788 research outputs found

    Scaling Greenpeace: From Local Activism to Global Governance

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    Greenpeace was founded in Vancouver in the early 1970s. Initially, it was a small anti-nuclear protest group composed of Americans and Canadians, peaceniks and hippies, World War II veterans and people barely out of high school. Twenty years later, it was the world’s largest environmental NGO, with headquarters in Amsterdam, branches in over forty nations, and a regular presence at international environmental meetings throughout the world. This article will chart Greenpeace’s growth throughout its first two decades, in the process examining how the organization became influential at several levels: in local politics in places like Vancouver; at the national level in countries such as Canada, New Zealand, the USA, and Germany; and at global forums such as the International Whaling Commission and various UN-sponsored environmental meetings. It will analyze the combination of activist agency and political op-portunity structures that enabled Greenpeace to gain political influence. I argue that Greenpeace’s influence largely stemmed from its engagement with what political scientist Paul Wapner calls “world civic politics,” which in this case involves the dissemination of an ecological sensibility that indirectly influences behavior at multiple scales, from individuals, to governments, to multi-lateral organizations. Only in this way could a group with relatively limited resources hope to influence millions of individuals and powerful governments

    Turbocharging the Internal Combustion Engine

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    Práca rešeršnej povahy je primárne zameraná na zvyšovanie výkonu a dosiahnutie vysokého plniaceho tlaku už pri nízkych otáčkach motora. V práci sú uvedené trendy preplňovania, ktoré zatiaľ neboli využité v masovej aplikácií v automobilovom priemysle, ako napríklad systém variabilnej geometrie lopatiek tzv. VGT, ale boli zatiaľ použité iba na niekoľkých modeloch automobilov, alebo v závodných vozidlách.The thesis of a search character is primary focused on boosting and reaching the highest level of boost pressure from lower revolutions of the engine. In this thesis are listed trends of turbocharging that have not been massively applied in car industry yet, e.g. variable geometry turbochargers so called VGT but it has been used in a few car models or race cars.


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    Moving from the traditional industrial model, in which waste is considered the norm, EU needs to develop an integrated industrial integrated systems in which everything has a next use. By exchanging industrial energy, water, by-products and materials between sectors, waste from one industry becomes raw material for another. Industry is encouraged to emulate the sustainable cycles of nature, minimizing the burden imposed on the earth and using its resources more efficiently. The raw materials industry transformation with respect to the environment is an integral part of these initiatives and efforts. The paper aims to consider what would be required for mining companies to operate as a modern advanced technology-driven business. It reviews how waste management is a business strategy and examines issues of cost reduction with respect to the environmen

    Posredovanje znanja v regionalnih digitalnih ekosistemih

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    The knowledge-based networked business ecosystem represents a geographical (or virtual) area where specific regional policy initiatives could foster growth and improve innovation, productivity and social aspects through the optimal use of local assets empowered by information and communication systems (ICT). Effective human interaction with ICT within such a regional digital ecosystem depends on access methods, suitability and form of content and knowledge sharing. A network of digital ecosystems, as public common resource, offers to regions and to less-developed areas opportunities to participate in the global economy. Key words: digital ecosystem, regional business digital ecosystem, integrated business information, electronic content management, document management system, knowledge sharing and management;Na znanju temelječ in mrežno povezan poslovni ekosistem predstavlja geografsko (ali virtualno) področje, kjer bi lahko specifič ne regionalne politične pobude spodbujale rast in izboljšale inoviranje, produktivnost ter družbene vidike s pomočjo optimalne uporabe lokalnih virov, ki so okrepljeni z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi. Učinkovita človeška interakcija z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi, kot je na primer regionalni digitalni ekosistem, je odvisna od pristopnih metod, ustreznosti in oblike vsebine ter posredovanja znanja. Mreža digitalnih ekosistemov kot skupni javni vir ponuja regijam in manj razvitim področjem priložnost, da sodelujejo v globalnem gospodarstvu. Ključne besede: digitalni ekosistem, regionalni poslovni digitalni ekosistem, integrirano poslovno informiranje, upravljanje elektronskih vsebin, upravljanje s sistemom dokumentov, posredovanje znanja in upravljanje


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    In raw materials EU sector a new vision is emerging, founded on leveraging informatization, digitalization, and visualization to utilize process data inside corporate management. The digital factory concept on the raw materials heat treatment offers an integrated approach to enhance products and production processes. The focus and key factor is the integration of the various planning and simulation processes. It’s a kind of visual manufacturing that removes the barriers to effective collaboration and efficiency by delivering visual and real process data to all involved throughout the value chain. Business processes are naturally streamlined, and islands of automation are integrated into efficient drivers of customer value. Digital Factory efficiently drives bottom line business growth in areas like material flow management, material request orders, training, marketing, maintenance, logistics and all with measurable economical impact


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    In raw materials EU sector a new vision is emerging, founded on leveraging informatization, digitalization, and visualization to utilize process data inside corporate management. The digital factory concept on the raw materials heat treatment offers an integrated approach to enhance products and production processes. The focus and key factor is the integration of the various planning and simulation processes. It’s a kind of visual manufacturing that removes the barriers to effective collaboration and efficiency by delivering visual and real process data to all involved throughout the value chain. Business processes are naturally streamlined, and islands of automation are integrated into efficient drivers of customer value. Digital Factory efficiently drives bottom line business growth in areas like material flow management, material request orders, training, marketing, maintenance, logistics and all with measurable economical impact

    Designing Textile Patterns and Products for Patients with Chronic Pain

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    Namen magistrskega dela je bil oblikovati vzorce in izdelke, ki bodo vplivali na psihofizično počutje bolnikov s kronično bolečino. Pomembno vlogo pri nastanku magistrskega dela ima osebna izkušnja avtorice s kronično bolečino, ki omogoča neposredno raziskovanje pri umetniškem izražanju v bolečini. Kronična bolečina je bolečina, ki običajno traja več kot tri mesece in za katero so značilne spremembe v osrednjem živčevju. Avtorica je na poti osebnega raziskovanja in bolečine prišla do spoznanja, da risanje vzorcev in barve pozitivno vplivajo na počutje. V magistrskem delu so tako predstavljeni eksperimenti in izdelki, ki povezujejo vzorce in barve ter tako vplivajo na človekovo počutje. Iz prvih vzorcev je bila oblikovana stenska nalepka, ki v prostor vnaša sproščenost in umirjenost, hkrati pa človeka spodbuja h gibanju. Nato sledijo vzorci, iz katerih so nastali naslednji izdelki: pobarvanka, ki nudi meditativno sprostitev s pomočjo barvanja in dopolnjevanjarokovnik za leto 2019, ki ima vključene barvne vzorce in omogoča načrtovanje ter s tem zmanjšanje stresnih situacijin kolekcija premišljeno oblikovanih vzorcev za prenos na izdelke.The aim of this master\u27s degree thesis with the title Designing textile patterns and products for patients with chronic pain is to design patterns and products which may influence the psychological and physical well-being of patients with chronic pain. An important part of the master\u27s degree thesis is the author\u27s personal experience with chronic pain, which enables a direct research in artistic expression in pain. Chronic pain is defined as a persistent or recurrent pain lasting more than three months and leading to changes in the central nervous system. The author\u27s research through personal chronic pain leads to the conclusion that drawing patterns and colors positively influence the well-being. The master\u27s degree thesis presents experiments and products that connect patterns and colors, thus affecting the person\u27s well-being. A wall sticker is designed from the first samples mediating relaxation and tranquility to the room and stimulating movement at the same time. It is followed by patterns combined in a coloring book that offers meditative relaxation through coloring and complementinga planner for the year 2019, which includes color patterns, and allows planning and thus reducing stressful situationsand a collection of carefully designed samples for transfering to products