E are captured in the increasingly important agricultural sector is convincing, welcome and timely. However, these approaches will resolve only some of the issues that need to be addressed if M&E is to make a real difference in agriculture for development. A concerted effort with a stronger focus on larger systems within and beyond agriculture, novel practices and innovation in M&E will be needed. Will the M&E profession – especially in developing countries – rise to the challenge

    The influence of prior knowledge of expository text structure on comprehension in young children

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    The effects of the instruction of report text structure on students’ comprehension of expository material with familiar m1d unfamiliar topics was investigated in both the short and long term. Two comprehension measures were used (ability to restructure an unstructured report text through written composition, and written recall of facts). Forty two Year Three students were matched in comprehension ability based on initial general comprehension performance in a standardized test, and were assigned to either an Experimental group which received text structure instruction, or a Control group which received no special instruction. Results indicated that the instruction and practise in report text structure enhanced students’ comprehension in terms of organizing and restructuring unstructured expository report texts using both the short and long term. Similar results were not found in written recall of facts. Analysis revealed that text structure instruction di not enhance the number of facts recalled using either familiar or unfamiliar material, in either the short or long term

    Bringing children to their senses: A study of the influence of sensory experience on year 4 children\u27s writing

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    Based on the theory of experiential learning for reading and writing, the purpose of this study was to observe and describe changes in the writing outcomes of Year Four children after the activation of the senses of smell, touch and taste. Children\u27s attitudes towards writing, and gender differences in their writing were minor foci of the study. Middle primary children were selected because there is an absence of previous research which relates directly to sensory learning and middle primary children\u27s writing. A descriptive case-study methodology was undertaken with a group of twenty nine Year Four children of which six target children, who represented three ability groups, formed the focus for closer observation and interviewing procedures. Children\u27s writing samples, done before a series of sensory activities, were analysed using two holistic scoring criteria, to provide benchmark data of the children\u27s writing abilities, and for the selection of the target children. In addition, writing samples from each sensory activity were analysed using the constant comparative method, to assess qualitative changes which occurred. An attitude questionnaire was administered and scored before the sensory activities in order to provide thicker benchmark data for realistic analyses. Attitude data were triangulated with self reports from recorded interviews, all writing samples, and observation notes. Results indicated that the sensory programme I which included sensory manipulation I discussion, pre-writing, independent writing, and sharing components, enabled the children to create topics, and experiment with a wide variety of genres for their written texts. Some children were able to identify the senses which were beneficial to their writing, and use them to write more effectively. The children demonstrated noticeable changes in their attitudes towards writing, and some gender differences in topic and genre choices were evident


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    Penyakit infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh empat kelompok besar hama penyakit, yaitu: bakteri, jamur, virus dan parasit. Salah satu tanaman yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat adalah tumbuhan Piper betle. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun sirih (Piper betle L.) memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus pada KHM (Kadar Hambat Minimum) 2,5% dengan metode difusi disk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun sirih (Piper betle L.) terhadap Staphylococcus aureus multiresisten dan Propionibacterium acne serta senyawa yang bertanggungjawab terhadap aktivitas tersebut. Daun sirih diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi menggunakan penyari etanol 96%. Ekstrak yang didapat kemudian diuji aktivitas antibakterinya menggunakan metode dilusi padat. Untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa dari ekstrak etanol daun sirih dilakukan uji kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Bioautografi dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan kimia yang terdapat dalam ekstrak etanol daun sirih yang berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya zona jernih pada media yang telah diinokulasi suspensi bakteri dan ditempeli plat KLT hasil elusi ekstrak etanol daun sirih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun sirih mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus multiresisten dan Propionibacterium acne dengan KBM berturut-turut sebesar 0,5% dan 0,25%. Hasil KLT menunjukkan bahwa golongan senyawa yang terkandung dalam ekstrak etanol daun sirih (Piper betle L.) adalah saponin, flavonoid, polifenol, dan minyak atsiri. Golongan senyawa dari ekstrak etanol daun sirih yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. aureus multiresisten kemungkinan merupakan senyawa golongan minyak atsiri dan saponin. Sedangkan golongan senyawa dari ekstrak etanol daun sirih yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap P. acne kemungkinan merupakan senyawa golongan flavonoid dan polifenol

    Note On Portfolio Optimization An Empirical Study using Bisnis Index-27 and Gold as A Portfolio Asset

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    The global economic crisis in 2008, which originated in America impacted quite significant for the world economy. Slowing the growth of the economy was felt by some developed countries that are trading partners of the Americas. Exacerbated by this crisis Europe where some European countries have considerable debt and incriminating the economy of the countries. Decrease in the level of economic growth in developed countries, forcing investors to divert its funds shows that yield higher. Indonesia became a new spotlight for investor to invest their fund because of the economic growth and political stability.The emerge of new investment strategy makes investor confuse to choose the appropiate based on their risk profile. Using optimization model that create by Harry Markowitz and the combination of stock and gold as asset portfolio can be an alternative investment strategy for investor.   Keywords: stocks, gold, IHSG, correlation, modern portfolio, rebalancin

    The Influence of Terminal Booking System (TBS), Yard Operation Plan (YOP), Turn Round Time (TRT) on Operational Effectiveness PT Pelindo Terimnal Peti Kemas Semarang

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    PT Pelindo Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang (TPKS) is a subholding of PT Pelindo that focuses on export and import container services. TPKS is one of the pioneers of the smart port concept in Indonesia, one of which is by implementing the Terminal Booking System (TBS) and Yard Plan to reduce Turn Round Time (TRT). However, in practice there are still many discrepancies between booking and gate-in hours, which have an impact on operational activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Terminal Booking System, Yard Operation Plan, Turn Round Time both partially and simultaneously and to see the factors that most influence the operational effectiveness of TPKS. This study used a quantitative method of explanatory format with a population of planning, control and operational management divisions using total sampling. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between the Terminal Booking System, Yard Operation Plan, Turn Round Time both partially and simultaneously on the operational effectiveness of TPKS. Meanwhile, the most influential factor is the Turn Round Time variable. The conclusion is that there is a positive and significant influence between TBS, YOP, and TRT either partially or simultaneously on the operational effectiveness of TPKS. The researcher's suggestion for PT Pelindo TPKS is to be able to optimize loading and unloading activities and receiving delivery in domestic CY (Container Yard)


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    A leader in educational institutions is often the attention of experts, in this case, especially with regard to the leadership of the head of the madrasa as the main person in charge of the existence of an educational institution, the problem in this study is how the leadership of the head of the madrasa in improving the good image of the institution in the eyes of the community. This study aims to determine the relationship between Madrasah Principal Leadership and Institutional Image at State Madrasahs in Sumedang Regency. This research method uses a quantitative approach with the type of correlational method. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the leadership of the Head of State Madrasahs in Sumedang Regency included very high qualifications, namely 4.26 in the interval range of 4.20 – 5.00. The image of the institution is included in the very high qualification of 4.29 which is found in the interval range of 4.20 - 5.00. The results obtained from the correlation of the significance of the relationship between the leadership of the madrasah principal and the image of the institution obtained 0.000. Therefore, the value of 0.000 <0.005 and the value of the correlation coefficient of 0.528 is in the interval value of 0.51 - 0.75, which means that the leadership of the madrasa head has a very strong relationship with the image of the institution. Then the coefficient of determination R Square 0.278 means that the contribution of the leadership variable of the madrasa principal to the image of the institution is 27.8


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    This thesis is entitled Review of Sharia Economic Law of Guarantee on Cyronium Coin Investment. Against the background of the problem, namely the effect of physical gold coin collateral on Cyronium Coin digital investment which can ensure the security of these investment activities. The formulation of the problem, namely: What is the guarantee on Cyronium Coin digital investment? and How does Sharia Economic Law review the guarantee on Cyronium Coin digital investment ?. This type of research is library research, the primary data of which is obtained from a review of literature studies and from the official website of Cyronium Coin. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively, namely by producing descriptive data. which applies to reality as the primary material associated with the theories in secondary data. Based on data analysis, deductive conclusions can be drawn in accordance with the formulation of the problem. The results of the study concluded: First, the guarantee on Cyronium Coin digital investment is based on the procedure, Cyronium coins have a selling value according to the price of 20 grams of gold. Its function is to maintain prices so that CYRO tokens can protect investors' funds. Investors who purchase CYRO tokens can choose two options, including choosing to have assets in the form of CYRO tokens and choosing to have assets in the form of Cyronium physical coins where the physical coins are used as collateral for investment. Second, the Sharia Economic Law Review of Guarantee on Cyronium Coin Digital Investment shows that in this case, the consent granted in the implementation of the agreement between the investor and Cyronium is marked by the approval of the investor who has registered and fulfills the terms and conditions that have been made by Cyronium. Then the guarantor is Cyronium, the recipient of the guarantee is the investors, the goods that are used as the object of collateral are Cyronium's physical coins. In its implementation, it has fulfilled the pillars and requirements of kafalah / dhaman as previously explained and this guarantee does not conflict with Islamic law. &nbsp; Keywords: Guarantee, Digital Investment, Cyronium Coin

    The SADC tribunal and the judicial settlement of international disputes

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    The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a regional economic community established by Treaty in 1992 and comprising fifteen southern African countries. The Tribunal, SADC’s judicial organ, is situated in Windhoek, Namibia and became operational in 2005. The Tribunal enjoys a wide mandate to hear and determine disputes between states, states and SADC, and between natural and legal persons and states or SADC. It is mandated to develop its own jurisprudence having regard to applicable treaties, general rules and principles of public international law, and principles and rules of law of member states. Being new in the field, the Tribunal has not as yet developed a significant jurisprudence although it has delivered a number of judgments some of which are referred to in the study. The Tribunal is expected to develop its own jurisprudence having regard to the jurisprudence developed by other international courts involved in the judicial settlement of disputes. The study offers a comparative review and analysis of the jurisprudence of two selected courts: the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). The focus is on four selected areas considered crucial to the functioning of the Tribunal and the selected courts. The study discusses the parties with access to the Tribunal and compares this with access to the ICJ and ECJ. The jurisdiction of the Tribunal is contrasted with that of the two selected courts. The sources of law available to the Tribunal are discussed and contrasted to those of the two courts. Lastly, the enforcement of law in SADC is contrasted to what applies in relation to the selected courts. In each selected area, similarities and differences between the Tribunal and the two courts are noted and critically evaluated. Further, rules and principles developed by the two selected courts are explored in depth with a view to identifying those which could be of use to the Tribunal. Recommendations are made on rules and principles which could be of use to the Tribunal and on possible improvements to the SADC treaty regime.Constitutional, International and Indigenous LawLL. D
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