50 research outputs found

    Functional Selectivity Does Not Predict Antinociceptive/Locomotor Impairing Potencies of NOP Receptor Agonists

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    Nociceptin/orphanin FQ controls several functions, including pain transmission, via stimulation of the N/OFQ peptide (NOP) receptor. Here we tested the hypothesis that NOP biased agonism may be instrumental for identifying innovative analgesics. In vitro experiments were performed with the dynamic mass redistribution label free assay and the NOP non-peptide agonists Ro 65-6570, AT-403 and MCOPPB. In vivo studies were performed in wild type and ÎČ-arrestin 2 knockout mice using the formalin, rotarod and locomotor activity tests. In vitro all compounds mimicked the effects of N/OFQ behaving as potent NOP full agonists. In vivo Ro 65-6570 demonstrated a slightly higher therapeutic index (antinociceptive vs. motor impairment effects) in knockout mice. However, all NOP agonists displayed very similar therapeutic index in normal mice despite significant differences in G protein biased agonism. In conclusion the different ability of inducing G protein vs. ÎČ-arrestin 2 recruitment of a NOP agonist cannot be applied to predict its antinociceptive vs. motor impairment properties

    Some of the Specific Crime Investigation Risk Disappearances of Persons

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    Nestanci osoba, osobito oni kod kojih postoje indicije da su nestale osobe ĆŸrtve ubojstava, u značajnoj mjeri zaokupljaju stručnu, ali i sveukupnu javnost. TraĆŸe se brze i učinkovite aktivnosti policije u razjaĆĄnjavanju takvih događaja i pronalaĆŸenje počinitelja. Takva kriminalistička istraĆŸivanja spadaju u red najsloĆŸenijih s obzirom na to da vrlo često u početku nema nedvojbenih dokaza da je uopće počinjeno kazneno djelo. Stoga će ovaj rad ukazati na neke stručne i organizacijske aspekte postupanja policije u takvim slučajevima.Disappearances of persons occupy the public and the media. Interest is particularly great when there is suspicion that the missing person is a victim of murder. Missing person\u27s family also expects from the police fast and efficient activities. These criminal investigations belong to the most complex because frequently in the beginning there is no clear evidence about the murder. The article therefore deals with the expert and organizational aspects of police proceedings

    Anti-parkinsonian and anti-dyskinetic profiles of two novel potent and selective nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor agonists

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    Background and Purpose We previously showed that nociceptin/orphanin FQ opioid peptide (NOP) receptor agonists attenuate the expression of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in animal models of Parkinson's disease. We now investigate the efficacy of two novel, potent and chemically distinct NOP receptor agonists, AT-390 and AT-403, to improve Parkinsonian disabilities and attenuate dyskinesia development and expression. Experimental Approach Binding affinity and functional efficacy of AT-390 and AT-403 at the opioid receptors were determined in radioligand displacement assays and in GTPÎłS binding assays respectively, conducted in CHO cells. Their anti-Parkinsonian activity was evaluated in 6-hydroxydopamine hemi-lesioned rats whereas the anti-dyskinetic properties were assessed in 6-hydroxydopamine hemi-lesioned rats chronically treated with levodopa. The ability of AT-403 to inhibit the D1 receptor-induced phosphorylation of striatal ERK was investigated. Key Results AT-390 and AT-403 selectively improved akinesia at low doses and disrupted global motor activity at higher doses. AT-403 palliated dyskinesia expression without causing sedation in a narrow therapeutic window, whereas AT-390 delayed the appearance of abnormal involuntary movements and increased their duration at doses causing sedation. AT-403 did not prevent the priming to levodopa, although it significantly inhibited dyskinesia on the first day of administration. AT-403 reduced the ERK phosphorylation induced by SKF38393 in vitro and by levodopa in vivo. Conclusions and Implications NOP receptor stimulation can provide significant albeit mild anti-dyskinetic effect at doses not causing sedation. The therapeutic window, however, varies across compounds. AT-403 could be a potent and selective tool to investigate the role of NOP receptors in vivo

    Anti-parkinsonian and anti-dyskinetic profiles of two novel potent and selective nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor agonists

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    Background and Purpose We previously showed that nociceptin/orphanin FQ opioid peptide (NOP) receptor agonists attenuate the expression of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in animal models of Parkinson's disease. We now investigate the efficacy of two novel, potent and chemically distinct NOP receptor agonists, AT-390 and AT-403, to improve Parkinsonian disabilities and attenuate dyskinesia development and expression. Experimental Approach Binding affinity and functional efficacy of AT-390 and AT-403 at the opioid receptors were determined in radioligand displacement assays and in GTPÎłS binding assays respectively, conducted in CHO cells. Their anti-Parkinsonian activity was evaluated in 6-hydroxydopamine hemi-lesioned rats whereas the anti-dyskinetic properties were assessed in 6-hydroxydopamine hemi-lesioned rats chronically treated with levodopa. The ability of AT-403 to inhibit the D1 receptor-induced phosphorylation of striatal ERK was investigated. Key Results AT-390 and AT-403 selectively improved akinesia at low doses and disrupted global motor activity at higher doses. AT-403 palliated dyskinesia expression without causing sedation in a narrow therapeutic window, whereas AT-390 delayed the appearance of abnormal involuntary movements and increased their duration at doses causing sedation. AT-403 did not prevent the priming to levodopa, although it significantly inhibited dyskinesia on the first day of administration. AT-403 reduced the ERK phosphorylation induced by SKF38393 in vitro and by levodopa in vivo. Conclusions and Implications NOP receptor stimulation can provide significant albeit mild anti-dyskinetic effect at doses not causing sedation. The therapeutic window, however, varies across compounds. AT-403 could be a potent and selective tool to investigate the role of NOP receptors in vivo

    Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ Receptor Structure, Signaling, Ligands, Functions, and Interactions with Opioid Systems

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    The NOP receptor (nociceptin/orphanin FQ opioid peptide receptor) is the most recently discovered member of the opioid receptor family and, together with its endogenous ligand, N/OFQ, make up the fourth members of the opioid receptor and opioid peptide family. Because of its more recent discovery, an understanding of the cellular and behavioral actions induced by NOP receptor activation are less well developed than for the other members of the opioid receptor family. All of these factors are important because NOP receptor activation has a clear modulatory role on mu opioid receptor-mediated actions and thereby affects opioid analgesia, tolerance development, and reward. In addition to opioid modulatory actions, NOP receptor activation has important effects on motor function and other physiologic processes. This review discusses how NOP pharmacology intersects, contrasts, and interacts with the mu opioid receptor in terms of tertiary structure and mechanism of receptor activation; location of receptors in the central nervous system; mechanisms of desensitization and downregulation; cellular actions; intracellular signal transduction pathways; and behavioral actions with respect to analgesia, tolerance, dependence, and reward. This is followed by a discussion of the agonists and antagonists that have most contributed to our current knowledge. Because NOP receptors are highly expressed in brain and spinal cord and NOP receptor activation sometimes synergizes with mu receptor-mediated actions and sometimes opposes them, an understanding of NOP receptor pharmacology in the context of these interactions with the opioid receptors will be crucial to the development of novel therapeutics that engage the NOP receptor