43 research outputs found

    An integrated gene regulatory network controls stem cell proliferation in teeth.

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    Epithelial stem cells reside in specific niches that regulate their self-renewal and differentiation, and are responsible for the continuous regeneration of tissues such as hair, skin, and gut. Although the regenerative potential of mammalian teeth is limited, mouse incisors grow continuously throughout life and contain stem cells at their proximal ends in the cervical loops. In the labial cervical loop, the epithelial stem cells proliferate and migrate along the labial surface, differentiating into enamel-forming ameloblasts. In contrast, the lingual cervical loop contains fewer proliferating stem cells, and the lingual incisor surface lacks ameloblasts and enamel. Here we have used a combination of mouse mutant analyses, organ culture experiments, and expression studies to identify the key signaling molecules that regulate stem cell proliferation in the rodent incisor stem cell niche, and to elucidate their role in the generation of the intrinsic asymmetry of the incisors. We show that epithelial stem cell proliferation in the cervical loops is controlled by an integrated gene regulatory network consisting of Activin, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and Follistatin within the incisor stem cell niche. Mesenchymal FGF3 stimulates epithelial stem cell proliferation, and BMP4 represses Fgf3 expression. In turn, Activin, which is strongly expressed in labial mesenchyme, inhibits the repressive effect of BMP4 and restricts Fgf3 expression to labial dental mesenchyme, resulting in increased stem cell proliferation and a large, labial stem cell niche. Follistatin limits the number of lingual stem cells, further contributing to the characteristic asymmetry of mouse incisors, and on the basis of our findings, we suggest a model in which Follistatin antagonizes the activity of Activin. These results show how the spatially restricted and balanced effects of specific components of a signaling network can regulate stem cell proliferation in the niche and account for asymmetric organogenesis. Subtle variations in this or related regulatory networks may explain the different regenerative capacities of various organs and animal species

    Hearing loss in a mouse model of Muenke syndrome

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    The heterozygous Pro250Arg substitution mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3), which increases ligand-dependent signalling, is the most common genetic cause of craniosynostosis in humans and defines Muenke syndrome. Since FGF signalling plays dosage-sensitive roles in the differentiation of the auditory sensory epithelium, we evaluated hearing in a large group of Muenke syndrome subjects, as well as in the corresponding mouse model (Fgfr3P244R). The Muenke syndrome cohort showed significant, but incompletely penetrant, predominantly low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss, and the Fgfr3P244R mice showed dominant, fully penetrant hearing loss that was more severe than that in Muenke syndrome individuals, but had the same pattern of relative high-frequency sparing. The mouse hearing loss correlated with an alteration in the fate of supporting cells (Deiters'-to-pillar cells) along the entire length of the cochlear duct, with the most extreme abnormalities found at the apical or low-frequency end. In addition, there was excess outer hair cell development in the apical region. We conclude that low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss is a characteristic feature of Muenke syndrome and that the genetically equivalent mouse provides an excellent model that could be useful in testing hearing loss therapies aimed at manipulating the levels of FGF signalling in the inner ear

    Active Wnt signaling in response to cardiac injury

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    Although the contribution of Wnt signaling in infarct healing is suggested, its exact role after myocardial infarction (MI) still needs to be unraveled. We evaluated the cardiac presence of active Wnt signaling in vivo following MI, and investigated in which cell types active Wnt signaling was present by determining Axin2 promoter-driven LacZ expression. C57BL/6 Axin2-LacZ reporter mice were sacrificed at days 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 after LAD ligation. Hearts were snap-frozen for immunohistochemistry (IHC) or enzymatically digested to obtain a single cell suspension for flow cytometric analysis. For both FACS and IHC, samples were stained for β-galactosidase and antibodies against Sca-1, CD31, ckit, and CD45. Active Wnt signaling increased markedly in the myocardium, from 7 days post-MI onwards. Using Sca-1 and CD31, to identify progenitor and endothelial cells, a significant increase in LacZ+ cells was found at 7 and 14 days post-MI. LacZ+ cells also increased in the ckit+ and CD45+ cell population. IHC revealed LacZ+ cells co-expressing Sca, CD31, CD45, vWF, and αSMA in the border zone and the infarcted area. Wnt signaling increased significantly after MI in Sca+- and CD31+-expressing cells, suggesting involvement of Wnt signaling in resident Sca+ progenitor cells, as well as endothelial cells. Moreover, active Wnt signaling was present in ckit+ cells, leukocytes, and fibroblast. Given its broad role during the healing phase after cardiac injury, additional research seems warranted before a therapeutic approach on Wnt to enhance cardiac regeneration can be carried out safely

    Innate immunity and remodelling

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    A wide variety of cardiac disease states can induce remodelling and lead to the functional consequence of heart failure. These complex disease states involve a plethora of parallel signal transduction events, which may be associated with tissue injury or tissue repair. Innate immunity is activated in hearts injured in different ways, evident as cytokine release from the heart, activation of toll-like receptors involved in recognizing danger, and activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B. Nuclear factor kappa B regulates gene programmes involved in inflammation as well as the resolution of inflammation. The impact of this is an enigma; while cytokines, toll-like receptors, and nuclear factor kappa B appear to elicit myocardial protection in studies of preconditioning, the literature strongly indicates a detrimental role for activation of innate immunity in studies of acute ischaemia–reperfusion injury. The impact of activation of cardiac innate immunity on the long-term outcome in in vivo models of hypertrophy and remodelling is less clear, with conflicting results as to whether it is beneficial or detrimental. More research using genetically engineered mice as tools, different models of evoking remodelling, and long-term follow-up is required for us to conclude whether activation of the innate immune system is good, bad, or unimportant in chronic injury models

    RALT specifically halts maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy. A new kid on the block

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    Role of beta-catenin in adult cardiac remodeling

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    The adult heart has a uniform cellular response to adapt to injury after infarct or increased wall stress in chronic hypertension: hypertrophy of adult cardiomyocytes increases muscle fiber mass while at the same time apoptosis of cardiomyocytes may lead to further loss of contractile mass. The existence and quantitative amount of endogenous cardiac regeneration is currently under intense dispute, no clear picture has yet emerged. Recently, cardiac precursor cells and the signaling pathways controlling their differentiation in the adult organ have come into focus. In heart development, beta-catenin was identified to play a biphasic role in cardiomyocyte differentiation. While initially WNT/beta-catenin activation is required to commit mesenchymal cells to the cardiac lineage, downregulation of beta-catenin is needed for cardiomyocyte differentiation at later stages. Recent genetic data published by our lab suggest beta-catenin downregulation to be beneficial for adult cardiac remodeling. Here we discuss these data in the context of beta-catenin's role in adult cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, apoptosis and possibly regeneration

    Agonistic and antagonistic roles of fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes on viscoelastic stiffening of engineered human myocardium

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    Cardiomyocyte and stroma cell cross-talk is essential for the formation of collagen-based engineered heart muscle, including engineered human myocardium (EHM). Fibroblasts are a main component of the myocardial stroma. We hypothesize that fibroblasts, by compacting the surrounding collagen network, support the self-organization of cardiomyocytes into a functional syncytium. With a focus on early self-organization processes in EHM, we studied the molecular and biophysical adaptations mediated by defined populations of fibroblasts and embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes in a collagen type I hydrogel. After a short phase of cell-independent collagen gelation (30 min), tissue compaction was progressively mediated by fibroblasts. Fibroblast-mediated tissue stiffening was attenuated in the presence of cardiomyocytes allowing for the assembly of stably contracting, force-generating EHM within 4 weeks. Comparative RNA-sequencing data corroborated that fibroblasts are particularly sensitive to the tissue compaction process, resulting in the fast activation of transcription profiles, supporting heart muscle development and extracellular matrix synthesis. Large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) measurements revealed nonlinear strain stiffening at physiological strain amplitudes (>2%), which was reduced in the presence of cells. The nonlinear stress-strain response could be characterized by a mathematical model. Collectively, our study defines the interplay between fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes during human heart muscle self-organization in vitro and underscores the relevance of fibroblasts in the biological engineering of a cardiomyogenesis-supporting viscoelastic stroma. We anticipate that the established mathematical model will facilitate future attempts to optimize EHM for in vitro (disease modelling) and in vivo applications (heart repair)