56 research outputs found

    Pan-Baltic stakeholders’ dialogue on MSP : Synthesis report from PartiSEApate single-sector workshops held in 2013

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    For a sustainable and integrated planning of the sea space across the Baltic Sea region, planners and stakeholders have to be engaged in holistic, pan-Baltic thinking where the whole Baltic Sea is considered as one ecosystem and one planning space. However MSP related experiences so far shows that interests are often expressed from one sector or one national or regional perspective only. There is a lack of information exchange between the different maritime sectors as well MSP support structures (i.e. data providers and researchers) and spatial planners. And at the same time there is insufficient communication within the sectors at pan-Baltic level. Therefore the PartiSEApate project has launched the transnational stakeholders’ dialogue series to address these shortcomings and to encouraging a pan-Baltic approach for those topics whose spatial dimension transcend national borders.https://commons.wmu.se/partiseapate/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Is Demonstrating the Concept of Multi-Use Too Soon for the North Sea?:Barriers and Opportunities from a Stakeholder Perspective

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    Multi-use (MU) has been promoted as a viable approach to the effective planning and mitigation of user-conflicts in the marine realm. Despite several research and pilot projects demonstrating the approach’s feasibility and benefits, commercially viable MU applications remain patchy and few. Further, MU is neither systematically applied nor purposively planned for even in the imminent event of incompatible and conflicting use of marine space. This paper seeks to identify barriers and opportunities for mainstreaming MU based on desktop study and iterative stakeholder consultation. The findings reveal that the MU concept was frequently framed as ‘co-location’ or ‘co-existence’ and aimed toward mitigating conflict among users. Practice was ahead of theory with little attention to synergistic and efficiency aspects. Barriers for MU application include shortcomings in legislation, sectoral thinking, and burdensome administrative procedures. The main opportunity lies in creating a conducive policy environment where MU risks and transaction costs become low and competitive, respectively. Solutions at the sea basin and national level, upon which further MU application can be anchored, are proposed

    Multi-use of the sea as a sustainable development instrument in five eu sea basins

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    This paper examines the concept of maritime multi-use as a territorial/SPATIAL governance instrument for the enhancement of sustainable development in five EU sea basins. Multi-use (MU) is expected to enhance the productivity of blue economy sectors, as well as deliver additional socio-economic benefits related to the environmental and social dimensions of sustainable development. The paper provides a definition of maritime multi-use and identifies the multi-uses with the highest potential in EU sea basins. In each sea basin, multi-use plays a different role as concerns sustainable development. For the Eastern Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, the MU focus should remain on the environmental pillar of sustainable development. In the North Sea, North Atlantic and Western Baltic Sea, addressing social sustainability seems a key precondition for success of MU in enhancement of sustainable spatial development at sea. Moreover, it has been suggested to introduce MU key global strategies such as SDGs or Macroregional strategies and action plans and to supplement maritime spatial planning with sectoral incentives and educational efforts as key vehicles supporting MU. The paper concludes by identifying aspects which, in order to inform maritime spatial planning and maritime governance regarding a more conscious application of the aforementioned concept, require further investigation. Key tasks are related to: more profound evaluation of performance of policies supporting MUs, researching the impact of MU on societal goals and on the MU costs and benefits, including external ones, and finally identifying the impact of MU on the development of various sectors and regions on land

    Toward a common understanding of ocean multi-use

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    The “open ocean” has become a highly contested space as coastal populations and maritime uses soared in abundance and intensity over the last decades. Changing marine utilization patterns represent a considerable challenge to society and governments. Maritime spatial planning has emerged as one tool to manage conflicts between users and achieve societal goals for the use of marine space; however, single-sector management approaches are too often still the norm. The last decades have seen the rise of a new ocean use concept: the joint “multi-use” of ocean space. This paper aims to explain and refine the concept of ocean multi-use of space by reviewing the development and state of the art of multi-use in Europe and presenting a clear definition and a comprehensive typology for existing multi-use combinations. It builds on the connectivity of uses and users in spatial, temporal, provisional, and functional dimensions as the underlying key characteristic of multi-use dimensions. Combinations of these dimensions yield four distinct types of multi-use with little overlap between them. The diversity of types demonstrates that there is no one-size-fits-all management approach, but rather that adaptive management plans are needed, focusing on achieving the highest societal benefit while minimizing conflicts. This work will help to sharpen, refine and advance the public and academic discourse over marine spatial planning by offering a common framework to planners, researchers and users alike, when discussing multi-use and its management implications

    What is the problematic for clubs of fringe sports by acquiring sponsors? : an analysis of the studycase of the german waterpolo league

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    Die folgende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Problematik die sich fĂŒr Vereine von Randsportarten bei der Akquise von Sponsoren auftut. Diese wird mit Hilfe von empirischen Untersuchungen, basierend auf einer Umfrage und mehreren Expernteninterviews, aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet und analysiert. Abschließend wird aus den AnsĂ€tzen aus der Experteninterviews ein Ausblick ĂŒber LösungsansĂ€tze zur Verbesserung der Situation gegeben

    Dief-Werte (Oszillatorenstïżœrke) derD-Linien aus Messungen ihrer Linienabsorption

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    Life and death of our son David who passed away in Philadelphia /

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    The publication includes letters by David Zehden and L. J. Leberman, member of the Jewish congregation in Philadelphia. In his first letters after his arrival in New York in May of 1861, David Zehden expresses increased despair about his financial situation. At the time shortly before the outbreak of the Civil War, New York experienced turmoil and many businesses went bankrupt. David decided to join the army and was assigned to the German Rangers (German border guards) of Colonel Paul Frank. Description of the hard military life with constant drills and primitive sleeping conditions. David however expresses satisfaction with his new profession and illustrates successful encounters with their opponents. At the Battle of Fair Oaks on June 2nd 1862 David Zehden got wounded and lost one foot by amputation. He passed away a month later due to nerve fever in a hospital in Philadelphia.The second part of the publication includes an account of Colonel Paul Frank about the Battle of Fair Oaks and letters by L. J. Leberman, a member of the Philadelphia Jewish community, who cared for the wounded David Zehden during his stay at the hospital and organized the funeral according to Jewish rites.David Zehden was born in Schwerin in 1845 and immigrated to the United States in May of 1861. He was struggling to make a living in New York, which experienced turmoil due to the outbreak of the Civil War. He volunteered in the army and got wounded at the Battle of Fair Oaks. He passed away due to nerve fever after the amputation of his leg in Philadelphia in 1862. He was buried by the Jewish congregation in Philadelphia.BerlinSchwerinGermanyUnited State

    Pectophon, ein Vervollkommneter Auscultationsapparat

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