7 research outputs found

    Guiding principles for identification, evaluation and conservation of Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris

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    Conservation of grapevine genetic resources is an important and long lasting task. Here, partners of the InWiGrape Activity of the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources have proposed a set of descriptors that will assist in identification, conservation and study of genetic resources of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris. A distribution map of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris populations in Europe was produced, with on-line access through the European Vitis Database. The several different aspects of conservation of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris including bibliographical references, identification in the wild, in situ and ex situ conservation have been discussed. The descriptors and the map will assist different stakeholders, working on biodiversity and ecosystems in more effective conservation of wild grapevine genetic resources

    Indicadores de depressão do Zulliger no Sistema Compreensivo (ZSC)

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se os indicadores de depressão que compõem a Constelação de Depressão (DEPI) do Rorschach no Sistema Compreensivo (SC) auxiliam no diagnóstico de depressão por meio do Zulliger SC. Participaram 27 pacientes com depressão e 27 não-pacientes, do sexo feminino. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se a SCID-I, questionário de identificação e o Zulliger. O tempo de aplicação dos instrumentos foi de 45 a 100 minutos. Os protocolos foram codificados e recodificados por outra pesquisadora às cegas e eventuais discordâncias foram resolvidas por um terceiro juiz. Após análises estatísticas descritivas, aplicou-se o teste t-student. Dentre as variáveis do DEPI, alcançaram valores significativos FD + V, Sum-SH, Índice-egocentricidade, CF + C < FC, Determinantes-mistos e Intelectualização. Conclui-se que o ZSC é um instrumento que pode contribuir no diagnóstico da depressão

    Genetic diversity analysis of cultivated and wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) accessions around the Mediterranean basin and Central Asia

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    Abstract Background The mountainous region between the Caucasus and China is considered to be the center of domestication for grapevine. Despite the importance of Central Asia in the history of grape growing, information about the extent and distribution of grape genetic variation in this region is limited in comparison to wild and cultivated grapevines from around the Mediterranean basin. The principal goal of this work was to survey the genetic diversity and relationships among wild and cultivated grape germplasm from the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean basin collectively to understand gene flow, possible domestication events and adaptive introgression. Results A total of 1378 wild and cultivated grapevines collected around the Mediterranean basin and from Central Asia were tested with a set of 20 nuclear SSR markers. Genetic data were analyzed (Cluster analysis, Principal Coordinate Analysis and STRUCTURE) to identify groups, and the results were validated by Nei’s genetic distance, pairwise FST analysis and assignment tests. All of these analyses identified three genetic groups: G1, wild accessions from Croatia, France, Italy and Spain; G2, wild accessions from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia; and G3, cultivars from Spain, France, Italy, Georgia, Iran, Pakistan and Turkmenistan, which included a small group of wild accessions from Georgia and Croatia. Wild accessions from Georgia clustered with cultivated grape from the same area (proles pontica), but also with Western Europe (proles occidentalis), supporting Georgia as the ancient center of grapevine domestication. In addition, cluster analysis indicated that Western European wild grapes grouped with cultivated grapes from the same area, suggesting that the cultivated proles occidentalis contributed more to the early development of wine grapes than the wild vines from Eastern Europe. Conclusions The analysis of genetic relationships among the tested genotypes provided evidence of genetic relationships between wild and cultivated accessions in the Mediterranean basin and Central Asia. The genetic structure indicated a considerable amount of gene flow, which limited the differentiation between the two subspecies. The results also indicated that grapes with mixed ancestry occur in the regions where wild grapevines were domesticated