244 research outputs found

    Changes of gas metabolism, gas homeostasis and tissue respiration in rats during prolonged hypokinesia

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    The oxygen uptake and tissue gas homeostasis of restrained albinic rats remained relatively constant during a 60 day experiment. The gas metabolism in some tissues changed, and O2 consumption increased in the liver and decreased in the myocardium. Capacity for physical work was reduced by five times. Hypokinesia for 60 days resulted in a delay in the animals growth

    Author's term: what is it? / defining the concept "author's term"

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    In the article the researchers state that in contemporary Russian terminology there is no concept “author's term” and no author’s term definition. Traditionally it has been accepted that the author's term is a term with a reliably known authorship, or a term named after the discoverer of a scientific phenomenon. The researchers consider this approach to be erroneous and suggest that the author's term exists only within the author’s original scientific hypothesis. As this hypothesis is described by the system of interrelated concepts and terms, so there is no isolated author’s term. The researchers offer their own definition of the author's term. The author’s term is a special sign created within the framework of a unique scientific theory, an element of the system of concepts interconnected with other terms and concepts of original hypothesis, referred by the speakers of the language for specific purposes to a specific author's idea, representing scientific picture of the world which is not generally accepted

    Software choice for support method of "360 degrees"

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    The article describes the approach to soving the problem of choice of software for the support of the the metod of “360 degrees”, that provides the estimation of personal competencesyesBelgorod State Universit

    On peculiar features of speech development in children with auditory perceptual disorders

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    The article is devoted to the issue of one of the most severe speech disorders in children commonly known as alalia.Статья посвящена проблеме наиболее грубых нарушений развития речи у детей, а именно алалиям

    Democracy and principles of socio-economic development

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    The article examines the existing political and economic trends: democratic and authoritarian forms of government. An attempt is made to describe the essential content of the values of democracy, as well as their implementation in the economic sphere. All this justifies the role of e-technologies only as a quantitative factor in the development of democracy. It is shown that the form of government is primarily based on personal value choice, which leads to effective or ineffective socio-political equilibrium states. It is shown that the construction of supporting democratic institutions does not implement the principles of power: service and hierarchy. Therefore, the transition to a new qualitative state is possible through education, awareness of the principles of power, their free acceptance, but cannot be carried out artificially, through a system of institutions introduced from the outside


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    At the present stage, the digital (information) economy is playing an increasingly important role in the world economy and national economies. Using rapid exchange of information benefits allows economic agents at all levels (from ordinary consumers to large corporations and state bodies, regulating economic relations) to make more accurate decisions in various economic issues. It is obvious, that the creation of the Russian information system will be able to increase the efficiency of our national economy (including the objectives of its state regulation) and at the same time raise the level of the country’s security. However, the effective use of the digital economy does not only depend on the level of development of the technical base of the information system. Only the moral state of society can send the information received for the benefit of all its members

    Современные подходы к терапии бронхиальной астмы легкой и средней степени тяжести в практике педиатра

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    Clinical efficacy and safety of sodium nedocromil (Tilade Mint) were studied in 90 children aged from 2 to 15 years suffering from mild to moderate bronchial asthma. The criteria for assessment were clinical dynamics, need for bronchodilators, lung function test and exacerbation frequency anamnestically. Moreover, we investigated different ways of the drug delivery in infants. As a result, clinical efficiency of 3-month basic therapy with Tilade Mint was shown in 90% of the children. Day and night asthma symptoms reduced in 5.5-6 times. The need for bronchodilators was decreased in 5 times. The drug inhalations averted airway limitation on exercise in the children. A length of stable asthma periods increased significantly. According to lung function test results as volume as flow parameters increased reliably. Most patients reached clinical and functional stability of the disease maintained for 3 months and longer in 66% of the patients. Only in 10% of the moderate asthma patients the basic therapy with Tilade Mint was not effective enough and they needed inhaled corticosteroids to be administrated. No one child had any adverse effects using Tilade Mint. The modern delivery systems permitted to apply this drug successfully even in very young children. Good tolerability and high effectiveness allow to consider sodium nedocromil (Tilade Mint) as the first-line drug for mild to moderate bronchial asthma children starting with ones of 2 years old.У 90 детей в возрасте от 2 до 15 лет с бронхиальной астмой легкой и средней степени тяжести изучались клиническая эффективность и безопасность недокромила натрия (Тайлед Минт). Критериями оценки явились динамика клинических симптомов, потребность в бронходилататорах, ФВД, частота рецидивов в анамнезе. Кроме того, изучали различные способы доставки препарата у детей раннего возраста. В результате проведенных исследований была показана клиническая эффективность трехмесячного курса базисной терапии Тайледом Минт у 90% детей. В 5,5-6 раз уменьшилось количество дневных и ночных симптомов заболевания. В 5 раз уменьшилась потребность в бронходилататорах. Ингаляции препарата предотвращали развитие явлений бронхообструкции у детей на физические нагрузке. Значительно увеличилась длительность ремиссии заболевания. По данным ФВД отмечено статистически достоверное увеличение как объемных, так и скоростных показателей. В подавляющем большинстве случаев достигнута клинико-функциональная ремиссия заболевания, которая сохранялась на протяжении 3 и более месяцев у 66% пациентов. Только у 10 больных со среднетяжелым течением БА базисная терапия Тайледом Минт оказалась недостаточно эффективной, что потребовало назначения ингаляционных кортикостероидов. Тайлед Минт ни у одного из детей не вызвал побочных явлений. Современные способы доставки позволили с успехом применять препарат даже у самых маленьких пациентов. Хорошая переносимость, высокая эффективность позволяют отнести недокромил натрия (Тайлед Минт) к препаратам первого выбора для лечения БА легкой и средней степени тяжести у детей, начиная с 2-летнего возраста

    Effectiveness of the barley cultivar ‘Bios 1’ as source material for breeding

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    Background. The efficiency of breeding depends largely on the breeding method and the choice of the source material. Hybridization and mutagenesis, combined with selection, are the basic techniques in the development of promising breeding materials and adaptable cultivars of spring barley.Object and methods. The research was implemented in 2002–2019. The material for the research were 948 breeding lines (Federal Agricultural Science Center of the North-East, Kirov) developed through hybridization with cv. ‘Bios 1’, and 190 mutant samples (Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov) obtained as a result of treating barley seeds with sodium carbonate and irradiation with laser and far-red light in various combinations. The study was conducted in accordance with approved standard techniques.Results and conclusions. Various collection accessions and breeding lines were involved in crosses with cv. ‘Bios 1’. The lines were studied according to the full-scale scheme of the breeding process. As a result, only one breeding line, 52-15, having ‘Bios 1’ in its pedigree, was approved for testing in the competitive variety trial in 2019. These results attested to a low combination capacity of cv. ‘Bios 1’ and to the inefficiency of its further use in hybridization as a parent form. In Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, 190 mutant forms of barley were produced using ‘Bios 1’ as the initial form. According to the results of laboratory experiments and competitive variety trials, 5 mutant forms of barley were identified as promising. Spring barley samples, combining high yield with a set of traits valuable for breeding, were selected for further breeding work: breeding line 52-15, and mutant forms M 4-16-3, M 9-5-3 and M 11- 13 Kha. The new barley accession M 8-3-013, maturing 8 days earlier than the original cultivar, having a long (8.9 cm), wellgrained (24.3 grains) and productive (1.31 g) ear, is submitted for the State Variety Trials


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    Objective: Methodology development for quality control of optically active pharmaceutical substances based on water isotopologues. Methods: Solutions of L-ascorbic acid, glucose, galactose and valine stereoisomers were prepared using deuterium depleted water (DDW-«light» water, D/H=4 ppm), natural deionized high-ohmic water (BD, D/H=140 ppm), heavy water (99.9% D2O). The optical rotation was observed using an automatic polarimeter Atago POL-1/2. The size distribution of giant heterogeneous clusters (GHC) of water was recorded by low angle laser light scattering (LALLS) method. Results: The infringement of Biot's Law was found for solutions of ascorbic acid, expressed in the absence of a constant value of the specific optical rotation  at a concentration of below 0.1%, depends on the D/H ratio. The inequality was established in absolute values of optical rotation for L-and D-isomers of valine in solutions with different ratios of hydrogen isotopologues. The mutarotation of glucose confirmed the first-order kinetics, and the activation energies were statistically distinguishable for BD and DDW. The mutarotation of the natural galactose D-isomer proceeded with a lower energy consumption compared to the L-isomer. In heavy water, the mutarotation of monosaccharides had different kinetic mechanisms. Polarimetric results correlated with the number and size of GHC, which confirmed the possibility of chiral solvent structures induction by optically active pharmaceutical substances. Conclusion: In the optically active pharmaceutical substances quality control there should be considered the contribution of induced chiral GHC of water to the optical rotation value that depends on the isotopic D/H ratio, the substance nature and the form of its existence at a given pH