50 research outputs found

    Deformation Behavior of Human Dentin under Uniaxial Compression

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    Deformation behavior of a human dentin under compression including size and rate effects is studied. No difference between mechanical properties of crown and root dentin is found. It is mechanically isotropic high elastic and strong hard tissue, which demonstrates considerable plasticity and ability to suppress a crack growth. Mechanical properties of dentin depend on a shape of samples and a deformation rate

    Variation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Pinus Sylvestris L. Wood in the Boreal Zone of the European Northeast

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    The study considers variational aspects of physical and mechanical properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood depending on conditions and growth areas in the boreal zone of the European Northeast. Anatomical traits of xylem and its strength properties were analyzed. Based on the data received, statistical processing of the material was carried out using correlation and multivariate analysis. The impact of hazardous air emissions on variation of linear dimensions in structural elements of the annual height increment in the trunk diameter was estimated. A varying nature of the influence of environmental factors on the formation of strength properties of P. sylvestris wood in growth areas was attested. The variation value of basic wood density decreases as soil and hydrological conditions of growth improve. A significant negative correlation between basic wood density and distance to sources of hazardous air emissions in the areas of concentration of industrial enterprises was established. The results of multivariate analysis make it possible to reveal the weight of the influence of environmental factors and biometric characteristics of wood on volumetric and strength properties of pine wood. Growth in the impact zone of air emissions from large industrial enterprises in the study area does not produce a significant effect on the dynamics of wood strength properties, taking into account various growth conditions. For Scots pine growing in the European Northeast, the study determined a significant impact of the size and structure of the annual height increment of the trunk in terms of diameter, as well as the position of the wood sample in terms of trunk volume, on strength properties of pine wood

    Evaluation of options for strengthening weak bases of embankments of transport infrastructure facilities

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    The rise in highway design and construction requires ensuring the reliability of these infrastructure projects. This is especially important for construction on weak soils. The number of design solutions is equally on the rise for reinforcing the grounds of soil transport structures. Examples include the use of various types of piles, and structures made of sand, gravel and other draining soils placed in a shell of geosynthetic material. The article presents the results of the authors' work on the substantiation and implementation of various constructive solutions to strengthen the insufficiently strong bases on railway and highway construction facilities (railway lines Losevo-Kamennogorsk, Moscow-Kazan high-speed railroad, Moscow-Saint Petersburg high-speed highway, etc.)

    Operational characteristics of limestone and methods to increase its strength

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    Since ancient times, limestone has been known as an inexpensive and reliable building material. The main problem of limestone materials in the construction of buildings is its reduced longevity due to various factors, such as wind and rain. These factors have a huge impact on the strength characteristics of the building material, so adherence to special recommendations is an important practical task. A review of literature on the problem of durability and the use of limestone is presented. With the help of experience, the strength of nummulite limestone is established. The analysis of the obtained data is made, as well as its comparison with the indices of other artificial and natural stones. The main methods of strengthening the structures made of limestone are considered at three different stages. Practical recommendations for minimizing the impact of negative factors on this material are given

    Development of polyresistance in microorganisms during antibiotic therapy in a multidisciplinary hospital during a pandemic COVID-19

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    Background. Irrational and excessive use of antimicrobials drugs (AMD) creates conditions for the development of a global crisis of health systems around the world associated with antibiotic resistance. Aim. To conduct a retrospective study of the impact of the use of AMD on the change in the microbiological landscape and the sensitivity of microorganisms in the conditions of pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in 2020–2021 in intensive care departments (ICD) of a multidisciplinary hospital. Materials and methods. In the course of the work, strains of microorganisms isolated from patients and from the surfaces of the hospital environment and changes in their sensitivity to significant groups of AMD in ICD for somatic and infectious patients with COVID-19 were compared. The sensitivity of the isolates was evaluated in accordance with the criteria of requirements of European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing – EUCAST, version 10.0, 2020. Results. A total of 1,394 isolates were studied, including 1,379 clinical and 15 isolates from the surfaces of the hospital environment. It was found that in all ICD in 2020–2021, gram-negative microorganisms prevailed in infectious loci in 70% of cases or more. In 2021, in the ICD in infectious patients with COVID-19, the persistent dominance of the Acinetobacter baumannii microorganism was revealed with an increase in the number of poly- and pan-resistant strains – 48.7%. While in the ICD for somatic patients Klebsiella Pneumoniae prevailed among gram-negative microorganisms – 37.5% in 2020 and 43.7% in 2021. It has been shown that in one department or in adjacent departments of the same medical institution, various nosocomial microorganisms with an unequal set of resistance genes and sensitivity to AMD may appear over time. Conclusion. The necessity of conducting constant microbiological monitoring and a passport of the medical department with mandatory registration of not only isolated strains of microorganisms, but also resistance genes in order to optimize the appointment of timely adequate empirical antimicrobial therapy is substantiated. The period of the latter should be as short as possible, and confirmed by convincing clinical signs of bacterial infection, and subsequently by the isolation of nosocomial flora from the biomaterial of critical loci from patients

    Source separation approach for the analysis of spatially resolved multiply excited autofluorescence spectra during optical clearing of ex vivo skin

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    Spatially resolved multiply excited autofluorescence spectroscopy is a valuable optical biopsy technique to investigate skin UV-visible optical properties in vivo in clinics. However, it provides bulk fluorescence signals from which the individual endogenous fluorophore contributions need to be disentangled. Skin optical clearing allows for increasing tissue transparency, thus providing access to more accurate in-depth information. The aim of the present contribution was to study the time changes in skin spatially resolved and multiply excited autofluorescence spectra during skin optical clearing. The latter spectra were acquired on an ex vivo human skin strip lying on a fluorescent gel substrate during 37 minutes of the optical clearing process of a topically applied sucrose-based solution. A Non Negative Matrix Factorization-based blind source separation approach was proposed to unmix skin tissue intrinsic fluorophore contributions and to analyze the time evolution of this mixing throughout the optical clearing process. This spectral unmixing exploited the multidimensionality of the acquired data, i.e., spectra resolved in five excitation wavelengths, four source-to-detector separations, and eight measurement times. Best fitting results between experimental and estimated spectra were obtained for optimal numbers of 3 and 4 sources. These estimated spectral sources exhibited common identifiable shapes of fluorescence emission spectra related to the fluorescent gel substrate and to known skin intrinsic fluorophores matching namely dermis collagen/elastin and epidermis flavins. The time analysis of the fluorophore contributions allowed us to highlight how the clearing process towards the deepest skin layers impacts skin autofluorescence through time, namely with a strongest contribution to the bulk autofluorescence signal of dermis collagen (respectively epidermis flavins) fluorescence at shortest (respectively longest) excitation wavelengths and longest (respectively shortest) source-to-detector separations

    The possibilities of impulse oscillometry in the diagnosis of the lung function disorders after COVID-19

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    Background. Impulse oscillometry (IOS) is an effort independent method of studying lung mechanics. Aim. To study the diagnostic significance of IOS in assessing lung mechanics after COVID-19. Materials and methods. Spirometry, body plethysmography, diffusion test (DLco), IOS parameters were analyzed in 315 patients (the median age 48 years), the median period from the beginning of COVID-19 to the study was 50 days. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and one-dimensional logistic regression analysis with an assessment of odds ratios. Results. In general group, spirometry and body plethysmography parameters were in normal values, while DLCO was reduced in 61% of patients. Parameters of IOS were analyzed in the general group and between the groups, depending on the value of DLco and total lung capacity (TLC): normal or reduced. In general group, reactance area (AX), hererogeneity of resistance Rrs5–Rrs20, resistance at 5 Hz (Rrs5), reactance at 5 Hz (ΔXrs5) were increased in 29.8%, 17.8%, 6%, 4.8% of patients, respectively, and were statistically significantly higher in the group with reduced TLC, whereas in the group with reduced DLco AX, Rrs5–Rrs20 were statistically significantly higher. Logistic regression analysis showed that patients with Rrs5-Rrs200.07 kPa×sec/l or AX0.32 kPa/l had a 1.99-fold and 2.24-fold increased risk for decrease DLco, respectively, while the risk of decrease in TLC was 2.25-fold (p=0.012) and 3.16-fold (p0.001) higher, respectively. Conclusion. IOS allow to detect both dysfunction of small airways (if AX or Rrs5–Rrs20 are increased) and the risk of restrictive pattern and lung diffusion impairment after COVID-19

    Helicobacter pylori Diagnostic Tests Used in Europe : Results of over 34,000 Patients from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management

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    Funding Information: This study was funded by Richen; however, clinical data were not accessible and the company was not involved in any stage of the Hp-EuReg study (design, data collection, statistical analysis, or manuscript writing). We want to thank Richen for their support. This project was promoted and funded by the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group (EHMSG), the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology (AEG) and the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd). The Hp-EuReg was co-funded by the European Union programme HORIZON (grant agreement number 101095359) and supported by the UK Research and Innovation (grant agreement number 10058099). The Hp-EuReg was co-funded by the European Union programme EU4Health (grant agreement number 101101252). Acknowledgments We want to especially thank Sylva-Astrik Torossian for her assistance in language editing. Natalia García Morales is the first author who is acting as the submission’s guarantor. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD