71 research outputs found

    The Role of Store Environment Cues on Store Personality and Store Image

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explain the effects of color, lighting, and music as store environment cues on the perceptions among consumers of store personality, store image, and on their own store preferences. Design/Methodology/Approach – An experimental approach was employed to determine these effects, using a between-subjects factorial design including two levels of color, lighting, and music. The data were collected from 600 participants through face-to-face surveys. A video design of a fictional store environment was shown to the subjects and survey questions were applied to eight different experimental groups by providing manipulation control. Results and implications – The results demonstrate that consumer perceptions of store image, store personality, and store preferences differ with changing color, lighting, and music variables. Additionally, these variables differ in their interactions with each other and in their total interactions. Limitations – While the present study sheds light on the influence of color, lighting, and music cues of the fashion store environment on consumer perceptions of store personality and image, as well as their store preferences, interactions between store environment cues and other attributes in stores should also be explored. Originality – This study examines the impact of store environment variables in their different aspects on consumer perceptions of store image and store personality, as well as consumer store preferences, by focusing on Mehrabian and Russell’s (1974) Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model as its theoretical background

    Türk Kütüphaneciliğinde Bilimsel İletişimin Kalitesi Üzerine…

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    The efforts to enhance quality of scientific communication in Turkish Librarianship Journal have been summarized in this editorial.The efforts to enhance quality of scientific communication in Turkish Librarianship Journal have been summarized in this editorial

    Cumulative Advantage and “Science Elites”

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    Günümüzde üretilen bilimsel çıktıların değerlendirilmesi için sıklıkla sayısal değerlendirmeler tercih ediliyor. Ancak araştırma performans değerlendirme süreçlerinde yayın ve atıf sayılarını önemli oranda etkileyen bazı unsurların dikkate alınmadığını görmek mümkün. Bu yazının temel amacı bilimsel camiada “bazılarının” daha görünür olmasını sağlayan çeşitli etkenleri listelemek ve araştırma değerlendirmelerinde bu gibi unsurlara özen gösterilmesi konusunda ilgilileri uyarmaktır.Science is measured by using numbers today. However, it is possible to see that some factors that significantly affect the number of publications and citations in research performance evaluation processes are not taken into consideration. The main aim of this comment is to list the various factors that make “some” more visible than others in the scientific communities and to warn those who are concerned about such factors in research evaluations

    An Evaluation on Journals Supported by TÜBİTAK Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications: Closer Look at the Origins and Disciplines of the Journals

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    Bilimsel iletişim sürecinin en önemli aktörlerinden biri bilimsel dergilerdir. Bilimsel dergiler araştırma bulgularının sunulduğu en önemli kayıt ortamlarıdır ve bu ortamlar sayesinde bilimsel bilginin tüm dünyayla paylaşılması mümkün hale gelmektedir. Ancak günümüzde çeşitli yayınevlerine ait binlerce dergi yayımlanmakta ve bu dergilerin kalitesi ile ilgili pek çok soru işareti bulunmaktadır. Pek çok ülke bu sorunun üstesinden gelebilmek üzere dergiler için çeşitli düzeyleri içeren sınıflamalar geliştirmektedirler. Bu listeler akademik teşvik ve yükselmelerde kullanılabildiği gibi araştırmacılara yayın yapabilecekleri dergiler konusunda rehberlik etmesi için de kullanılabilmektedirler. Türkiye’de yayımlanan en önemli dergi listesi TÜBİTAK Türkiye Adresli Uluslararası Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik Programına (UBYT) ait olan listedir. Temel amacı Türkiye adresli kaliteli yayın sayısını ve bu yayınların görünürlüğünü artırmak olarak açıklanan UBYT’de dergiler 2019 yılı itibariyle dört temel seviyede gruplandırılmakta bu dergilerde yayın yapan yazarlar program sayesinde ödüllendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı UBYT dergi listesinde yer alan dergilerin yayımlandıkları ülkeler ve yayımlandıkları disiplinler dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmesi ve sonuçların sunulmasıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda UBYT 2019 listesinde yer alan 10.465 ve 2018 listesinde yer alan 12.888 dergi ile bu dergilerde yapılan Türkiye adresli yayınlara ilişkin istatistikler derinlemesine incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre Türkiye adresli yayınların büyük çoğunluğu UBYT tarafından en düşük seviyede sınıflandırılan dergilerde yayımlanmaktadır. Hesaplama yönteminin değiştirilmesi ile birlikte 2018 yılı dergi listesi ile 2019 yılı dergi listesinde dergilerin konumlarında önemli değişiklikler olduğu saptanmıştır. Bunun yanında UBYT dergi listesinin teşvik sınıflarında farklı disiplinlerin eşit şekilde temsil edilmediği sonucuna da ulaşılmıştır. Yüksek teşvik miktarları ile desteklenen dergilerin neredeyse tamamının Kuzey Amerika ve Avrupa ülkelerine ait dergiler olduğu ortaya çıkarılmış, Türkiye adresli tüm dergilerinin en düşük seviyede sınıflandığı saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları mevcut UBYT sisteminin iyileştirilmesi süreçlerinde uygulamayı yürüten TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM’e yardımcı olabilecek bulgular sunmaktadır.One of the most important actors in the scholarly communication process is scientific journals. Scientific journals are the most important environment, where research findings are presented, and thanks to these environments, it is possible to share scientific information all over the world. However, thousands of scientific journals are published and there are many question marks about the quality of these journals for the last couple of decades. Many countries develop journal classifications with various levels to overcome the quality problem. These lists are used for academic incentives and promotions, as well as to guide the researchers on journals where they can publish. In Turkey, one of the most important journal lists is provided by TÜBİTAK Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications (UBYT). The main objective of the program is to increase the number of high-quality publications authored by Turkey addressed scholars and to increase the visibility of the publications. The journals are grouped into four basic levels in the UBYT program, and the authors are awarded by the program in terms of the levels of the journals. The main aim of this study is to reveal whether the UBYT journal list considers regional and disciplinary differences. To achieve this aim, statistics and bibliometric data on the journals included in the 2018 and 2019 UBYT journal lists are obtained. The countries of origins of the journals and the subject areas are taken into consideration for the analyses. According to the results, most of the Turkey-addressed publications are published in low-level journals. With the change of the calculation method, significant changes are determined in the positions of the journals in 2018 and 2019 journal lists. In addition, it is concluded that not all disciplines are represented equally in the Program’s levels. It is discovered that almost all the top-tier journals are the journals of North America and Europe. All Turkey-addressed journals are classified into the low-level journals. The results of the research provide findings that may help TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM to improve the processes in the existing UBYT system

    Science, Technology and Innovation: Concepts, Theory and Policy

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    Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümünde Araştırma Yöntemleri dersleri Neuman’ın (2008, s. 10-17); “Bilim, bilgi üretmenin bir yoludur. Bilimsel yöntem ise, bilgi üretmek ve değerlendirmek için kullanılan fikirler, kurallar, teknikler, yaklaşımlardır” sözleri ile açılır.This study is a review of the book entitled “Science, Technology and Innovation: Concepts, Theory and Policy”. In the converging world, the book is an important contribution not only for the field of economy, but also information science which includes information-economy concepts

    Avrupa Bilimetri Yaz Okulundan İzlenimler

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    In this paper, impressions from European Summer School for Scientometrics held in Leuven, Belgium in July 1-7, 2012 is presented. European Summer School for Scientometrics has been going on since 2010 with partnership of Germany, Belgium and Austria, with the contributions ofprominent scientists in the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics especially. It will be held in Berlin, September 8-13 in 2013.Bu yazıda, 1-7 Temmuz 2012 tarihlerinde Belçika’nın Leuven şehrinde düzenlenen Avrupa Bilimetri Yaz Okulu’nda (ESSS - European Summer School for Scientometrics) edinilen izlenimler aktarılmıştır. Avrupa Bilimetri Yaz Okulu, 2010 yılından beri Almanya, Belçika ve Avusturya ortaklığında, özellikle bibliyometri ve bilimetri alanında tanınmış kişilerin katkılarıyla sürdürülmektedir. Yaz Okulu’nun 2013 yılı eğitimi, 8-13 Eylül tarihlerinde Berlin’de yapılacaktır

    “Reverence for Life”, Scholarly Communication and Ethics

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    Bu sayımızın editoryalini Nobel Barış Ödüllü Albert Schweitzer’in yaşama saygı (reverence for life) felsefesinin etiğin yaşama saygıdan başka bir şey olmadığını hatırlatan sözü ile açmayı uygun gördük. Çünkü bu editoryalde sizler bilimsel iletişim sürecindeki “etik” kavramının her geçen gün nasıl zorluklarla mücadele etmek zorunda kaldığını canlı örnekleriyle bulacak; bizler de bu vesile ile bilimsel çevrelerde akademik yaşama saygı için azami dikkat edilmesi gereken noktaların altını bir kez daha çizmiş olacağız.Scholarly communication and ethics are significant concepts for today’s world. It is important to understand the meaning of ethics correctly in order to solve ethical problems in scholarly communication processes. This editorial contains the scholarly communication and ethics rules, the function of scholarly communication processes in our journal, and the innovations that put into practice with 2017. In addition, readers of the Journal may find information about the 53rd Library Week and its organizational details

    BOBCATSSS 2013’ün Ardından...

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    In this paper, impressions from BOBCATSSS2013 Conference which is organized by Hacettepe Uni- versity Department of Information Management and Royal School of Library and Information Science Denmark in January 23-25, 2013. BOBCATSSSS is an annual conference that has been organized by librarianship schools since 1993. 22nd BOBCATSSS will be held in Barcelona, Spain next year, 29-31 January 2014.Bu yazıda, 23-25 Ocak 2013 tarihlerinde Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü ile Danimarka Kraliyet Kütüphanecilik ve Bilgibilim Okulu tarafından gerçekleştirilen BOBCATSSS 2013 Konferansının ardından izlenimler sunulmaktadır. BOBCATSSS Konferanslarını 1993 yılından bu yana kütüphanecilik okulları ortaklaşa düzenlemektedirler. BOBCATSSS 2014 Konferansı İspanya’dan Bar- celona Üniversitesi ve İsveç ’ten Borâs Üniversitesinin işbirliği ile 29-31 Ocak 2014 tarihlerinde Barce- lona’da gerçekleştirilecekti

    Drapieżne czasopisma są legitymizowane przez artykuły w czasopismach z impact factor

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    One of the most fundamental issues in academia today is understanding the differences between legitimate and predatory publishing. While decision-makers and managers consider journals indexed in popular citation indexes such as Web of Science or Scopus as legitimate, they use two blacklists (Beall’s and Cabell’s), one of which has not been updated for a few years, to identify predatory journals. The main aim of our study is to reveal the contribution of the journals accepted as legitimate by the authorities to the visibility of blacklisted journals. For this purpose, 65 blacklisted journals in social sciences and 2,338 Web-of-Science-indexed journals that cited these blacklisted journals were examined in-depth, in terms of index coverages, subject categories, impact factors and self-citation patterns. We have analysed 3,234 unique cited papers  from blacklisted journals and 5,964 unique citing papers (6,750 citations of cited papers) from Web of Science journals. We found that 13% of the blacklisted papers were cited by WoS journals and 37% of the citations were from impact-factor journals. As a result, although the impact factor is used by decision-makers to determine the levels of the journals, it is demonstrated that there is no significant relationship between the impact factor and the number of citations to blacklisted journals.Jednym z problemów współczesnego środowiska akademickiego jest zrozumienie różnic pomiędzy uznanymi czasopismami naukowymi a tzw. czasopismami drapieżnymi. Podczas gdy osoby kształtujące politykę naukową i menedżerowie nauki uważają czasopisma indeksowane w popularnych indeksach cytowań, takich jak Web of Science czy Scopus, za rzetelne, to do identyfikacji drapieżnych czasopism używają dwóch czarnych list (tzw. lista Bealla i lista Cabell’s), z których jedna nie jest aktualizowana od kilku lat. Głównym celem naszego artykułu jest pokazanie, jak czasopisma uznane za rzetelne podnoszą widoczność artykułów opublikowanych w czasopismach znajdujących się na czarnych listach. W tym celu przebadaliśmy 65 czasopism z nauk społecznych znajdujących się na czarnych listach oraz 2338 czasopism indeksowanych przez Web of Science, które cytowały te czasopisma. Przeanalizowaliśmy 3234 artykuły z czasopism znajdujących się na czarnych listach oraz 5964 artykuły (6750 cytowań) z czasopism indeksowanych w Web of Science. Nasze wyniki pokazują, że 13% artykułów z czarnych list było cytowanych przez czasopisma z Web of Science, a 37% cytowań pochodziło z czasopism z impact factor. Okazuje się, że nie ma istotnej zależności między impact factor a liczbą cytowań w czasopismach z czarnej listy, mimo że jest on jest wykorzystywany przez osoby kształtujące politykę naukową do określania poziomu czasopism. Z drugiej strony należy wziąć pod uwagę jako czynnik wyjaśniający kraj i praktyki autocytowania stosowane w czasopismach

    Evaluation of multidrug resistance-1 gene C>;T polymorphism frequency in patients with asthma

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    OBJECTIVES:Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease characterized by bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airflow obstruction. Genetic and oxidative stress factors, in addition to pulmonary and systemic inflammatory processes, play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of asthma. The products of the multidrug resistance-1 gene protect lung tissue from oxidative stress. Here, we aimed to evaluate the association between the multidrug resistance-1 gene C>;T polymorphism and asthma with regard to oxidative stress-related parameters of asthmatic patients.METHODS:Forty-five patients with asthma and 27 healthy age-matched controls were included in this study. Blood samples were collected in tubes with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. DNA was extracted from the blood samples. The multidrug resistance-1 gene polymorphism was detected by polymerase chain reaction and a subsequent enzyme digestion technique. The serum levels of total oxidant status and total antioxidant status were determined by the colorimetric measurement method.RESULTS:The heterozygous polymorphic genotype was the most frequent in both groups. A significant difference in the multidrug resistance-1 genotype frequencies between groups indicated an association of asthma with the TT genotype. A significant difference between groups was found for wild type homozygous participants and carriers of polymorphic allele participants. The frequency of the T allele was significantly higher in asthmatic patients. The increase in the oxidative stress index parameter was significant in the asthma group compared with the control group.CONCLUSIONS:The multidrug resistance-1 gene C/T polymorphism may be an underlying genetic risk factor for the development of asthma via oxidant-antioxidant imbalance, leading to increased oxidative stress