1,931 research outputs found

    Microbial functionality as affected by experimental warming of a temperate mountain forest soil—A metaproteomics survey

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    Soil microbes play an important role in terrestrial carbon (C) cycling, but their functional response to global warming remains yet unclear. Soil metaproteomics has the potential to contribute to a better understanding of warming effects on soil microbes as proteins specifically represent active microbes and their physiological functioning. To quantify warming effects on microbial proteins and their distribution among different functional and phylogenetic groups, we sampled forest soil that had been artificially warmed (+4 °C) during seven consecutive growing seasons and analyzed its metaproteomic fingerprint and linked to soil respiration as a fundamental ecosystem service. Bacterial protein abundances largely exceeded fungal abundances at the study site but protein abundances showed only subtle differences among control and warmed soil at the phylum and class level, i.e. a temperature-induced decrease in Firmicutes, an increase in Agaricomycetes and Actinobacteria, and a decrease in the Asco/Basidiomycota ratio. Community function in warmed soil showed a clear trend towards increased proteins involved in microbial energy production and conversion, related to the increased CO2 efflux from warmed soil as a result of stress environmental conditions. The differences in community function could be related to specific phyla using metaproteomics, indicating that microbial adaptation to long-term soil warming mainly changed microbial functions, which is related to enhanced soil respiration. The response of soil respiration to warming (+35% soil CO2 efflux during sampling) has not changed over time. Accordingly, potential long-term microbial adaptations to soil warming were too subtle to affect soil respiration rates or, were overlaid by other co-varying factors (e.g. substrate availability)

    Gross Ammonification and Nitrification Rates in Soil Amended with Natural and NH4-Enriched Chabazite Zeolite and Nitrification Inhibitor DMPP

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    Using zeolite-rich tuffs for improving soil properties and crop N-use efficiency is becoming popular. However, the mechanistic understanding of their influence on soil N-processes is still poor. This paper aims to shed new light on how natural and NH4+-enriched chabazite zeolites alter short-term N-ammonification and nitrification rates with and without the use of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP). We employed the 15N pool dilution technique to determine short-term gross rates of ammonification and nitrification in a silty-clay soil amended with two typologies of chabazite-rich tuff: (1) at natural state and (2) enriched with NH4+-N from an animal slurry. Archaeal and bacterial amoA, nirS and nosZ genes, N2O-N and CO2-C emissions were also evaluated. The results showed modest short-term effects of chabazite at natural state only on nitrate production rates, which was slightly delayed compared to the unamended soil. On the other hand, the addition of NH4+-enriched chabazite stimulated NH4+-N production, N2O-N emissions, but reduced NO3-N production and abundance of nirS-nosZ genes. DMPP efficiency in reducing nitrification rates was dependent on N addition but not affected by the two typologies of zeolites tested. The outcomes of this study indicated the good compatibility of both natural and NH4+-enriched chabazite zeolite with DMPP. In particular, the application of NH4 +-enriched zeolites with DMPP is recommended to mitigate short-term N losses

    Input of easily available organic C and N stimulates microbial decomposition of soil organic matter in arctic permafrost soil

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    Rising temperatures in the Arctic can affect soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition directly and indirectly, by increasing plant primary production and thus the allocation of plant-derived organic compounds into the soil. Such compounds, for example root exudates or decaying fine roots, are easily available for microorganisms, and can alter the decomposition of older SOM ("priming effect"). We here report on a SOM priming experiment in the active layer of a permafrost soil from the central Siberian Arctic, comparing responses of organic topsoil, mineral subsoil, and cryoturbated subsoil material (i.e., poorly decomposed topsoil material subducted into the subsoil by freeze-thaw processes) to additions of 13C-labeled glucose, cellulose, a mixture of amino acids, and protein (added at levels corresponding to approximately 1% of soil organic carbon). SOM decomposition in the topsoil was barely affected by higher availability of organic compounds, whereas SOM decomposition in both subsoil horizons responded strongly. In the mineral subsoil, SOM decomposition increased by a factor of two to three after any substrate addition (glucose, cellulose, amino acids, protein), suggesting that the microbial decomposer community was limited in energy to break down more complex components of SOM. In the cryoturbated horizon, SOM decomposition increased by a factor of two after addition of amino acids or protein, but was not significantly affected by glucose or cellulose, indicating nitrogen rather than energy limitation. Since the stimulation of SOM decomposition in cryoturbated material was not connected to microbial growth or to a change in microbial community composition, the additional nitrogen was likely invested in the production of extracellular enzymes required for SOM decomposition. Our findings provide a first mechanistic understanding of priming in permafrost soils and suggest that an increase in the availability of organic carbon or nitrogen, e.g., by increased plant productivity, can change the decomposition of SOM stored in deeper layers of permafrost soils, with possible repercussions on the global climate.Austrian Science Fund (FWF)/CryoCAR

    Using microdialysis with a deuterium oxide tracer to estimate water exchange, water content and active surface area of the probe

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    Microdialysis is a useful tool for measuring in situ fluxes of soil compounds with minimal disturbance of soil structure and function. Fluxes of sampled compounds are commonly calculated per unit of membrane surface area, assuming that the entire membrane surface is capable of exchange - which is unlikely given varying soil moisture and the occlusion of membrane pores by the soil solid phase. We present a method to quantify the degree of connectivity of the microdialysis probe membrane to the surrounding soil by means of water exchange between a microdialysis perfusate and soil solution using deuterium (2H2O; equilibrated to DHO) as an internal standard. We applied the method to a range of probe membrane surface areas and soil moisture conditions to generate empirical models that estimate membrane surface area active in exchange. Our results suggest that even in a saturated sandy soil, active membrane surface areas reach only 40.3% of the probe surface area, perhaps due to occlusion by soil particles. However, when accounting for volumetric water content of the soil, active surface areas approached 80-90% of the area likely in contact with water, indicating that sampling efficiency of waterfilled pores may still be high, particularly at slow flow rates. Furthermore, our method enables assessment of local soil water content around the probe. Models estimating soil water content were applied to field measurements of DHO exchange in three soil horizons (Organic, B1, B2) at two boreal sites, and in situ estimates were similar to those from conventional soil moisture methods when models were calibrated with the same soil type. We present DHO exchange as a powerful method for improving microdialysis flux interpretations in future studies, and for exploring small-scale water variability in relatively undisturbed soils

    The nitrogen, carbon and greenhouse gas budget of a grazed, cut and fertilised temperate grassland

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    Intensively managed grazed grasslands in temperate climates are globally important environments for the exchange of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). We assessed the N and C budget of a mostly grazed and occasionally cut and fertilised grassland in SE Scotland by measuring or modelling all relevant imports and exports to the field as well as changes in soil C and N stocks over time. The N budget was dominated by import from inorganic and organic fertilisers (21.9 g N m−2 a−1) and losses from leaching (5.3 g N m−2 a−1), N2 emissions (2.9 g N m−2 a−1), and NOx and NH3 volatilisation (3.9 g N m−2 a−1), while N2O emission was only 0.6 g N m−2 a−1. The efficiency of N use by animal products (meat and wool) averaged 9.9 % of total N input over only-grazed years (2004–2010). On average over 9 years (2002–2010), the balance of N fluxes suggested that 6.0 ± 5.9 g N m−2 a−1 (mean ± confidence interval at p > 0.95) were stored in the soil. The largest component of the C budget was the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE), at an average uptake rate of 218 ± 155 g C m−2 a−1 over the 9 years. This sink strength was offset by carbon export from the field mainly as grass offtake for silage (48.9 g C m−2 a−1) and leaching (16.4 g C m−2 a−1). The other export terms, CH4 emissions from the soil, manure applications and enteric fermentation, were negligible and only contributed to 0.02–4.2 % of the total C losses. Only a small fraction of C was incorporated into the body of the grazing animals. Inclusion of these C losses in the budget resulted in a C sink strength of 163 ± 140 g C m−2 a−1. By contrast, soil stock measurements taken in May 2004 and May 2011 indicated that the grassland sequestered N in the 0–60 cm soil layer at 4.51 ± 2.64 g N m−2 a−1 and lost C at a rate of 29.08 ± 38.19 g C m−2 a−1. Potential reasons for the discrepancy between these estimates are probably an underestimation of C losses, especially from leaching fluxes as well as from animal respiration. The average greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of the grassland was −366 ± 601 g CO2 eq. m−2 yr−1 and was strongly affected by CH4 and N2O emissions. The GHG sink strength of the NEE was reduced by 54 % by CH4 and N2O emissions. Estimated enteric fermentation from ruminating sheep proved to be an important CH4 source, exceeding the contribution of N2O to the GHG budget in some years

    Fire intensity regulates the short-term postfire response of the microbiome in Arctic tundra soil

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    Arctic tundra fires have been increasing in extent, frequency and intensity and are likely impacting both soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycling and, thus, permafrost ecosystem functioning. However, little is known on the underlying microbial mechanisms, and different fire intensities were neglected so far. To better understand immediate influences of different fire intensities on the soil microbiome involved in nutrient cycling in permafrost-affected soil, we deployed experimental fires with low and high intensity on an Arctic tundra soil on Disko Island, Greenland. Soil sampling took place three days postfire and included an unburned control. Using quantitative real-time PCR, copy numbers of 16S and ITS as well as of 17 genes coding for functional microbial groups catalyzing major steps of N and P turnover were assessed. We show that fires change the abundance of microbial groups already after three days with fire intensity as key mediating factor. Specifically, low-intensity fire significantly enhanced the abundance of chiA mineralizers and ammonia-oxidizing archaea, while other groups were not affected. On the contrary, high-intensity fire decreased the abundance of chiA mineralizers and of microbes that fix dinitrogen, indicating a dampening effect on N cycling. Only high-intensity fires enhanced ammonium concentrations (by an order of magnitude). This can be explained by burned plant material and the absence of plant uptake, together with impaired further N processing. Fire with high intensity also decreased nirK-type denitrifiers. In contrast, after fire with low intensity there was a trend for a decreased nosZ : (nirK+nirS) ratio, indicating – together with increased nitrate concentrations – an enhanced potential for nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions. Concerning P transformation, only gcd was affected in the short term which is important for P solubilization. Changes in gene numbers consistently showed the same contrasting pattern of elevated abundance with low fire intensity and decreased abundance with high fire intensity. Differentiating fire intensities is therefore crucial for further, longer-term studies of fire-induced changes in N and P transformations and potential nutrient-climate feedbacks of permafrost-affected soils

    Rhizospheric NO interacts with the acquisition of reduced N sources by the roots of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)

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    AbstractThe gas phase of the soil plays an important role in plant growth and development. We investigated the effect of rhizospheric NO as a signalling compound for N uptake of beech roots. Following exposure to NO, ammonium and glutamine uptake into roots were determined using 15N-labelling, and gene expression of selected transporters was analysed by quantitative real-time PCR. Uptake of both N sources increased significantly with elevated NO concentration. However, with one exception, this increase was not reflected in up-regulation of expression of the respective transporters