66 research outputs found

    Adoleszente Identitätsbildung unter postmoderenen Lebensbedingungen: Neue Freiheit oder Identitätsdiffusion?

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    I. Grundthesen\ud 1.) Psychoanalyse als Erfahrungswissenschaft unterliegt den historisch­kulturellen Bedingungen ihrer Zeit . ihre Befunde und Theoretisierungen sind Ausdruck und Symptom dieser Zeitumstände. Eine Psychoanalyse, die sich dieser Tatsache gegenüber verschließt, ihre einmal gewonnenen Ergebnisse ontologisiert, wird auf ihrem kulturkritischem Auge blind und auf kurz oder lang auch auf ihrem klinischen. Die Gefahr ist die einer Naturalisierung kulturell erzeugter Phänomene. \ud 2.) Der Begriff der .Identität., von Erikson in die Psychoanalyse einge­bracht, ist Symptom für eine Krise . daß .Identitätsbildung. unter spät­industriellen Lebensbedingungen problematischer wird. Das Identitäts­thema bündelt in paradigmatischer Form die Folgen aktueller Moderni­sierungsprozesse für die Subjekte. \ud 3.) Der Begriff Identität bedarf einer grundsätzlichen Differenzierung: zu unterscheiden ist eine universell-anthropologische und eine kulturell­spezifische Dimension; universell: es geht in jedem Menschenleben um das Herstellen einer Passung zwischen subjektivem Innen und dem gesell­schaftlichen Außen, das ist die anthropologische Grundaufgabe des Men­schen. Aber diese Passungsaufgabe ist in heißen Kulturen dramatischer. \ud 4.) Die Phase der Adoleszenz ist wie keine andere Entwicklungsphase den jeweiligen kulturellen Bedingungen ausgesetzt, geht es doch in ihr um das Verlassen des .Elternhauses. und um den Eintritt in die .Gesell­schaft.; folglich werden sich dort kulturelle Veränderungen am stärksten auswirken. \ud 5.) Das klassische psychoanalytische Konzept der Adoleszenz ist zu erweitern, insbesondere auf die Dimensionen des .Narzißtischen. hin; aber auch die phasenspezifische Eingrenzung der Identitätsproblematik auf die Adoleszenz muß aufgegeben werden. \ud 6.) Soziologie und Kulturwissenschaften liefern empirische Befunde zur Identitätsbildung in spätindustriellen Gesellschaften. Die Psychoanalyse sollte diese zur Kenntnis nehmen, ihre eigenen unter hochspezifischen Umständen gewonnenen Erfahrungen dazu in einen kritischen Dialog bringen

    Risk profile of the RET A883F germline mutation: an international collaborative study

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    Context: The A883F germline mutation of the REarranged during Transfection proto-oncogene causes multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B. In the revised American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines for the management of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) the A883F mutation has been reclassified from the highest to high risk level, although no well-defined risk profile for this mutation exists. Objective: To create a risk profile for the A883F mutation for appropriate classification in the ATA risk levels. Design: Retrospective analysis. Setting: International collaboration. Patients: Included were 13 A883F carriers. Intervention: The intervention was thyroidectomy. Main Outcome Measures: Earliest age of MTC, regional lymph node metastases, distant metastases, age-related penetrance of MTC and pheochromocytoma (PHEO), overall and disease-specific survival and biochemical cure rate. Results: One and three carriers were diagnosed at age 7-9 years (median 7.5) with a normal thyroid and C-cell hyperplasia, respectively. Nine carriers had MTC diagnosed at age 10-39 years (median 19). The earliest age of MTC, regional lymph node and distant metastasis were 10, 20, 20 years, respectively. Fifty percent penetrance of MTC and PHEO was achieved by age 19 and 34 years, respectively. Five- and 10-year survival (both overall and disease-specific) were 88% and 88%, respectively. Biochemical cure for MTC at latest follow-up was achieved in 63% (5/8 carriers) with pertinent data. Conclusions: MTC of A883F carriers seems to have a more indolent natural course compared to that of M918T carriers. Our results support the classification of the A883F mutation in the ATA high risk level

    Demand for sex-oriented cable TV in the USA : Community acceptance and obscenity law

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    This pooled cross-sectional/time series analysis focuses on individual consumer demand for sex-oriented pay cable programming using data obtained from Coaxial Cable in Columbus, OH. The results suggest that adult movies garnered more demand from pay-per-view subscribers than any other type of programme offered, indicating that sex- oriented cable movies has achieved a reasonable degree of community acceptance. These results are not very encouraging for those who would like to see adult content of this type eliminated from cable television.Public policy Cable TV Obscenity

    X-chromosome gene dosage as a determinant of impaired pre and postnatal growth and adult height in Turner syndrome

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE:Short stature is a key aspect of the phenotype of patients with Turner syndrome (TS). SHOX haploinsufficiency is responsible for about two-thirds of the height deficit. The aim was to investigate the effect of X-chromosome gene dosage on anthropometric parameters at birth, spontaneous height, and adult height (AH) after growth hormone (GH) treatment.DESIGN:We conducted a national observational multicenter study.METHODS:Birth parameter SDS for gestational age, height, and AH before and after GH treatment respectively, and height deficit with respect to target height (SDS) were classified by karyotype subgroup in a cohort of 1501 patients with TS: 45,X (36%), isoXq (19%), 45,X/46,XX (15%), XrX (7%), presence of Y (6%), or other karyotypes (17%).RESULTS:Birth weight, length (P<0.0001), and head circumference (P<0.001), height and height deficit with respect to target height (SDS) before GH treatment, at a median age of 8.8 (5.3-11.8) years and after adjustment for age and correction for multiple testing (P<0.0001), and AH deficit with respect to target height at a median age of 19.3 (18.0-21.8) years and with additional adjustment for dose and duration of GH treatment (P=0.006), were significantly associated with karyotype subgroup. Growth retardation tended to be more severe in patients with XrX, isoXq, and, to a lesser extent, 45,X karyotypes than in patients with 45,X/46,XX karyotypes or a Y chromosome.CONCLUSION:These data suggest that haploinsufficiency for an unknown Xp gene increases the risk of fetal and postnatal growth deficit and short AH with respect to target height after GH therapy

    Natural History and Management of Congenital Hypothyroidism with in situ Thyroid Gland

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    Normally sited glands account for increasing congenital hypothyroidism (CH). Mechanisms often remain unknown. To report the incidence of CH with in situ thyroid gland (ISTG) and describe the natural history of the disease without known etiology
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