51 research outputs found

    Ranking of Logistics System Scenarios for Central Business District

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    This paper presents the procedure for logistics system scenario selection for the central business district (CBD) of the city in the phase of significant urban changes. Scenarios are defined in accordance with the overall logistics concept of the city. Conflicting goals of stakeholders (residents, shippers and receivers, logistics providers and city government) generate a vast number of criteria that need to be included when selecting the scenario for the city area logistics system. Due to limited resources and linguistic assessment of criteria, fuzzy extensions of conventional multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods were used. Fuzzy "analytical hierarchy process" (FAHP) is applied to determine the relative weights of evaluation criteria, and fuzzy "technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution" (FTOPSIS) is applied to rank the logistics systems scenarios. This paper contributes to the literature in the field of city logistics (CL), as it applies the integrated FAHP-FTOPSIS method for the evaluation of scenarios, which are also integrated combinations of different CL initiatives. The integrated combined approach proved to be accurate, effective and a systematic tool for the decision support in the process of selecting CBD logistics scenarios

    Application of an Automated Technique for Topographic Watershed Deriving Using DEM Analysis

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    Basic topographic features play major role in deriving basin hydrological characteristics for water resources modeling. Algorithm used in this paper for defining watershed contours relies on digital elevation model (DEM) as primary input data. Accuracy of automatic deriving of watershed contours primarily depends on DEM resolution. On the other hand, accuracy can depend on raster method that is used for stream network delineation into Stream Network raster. To perform this function it is necessary to know how much water flows through each pixel. This means that it is necessary to set the threshold of how many cells flow into each downslope cell to recognize it as a stream. There are several ways to set up the threshold value and herein the calibration method is used. This paper treatsGornja Lisina source, where this method was used to determine watershed contours for 9 springs. Source DEM had 25 m resolution. Various threshold values were tested. For each value catchment area was calculated and compared to area values calculated using common hydrological methods

    Intermodal Terminal Handling Equipment Selection Using a Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision-making Model

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    Intermodal transport enables energy, costs and time savings, improves the service quality and supports sustainable development. The basic element of the intermodal transport system is an intermodal terminal, whose efficiency largely depends on the subsystemsā€™ technologies. Accordingly, the topic of this paper is the evaluation and the selection of the appropriate handling equipment within the intermodal terminal. As the decision-making on the handling equipment is influenced by different economic, technical, technological and other criteria, the appropriate multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods have to be applied in order to solve the problem. In this paper, a novel hybrid model which combines the fuzzy step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (FSWARA) and the fuzzy best-worst method (FBWM) is developed. The defined model is applied for solving the case study of selecting adequate handling equipment for the planned intermodal terminal in Belgrade. The reach stacker is selected as the most adequate handling equipment since it suits best the characteristics of the planned terminal in the given conditions and in relation to the defined criteria. Solving the case study demonstrated the justification for using the MCDM methods to solve these kinds of problems as well as the applicability of the proposed MCDM model

    Primena automatizovane tehnike određivanja topografskih vododelnica analizom DEM-a

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    Osnovne topografske osobine igraju važnu ulogu u određivanju hidroloÅ”kih karakteristika sliva, prilikom modeliranja vodnih resursa. Algoritam, koji je koriŔćen, u ovom radu, za definisanje kontura vododelnica, se oslanja na digitalni elevacioni model (DEM), kao osnovni rasterski ulazni podatak. Preciznost automatskog načina određivanja kontura vododelnica zavisi, pre svega, od rezolucije DEM-a. Sa druge strane, preciznost može zavisiti i od načina delineacije mreže tokova u raster Stream Network. Da bi se izvela ova funkcija, potrebno je znati koliko vode struji kroz svaki pojedinačni piksel. To znači da je neophodno zadati graničnu vrednost, prag, iz koliko je piksela potrebno da struji voda ka pojedinačnom pikselu, da bi on bio prepoznat kao rečni tok. Taj broj se određuje na različite načine, a na ovom konkretnom primeru utvrđen je tariranjem. Analiza DEM-a je primenjena na IzvoriÅ”tu u Gornjoj Lisini, gde je za 9 izvora izvrÅ”eno određivanje kontura vododelnica, pomenutom metodom. KoriŔćen je DEM rezolucije 25 m. Za tariranje granične vrednosti broja ćelija, koriŔćene su različite vrednosti, na osnovu kojih su računate vrednosti povrÅ”ina neposrednih slivova, koje su upoređivane sa vrednostima povrÅ”ina, izračunatim uobičajenim hidroloÅ”kim metodam

    Primena automatizovane tehnike određivanja topografskih vododelnica analizom DEM-a

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    Osnovne topografske osobine igraju važnu ulogu u određivanju hidroloÅ”kih karakteristika sliva, prilikom modeliranja vodnih resursa. Algoritam, koji je koriŔćen, u ovom radu, za definisanje kontura vododelnica, se oslanja na digitalni elevacioni model (DEM), kao osnovni rasterski ulazni podatak. Preciznost automatskog načina određivanja kontura vododelnica zavisi, pre svega, od rezolucije DEM-a. Sa druge strane, preciznost može zavisiti i od načina delineacije mreže tokova u raster Stream Network. Da bi se izvela ova funkcija, potrebno je znati koliko vode struji kroz svaki pojedinačni piksel. To znači da je neophodno zadati graničnu vrednost, prag, iz koliko je piksela potrebno da struji voda ka pojedinačnom pikselu, da bi on bio prepoznat kao rečni tok. Taj broj se određuje na različite načine, a na ovom konkretnom primeru utvrđen je tariranjem. Analiza DEM-a je primenjena na IzvoriÅ”tu u Gornjoj Lisini, gde je za 9 izvora izvrÅ”eno određivanje kontura vododelnica, pomenutom metodom. KoriŔćen je DEM rezolucije 25 m. Za tariranje granične vrednosti broja ćelija, koriŔćene su različite vrednosti, na osnovu kojih su računate vrednosti povrÅ”ina neposrednih slivova, koje su upoređivane sa vrednostima povrÅ”ina, izračunatim uobičajenim hidroloÅ”kim metodam

    Statistical approach in land-use suitability analysis of the Belgrade City suburbs

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    The need for smart sustainable urban solutions has never been greater than it is today. Master plan (MP) represents rather significant document for a city development and the City of Belgrade has a tradition and long history of development under MP framework (Djuric et al 2013). Current MP (Fig. 1), made by the Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, has been adopted in 2003 and refers to the development period by the year of 2021 (http://www.urbel.com/default.aspx?ID=uzb_BG_planovi&LN=ENG). On the other hand the City of Belgrade is facing a rapid urban sprawl so suburbanization problem is particularly pronounced. Since MP is following the current needs of the city, active subjects of economic development as well as urban municipalities, there is strong initiative to expand its current extents for the suburb areas. Among other significant points of the MP, determination of the Land-Use Suitability (LUS) is considered to be one of the foremost planning references. LUS analysis is a tool used to define future land uses or their potential. Suitability techniques enable environmental managers, planners and engineers to analyze the interactions among various factors. Decision makers and developers can use the outputs to set policies and make decisions regarding the use of land. Contemporary environmental managers and planners are aware of the technological advancements in land-use allocation and suitability modelling. New methods of spatial analysis are now commonly used in the development of land-use plans, environmental impact reviews, and site selection studies for many different land uses and public and private facilities (Collins, 2001). The earliest applications of suitability analysis conducted by engineering geologists and civil engineers for Belgrade MP area, in form of hand-drawn sieve mapping overlays was done by Å utić et al. (1972). Later, numerous researchers performed similar suitability analysis for different purposes (urban planning, defining best/optimal road routes etc). First work involving suitability analysis in GIS environment has been done in 2009/2010 (Marjanović, 2009; Djurić, 2010), but none for Belgrade area. This paper introduces a new approach and represents in fact, a pioneering work performed for the City of Belgrade. It represents how available thematic data, processed in GIS environment, can be and was used for LUS assessment. One of the statistical methods involving the Conditional Probability (CP) approach with the Weight of Evidence technique, has been used. Conventional methods on the other hand, are still needed to validate the outcomes and to calibrate these GIS-based methods, which are still to be developed and perfected. There was a strong motif supporting this research, since in-charged Cityā€™s government services have shown interest in extending the Master Plan (MP) to the Belgrade suburb areas

    Postrni usev rotkve u organskom sistemu gajenja

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    Two year field trial was conducted in order to investigate the effect of different organic fertilizers, bacterial fertilizer (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus suptilis, Azotobacter chrocoocum, Azotobacter vinelandi i Derxia sp.) and fuly decomposed farmyard manure (FM) on radish yield per plant in sole crop and intercropped with green bean. Unfertilized plots and plots fertilized with mineral fertilizer were used as a controls. The average radish yield per plant for all treatments in both years was 228.8 g. The highest average yield per plant was 344.3 g. It was noticed in the 2011th in intercropped radish on the treatment with mineral fertilizer. The lowest radish yield per plant 178.2 g, was recorded in the 2010th in pure crops on treatment without fertilization.Na oglednom polju Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci, postavljen je dvogodiÅ”nji ogled s ciljem ispitivanja uticaja organskih đubriva na prinos po biljci rotkve u čistom i združenom usevu s boranijom. KoriŔćeni su dobro zgoreli stajnjak (FM) i mikrobioloÅ”ko đubrivo koje sadrži Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus suptilis, Azotobacter chrocoocum, Azotobacter vinelandi i Derxia sp. Kontrolne tretmane su činile neđubrene parcele i parcele tretirane mineralnim đubrivom. Prosečan prinos po biljci rotkve za sve tretmane u obe godine istraživanja bio je 228,8 g. Najveći prosečan prinos po biljci (344,3 g), zabeležen je 2011. godine u združenom usevu kod tretmana mineralnim đubrivom a najmanji (178,2 g), zabeležen je 2010. godine u čistom usevu kod tretmana bez upotrebe đubriva

    Numerička arealna gustina CD34 i CD117 imunoreaktivnih hematopoetskih ćelija u jetri humanog embriona i fetusa

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    Uvod. Hematopoeza je proces stvaranja krvnih ćelija i uobličenih elemenatakrvi. Ovaj dinamičan proces se postnatalno odvija u koÅ”tanoj srži, dok jeprenatalna hematopoeza rasprÅ”ena na viÅ”e lokalizacija. Počinje u žumančanojkesi, u intraembrionalnim ostrvcima hematopoeze, nastavlja se ujetri, slezini i koÅ”tanoj srži, a prema novim saznanjima i u placenti. Jetra jekao najveći hematopoetski organ intrauterinog razvoja izvor matičnih ćelijahematopoeze. Cilj rada je identifikacija i kvantifikovanje CD34 i CD117imunoreaktivnih hematopoetskih ćelija u jetri humanog embriona i fetusa.Metode. KoriŔćeno je 5 jetri humanih embriona i 25 jetri humanog fetusastarosti od 7 do 38 nedelja gestacije. Uzorci jetre podvrgnuti su rutinskojobradi do parafinskih kalupa. Tkivni presjeci, debljine 5 Ī¼m bojeni su hematoksilinomi eozinom, kao i imunohistohemijskim dokazivanjem CD34i CD117 antigena. Kvantifikacija je urađena morfometrijski određivanjemnumeričke arealne gustine. U statističkoj analizi koriŔćen je Hi-kvadrat test.Rezultati. Numerička arealna gustina CD34 imunoreaktivnih hematopoetskihćelija u jetri u embrionalnom periodu razvića je iznosila 0,35%, 0,30%u prvom trimestru (koji obuhvata i embrionalni i fetalni period), 0,46% udrugom trimestru i 0,10% u trećem trimestru. Numerička vrijednost arealnegustine CD117 imunoreaktivnih hematopoetskih ćelija u jetri za embrionalniperiod je iznosila 0,28%, 0,50% u prvom trimestru (koji obuhvata i embrionalnii fetalni period), 0,11% u drugom trimestru i 0,09% u trećem trimestru.Zaključak. Jetra embriona i fetusa predstavlja značajan izvor CD34 i CD117imunoreaktivnih hematopoetskih ćelija

    Transplantation-related risk of Toxoplasma gondii infection: the National Reference Laboratory prospective cohort study results

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    Toksoplazmoza je česta ali kod pacijenata lečenih transplantacijom uglavnom zanemarena i pogreÅ”no dijagnostikovana oportunistička infekcija koja može ugroziti engraftment ali može i evoluirati u životno ugrožavajuću diseminovanu infekciju. Nakon transplantacije, infekcija parazitom Toxoplasma gondii se može razviti kao reaktivacija hronične infekcije ili može biti preneta graftom. NaÅ”a osmogodiÅ”nja prospektivna studija bila je usmerena na dijagnostiku i monitoring toksoplazmatske infekcije (TI) kod primalaca matičnih ćelija hematopoeze (haematopoietic stem cell transplant, HSCT) u centru koji primenjuje protokol uzdržavanja od profilakse do engraftmenta, i kod primalaca transplantata srca (heart transplant, HT) koji su na kontinuiranoj profilaksi trimetoprim- sulfametoksazolom (TMP-SMX). Cilj nam je bio utvrđivanje incidence TI u ova dva vrlo različita transplantaciona režima, i to pre nego Å”to evoluira u klinički manifestnu, potencijalno fatalnu bolest (Toxoplasma disease, TD). Pre-transplantacioni seroloÅ”ki i qPCR skrining u post-transplantacionom toku zamenjen je redovnim qPCR monitoringom iz uzoraka periferne krvi (peripheral blood, PB) usmerenim na Toxoplasma 529 bp gen. Kod primalaca HSCT, qPCR je rađen jednom nedeljno dok je kod primalaca HT qPCR rađen jednom mesečno prva dva meseca post-HT i potom jednom godiÅ”nje. TI je dijagnostikovana na bazi pozitivnog PCR rezultata iz bar jednog uzorka PB. TI je dijagnostikovana kod 21/104 (20.2%) primalaca HSCT, prevashodno nakon alogene (19/75) i retko nakon autologne HSCT (2/29). ViÅ”e od 50% slučajeva TI dijagnostikovano je tokom prvog meseca post-HSCT, pre engraftmenta odnosno tokom uzdržavanja od profilakse. Sa druge strane, TI je dijagnostikovana kod 3/37 (8.1%) primalaca HT. Uprkos primeni TMP-SMX, qPCR je postao pozitivan godinu dana posle HT kod dva i dve godine post-HSCT kod trećeg pacijenta. Infekcija je bila preneta graftom kod 2/3 (seronegativni) a reaktivirana kod 1/3 primalaca HT (seropozitivni primalac HT poreklom od seropozitivnog donora). NaÅ”i rezultati potvrđuju da je sistemski qPCR monitoring iz uzoraka PB dragocen u dijagnostici TI ne samo kod primalaca HSCT već i kod primalaca solidnih organa, posebno nakon HT. Učestalost qPCR monitoringa se mora adaptirati shodno specifičnostima transplantacionog protokola, pre svega primeni profilakse ali i osnovnoj dijagnozi, na način koji omogućava pravovremenu primenu specifične terapije u svakom slučaju TI.Toxoplasmosis is a common but often neglected and misdiagnosed opportunistic infection in transplant recipients, which can not only compromise the engraftment, but also evolve into life-threatening disseminated infection. Post-transplantation, Toxoplasma gondii infection can develop as a reactivation of chronic infection or could be graft-transmitted. We conducted an eight-year-long prospective study on the diagnosis and monitoring of Toxoplasma infection (TI) in haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients in a setting that withholds prophylaxis until engraftment, and in heart transplant (HT) recipients on continuous trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) prophylaxis. The objective was to determine the incidence of TI before it evolves into clinical, potentially fatal Toxoplasma disease (TD), in these two very different transplantation settings. Pre-transplantation serological and qPCR screening was followed by post-transplantation peripheral blood (PB)-based qPCR monitoring targeting the Toxoplasma 529 bp gene. In HSCT recipients, qPCR was performed weekly while in HT recipients, qPCR was performed monthly for two months post-HT and then yearly. TI was diagnosed based on a positive PCR result in at least one PB sample. TI was diagnosed in 21/104 (20.2%) HSCT recipients, predominantly after allogeneic (19/75) and rarely after autologous HSCT (2/29). Over 50% of TI cases were diagnosed during the first month post-HSCT, while awaiting engraftment without prophylaxis. On the other hand, TI was diagnosed in 3/37 (8.1%) HT recipients. Regardless of the TMP-SMX prophylaxis, qPCR became positive one year after HT in two and two years post-HSCT in third patient. Infection was graft-transmitted in 2/3 (seronegative) and reactivated in 1/3 OHT (seropositive recipient of a seropositive donorā€™s heart transplant). The presented results show that systematic PB-based qPCR monitoring is a valuable resource for the diagnosis of TI not only in HSCT but also in solid organ recipients, especially after HT. Frequency of qPCR monitoring should be adjusted according to the specificity of the transplantation setting, especially in terms of prophylaxis but also an underlying diagnosis, in a manner allowing for prompt introduction of specific treatment in each case of TI

    The Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Teaching English at the Tertiary Level of Education

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    Disertacija Izrada projekata u nastavi engleskog jezika na tercijarnom stepenu obrazovanja bavi se analizom unapređenja nastave engleskog jezika na tercijarnom stepenu obrazovanja putem primene pristupa zasnovanog na izradi projekata. Tematski okvir i istraživanje sprovedeno za potrebe disertacije mogu se svrstati u oblast primenjene lingvistike. Disertacija je imala za cilj da utvrdi da li i u kojoj meri primena pristupa zasnovanog na izradi projekata može doprineti razvoju poznavanja vokabulara kod studenata engleskog jezika. Istraživanje je usmereno na devet aspekata: 1) utvrditi da li navedeni pristup u nastavi engleskog jezika, koji pruža kontekstualno učenje u okviru realnih životnih situacija, ima uticaja na unapređenje receptivnog i produktivnog vokabulara studenata engleskog jezika; 2) utvrditi da li je poznavanje receptivnog vokabulara povezano sa poznavanjem produktivnog vokabulara; 3) ispitati da li su receptivni i produktivni vokabular pokazatelji uspeÅ”ne upotrebe jezičkih sistema (vokabulara i gramatike) i veÅ”tina (govor, pisanje, čitanje i sluÅ”anje), i da li je, shodno tome, projektna nastava korisna za upotrebu jezičkih sistema i veÅ”tina; 4) ispitati da li primena navedenog pristupa doprinosi razvoju i usavrÅ”avanju vokabulara predviđenog nastavnim programom; 5) utvrditi da li postoji razlika u proceni tog vokabulara na osnovu samoevaluacije, testiranja i dnevnika posmatranja; 6) proveriti kako studenti ocenjuju svoje zalaganje i angažovanje na času i kako nastavnik to opaža; 7) ispitati kako studenti ocenjuju sopstvene i tuđe proizvode i projekte; 8) utvrditi stavove studenata o primeni pristupa zasnovanog na izradi projekata; 9) proveriti mogućnost unapređenja kritičkog miÅ”ljenja, saradnje, veÅ”tine prezentovanja, kreativnosti i inovativnosti prilikom izrade projekata. Empirijsko istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku koji su činili studenti prve godine sa Katedre za engleski jezik i književnost Filozofskog fakulteta u Kosovskoj Mitrovici koji se nalaze na B2 nivou poznavanja jezika prema Zajedničkom evropskom referentnom okviru za žive jezike. Učestvovalo je 30 studenata, koji su najpre bili podeljeni u dve grupe (eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu). Nakon toga, studenti eksperimentalne su u manjim grupama radili projekte koji su se odnosili na primenu tematskog vokabulara predviđenog odgovarajućim oblastima u okviru nastavnog programa za predmet Savremeni engleski jezik 1. U prvom delu istraživanja analizirani su poznavanje receptivnog i produktivnog vokabulara i upotreba jezičkog znanja, uz upoređivanje vrednosti dobijenih inicijalnim i zavrÅ”nim merenjem. Takođe je analiziran vokabular koji je u okviru nastavnog programa. U tu svrhu koriŔćeni su sledeći instrumenti: testovi receptivnog i produktivnog poznavanja vokabulara, testovi za proveru poznavanja vokabulara predviđenog nastavnim programom i testovi i rubrike za proveru upotrebe znanja engleskog jezika. Zatim je sagledano kako studenti samoevaluacijom (pomoću ček-lista) procenjuju svoje sposobnosti prepoznavanja i primene tog vokabulara, svoje zalaganje i angažovanje. Rezultati istraživanja o poznavanju vokabulara predviđenog nastavnim programom upoređeni su sa beleÅ”kama iz dnevnika posmatranja nastavnika. Dobijeni podaci obrađeni su kvantitativnom (putem t test analize, korelacijske analize, četvorofaktorske analize varijanse i deskriptivne statistike) i kvalitativnom analizom. Pokazalo se da je eksperimentalna grupa napredovala u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, Å”to znači da se nastava engleskog jezika na tercijarnom stepenu obrazovanja može poboljÅ”ati primenom pristupa zasnovanog na izradi projekata. U drugom delu istraživanja analizirano je kako studenti ocenjuju sopstvene projekte i projekte svojih kolega, a potom su provereni i njihovi stavovi o primeni ovog pristupa. Takođe su predstavljeni i rezultati nastavnikove evaluacije studentskih projekata sa osvrtom na četiri važna segmenta: kritičko miÅ”ljenje, saradnju, prezentaciju, kreativnost i inovativnost. Zaključeno je da ispitanici imaju vrlo pozitivan stav prema primeni pristupa zasnovanog na izradi projekata, budući da može doprineti unapređenju vokabulara, jezičkog znanja i savremenih veÅ”tina učenja. Istraživanje je takođe ukazalo i na prednosti koje primena ovog savremenog pristupa u nastavi ima u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu engleskog jezika. OpÅ”ti zaključak je da se receptivno i produktivno poznavanje vokabulara i znanje engleskog jezika na tercijarnom stepenu obrazovanja mogu unaprediti primenom pristupa zasnovanog na izradi projekata. Ovakav vid nastave podstiče ne samo poboljÅ”anje znanja engleskog jezika, već i razvoj veÅ”tina učenja za 21. vek, tj. kritičkog miÅ”ljenja, saradnje, prezentovanja, kreativnosti i inovativnosti, veÅ”tine samovrednovanja. Na ovaj način se ističe značaj pristupa zasnovanog na izradi projekata za nastavu engleskog jezika i za promovisanje koncepta celoživotnog učenja.The dissertation entitled The Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Teaching English at the Tertiary Level of Education analyzes the contribution of project-based learning approach (PBL) to English language teaching (ELT) in higher education. The theoretical framework and the research conducted for the purposes of the dissertation belong to the field of applied linguistics. The major objective of the dissertation was to designate the scope of PBL impact on the development of English studentsā€™ vocabulary. The research is focused on seven objectives such as follows: 1) to determine whether the observed approach, which provides the contextual learning in real life situations, influences the development of English studentsā€™ receptive and productive vocabulary; 2) to establish the connection between the receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge; 3) to test whether receptive and productive vocabulary are indicative of the effective use of English language systems (vocabulary and grammar) and language skills (speaking, writing, reading and listening), as well as whether PBL approach is beneficial to the improvement of the use of language systems and skills; 4) to investigate whether the PBL application has an impact on the vocabulary development required by the curriculum; 5) to establish differences in the assessment of that vocabulary by means of selfevaluation, testing and teacherā€™s observation diary; 6) to investigate and compare studentsā€™perceived efforts and engagement in class to the perception of their teacher; 7) to assess studentsā€™ evaluation of their own projects and presentations and those of their colleagues; 8) to map studentsā€™ attitudes on the implementation of the PBL approach; 9) to examine the possibility of improving critical thinking, cooperation, presentation, creativity and innovation when using project-based learning. The empirical research was conducted on a sample comprising the first-year students at the Department of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica. The sample consisted of 30 students at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Primarily, they were divided into two groups (experimental and control), and then the students of the experimental group were subjected to further division into small project teams. The assigned projects were focused onxiii the use of the topical vocabulary prescribed by the syllabus of the Contemporary English Language 1 course. In the first section of the study, the levels of receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge and the use of language competence were analysed and compared after initial and final measuring. The vocabulary prescribed by the syllabus was also analyzed. For that purpose, the following instruments were used: the receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge tests, the tests of the knowledge of the vocabulary prescribed by the syllabus, and the tests and rubrics for the use of English language. Furthermore, studentsā€™ self-evaluation (by means of checklists) on their perceived capability to identify and apply the acquired vocabulary, as well as their effort and engagement in class were analyzed. The data on the knowledge of the vocabulary prescribed by the syllabus was compared to the notes from the teacherā€™s observation diary. The data was analyzed quantitatively (t test, correlation, the fourway ANOVA analysis, and descriptive statistics) and qualitatively. The study showed that the experimental group had made a more significant improvement in their language compared to that of the control group, which supports the argument that ELT at the tertiary level of education can be enhanced by implementing the PBL approach. In the second section of the study, the studentsā€™ evaluation of their own projects, as well as those of their colleaguesā€™, was assessed and the studentsā€™ attitudes on the implementation of the PBL approach were mapped. In addition, we presented the data on the teacherā€™s evaluation of the studentsā€™ projects putting emphasis on the four important aspects: critical thinking, collaboration, presentation, and creativity and innovation. The results indicate that the respondents have positive attitudes toward the PBL approach because it boosts the development of vocabulary, the use of language, and contemporary learning skills. The study also confirmed the advantages of PBL, compared to the traditional instructions in ELT. To conclude, the study has proved that, in general, the knowledge of receptive and productive vocabulary, as well as the use of English language competence at the tertiary level of education, can be significantly improved by implementing the PBL approach. This approach not only fosters the knowledge of the English language, but also improves the learning skills of the 21st century such as critical thinking, collaboration, presentation, creativity and innovation, and self-evaluation. It also emphasizes the importance of PBL for the promotion of the lifelong learning
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