48 research outputs found

    La selectividad de las redes de niebla para la captura de zorzales: un estudio en el sur de BrasilMist-nets selectivity for catching of thrushes: a study in Southern Brazil

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    Uno de los principales mecanismos para el estudio de las aves es el uso de redes de niebla, o también llamadas de redes ornitológicas. Este método, muy difundido, aún sufre críticas, entre ellas podemos citar: la falta de estudios que mencionan las correcciones, o ajustes para compensar los efectos de la selectividad de las mallas de diferentes especies de aves. En este sentido, nuestro objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes tamaños de malla en la proporción de las capturas de tres especies de la familia Turdidae (Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus leucomelas y Turdus rufiventris). El estudio se realizó mediante el uso de seis redes ornitológicas (tres de malla 20 mm y tres de 35 mm) de 6 x 3 m, con un total de 3456 m / redes / año. Mediante la prueba de Chi cuadrado y del test “t” para los datos de captura y biométricos, estas relaciones, no mostraron diferencias en la efectividad de la captura entre los diferentes tamaños de malla, y no hubo un patrón de selectividad en función de los atributos morfológicos, ni de masa de las aves capturadas Así, ambas redes con mallas de 20 mm y 35 mm fueron eficaces en la captura de zorzales. Para los próximos estudios, apuntamos la necesidad de tener en cuenta, no sólo la tasa y el éxito de captura, sino también la forma en que se capturó al animal con más eficacia.Abstract  One of the main mechanisms for the study of birds is the use of mist-nets. Although being widely used, this method still suffers from criticisms. One of such critiques addresses the lack of studies mentioning corrections or adjustments to compensate the effects of the selectivity of the different meshes on bird species. In this sense, our goal was to test the effect of different mesh sizes on the proportion of catches of three species of the family Turdidae (Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus leucomelas and Turdus rufiventris). The study was performed by using six mist-nets (three 20 mm mesh and three 35 mm) 6 x 3 m, a total of 3456 m / network / year. The chi square test, the “t” test of the data about the capture, and the biometric ratios did not show differences in the effectiveness of the catch, among the different mesh sizes. And there was no pattern of selectivity regarding the birds’ morphological attributes or mass. Thus, both networks with 20 mm and 35 mm meshes were effective in the capture of thrushes. For further studies, we point up the need for considering not only the rate and success of the capture, but also the most effective way through which the organism was captured.

    A new species of Hypostomus Lacépède, 1803 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Tocantins-Araguaia basin, Brazil

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    Hypostomus delimai is described from the rio Tocantins, Tocantins State, and from the rio Araguaia, Pará, and Tocantins States, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all other Hypostomus species, except from H. carinatus, H. hoplonites, and H. watwata, by the presence of five to eight (mode seven) predorsal plates limiting posterior border of the supraoccipital bone (vs. one to three plates). It can be distinguished from H. carinatus, H. hoplonites, and H. watwata by having pale spots over darker background on body and fins (vs. dark spots over lighter background). The species was only found in the middle stretches of the rio Tocantins-Araguaia basin. The first collection of specimens assigned to the new species was done in the rio Tocantins before the construction of the Tucuruí dam. Recently additional material was collected in the rio Araguaia, in a habitat that soon will be flooded for the construction of the Santa Isabel hydroelectric power station. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia

    A new species of Aphanotorulus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Aripuanã Basin, Brazil

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    The cis-Andean genus Aphanotorulus was recently revised and comprises six valid species: A. ammophilus, A. emarginatus, A. gomesi, A. horridus, A. phrixosoma and A. unicolor. Herein, a new species is described from tributaries of the rio Aripuanã basin, in Amazonas and Mato Grosso states, Brazil. The new species is easily distinguished from congeners by its color pattern: caudal fin with upper lobe mostly hyaline with dark spots along rays and membranes, and lower lobe red and without dark spots; and absence of dark spots in the lateral series of mid-ventral plates. © 2017, Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia. All rights reserved

    Similaridade morfológica entre turdídeos sintópicos em um parque urbano na Região Sul do Brasil

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    Morphological overlap is an important attribute to understand processes of interspecific competition. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of morphological overlap between five syntopic thrushes species (Turdus rufiventris, T. albicollis, T. leucomelas, T. amaurochalinus and T. subalaris) in an urban fragment of Araucaria Forest in Guarapuava, central-southern region of Paraná State. Birds were captured through mist-nets. Biometric measurements were performed in the birds and subsequently analyses of similarity and multivariate ordinations were also performed. The MANOVA analysis indicated separation among species F (24, 482) = 17.8, P < 0.0001. However, post hoc test showed no statistical separation between T. albicollis and T. subalaris. The similarity index results indicated that the most similar species that integrate the taxocenose are T. leucomelas and T. rufiventris (0.987). Turdus subalaris and T. albicollis also showed high similarity values (0.983). Although the species are morphologically very similar, there are indications of ecological mechanisms that allow their coexistence, such as distinct patterns of occurrence and differential use of habitat.A sobreposição morfológica é um importante atributo para a interpretação de processos de competição interespecífica. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de sobreposição morfológica entre cinco espécies de turdídeos (Turdus rufiventris, T. albicolis, T. leucomelas, T. amaurochalinus e T. subalaris) sintópicos em um fragmento urbano de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Montana no município de Guarapuava, Centro-sul do Paraná. Após a captura utilizando redes de neblina, foram realizadas aferições biométricas seguidas de análises de similaridade e ordenações multivariadas. A análise MANOVA indicou uma separação morfológica entre as espécies F (24, 482) = 17,8; P < 0,0001. Entretanto, o teste post hoc indicou que não houve separação estatística entre T. albicollis e T. subalaris. Os resultados do índice de similaridade indicaram que as espécies mais semelhantes que integram a biocenose são T. leucomelas e T. rufiventris (0,987). Turdus albicollis e Turdus subalaris também apresentaram alta similaridade (0,983). Apesar de muito semelhantes morfologicamente, existem indicativos de mecanismos ecológicos que permitem a coexistência, como padrões distintos de ocorrência e utilização diferenciada do hábitat

    The biology and ecology of birds is an important factor for explain the road kill frequencies?

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    O presente estudo investigou a morte de aves por atropelamento em um trecho sequencial de rodovias federais e estaduais ligando os municípios de Maringá e Guarapuava, ambos no estado do Paraná. Esse percurso é caracterizado por uma transição de paisagens. O principal objetivo da investigação foi relacionar os conhecimentos disponíveis acerca da biologia e da ecologia das espécies com a frequência de atropelamento em trechos similares ao longo da rodovia e nas diferentes épocas do ano. Para tanto, as aves atropeladas no período de fevereirode 2005 a julho de 2006 no percurso em questão foram coletadas e encaminhadas ao Laboratóriode Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Maringá para identificação. Foram registradas 44 espécies pertencentes a 26 famílias e 11 ordens, com destaque para a ordem Passeriformes, que somou 59% das espécies. Dentre as características biológicas e ecológicas avaliadas, o tamanho corporal e o uso do habitat foram significativamente importantes em relação à frequência de atropelamentos nos trechos que continham muitos fragmentos florestais no entorno da rodovia. As espécies de pequeno porte e com algum grau de dependência de floresta foram mais frequentes em áreas com muitos fragmentos florestais no entorno. Por sua vez, espécies de grande porte e independentes de floresta prevaleceram em áreas cercadas pela agricultura e por campos. Apesar de não ter sido encontrado um padrão claro de sazonalidade, existe uma tendência de aumento na frequência de atropelamentos de aves na época da colheita de grãos.Palavras-chave: avifauna, mortalidade em rodovia, ecologia de estradas, fragmentação.The present study investigated the roadkill mortality of birds in a sequential stretch of highways connecting the cities of Maringá and Guarapuava, in state of Paraná, a route characterized by a transition of landscapes. The main objective was to relate the available knowledge about the biology and ecology of the bird species with their frequency of trampling on similar stretches along the highway and in different seasons. The birds were collected from February 2005 to July 2006 and sent to the Laboratory of Zoology, University of Maringá for identification. We recorded 44 species belonging to 26 families and 11 orders, with emphasis on the order Passeriformes, which totaled 59% of the species. Among the biological and ecological characteristics evaluated, body size and habitat use are significantly important for roadkill frequency insites that contained many forest fragments around the highway. The small species with somedegree of dependence on forest were more frequent in areas with many forest fragments surrounding it, while large forestall independent species prevailed in areas surrounded by agriculture and countryside. Despite have not been found a clear pattern of seasonality, a trend of increased frequency of trampling of birds during the harvest of grain were observed.Key words: avifaunal, road mortality, road ecology, fragmentation